Marchimedes tries a thing...

I should take a picture of this with my phone. That last post, it's at the top of this deal.

Somebody fu(ked up.

I was in the 'D,s' I have no more simple image memes in that letter. Long as this site allows me at the top of the main page far as I'm concerned I'm boss. What a horrible oversite this is. While it lasts I shall attempt to take advantage. Somebody, for the love of God PM a mod quick!
Still at the top.


Fair warning. Long as I'm at the top I'm just gonna go alphabet. Forget about satire. I'm now picking and choosing from my 1,600+ picture files I been making cents 2002.


Edward 1.2.png

That is King Edward VII. I am directly descended from him. That's Grandpa. Story goes from My Father's Mother, Grandma June is he impregnated a serving wench and they sent her to America to hide the shame. I believe she was my Grandma June's Great Grand Mother. Oh my. Read about the so-called Edwardian era and you'll find out nobility back then was a randy bunch. I did the math. King Charles II is my fourth cousin, twice removed.

Prine Harry is my 5th cousin, twice removed. He's not my fault.

The point is that I am English Nobility. The real point is that I am the whitest Mutha Fu(ka at this site. What is more white than English Nobility?

Nice rant, eh?
I'm a craftsman. For size the two slopes are full 4'x8' sheets. Did all that by myself. Took me half a summer. Maybe 120 hours.

entry 1.1.png
I can find more stupid $h!t to post.

I'm starting to worry about the powers that be at this site that I can still, me, flake #1 post my crap at the top of the page.

Some newb shows up at this site and clicks on the top thread and runs into me? I can say anything now. The moon is made of Green Cheese.

Fauci lied about everything.

The climate has always changed.

Lowering federal income taxes has always spurred the American economy.

I am the world's foremost authority on pyramid construction.

I know exactly why the universe appears to expanding at an accelerating rate from our perspective.


shooting stars 1.1.png


le 2.1.png


Eh, I should shut this post down as it goes on and I Should check if the powers that be have yet to figure our that I'm Top Dead and Center.
Yep. Click on 'Politics' and above that is still me. I can do this for a week straight from my library I been amassing for over two(2) decades. Sumpin is seriously wrong at this site that I get to keep doing this. Even worserer is that I CAN keep doing this. I'm exactly the wrong person to have this power for as long as it lasts. This is like dog years.
Enough taklin $h!t. This is a satire sub-forum and I believe I was in my 'E.s'

electrical 1.1.png

Sorry. Among my many skilled trades I'm also an electrician and I draw on wires in a J-Box. Many should understand and adopt this practice.

E for electricity.
Outta 'E's. Again the others I have to set up. Easy hundred or so I could post if I set them up so far but it takes me at times paragraphs to set stuff up have we just met? Hand to God I been hiding in The Taunting Arena for the last year. This present fu(k up by the powers that be at this site I've took advantage for many hours now but I'm a mere mortal, what time is it? How long have I been doing this? I should submit.
So far I've filled up most of page four, all of page five and most of page six with my own stuff. I trust that I'm keeping some few entertained if not mutha fu(kin wore out by now. I know, it's a lot of topics fast and furious but this is the speed of teacher. I can do this for a week with my old stuff, or, until I get to 'Z.' then it's what I thought of today. This is my hobby I indulge in once the week. I'm usually sober. Most the time I pay attention to the news. If I take notes along the week from my paying attention to the news it's never good for liberals.

I am the best at this, Have been for over two(2) decades, Look what I just laid down. My first two(2) posts tonight at this site were perfect. Look them up! I'm wont to post buku arrogance. Do not try me. I am the greatest troll. I can out insult any walking, breathing human.

Tonight I might have posted the greatest thing I've ever posted in any Mighty horse Thread.

I feel good about it. It stands pat. Every body on God's Green Earth should judge me accordingly to this...

When my children were 2-7, I would read a book to them every night. Usually multiple books.

That's home base. From whence I observe the world.

Oh yes, I want you liberals. I want every, single, stinking piece of you. You can form up, gang up, get your lies straight, get a fu(king thousand of you again me and I say more.

Somebodies got to be the best there's ever been. Turns out it's me.

Serendipity has put me on top of this site, for now. I'm mutha fu(kin teacher.


I now give up on owning crap cause I have. I'm gonna wander around the site now.
Barely through the 'E's. Too much? I know, right? Pain at the speed of Marchimedes. 'M.'

How about a boss 'M?' Ya'll have to be killer tuned into politics to get this one...

Meuller 1.3.png

Oh look, I just saw another 'M...'

Maddow 1.2.jpg

Lemme post and check a thing...
Still at the top.


Fair warning. Long as I'm at the top I'm just gonna go alphabet. Forget about satire. I'm now picking and choosing from my 1,600+ picture files I been making cents 2002.


View attachment 951210

That is King Edward VII. I am directly descended from him. That's Grandpa. Story goes from My Father's Mother, Grandma June is he impregnated a serving wench and they sent her to America to hide the shame. I believe she was my Grandma June's Great Grand Mother. Oh my. Read about the so-called Edwardian era and you'll find out nobility back then was a randy bunch. I did the math. King Charles II is my fourth cousin, twice removed.

Prine Harry is my 5th cousin, twice removed. He's not my fault.

The point is that I am English Nobility. The real point is that I am the whitest Mutha Fu(ka at this site. What is more white than English Nobility?

Nice rant, eh?
Yep, right back on top. Well, now, I seem to be in a position I am well accustomed to. That is I post killer stuff and every body else shuts the fu(k up. Ain't none of you liberals that can deal with that political satire. I know, it ain't fair as I've been building this library over the last 22 years but then I've been building this library over the last 22 years. Somebody in power at this site should stop this cause I've, like I said another 1,600+ images just like all this to draw from. Also I craft more most every single day. A fu(k can post sumpin in the political satire forum, it'll probably suck, then I'll post a single image and be right back at the top. Not only do I know how to play this game but I have the content/library/fresh/curiosity and never ending idiot savant ability to ferret out instantly political BS and point it out with aplomb via text/images and maybe sumpin I'll think of tomorrow.

Also I can be wicked azz drunk like I am right now and not miss a fu(kin beat.

How about another 'M?'

monica 1.4.jpg

I'm their child...

family tree 1.1.png

That is me wearing a tin foil hat so many years ago. Have fun with that! I wrapped my ball cap with tin foil back then cause I had just started in on the politics game and I knew could use that forever and ever, Amen. Back then I was just starting on this political crap and I knew where it would go so I took a picture of me right then, with a tin foil hat so I could shows ya'll the moment I decided to dominate politics. Right then that was my conscious decision to enter and dominate the fray. Before that moment I was reticent because I had doubt in myself. I was young. The rest is history. Hand to God, when I took that picture I decided it was on. From that image on I've been balls. Right then I sat in that chair and said I'm gonna, kinda, show my face. But back then we didn't have dox and cancel. Good thing I wore a hat and sunglasses cause even then I knew liberals were petty fu(ks. I'm old school beat on liberals. 22 years on who want's to deal with my text? What thread am I in?

F for satire...

Know one remembers this one...

fangate 1.1.png

That one needs set up. Fu(k ya'll.

I should submit.
fish dead 1.1.png

Remember America's Palestine?

The water is fine.

And Pot Hole Pete, America's Empry Suit Diversity Hire couldn't be bothered? I'm sorry, Is Marchimedes bothering you?
I have to set today's fresh satire up with a recent rant of mine...

teacher 3.5.png

I hear the woke, cancel progressives are mad as Hell at the KC Chief's kicker cause he said at a commencement speech at a conservative, Catholic college that most edumacated women that get married want to be stay at home Mom's.

Bastard neanderthal, most is 50+%, no way he can know that. In observance of The King's English he should have said, as it's his opinion... "many."

The cancel crew is doing their usual, calling for him to be fired. Like ya'll can kick a 60 yard field goal in the last seconds of the big game. So your heart surgeon admitted he voted for Trump cause he desires lower federal income taxes for all that actually pay federal income taxes so that means he's a racist even though he is half black, half latin and half Eskimo. Then you found out his other half is Jew.

"He's a witch, burn him." That is allowed.

Go ahead, go with your second choice, that gender fluid, pink haired, nose ring sporting Bernie supporter with a medical "degree" from some place you have to roll your 'r's to properly pronounce.

You won't. But you don't tell your pals camping out in the campus "freedom zone" about any of that.

Here's how I see it... today's woke progressive think every body that voted for Trump should be canceled. 331 million Americans divided by 74 million, carry the 1, turn your head and cough that's 22% (Math is Racist!) of America you liberals think should be fired. Me being one of them. So you fu(ktards get your way and all Trump voters and I get fired. Do I then get welfare, food stamps, WIC, HEAP and my basic universal income or do I have to live in a cardboard box under a bridge or a van down by the river? I guess if that happens I'll have to move to California and only steal $999 at a time to make ends meet.

Ah, the tolerant, civil compassionate left. If you fu(ks had your way the next time there's a democratic House, Senate and White House you would suspend elections for the good of democracy.

And another damn thing...

D.E.I. Word on the street says that stands for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. Except for Republicans/Conservatives, Jews, Christians, Ted Nugent fans, gimme a few I'm quite sure I can think of more...

View attachment 954419

folks that craft images such as...

View attachment 954421

View attachment 954422

I know I keep posting them but they make me laugh every time. Are those images memes? I really don't know what a meme is but then I'm old and crochety. The left has been all about D.E.I. for some time now. There are D.E.I. positions at major corporations, has been for some time.

"Good morning, Ms. Karen Goldberg, I see you are applying for the D.E.I. Nazi position. Tell me in twenty(2) words or less how much Marchimedes sucks."

"How dare you assume my gender?"

"You're hired."

There ya go... satire. That post took me literally minutes to create. It's almost like I been at this interweb political debate things for twenty two(22) years, dominated right off the bat and only been gettin more betterer cents then. Solid political take, jokes, youtubes. more fresh political take, call backs, images, Whoopie, wait a second, I'm missing sumpin...

(Insert picture of kitchen sink here.)

You liberals don't stand a friggin chance.

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