U.S. Supreme Court Trump Ruling Today at 10 AM....Live feeds up.....Update: Reversed 9-0


See this pic....It's normally the one you see of the SCOTUS building.....Now check out CNN, they have the same pic but with dark storm clouds shopped in all around it. :laughing0301:
Uh huh.

The ruling doesn't say that Congress would have to pass legislation on an individual basis. Congress can pass legislation to define a process, such as through the courts.

Problem is right now that SCOTUS used that for an off ramp as there is no legislation at all on the matter. They said, and I paraphrase "until Congress does something, the ball isn't in the states wheelhouse".


Are their processes for the courts to enforce the first or second amendments?
The ruling seemed to have 2 parts:

That a State cannot determine the eligibility of a candidate for Federal Office,

And that it would take Congressional legislation to make someone ineligible for a Federal Office.

Both arguments are absolutely lame.

States routinely rule on eligibility for Federal office. Based on age and whether they are a naturalized citizen.

Congress having to pass legislation on an individual basis. to disqualify is nonsense because:

1. Congress could not pass legislation for each and every confederate that participated in the Civil War.
2. Congress barring someone by a simple majority, then having the option to reverse that by a 2/3 majority in both houses is obviously not the original intention of the Amendment.
3. Congress is a political body and should not be able to determine who can and cannot run for office on a case by case basis.
4. Congress already passed the only legislation needed - the 14th amendment Sec. 3

As of now, if a State cannot bar someone from office, then somebody should file a suit in Federal court to remove them.

There is something severely wrong with this SCOTUS!!!

MAGA thug tactics?
Your reasoning is sound, even though I disagree with it. And yet the ruling was 9-0.


The same reason that so many election fraud cases were refused, even a court hearing. Most of those had sound reasoning, whether you agree with them or not.

The federal courts are the only non-elected branch of the federal government. As such, they are very very reluctant to make any ruling That takes away the vote to pick the legislative branch or the executive branch. Whatever the next major cases, the Supreme Court will in favor of letting the people vote and not going back and doing anything that might appear to be overriding their vote.

So the fraud festival will go on again in 2024. if Trump loses through cheating again, I think that will finally convince the Republicans that elections are now to see who cheats the best. Once they finally realize that, they will be unstoppable. Democrats are not Democrats because they are so smart. They are in office because it doesn’t take that much brains to cheat badly. Not when the courts won’t even hear the cases.

Dumping tens of thousands of votes after midnight, is the epitome of incompetent cheating. Yet the Democrats got away with it. The Republicans will be able to be competent in cheating, and thus the Democrats will stand no chance. Unless, they can pull it off through quantity over quality.
Kinda like a political body dominated by one party trying to remove a President of the other party from office?

Yes. Like the Republican house trying to impeach Biden for no valid reason.

Unfortunately for you MAGGOTS, Democrats have never tried removing anyone from office without valid reason.
Your reasoning is sound, even though I disagree with it. And yet the ruling was 9-0.


The same reason that so many election fraud cases were refused, even a court hearing. Most of those had sound reasoning, whether you agree with them or not.

The federal courts are the only non-elected branch of the federal government. As such, they are very very reluctant to make any ruling That takes away the vote to pick the legislative branch or the executive branch. Whatever the next major cases, the Supreme Court will in favor of letting the people vote and not going back and doing anything that might appear to be overriding their vote.

So the fraud festival will go on again in 2024. if Trump loses through cheating again, I think that will finally convince the Republicans that elections are now to see who cheats the best. Once they finally realize that, they will be unstoppable. Democrats are not Democrats because they are so smart. They are in office because it doesn’t take that much brains to cheat badly. Not when the courts won’t even hear the cases.

The election fraud cases were refused because there was no credible evidence - just wild unfounded accusations.

While it's generally true that the courts should not mettle in elections, the entire purpose of the 14 amendment Sec. 3 is for the courts to intervene.

There would be no reason for the existence of 14 amendment Sec. 3 if the writers did not intend for the courts to intervene.
The election fraud cases were refused because there was no credible evidence - just wild unfounded accusations.

While it's generally true that the courts should not mettle in elections, the entire purpose of the 14 amendment Sec. 3 is for the courts to intervene.

There would be no reason for the existence of 14 amendment Sec. 3 if the writers did not intend for the courts to intervene.
He knows that.

He is contriving idiotic posts for attention.
The ruling seemed to have 2 parts:

That a State cannot determine the eligibility of a candidate for Federal Office,

And that it would take Congressional legislation to make someone ineligible for a Federal Office.

Both arguments are absolutely lame.

States routinely rule on eligibility for Federal office. Based on age and whether they are a naturalized citizen.

Congress having to pass legislation on an individual basis. to disqualify is nonsense because:

1. Congress could not pass legislation for each and every confederate that participated in the Civil War.
2. Congress barring someone by a simple majority, then having the option to reverse that by a 2/3 majority in both houses is obviously not the original intention of the Amendment.
3. Congress is a political body and should not be able to determine who can and cannot run for office on a case by case basis.
4. Congress already passed the only legislation needed - the 14th amendment Sec. 3

As of now, if a State cannot bar someone from office, then somebody should file a suit in Federal court to remove them.

There is something severely wrong with this SCOTUS!!!

MAGA thug tactics?
More crying.

As I pointed out in another thread when this all started, the 14th gives Congress sole authority to enforce it in Section 5.

Hack Dimtards in liberal states have no enforcement power, per the 14th Amendment, Simp.

If the Dems take the House, they'll be instated on Jan. 3 - long before Trump is sworn in.

They can vote to impeach and remove him the second he finishes his oath.

They should also severely admonish SCOTUS for this BULLSHIT!
You are unhinged.

A unanimous ass kicking does that to some people.
Congress already passed very powerful legislation - the 14th amendment Sec. 3.

The Constitution is the Law of the Land, and it's up to the courts to enforce that law.

Section 5 gives sole power to enforce the 14th to Congress, Simp.

Time for you to accept reality, and your ass kicking. :dance: :dance:
I stand corrected.

Trump removed from Colorado ballot

But you have stated on numerous times that Trump was an "insurrectionist" on January 6, even going so far as to predict him being charged with "criminal conspiracy."


How about this gem?

"Started and LED an Insurrection.......Trial coming
Stole TS Documents.........Trial coming
Just ^^^ 2 of many crimes."


Or this one...

"Inciting an insurrection"

Possible Hunter Indictment

Or this one...

"Does that ^^^^^ mean he inciting an insurrection and giving commands to the Kkkult? Curious."

Nord Stream 2 has appeared to have stopped leaking

Or this one...

"Inciting an Insurrection"

Here's why they cannot indict Trump, no matter how many classified documents that he failed to return they find

Or this one...

"3). Incited an insurrection."

trump praises Putin and Xi at Pennsylvania rally

Or this one...

"As opposed to a traitor lying con man that led an insurrection"

Once again, Biden shakes hands with the Invisible Man

Or this one...

"3). Inciting an insurrection and inciting a death wish for his own VP."

PROOF of Stolen Election

Now admit it, if you have the balls to: Trump really didn't try to carry out an "insurrection" on January 6. That's what this thread is about and the Supreme Court just knocked Colorado's dick in the dirt for trying to take him off the ballot.
I LAUGH at you wasting precious time trying to dig up some dirt.

Just a reminder that YOU spend way to much time and energy on this message board.

Yes. Like the Republican house trying to impeach Biden for no valid reason.

Unfortunately for you MAGGOTS, Democrats have never tried removing anyone from office without valid reason.
No stupid, Dimtards tried it twice with Trump, and got their asses kicked at trial both times.
Section 5 gives sole power to enforce the 14th to Congress, Simp.

Time for you to accept reality, and your ass kicking. :dance: :dance:

No. Sec. 5 gives congress the power to enforce, but it does not give congress the sole power to enforce.

Sec. 3 anticipates that some other entity (the courts) may enforce Sec. 3 and it gives Congress the power to reverse the court's decision.
In 2024 expect Congress to take some pretty severe action to change the status of SCOTUS. They've proven themselves to be incapable and unwilling to do the jobs that they were appointed.

This isn't the old days when the majority of the people had little idea of what SCOTUS did, and everyone thought that SCOTUS was above question. Not anymore!
The election fraud cases were refused because there was no credible evidence - just wild unfounded accusations.
Uh-huh . . .
While it's generally true that the courts should not mettle in elections, the entire purpose of the 14 amendment Sec. 3 is for the courts to intervene.

There would be no reason for the existence of 14 amendment Sec. 3 if the writers did not intend for the courts to intervene.
I don’t see “courts” in section 3.

But suppose you are correct. That is evidence that the Supreme Court did, indeed rule that Trump is no insurrectionist.
Uh-huh . . .

I don’t see “courts” in section 3.

But suppose you are correct. That is evidence that the Supreme Court did, indeed rule that Trump is no insurrectionist.

Are the courts mentioned in all the other amendments that SCOTUS has ruled on?

Does every clause in the entire Constitution require a specific statement saying that the courts must enforce it?

If so, every decision that has ever been made by the courts relative to the Constitution is invalid.

The Constitution is the Law of the Land, and SCOTUS has been enforcing it since its inception - without it ever specifically stating that the courts must be the body that enforces it.

SCOTUS decision was nothing but lame BULLSHIT!!!
I LAUGH at you wasting precious time trying to dig up some dirt.

Just a reminder that YOU spend way to much time and energy on this message board.


Wasting what precious time? I looked those up between the time I was loading a hundred rounds of 180 grain 30-06, doing the dishes, getting a load of laundry started, cleaning three cat boxes, and figuring out what I was gonna make my wife for supper.

Do you think I sit in front of this idiot screen all day? :laughing0301:
In 2024 expect Congress to take some pretty severe action to change the status of SCOTUS. They've proven themselves to be incapable and unwilling to do the jobs that they were appointed.

This isn't the old days when the majority of the people had little idea of what SCOTUS did, and everyone thought that SCOTUS was above question. Not anymore!

Ok Nostradamus. Now give me a good stock tip, a winning horse at the races, or the next winning lottery number.

It is the epitome of destructive feelings watching liberals try to float that this decision is not a setback and that they will find other ways to disqualify him from running,

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