Fauci Divided America, Said Unvaccinated Were “Ones Propagating” COVID, Knowing Vaccines Didn’t Stop Transmission.


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012

The most potent argument which was weaponized to persuade younger, healthy people to take the COVID shots was also at the root of many fractures within families, between members who were strongly against submitting to the experimental shots, and those who viewed such refusal as selfish.

COVID mRNA shot efficacy at stopping infection is now down to as low as 33% after three to six months.

On one side, not only did animal safety trials for new drugs normally take one to three years, before it was tried on the first human. Not only was the average total time for bringing any new drug or vaccine to market 12 years. Some had their ears tuned to falseness in the unfolding narrative. Now animal trials would be done concurrently. But the entire point of animal trials is not to save critters from COVID. They are all euthanized in the end anyway. It is to test safety before giving a substance to humans.

Moderna’s Phase III adult clinical trials are scheduled to be complete in December 2022, Pfizer’s in February 2024. It is unprecedented that the FDA approve a drug or vaccine, especially novel technology, before initial three-phase clinical trials are complete.

The other side’s perspective was that refusal was selfish because Anthony Fauci, and countless others in a never-ending barrage, said that, although young people might be at extremely low risk of dying of COVID, it was for the greater good. Roll up your sleeve, against your own best, personal judgement of your own physiology if need be.

People who did get the shots would become “dead ends” for the virus, and not transmit it. These were Fauci’s exact words on May 16, 2021. People who did not were spreaders, anti-vaxxers, and grandma killers.

To date the Pfizer, Moderna mRNA products have over 30,000 “early warning” system deaths reported to the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS.) The deaths per year for the COVID vaccines are 75 times the number of deaths reported for all other vaccines combined in a typical year. (VAERS Official Data)

Fauci said on CBS Face the Nation:

“When you get vaccinated, you not only protect your own health and that of the family but also you contribute to the community health by preventing the spread of the virus throughout the community….In other words, you become a dead end to the virus. And when there are a lot of dead ends around, the virus is not going to go anywhere. And that’s when you get a point that you have a markedly diminished rate of infection in the community.”

The late Nobel Prize winner Dr. Kary Mullis, inventor of the PCR test who butted heads with Fauci over misuse of his test to prove viral infections, said in 1997:

“Tony Fauci does not mind going on television, in front of the people that pay his salary, and lie directly into the camera.”

The problem with Fauci’s promise, that one would be ‘taking one for the team’ as it were, is that it was a complete, “directly into the camera” lie. In a stunning moment before the European Parliament this week, Pfizer’s president of international developed markets, Janine Small, admitted that its vaccine had never been tested before its release on its ability to prevent the transmission of COVID, when asked by Dutch Member of the European Parliament (MEP) Rob Roos.

Urging Small to think very carefully about her answer, MEP Roos asked in a hearing on October 11, 2022:

“Was the Pfizer Covid vaccine tested on stopping the transmission of the virus before it entered the market?”

Small’s answer was “No.”

It’s not that testing on the transmission question was inconclusive. It was never performed at all.

Fauci unhesitatingly took direct aim at anyone resisting the 30,000 reported VAERS deaths shots, accusing them on nationwide TV of “propagating” COVID, thereby all but accusing them of murder. He said on “Face the Nation” on August 1, 2021:

“We have 100 million people in this country … who are eligible to be vaccinated, who are not vaccinated,…We’ve really got to get those people to change their minds, make it easy for them, convince them, do something to get them to be vaccinated because they are the ones that are propagating this outbreak.”

Predictably, major media “fact-checkers’ have rushed to misrepresent the issue as one of whether Pfizer lied or not. when it is nothing of the sort. MEP Roos quickly corrected AP misinformation in its “fact-check” “Posts mislead on Pfizer COVID vaccine’s impact on transmission”:

“Roos told the AP that he was not making a point about Pfizer, but about government mandates for the COVID-19 vaccines.

“I take fundamental rights seriously,” Roos wrote in an email. “For governments to infringe on them, they need a massive amount of evidence to prove the necessity. In this case, it was not even a part of the Pfizer trials.”

Even after the release of the experimental mRNA substances, no studies have shown anything that Fauci, governments, or media could base such unequivocal claims about transmission on.

Fauci on August 1, 2021, unvaccinated “are propagating this outbreak.” (view at Rumble)

None of this stopped Fauci, the media, and scientists from Harvard and other exalted institutions from weaponizing guilt. Guilt was a bludgeon to shame people into taking the 30,000 VAERS deaths shots. VAERS was never intended as a proof of causation of death, but it was intended to show when the brakes should be slammed on a drug or vaccine, and for the COVID vaccines that was long ago. Typically a drug trial is shut down after a couple of dozen deaths. In 1976 the Swine Flu vaccine program was halted after 25 possibly related deaths.

After the Parliament hearing, Roos immediately recorded a video to drive home the massive implications of what the Pfizer executive had just said, stressing:

“This removes the entire legal basis for the COVID passport”.

MEP Roos said:

“I find this to be shocking, even criminal,”

Below: EU parliament member Rob Roos asks Pfizer president of international developed markets, Janine Small, if the mRNA vaccine was tested on preventing transmission. With introduction by MEP Roos (view at Rumble)


Below source: Rasmussen Reports: COVID-19: Democratic Voters Support Harsh Measures Against Unvaccinated



The most potent argument which was weaponized to persuade younger, healthy people to take the COVID shots was also at the root of many fractures within families, between members who were strongly against submitting to the experimental shots, and those who viewed such refusal as selfish.

COVID mRNA shot efficacy at stopping infection is now down to as low as 33% after three to six months.

On one side, not only did animal safety trials for new drugs normally take one to three years, before it was tried on the first human. Not only was the average total time for bringing any new drug or vaccine to market 12 years. Some had their ears tuned to falseness in the unfolding narrative. Now animal trials would be done concurrently. But the entire point of animal trials is not to save critters from COVID. They are all euthanized in the end anyway. It is to test safety before giving a substance to humans.

Moderna’s Phase III adult clinical trials are scheduled to be complete in December 2022, Pfizer’s in February 2024. It is unprecedented that the FDA approve a drug or vaccine, especially novel technology, before initial three-phase clinical trials are complete.

The other side’s perspective was that refusal was selfish because Anthony Fauci, and countless others in a never-ending barrage, said that, although young people might be at extremely low risk of dying of COVID, it was for the greater good. Roll up your sleeve, against your own best, personal judgement of your own physiology if need be.

People who did get the shots would become “dead ends” for the virus, and not transmit it. These were Fauci’s exact words on May 16, 2021. People who did not were spreaders, anti-vaxxers, and grandma killers.

To date the Pfizer, Moderna mRNA products have over 30,000 “early warning” system deaths reported to the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS.) The deaths per year for the COVID vaccines are 75 times the number of deaths reported for all other vaccines combined in a typical year. (VAERS Official Data)

Fauci said on CBS Face the Nation:

“When you get vaccinated, you not only protect your own health and that of the family but also you contribute to the community health by preventing the spread of the virus throughout the community….In other words, you become a dead end to the virus. And when there are a lot of dead ends around, the virus is not going to go anywhere. And that’s when you get a point that you have a markedly diminished rate of infection in the community.”

The late Nobel Prize winner Dr. Kary Mullis, inventor of the PCR test who butted heads with Fauci over misuse of his test to prove viral infections, said in 1997:

“Tony Fauci does not mind going on television, in front of the people that pay his salary, and lie directly into the camera.”

The problem with Fauci’s promise, that one would be ‘taking one for the team’ as it were, is that it was a complete, “directly into the camera” lie. In a stunning moment before the European Parliament this week, Pfizer’s president of international developed markets, Janine Small, admitted that its vaccine had never been tested before its release on its ability to prevent the transmission of COVID, when asked by Dutch Member of the European Parliament (MEP) Rob Roos.

Urging Small to think very carefully about her answer, MEP Roos asked in a hearing on October 11, 2022:

“Was the Pfizer Covid vaccine tested on stopping the transmission of the virus before it entered the market?”

Small’s answer was “No.”

It’s not that testing on the transmission question was inconclusive. It was never performed at all.

Fauci unhesitatingly took direct aim at anyone resisting the 30,000 reported VAERS deaths shots, accusing them on nationwide TV of “propagating” COVID, thereby all but accusing them of murder. He said on “Face the Nation” on August 1, 2021:

“We have 100 million people in this country … who are eligible to be vaccinated, who are not vaccinated,…We’ve really got to get those people to change their minds, make it easy for them, convince them, do something to get them to be vaccinated because they are the ones that are propagating this outbreak.”

Predictably, major media “fact-checkers’ have rushed to misrepresent the issue as one of whether Pfizer lied or not. when it is nothing of the sort. MEP Roos quickly corrected AP misinformation in its “fact-check” “Posts mislead on Pfizer COVID vaccine’s impact on transmission”:

“Roos told the AP that he was not making a point about Pfizer, but about government mandates for the COVID-19 vaccines.

“I take fundamental rights seriously,” Roos wrote in an email. “For governments to infringe on them, they need a massive amount of evidence to prove the necessity. In this case, it was not even a part of the Pfizer trials.”

Even after the release of the experimental mRNA substances, no studies have shown anything that Fauci, governments, or media could base such unequivocal claims about transmission on.

Fauci on August 1, 2021, unvaccinated “are propagating this outbreak.” (view at Rumble)

None of this stopped Fauci, the media, and scientists from Harvard and other exalted institutions from weaponizing guilt. Guilt was a bludgeon to shame people into taking the 30,000 VAERS deaths shots. VAERS was never intended as a proof of causation of death, but it was intended to show when the brakes should be slammed on a drug or vaccine, and for the COVID vaccines that was long ago. Typically a drug trial is shut down after a couple of dozen deaths. In 1976 the Swine Flu vaccine program was halted after 25 possibly related deaths.

After the Parliament hearing, Roos immediately recorded a video to drive home the massive implications of what the Pfizer executive had just said, stressing:

“This removes the entire legal basis for the COVID passport”.

MEP Roos said:

“I find this to be shocking, even criminal,”

Below: EU parliament member Rob Roos asks Pfizer president of international developed markets, Janine Small, if the mRNA vaccine was tested on preventing transmission. With introduction by MEP Roos (view at Rumble)


Below source: Rasmussen Reports: COVID-19: Democratic Voters Support Harsh Measures Against Unvaccinated



This monumental lie, that vaccinated people can't get or spread Covid, repeated by Fauci, Biden, Walensky, all the corporate news outlets, and Big Tech, killed AT LEAST 300,000 Americans. These are crimes against humanity.
This monumental lie, that vaccinated people can't get or spread Covid, repeated by Fauci, Biden, Walensky, all the corporate news outlets, and Big Tech, killed AT LEAST 300,000 Americans. These are crimes against humanity.

This guy Roos turned over the apple cart. The entire, central assumption of the vaccine passports is transmission. If they were lying about that they were lying about everything.
First illness ever where people were encouraged to place blame on individuals for a supposedly natural occurring virus.

It was and still is a disgusting tactic to coerce others to become part of an experiment that the experimenters are immune from responsibility for.

The more they push it, the more skeptical and resistant I became.

Whoever wanted the damn shot has already gotten it. The rest of us never will.
First illness ever where people were encouraged to place blame on individuals for a supposedly natural occurring virus.

It was and still is a disgusting tactic to coerce others to become part of an experiment that the experimenters are immune from responsibility for.

The more they push it, the more skeptical and resistant I became.

Whoever wanted the damn shot has already gotten it. The rest of us never will.

Anybody who had a brain working was getting red flag signals every day. No typical years of animal safety trials, NO Worries! We are doing them concurrently!

NOW THINK PEOPLE. The whole point of animal trials is to make sure the stuff is relatively safe BEFORE putting it into people. What the hell good is doing them concurrently? If someone gaslights me like that, that's it, all trust is off. Get off my property.

And yet people STILL kept trusting Fauci. What pathetic, frightened sheep.

The most potent argument which was weaponized to persuade younger, healthy people to take the COVID shots was also at the root of many fractures within families, between members who were strongly against submitting to the experimental shots, and those who viewed such refusal as selfish.

COVID mRNA shot efficacy at stopping infection is now down to as low as 33% after three to six months.

On one side, not only did animal safety trials for new drugs normally take one to three years, before it was tried on the first human. Not only was the average total time for bringing any new drug or vaccine to market 12 years. Some had their ears tuned to falseness in the unfolding narrative. Now animal trials would be done concurrently. But the entire point of animal trials is not to save critters from COVID. They are all euthanized in the end anyway. It is to test safety before giving a substance to humans.

Moderna’s Phase III adult clinical trials are scheduled to be complete in December 2022, Pfizer’s in February 2024. It is unprecedented that the FDA approve a drug or vaccine, especially novel technology, before initial three-phase clinical trials are complete.

The other side’s perspective was that refusal was selfish because Anthony Fauci, and countless others in a never-ending barrage, said that, although young people might be at extremely low risk of dying of COVID, it was for the greater good. Roll up your sleeve, against your own best, personal judgement of your own physiology if need be.

People who did get the shots would become “dead ends” for the virus, and not transmit it. These were Fauci’s exact words on May 16, 2021. People who did not were spreaders, anti-vaxxers, and grandma killers.

To date the Pfizer, Moderna mRNA products have over 30,000 “early warning” system deaths reported to the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS.) The deaths per year for the COVID vaccines are 75 times the number of deaths reported for all other vaccines combined in a typical year. (VAERS Official Data)

Fauci said on CBS Face the Nation:

“When you get vaccinated, you not only protect your own health and that of the family but also you contribute to the community health by preventing the spread of the virus throughout the community….In other words, you become a dead end to the virus. And when there are a lot of dead ends around, the virus is not going to go anywhere. And that’s when you get a point that you have a markedly diminished rate of infection in the community.”

The late Nobel Prize winner Dr. Kary Mullis, inventor of the PCR test who butted heads with Fauci over misuse of his test to prove viral infections, said in 1997:

“Tony Fauci does not mind going on television, in front of the people that pay his salary, and lie directly into the camera.”

The problem with Fauci’s promise, that one would be ‘taking one for the team’ as it were, is that it was a complete, “directly into the camera” lie. In a stunning moment before the European Parliament this week, Pfizer’s president of international developed markets, Janine Small, admitted that its vaccine had never been tested before its release on its ability to prevent the transmission of COVID, when asked by Dutch Member of the European Parliament (MEP) Rob Roos.

Urging Small to think very carefully about her answer, MEP Roos asked in a hearing on October 11, 2022:

“Was the Pfizer Covid vaccine tested on stopping the transmission of the virus before it entered the market?”

Small’s answer was “No.”

It’s not that testing on the transmission question was inconclusive. It was never performed at all.

Fauci unhesitatingly took direct aim at anyone resisting the 30,000 reported VAERS deaths shots, accusing them on nationwide TV of “propagating” COVID, thereby all but accusing them of murder. He said on “Face the Nation” on August 1, 2021:

“We have 100 million people in this country … who are eligible to be vaccinated, who are not vaccinated,…We’ve really got to get those people to change their minds, make it easy for them, convince them, do something to get them to be vaccinated because they are the ones that are propagating this outbreak.”

Predictably, major media “fact-checkers’ have rushed to misrepresent the issue as one of whether Pfizer lied or not. when it is nothing of the sort. MEP Roos quickly corrected AP misinformation in its “fact-check” “Posts mislead on Pfizer COVID vaccine’s impact on transmission”:

“Roos told the AP that he was not making a point about Pfizer, but about government mandates for the COVID-19 vaccines.

“I take fundamental rights seriously,” Roos wrote in an email. “For governments to infringe on them, they need a massive amount of evidence to prove the necessity. In this case, it was not even a part of the Pfizer trials.”

Even after the release of the experimental mRNA substances, no studies have shown anything that Fauci, governments, or media could base such unequivocal claims about transmission on.

Fauci on August 1, 2021, unvaccinated “are propagating this outbreak.” (view at Rumble)

None of this stopped Fauci, the media, and scientists from Harvard and other exalted institutions from weaponizing guilt. Guilt was a bludgeon to shame people into taking the 30,000 VAERS deaths shots. VAERS was never intended as a proof of causation of death, but it was intended to show when the brakes should be slammed on a drug or vaccine, and for the COVID vaccines that was long ago. Typically a drug trial is shut down after a couple of dozen deaths. In 1976 the Swine Flu vaccine program was halted after 25 possibly related deaths.

After the Parliament hearing, Roos immediately recorded a video to drive home the massive implications of what the Pfizer executive had just said, stressing:

“This removes the entire legal basis for the COVID passport”.

MEP Roos said:

“I find this to be shocking, even criminal,”

Below: EU parliament member Rob Roos asks Pfizer president of international developed markets, Janine Small, if the mRNA vaccine was tested on preventing transmission. With introduction by MEP Roos (view at Rumble)


Below source: Rasmussen Reports: COVID-19: Democratic Voters Support Harsh Measures Against Unvaccinated



it was probably basically true when he said it if it was early on with the vaccines being 94% effective. But thanks for all the garbage propaganda... Just get vaccinated for Chrissake lol
This monumental lie, that vaccinated people can't get or spread Covid, repeated by Fauci, Biden, Walensky, all the corporate news outlets, and Big Tech, killed AT LEAST 300,000 Americans. These are crimes against humanity.
Congratulations, you are a brainwashed functional moron and basically insane, politically at least. Nobody said that more than once and it was a mistake that was immediately fixed everywhere but your garbage propaganda machine, super duper. At the time the vaccines were 94% effective so basically it was true. Thanks for the worst pandemic reaction anywhere and spreading crap around the world...
This monumental lie, that vaccinated people can't get or spread Covid, repeated by Fauci, Biden, Walensky, all the corporate news outlets, and Big Tech, killed AT LEAST 300,000 Americans. These are crimes against humanity.

Let's not forget Rachel Maddow lying that the clot-shots stops covid transmission in her inimitable shit-for-brains, libtard manner.

Congratulations, you are a brainwashed functional moron and basically insane, politically at least. Nobody said that more than once and it was a mistake that was immediately fixed everywhere but your garbage propaganda machine, super duper. At the time the vaccines were 94% effective so basically it was true. Thanks for the worst pandemic reaction anywhere and spreading crap around the world...

You all lied, repeatedly, and hundreds of thousands of people died because of it:


The most potent argument which was weaponized to persuade younger, healthy people to take the COVID shots was also at the root of many fractures within families, between members who were strongly against submitting to the experimental shots, and those who viewed such refusal as selfish.

COVID mRNA shot efficacy at stopping infection is now down to as low as 33% after three to six months.

On one side, not only did animal safety trials for new drugs normally take one to three years, before it was tried on the first human. Not only was the average total time for bringing any new drug or vaccine to market 12 years. Some had their ears tuned to falseness in the unfolding narrative. Now animal trials would be done concurrently. But the entire point of animal trials is not to save critters from COVID. They are all euthanized in the end anyway. It is to test safety before giving a substance to humans.

Moderna’s Phase III adult clinical trials are scheduled to be complete in December 2022, Pfizer’s in February 2024. It is unprecedented that the FDA approve a drug or vaccine, especially novel technology, before initial three-phase clinical trials are complete.

The other side’s perspective was that refusal was selfish because Anthony Fauci, and countless others in a never-ending barrage, said that, although young people might be at extremely low risk of dying of COVID, it was for the greater good. Roll up your sleeve, against your own best, personal judgement of your own physiology if need be.

People who did get the shots would become “dead ends” for the virus, and not transmit it. These were Fauci’s exact words on May 16, 2021. People who did not were spreaders, anti-vaxxers, and grandma killers.

To date the Pfizer, Moderna mRNA products have over 30,000 “early warning” system deaths reported to the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS.) The deaths per year for the COVID vaccines are 75 times the number of deaths reported for all other vaccines combined in a typical year. (VAERS Official Data)

Fauci said on CBS Face the Nation:

“When you get vaccinated, you not only protect your own health and that of the family but also you contribute to the community health by preventing the spread of the virus throughout the community….In other words, you become a dead end to the virus. And when there are a lot of dead ends around, the virus is not going to go anywhere. And that’s when you get a point that you have a markedly diminished rate of infection in the community.”

The late Nobel Prize winner Dr. Kary Mullis, inventor of the PCR test who butted heads with Fauci over misuse of his test to prove viral infections, said in 1997:

“Tony Fauci does not mind going on television, in front of the people that pay his salary, and lie directly into the camera.”

The problem with Fauci’s promise, that one would be ‘taking one for the team’ as it were, is that it was a complete, “directly into the camera” lie. In a stunning moment before the European Parliament this week, Pfizer’s president of international developed markets, Janine Small, admitted that its vaccine had never been tested before its release on its ability to prevent the transmission of COVID, when asked by Dutch Member of the European Parliament (MEP) Rob Roos.

Urging Small to think very carefully about her answer, MEP Roos asked in a hearing on October 11, 2022:

“Was the Pfizer Covid vaccine tested on stopping the transmission of the virus before it entered the market?”

Small’s answer was “No.”

It’s not that testing on the transmission question was inconclusive. It was never performed at all.

Fauci unhesitatingly took direct aim at anyone resisting the 30,000 reported VAERS deaths shots, accusing them on nationwide TV of “propagating” COVID, thereby all but accusing them of murder. He said on “Face the Nation” on August 1, 2021:

“We have 100 million people in this country … who are eligible to be vaccinated, who are not vaccinated,…We’ve really got to get those people to change their minds, make it easy for them, convince them, do something to get them to be vaccinated because they are the ones that are propagating this outbreak.”

Predictably, major media “fact-checkers’ have rushed to misrepresent the issue as one of whether Pfizer lied or not. when it is nothing of the sort. MEP Roos quickly corrected AP misinformation in its “fact-check” “Posts mislead on Pfizer COVID vaccine’s impact on transmission”:

“Roos told the AP that he was not making a point about Pfizer, but about government mandates for the COVID-19 vaccines.

“I take fundamental rights seriously,” Roos wrote in an email. “For governments to infringe on them, they need a massive amount of evidence to prove the necessity. In this case, it was not even a part of the Pfizer trials.”

Even after the release of the experimental mRNA substances, no studies have shown anything that Fauci, governments, or media could base such unequivocal claims about transmission on.

Fauci on August 1, 2021, unvaccinated “are propagating this outbreak.” (view at Rumble)

None of this stopped Fauci, the media, and scientists from Harvard and other exalted institutions from weaponizing guilt. Guilt was a bludgeon to shame people into taking the 30,000 VAERS deaths shots. VAERS was never intended as a proof of causation of death, but it was intended to show when the brakes should be slammed on a drug or vaccine, and for the COVID vaccines that was long ago. Typically a drug trial is shut down after a couple of dozen deaths. In 1976 the Swine Flu vaccine program was halted after 25 possibly related deaths.

After the Parliament hearing, Roos immediately recorded a video to drive home the massive implications of what the Pfizer executive had just said, stressing:

“This removes the entire legal basis for the COVID passport”.

MEP Roos said:

“I find this to be shocking, even criminal,”

Below: EU parliament member Rob Roos asks Pfizer president of international developed markets, Janine Small, if the mRNA vaccine was tested on preventing transmission. With introduction by MEP Roos (view at Rumble)


Below source: Rasmussen Reports: COVID-19: Democratic Voters Support Harsh Measures Against Unvaccinated



I have to say that I'm disturbed (alarmed would be a more accurate word) that there are so many stupid people in the world.

In the old days, they wouldn't have much of a platform to spread their nonsense. Those were the good ol' days. . Now, it's sad to say, any kook with any internet connection can spread nonsense as if it was the God's truth.
Fauci is just like all the other idiot fucking leftards.

They spew bullshit into the airwaves not because they believe it, but because they want to create the perception of authority.

Well guess what, fuck the democommieweenies. I know more about viruses than that fucking idiot Fraudci will ever know in his whole God forsaken life. That pissant bureaucrat has no business telling me what to do.

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