The reason Socialism prevails is because it's based in psychology


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
Socialism = Political Atheism, which allows people to walk away from Christian responsibility.

Socialism divides a nation into classes, based on the fact people throughout history blame their problems on "the rich". Even though Socialism has time and time again shown "the rich" are part of it, the Socialists still relentlessly tell everyone they fight "the rich". Most Socialist/Communist leaders are from wealthy families. The Socialists don't name "the rich" by name, unless they are found to contribute to patriotic causes. No matter what the facts are, their spokesmen say they fight "the rich"

The Socialist teaching of the Civil War and founding of America allows people to believe a fictional view of history, which is negative exaggerated. No one from history can defend themselves and set the record straight. This allows Socialist minions to walk away from patriotic duty and gives them a false sense of elevated intelligence. Americans don't have to realize the Socialist chapter is the worst time in our history, because they are given a fictional negative history. The only reason the Socialists talk about history is to control the voting of today.

Environmentalism = political control in the name of the planet.

People in Oklahoma said the Dust Bowl incident was caused by over-farming. People want to believe that the planet will punish humans for their sins. (when they are not making profits of the "damaging" business). Now, scientists say the Dust Bowl was caused by a natural cycle of El Nino.

Older people become more sensitive to weather, so older people swear it's hotter than before. "Global Warming"

Socialism is nothing more than a group of worthless goons trying to use psychology to win total control.
Rush talked about this on his show today....he pointed out that the left has an agenda...they want to use the government to control other people, while conservatives just want to be left alone.....the drive to control other people has put the left in control of the media, the education system, hollywood....... and Conservatives act as individuals while they face collective action from the left....
Conservatives do not want to be "left alone". They want to control every aspect of my life including who I can fuck and marry.You need to rethink this whine.
Conservatives do not want to be "left alone". They want to control every aspect of my life including who I can fuck and marry.You need to rethink this whine.

Forget the conservative comparison, especially since you bring up the far right. What do Libertarians want? Those principles are what forged American success and what Liberals today reject.

The left has become further left than in any time in U.S history. Even worse than in the 1960's because at least then intellectual debate was encouraged and communism was only embraced by the fringe. Now it's "I'm right, you're wrong, because I am a good person and you're not". It's insane.

If America remains on the current economic trajectory, you will wake up one morning and find that your government is insolvent, your currency will not be the global standard (it will be a BRIC replaced currency), you're middle class will be wiped out. Worse, your rights and capitalist system will have been replaced with a "kindler, gentler, collective system".
Socialism, like all of leftist political ideology, is just another form of tyranny. If uncontrolled it becomes murderous and enslaves all but the elite. History clearly proves this.
Conservatives do not want to be "left alone". They want to control every aspect of my life including who I can fuck and marry.You need to rethink this whine.
Oh have everything backwards.

Socialism is all about control. All leftist ideology is about control. Just because you want someone else to tell you what to do and provide for you, does not mean the rest of us do.
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Conservatives do not want to be "left alone". They want to control every aspect of my life including who I can fuck and marry.You need to rethink this whine.

Forget the conservative comparison, especially since you bring up the far right. What do Libertarians want? Those principles are what forged American success and what Liberals today reject.

The left has become further left than in any time in U.S history. Even worse than in the 1960's because at least then intellectual debate was encouraged and communism was only embraced by the fringe. Now it's "I'm right, you're wrong, because I am a good person and you're not". It's insane.

If America remains on the current economic trajectory, you will wake up one morning and find that your government is insolvent, your currency will not be the global standard (it will be a BRIC replaced currency), you're middle class will be wiped out. Worse, your rights and capitalist system will have been replaced with a "kindler, gentler, collective system".

Ah there ShockedCanadian.. soooo Toronto had an impressive showing in the playoffs.. and now you stole Patrick Marleau

Sheesh .. :wink_2:
Conservatives do not want to be "left alone". They want to control every aspect of my life including who I can fuck and marry.You need to rethink this whine.

No...they don' is the left that is doing this. The left wants to control what you eat, your healthcare, your retirement, how much water your toilet uses to flush...the left in Iceland is murdering people with down order to get it out of their gene pool...

Have you seen the sexual commisars on college campuses lately....? It was the left wing under hitler that demanded more babies, it was the left in china that wanted less babies.....

if you think the left is going to leave you alone in how you have sex, after they control everything really are delusional......
Conservatives do not want to be "left alone". They want to control every aspect of my life including who I can fuck and marry.You need to rethink this whine.
Oh have everything backwards.

Socialism is all about control. All leftist ideology is about control. Just because you want someone else to tell you what to do and provide for you, does not mean the rest of do.

Tommy just wants Democrats telling him what to think/say/etc. is all,

it's a sad sad story really... filled with drama and delusions...:cry:
Conservatives do not want to be "left alone". They want to control every aspect of my life including who I can fuck and marry.You need to rethink this whine.

No...they don' is the left that is doing this. The left wants to control what you eat, your healthcare, your retirement, how much water your toilet uses to flush...the left in Iceland is murdering people with down order to get it out of their gene pool...

Have you seen the sexual commisars on college campuses lately....? It was the left wing under hitler that demanded more babies, it was the left in china that wanted less babies.....

if you think the left is going to leave you alone in how you have sex, after they control everything really are delusional......
They also want to control speech they find unacceptable. They are fascists and don't know it.
There is no "left" in the US. If there were then your poor people would not be treated so badly. A broken leg would not bankrupt you and you would not need a gun to go out and buy a pint of milk.
You frothers have no idea what socialism is and cling to Cold War rhetoric in order to fill the gap in your knowledge. None of you have mentioned Venezuela yet either.
There is no "left" in the US. If there were then your poor people would not be treated so badly. A broken leg would not bankrupt you and you would not need a gun to go out and buy a pint of milk.
You frothers have no idea what socialism is and cling to Cold War rhetoric in order to fill the gap in your knowledge. None of you have mentioned Venezuela yet either.

Moron....have you seen the crime rates in merry old England...? You won't get home with your pint of will be lucky to be able to get that leg set in the NHS nightmare you call are living on borrowed time, and the only reason your system hasn't collapsed is that American guns have kept you safe....since you can't be bothered to protect yourselves from criminals or aggressive foriegn powers.....
Socialism = Political Atheism, which allows people to walk away from Christian responsibility.

Socialism divides a nation into classes, based on the fact people throughout history blame their problems on "the rich". Even though Socialism has time and time again shown "the rich" are part of it, the Socialists still relentlessly tell everyone they fight "the rich". Most Socialist/Communist leaders are from wealthy families. The Socialists don't name "the rich" by name, unless they are found to contribute to patriotic causes. No matter what the facts are, their spokesmen say they fight "the rich"

The Socialist teaching of the Civil War and founding of America allows people to believe a fictional view of history, which is negative exaggerated. No one from history can defend themselves and set the record straight. This allows Socialist minions to walk away from patriotic duty and gives them a false sense of elevated intelligence. Americans don't have to realize the Socialist chapter is the worst time in our history, because they are given a fictional negative history. The only reason the Socialists talk about history is to control the voting of today.

Environmentalism = political control in the name of the planet.

People in Oklahoma said the Dust Bowl incident was caused by over-farming. People want to believe that the planet will punish humans for their sins. (when they are not making profits of the "damaging" business). Now, scientists say the Dust Bowl was caused by a natural cycle of El Nino.

Older people become more sensitive to weather, so older people swear it's hotter than before. "Global Warming"

Socialism is nothing more than a group of worthless goons trying to use psychology to win total control.
True. No one wants to turn away from the sin they like. I know I fall into that category. At some point pride dictates us to CHOOSE our CONFESSIONS.

Most of this crap we see with regards to socialism is certainly psychological. Most of the morons (keep in mind the dumbest people on earth are American socialists thriving in the American free market) are under the powerful influence of GROUP THINK or CONFORMITY.

I have shown how it works. Remember, the democrats are the ones pushing for this notion of "popular vote." Would it shock everyone here to know that the word DEMOCRACY appears nowhere in the constitution? Let me clarify what DEMOCRACY can be defined as. MOB RULE. OK? Get that?

Lets see how CONFORMITY works with these simple psychological experiments.

Here is the original experiment of how conformity works.
The Asch Conformity experiment

That may be a bit boring for too many....
The Elevator Conformity Experiment

This one is the same and also interesting.

I have noticed that most liberals I know are simply going along with the crowd and their greatest fear in life is to ever be shunned by that crowd. The thought that they could ever be associated with republicans or conservatives is something that keeps many of them up at night. They fear that more than anything else. Therefore, they always go with the group and passionately cave into the conformity as put out by mass media, and entertainment etc.

That is what we are seeing for most these people. We all fall into conformity one way or another.
Perhaps you could define socialism ? What is it ?
I suspect that would get a 100 different answers.

As you will for capitalism, conservatism, libertarianism, nationalism.

What is worrisome and important to understand is that the alt-left, wannabe socialists in America have heavy funding and vocal support from other nations and state actors. Why is this? While America, or what made America what it has been for the last 200 years, is uniquely American. Do you see the difference?

America is unique simply because of it's absolute belief in the individual and free market capitalism among other virtues. Consider how the world viewed America before the internet. Go back 100 years, even 50 years when British rock bands were coming to America. They looked at America as a unique world, like visiting Mars. People are free, creativity and individual differences were embraced and encouraged, not centralized government and conformity. That was for Communists and inefficient losers. If you lose your soul, it will be difficult to get back and the global socialists know this.

Sorry, but to me the alt-left today is Groupthink and the honest, traditional liberals, who I admire and can respect as much as any group because I know they won't try to silence me; have a difficult time stopping the train. The Democratic party now have many of these elements, they are no longer fringe.

When I watch Carlson Tucker I always smile when he states at the end of his show that his show is "the enemy of Groupthink". Thank God someone is.
The psychology of socialism is very well known and it has been around ever since humans first appeared. It is called greed. Using the government to get somebody else to pay your bills is as greedy as it gets.
Perhaps you could define socialism ? What is it ?
I suspect that would get a 100 different answers.

As you will for capitalism, conservatism, libertarianism, nationalism.

What is worrisome and important to understand is that the alt-left, wannabe socialists in America have heavy funding and vocal support from other nations and state actors. Why is this? While America, or what made America what it has been for the last 200 years, is uniquely American. Do you see the difference?

America is unique simply because of it's absolute belief in the individual and free market capitalism among other virtues. Consider how the world viewed America before the internet. Go back 100 years, even 50 years when British rock bands were coming to America. They looked at America as a unique world, like visiting Mars. People are free, creativity and individual differences were embraced and encouraged, not centralized government and conformity. That was for Communists and inefficient losers. If you lose your soul, it will be difficult to get back and the global socialists know this.

Sorry, but to me the alt-left today is Groupthink and the honest, traditional liberals, who I admire and can respect as much as any group because I know they won't try to silence me; have a difficult time stopping the train. The Democratic party now have many of these elements, they are no longer fringe.

When I watch Carlson Tucker I always smile when he states at the end of his show that his show is "the enemy of Groupthink". Thank God someone is.
Unfortunately many middle class or poor liberals like Tammy, can't see the consequences of socialism. They have been duped into thinking big government is the way to go....primarily to prevent Nazis and right wingers from taking over the world. Their greatest fear is the radical right, yet it has little power in the West.

Those like Tammy are really just dupes. They can't see that they have nothing to fear from a nonexistent radical right. They have been duped by the left elite and will do as the left elite dictates.

What did Obama and Hillary excel at? They were great at instilling fear of the radical right into some Americans. All left wing leaders do this because it works like magic.

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