Marchimedes tries a thing...

Kinda satire...

china 1.1.jpg

I say if every store shelve in America was labeled as such most of us would pay the extra the extra 47 cents.
Cause I took the time to figure this out and draw it up nicely and you are mad as fu(k at your Christmas lights...

Christmas lights 1.1.png

Satire should be showing up soon.
When I used to be admin of a tiny, interweb, political debate website, for five(5) years exactly the same as this one only smaller when some fu(k broke the rules I would show them the rules, splain how they broke the rule(s), quote where they broke the rules, then threaten them with The...

die of suspension 1.1.png

Then conservatives would knock it off and liberals would try me. Then I'd roll a...

die one and a half 1.1.png

or a seven. Neither of which appears on a die. Then suspend a fu(k for said rolled time. When they came back they behaved. Coyote, on the other hand has moved my thread "There's a crew of clever fascists trying to derail our site." Which was an innocent, pristine, haven of compassion straight to The Rubber Room. Good people of USMB, I implore you, Usurp Coyote. I hear it from good authority she fishes without a license. And gigs me without splained cause.

I have more on her.
For some reason I am not allowed to PrtSc and copy USMB's main Giddyup , where it shows 'Political Satire' and under that is the main thing, I say, 'Politics.' that page, but at the top of that window is this thread. This is a horrendous oversite. Right now when most folks click on the normal thing this thread is Top and Center. Some fu(k mod moved this thread to this sub-forum and that's what they got for their troubles. Right now I can keep showing my stupid images and refresh. I have to submit this now and figure a way to create more trouble.

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