Those who refuse to be vaccinated for COVID-19 are threatening all Americans.


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2009
Those who refuse to be vaccinated for COVID-19 are threatening all Americans. They are cowards. As long as the COVID-19 hangs around, the threat of a variant that the vaccines do not work on is very real.
If a variant, that is not affected by the vaccines, we are back to square one.
We can wipe out COVID-19 if 80% to 90% of Americans are vaccinated. It has happened with polio and the measles.

Spineless, stupid people threaten our nation by not getting vaccinated.


Those who refuse to be vaccinated for COVID-19 are threatening all Americans. They are cowards. As long as the COVID-19 hangs around, the threat of a variant that the vaccines do not work on is very real.
If a variant, that is not affected by the vaccines, we are back to square one.
We can wipe out COVID-19 if 80% to 90% of Americans are vaccinated. It has happened with polio and the measles.

Spineless, stupid people threaten our nation by not getting vaccinated.


yawwwwwwwwwwwn...... BS.MS. PHD = Bullshit...More of Same....Piled Higher, Deeper.
Those who refuse to be vaccinated for COVID-19 are threatening all Americans. They are cowards. As long as the COVID-19 hangs around, the threat of a variant that the vaccines do not work on is very real.
If a variant, that is not affected by the vaccines, we are back to square one.
We can wipe out COVID-19 if 80% to 90% of Americans are vaccinated. It has happened with polio and the measles.

Spineless, stupid people threaten our nation by not getting vaccinated.


Should we cull those who can't be vaccinated to be safer?
Lets get back to that 'threatening all Americans'. About 80% of the deaths have come from people over retirement age. The rest have other issues such as smoking 4 packs a day, 400 pounds overweight. You might need to explain again this 'threatening all Americans' since most Americans don't fit in the risk category.
Yeah, I think I'm good here.
Those who refuse to be vaccinated for COVID-19 are threatening all Americans. They are cowards. As long as the COVID-19 hangs around, the threat of a variant that the vaccines do not work on is very real.
If a variant, that is not affected by the vaccines, we are back to square one.
We can wipe out COVID-19 if 80% to 90% of Americans are vaccinated. It has happened with polio and the measles.

Spineless, stupid people threaten our nation by not getting vaccinated.


Don't cry, Elmer.

I heard using several grocery bags over the head and cinched tightly at the neck will do wonders....
Well they're stupid. But they have the right to be stupid.

We'll just have to deal with whatever comes of it.
Those who have had covid have no reason to get vaccinated according to a new study:

"The study was conducted on 52,238 employees in the Cleveland Clinic."
"The scarcity of vaccines, coupled with the knowledge that vaccines do not provide additional protection to those who have already been infected, is the strongest argument for restricting vaccine administration to those who have not had the infection."

I had covid and I'm not getting the vaccine.

Those who refuse to be vaccinated for COVID-19 are threatening all Americans. They are cowards.
BLOW ME, Fudd.

As long as the COVID-19 hangs around, the threat of a variant that the vaccines do not work on is very real.
Seems the whole world is suffering that. Must be all them global chapters of Trump Supporters around the world in every country, right, Fudd? I mean, they all handled it SO MUCH BETTER not having to suffer TRUMP'S mistakes, right, Fudd???

If a variant, that is not affected by the vaccines, we are back to square one.
But your dear leader Tony Fauci has already said the vaccines are good on Delta! You calling him a LIAR, Fudd?

We can wipe out COVID-19 if 80% to 90% of Americans are vaccinated. It has happened with polio and the measles.
You an expert virologist now, Fudd?

Spineless, stupid people threaten our nation by not getting vaccinated. SPINELESS-STUPID
Lick, me, Fudd. Eat shit and die. Here is the ONLY data that truly matters:


Let me interpret it for you. It calls you a LIAR. And it says all the panic over Covid was mostly for nothing. For the most part, a few more old people who already had one foot out the door died of Covid. Even then, the +85 crowd were FAR MORE LIKELY, 7-8X more likely, to die OF SOMETHING ELSE! Those outside this group who died are so small as to be statistically insignificant making all the panic over Covid OVER NOTHING.

We wrecked innumerable millions of lives, drove countless business out of business and drove our economy into massive debt and inflation for something no worse than we suffer any other year.

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Those who refuse to be vaccinated for COVID-19 are threatening all Americans. They are cowards. As long as the COVID-19 hangs around, the threat of a variant that the vaccines do not work on is very real.
If a variant, that is not affected by the vaccines, we are back to square one.
We can wipe out COVID-19 if 80% to 90% of Americans are vaccinated. It has happened with polio and the measles.

Spineless, stupid people threaten our nation by not getting vaccinated.


So only spineless people stand up to you and Left wing bullying?

Those who refuse to be vaccinated for COVID-19 are threatening all Americans. They are cowards. As long as the COVID-19 hangs around, the threat of a variant that the vaccines do not work on is very real.
If a variant, that is not affected by the vaccines, we are back to square one.
We can wipe out COVID-19 if 80% to 90% of Americans are vaccinated. It has happened with polio and the measles.

Spineless, stupid people threaten our nation by not getting vaccinated.


If the vaccine works like they say then everyone who has one is perfectly fine, those who don't get it are at risk and that's their own choice.

If you're still scared then wear your mask.

I fail to see what you're afraid of honestly.
If on Sept 1st , there will be a charge for covid vaccinations per $100.00 there would be lines around the corners.
Those who refuse to be vaccinated for COVID-19 are threatening all Americans. They are cowards. As long as the COVID-19 hangs around, the threat of a variant that the vaccines do not work on is very real.
If a variant, that is not affected by the vaccines, we are back to square one.
We can wipe out COVID-19 if 80% to 90% of Americans are vaccinated. It has happened with polio and the measles.

Spineless, stupid people threaten our nation by not getting vaccinated.


So far, it looks like they are just hurting themselves....................and I'm ok with that.
Those who refuse to be vaccinated for COVID-19 are threatening all Americans. They are cowards. As long as the COVID-19 hangs around, the threat of a variant that the vaccines do not work on is very real.
If a variant, that is not affected by the vaccines, we are back to square one.
We can wipe out COVID-19 if 80% to 90% of Americans are vaccinated. It has happened with polio and the measles.

Spineless, stupid people threaten our nation by not getting vaccinated.


If the vaccine works like they say then everyone who has one is perfectly fine, those who don't get it are at risk and that's their own choice.

If you're still scared then wear your mask.

I fail to see what you're afraid of honestly.
No medication are without side effects. There have been million of jabs with very few side effects.

Wear a mask if you are not vaccinated, that way the rest of us vaccinated can treat you like shit that you are.
Those who refuse to be vaccinated for COVID-19 are threatening all Americans. They are cowards. As long as the COVID-19 hangs around, the threat of a variant that the vaccines do not work on is very real.
If a variant, that is not affected by the vaccines, we are back to square one.
We can wipe out COVID-19 if 80% to 90% of Americans are vaccinated. It has happened with polio and the measles.

Spineless, stupid people threaten our nation by not getting vaccinated.


No we're not, fascist asshole.
I thought liberals cared about medical privacy and the concept of "my body, my choice"?

I guess in the end that only applies to abortion.
Yes that only applies to abortion, your right about that!! But my body my choice is threatening my health, wear a mask that way we will know who doesn't get vaccinated and they far away from you.
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Well they're stupid. But they have the right to be stupid.

We'll just have to deal with whatever comes of it.
What's come of it, is the unmistakable illustration of just how many wannabe tyrants are running around loose amongst us here in what's supposed to be the land of the FREE.

That's a much bigger health hazard than this pissant little flu bug that can't seem to kill even a half of a percent of us, and then only if they're elderly, obese, and already knocking on Heavens door.

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