"Republicans have stood in the way of a solution to the chaos at the border"

No, its not a lie. And when the debate comes Trump is going to have to answer.
You think Biden can win the debate on the border issue?

You think Biden can win the debate on the border issue?

Yes. You guys are base everything you believe on a bunch of bullshit right wing propaganda from places like the gateway pundirt or you watch on fox news. Trump created the crisis with his policy that ended certain things, what he did created tent cities on the border. The truth is there really is nothing trump should be able to defeat Biden on in any debate they hold. Trump should not even be on stage. And if Trump is not questioned or pressed about 1-6, then the debate moderators shoud be put in prison for treason.

Border Deal Fails Again in the Senate​

Senator Chuck Schumer, the majority leader, scheduled a vote, seeking to remind voters that Republicans have stood in the way of a solution to the chaos at the border.

Again? Yes again. Trump and the GOP want chaos at the border in order to highlight what they claim is Biden's problem, ignoring decades of failures in solving the issues at the border. This year, we've been here before:​

Michigan Democratic Sen. Gary Peters, chairman of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, said Republicans’ newfound opposition to the border security and immigration policy changes they wanted in the first place will “absolutely” impact voters’ thinking heading toward the November elections.
“This is a significant piece of legislation to deal with border security and Republicans are rejecting it,” Peters said. “And that will come back to haunt them

note: the thread title is in quotes

Border was fine with Trump in. Dems destroyed it on day 1.
Stop the nonsense commie.

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Yes. You guys are basing everything yu believe on a bunch of bullsht rght wing propaganda yu read in places ike the gateway pundirt or watch on fox news. Trump created the criss with his policy that enfded certain thing that created tent cities on the border. The truth is there really is nothing trump should be able to defeat Biden on in any debate they hold. Trump shouldnot even be on stage. And if Trump is not questioned or pressed about 1-6, then the debate moderators shoud be put in prison for treason.

Stick to what you know best, bub...

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These bills have little to nothing in them about security and enforcement it’s mostly about processing. Having little if anything about enforcement and consequences for breaking our immigration laws and crossing the border illegally will not end the chaos it will ensure it continues.

Border Deal Fails Again in the Senate​

Senator Chuck Schumer, the majority leader, scheduled a vote, seeking to remind voters that Republicans have stood in the way of a solution to the chaos at the border.

Again? Yes again. Trump and the GOP want chaos at the border in order to highlight what they claim is Biden's problem, ignoring decades of failures in solving the issues at the border. This year, we've been here before:​

Michigan Democratic Sen. Gary Peters, chairman of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, said Republicans’ newfound opposition to the border security and immigration policy changes they wanted in the first place will “absolutely” impact voters’ thinking heading toward the November elections.
“This is a significant piece of legislation to deal with border security and Republicans are rejecting it,” Peters said. “And that will come back to haunt them

note: the thread title is in quotes
Biden is fucked. I believe you know Biden is fucked. And he fucked himself.
“So even though there are breakthrough infections with vaccinated people, almost always the people are asymptomatic and the level of virus is so low it makes it extremely unlikely — not impossible but very, very low likelihood — that they’re going to transmit it,” Fauci said.
Fauci was a major part of the Covid 19 problem. So naturally he went with Biden.

Border Deal Fails Again in the Senate​

Senator Chuck Schumer, the majority leader, scheduled a vote, seeking to remind voters that Republicans have stood in the way of a solution to the chaos at the border.

Again? Yes again. Trump and the GOP want chaos at the border in order to highlight what they claim is Biden's problem, ignoring decades of failures in solving the issues at the border. This year, we've been here before:​

Michigan Democratic Sen. Gary Peters, chairman of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, said Republicans’ newfound opposition to the border security and immigration policy changes they wanted in the first place will “absolutely” impact voters’ thinking heading toward the November elections.
“This is a significant piece of legislation to deal with border security and Republicans are rejecting it,” Peters said. “And that will come back to haunt them

note: the thread title is in quotes

If it failed, it wasn't a deal, was it? A deal insinuates that the transaction is complete. The commiecrats only brought it up again for propaganda purposes. Even if passed in the senate it's would be dead on arrival in the house and smucky knew it.


It is a very bad bill. And really has nothing to do with border security, no matter how they and the whores of the MSM try and spin it.

The bill is a PoS.

The U.S. Senate failed Thursday to advance a border security bill as both parties seek to hone their messages on immigration policy in the runup to November’s elections.

The Senate bill failed to advance on a 43-50 procedural vote. The chamber already rejected the measure as part of a broader foreign aid package earlier this year. The bill, negotiated with the White House and a bipartisan trio of senators in the hopes of winning broad appeal, would have overhauled immigration law for the first time in more than 30 years.



Border Deal Fails Again in the Senate​

Senator Chuck Schumer, the majority leader, scheduled a vote, seeking to remind voters that Republicans have stood in the way of a solution to the chaos at the border.

Again? Yes again. Trump and the GOP want chaos at the border in order to highlight what they claim is Biden's problem, ignoring decades of failures in solving the issues at the border. This year, we've been here before:​

Michigan Democratic Sen. Gary Peters, chairman of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, said Republicans’ newfound opposition to the border security and immigration policy changes they wanted in the first place will “absolutely” impact voters’ thinking heading toward the November elections.
“This is a significant piece of legislation to deal with border security and Republicans are rejecting it,” Peters said. “And that will come back to haunt them

note: the thread title is in quotes
Opening the flood gates is not "solving the chaos at the border."

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