Stay Inside, Locked down!


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
Knee-jerk dismissals

This new study ought to finally silence the naysayers, though doubtless it won’t. So far it has attracted little media attention. What has been most troubling over the past year is that every time I and others have gently drawn attention to each new study that demonstrated the dramatic benefits of Vitamin D, we were greeted with knee-jerk dismissals that the studies showed only a correlation, not a causal link.

That was a deeply irresponsible response, especially in the midst of a global pandemic for which effective treatments are urgently needed. The never-satisfied have engaged in the worst kind of blame-shifting, implicitly maligning medical researchers for the fact that they could only organise small-scale, improvised studies because governments were not supporting and funding the larger-scale research needed to prove conclusively whether Vitamin D was effective.

Further, the naysayers wilfully ignored the fact that all the separate studies showed very similar correlations, as well as the fact that hospitalised patients were invariably deficient, or very deficient, in Vitamin D. The cumulative effect of those studies should have been persuasive in themselves. And more to the point, they should have led to a concerted campaign pressuring governments to fund the necessary research. Instead much of the medical community has wasted valuable time either ignoring the research or nitpicking it into oblivion.
Why Politicians and Doctors Keep Ignoring the Medical Research on Vitamin D and Covid

Y'all stay inside- more Vitamin D for me - LOL
I get a dose of Vitamin D every day with my cap'n crunch and ain't got it yet. I personally think it is the good cap'n keeping it at bay, but I suppose the milk might be a factor.
It's also mo
This is because the medical community has been hijacked by politics and why the "follow the science" people are a joke.
It's also mostly corporate owned now days. Hard to find a Dr in private practice so they must all agree with their employer or risk their job
Knee-jerk dismissals

This new study ought to finally silence the naysayers, though doubtless it won’t. So far it has attracted little media attention. What has been most troubling over the past year is that every time I and others have gently drawn attention to each new study that demonstrated the dramatic benefits of Vitamin D, we were greeted with knee-jerk dismissals that the studies showed only a correlation, not a causal link.

That was a deeply irresponsible response, especially in the midst of a global pandemic for which effective treatments are urgently needed. The never-satisfied have engaged in the worst kind of blame-shifting, implicitly maligning medical researchers for the fact that they could only organise small-scale, improvised studies because governments were not supporting and funding the larger-scale research needed to prove conclusively whether Vitamin D was effective.

Further, the naysayers wilfully ignored the fact that all the separate studies showed very similar correlations, as well as the fact that hospitalised patients were invariably deficient, or very deficient, in Vitamin D. The cumulative effect of those studies should have been persuasive in themselves. And more to the point, they should have led to a concerted campaign pressuring governments to fund the necessary research. Instead much of the medical community has wasted valuable time either ignoring the research or nitpicking it into oblivion.
Why Politicians and Doctors Keep Ignoring the Medical Research on Vitamin D and Covid

Y'all stay inside- more Vitamin D for me - LOL
Just sat in the sun in San Diego for 30 minutes. Feels great.
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I stays on my patio, a lot, weather permitting and the sun beats down on me lovingly! Oh, and I rarely ever even feel under the weather, never mind getting sick- 73 and counting!
Israel’s biggest news outlet Ynet reported a few hours ago that in the country voluntarily making itself Pfizer’s testing ground, “75.4% of those diagnosed yesterday were under 39. Only 5.5% were over 60. “The number of critical patients dropped to 858 – the lowest since January 4. However, this number is more than double that in mid-December, just before Israel started its ‘pioneering’ experiment in mass vaccination. Ynet reports today that “In Israel 59.9% of critical patients are over 60 years old. 18.2% are aged 50 to 59. In addition, 10.8% are aged 40 to 49 and 7.5% are in their 30s. As of today, more than a third of critical patients are between 30 to 59 years old.”

The meaning of the above can hardly be denied or at least demands immediate attention. The country that leads the mass vaccination contest reports a radical shift in the nature of the pandemic. It doesn’t take a genius to suspect that there may be a correlation between the mass vaccination campaign and the growing vulnerability of younger age groups including new-born and pregnant women. The biology here is also far from being too complicated. The virus that initially preyed on the elderly and vulnerable has morphed by means of mutation and is now fit enough to attack other segments of society and particularly younger age groups.

Up to the 20th of December, the day Israel launched its mass vaccination campaign the country had logged 3,074 deaths. In less than two months of ‘successful’ mass vaccination that number almost doubled. As of writing this article, it stands on 5,526. This spectacular rise in deaths (80% in less than two months) occurred when the country was in lockdown, hence it wasn’t exactly ‘social gathering’ that helped the virus spread. The only thing that was spreading in Israel in these two months was the Pfizer vaccines and the so-called British mutant that is apparently more popular in Bnei Brak than in Kent. The inevitable question here is whether there is a connection between vaccination and mutants, but this is the one question no one is allowed to ask in Israel.

Bibi, Pfizer and the Election
Knee-jerk dismissals

This new study ought to finally silence the naysayers, though doubtless it won’t. So far it has attracted little media attention. What has been most troubling over the past year is that every time I and others have gently drawn attention to each new study that demonstrated the dramatic benefits of Vitamin D, we were greeted with knee-jerk dismissals that the studies showed only a correlation, not a causal link.

That was a deeply irresponsible response, especially in the midst of a global pandemic for which effective treatments are urgently needed. The never-satisfied have engaged in the worst kind of blame-shifting, implicitly maligning medical researchers for the fact that they could only organise small-scale, improvised studies because governments were not supporting and funding the larger-scale research needed to prove conclusively whether Vitamin D was effective.

Further, the naysayers wilfully ignored the fact that all the separate studies showed very similar correlations, as well as the fact that hospitalised patients were invariably deficient, or very deficient, in Vitamin D. The cumulative effect of those studies should have been persuasive in themselves. And more to the point, they should have led to a concerted campaign pressuring governments to fund the necessary research. Instead much of the medical community has wasted valuable time either ignoring the research or nitpicking it into oblivion.
Why Politicians and Doctors Keep Ignoring the Medical Research on Vitamin D and Covid

Y'all stay inside- more Vitamin D for me - LOL
I heard the same thing along with zinc, vit. D was said to be helpful. I used a combo of robitussin DM, Flonase, a multi-vitamin with a lot of zinc and D as well as a D-3 supplement. I felt lethargic for a week and had minor head cold symptoms--I've had worse colds. My wife, OTOH, had severe shortness of breath and fatigue. We treated her with the same and she recovered as well, but it took a couple weeks longer. The only difference between us seems to be blood types which I have heard may have an effect as well. I am O+ and she is A+. The word is O is less affected than either A or AB.
I heard the same thing along with zinc, vit. D was said to be helpful. I used a combo of robitussin DM, Flonase, a multi-vitamin with a lot of zinc and D as well as a D-3 supplement. I felt lethargic for a week and had minor head cold symptoms--I've had worse colds. My wife, OTOH, had severe shortness of breath and fatigue. We treated her with the same and she recovered as well, but it took a couple weeks longer. The only difference between us seems to be blood types which I have heard may have an effect as well. I am O+ and she is A+. The word is O is less affected than either A or AB.
Interesting- and it makes sense- but, I have been an outdoor person all my life. I love being in the sunshine = a lot of vitamin D and I drink milk everyday- I don't have a clue what my blood type is- I suspect it's not unusual or I would remember that. But, that's not the only difference - we're all wired differently- genetics has a lot to do with everything from physical to emotional differences-
I heard the same thing along with zinc, vit. D was said to be helpful. I used a combo of robitussin DM, Flonase, a multi-vitamin with a lot of zinc and D as well as a D-3 supplement. I felt lethargic for a week and had minor head cold symptoms--I've had worse colds. My wife, OTOH, had severe shortness of breath and fatigue. We treated her with the same and she recovered as well, but it took a couple weeks longer. The only difference between us seems to be blood types which I have heard may have an effect as well. I am O+ and she is A+. The word is O is less affected than either A or AB.
Interesting- and it makes sense- but, I have been an outdoor person all my life. I love being in the sunshine = a lot of vitamin D and I drink milk everyday- I don't have a clue what my blood type is- I suspect it's not unusual or I would remember that. But, that's not the only difference - we're all wired differently- genetics has a lot to do with everything from physical to emotional differences-
I like to be outside too. I got out and plowed the driveway a few times during that time and I have to say that I felt noticeably better each time when I came inside. It is a strange and insidious bug.

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