Report at UN details Oct. 7 ‘sadistic sex crimes' by pAlEStInIaN racist Arabs


Platinum Member
Nov 20, 2023

Since the United Nothing, also known as the UN, has a long record of being occupied by the Arab Islamic lobby abd obsessive against Israel with "resolutions" and statements...
It might all be a waste of time.

Israel submits report to UN on Hamas’s mass weaponization of rape.
Written by umbrella organization of rape crisis centers, grim document reviews Palestinian terror group’s strategic use of sexual violence, as deniers abound.
By TOI Staff
21 Feb, 2024, 5:17 pm


Protestors gather outside the UN headquarters in New York City on December 4, 2023, to protest the international community's perceived silence on sexual violence committed by Hamas terrorists against Israeli women during the October 7 massacre. Carli Fogel)

The Association of Rape Crisis Centers in Israel on Wednesday submitted to the United Nations a report detailing the sadistic and systematic nature of the sexual violence employed by Hamas terrorists during the terror group’s brutal October 7 onslaught on southern Israel, as well as evidence of such crimes being perpetrated on an ongoing basis against hostages still held in Gaza.

The association said the chilling 35-page report, written by Dr. Carmit Klar Chalamish, head of the organization’s research department, and Noa Berger, its director of content, “is the first official research since October 7, consolidating evidence and providing conclusions” from “numerous confidential and public pieces of information.”

It identifies four main arenas where Hamas used rape as a weapon of war: the Supernova music festival near Re’im; Gaza border communities; military bases infiltrated by Hamas; and abuse of hostages inside the Strip.

According to a statement from the association, which was founded in 1990 as an umbrella organization of Israel’s nine rape crisis centers, “the report clearly demonstrates that this is not a ‘malfunction’ or isolated incident, but a clear operational strategy involving systematic, targeted sexual abuse,” contrary to the claims of some pro-Palestinian activists who have denied the extent of Hamas’s weaponization of rape.

The report collects numerous testimonies from eyewitnesses, including first responders at hard-hit Gaza border communities and survivors of the massacre at the Supernova festival, nearly all of them identified by their full names.

However, the statement continued, “the report does not provide quantitative information due to the nature of the events, most of which resulted in the victims’ deaths, making their full extent unknown and possibly unknowable.”

Retrieval of evidence was made still more difficult by the mass-casualty nature of the October 7 atrocities, which led Israeli authorities to decide against time-consuming crime scene investigation protocols to document rape cases in the immediate aftermath of the shock assault. This later impeded forensic determination of sexual assault in some cases.


Israeli soldiers at the forensic center in the Shura military base near Ramle, where hundreds of dead bodies arrived since the October 7 Hamas onslaught, October 24, 2023. Yossi Aloni/Flash90)

Notwithstanding, the report outlines several sadistic tactics that were recurring, among them genital mutilation and penetration of victims’ bodies with weapons.

Thus, Nachman Dickstein, a volunteer for body retrieval service ZAKA, was cited describing a pair of women bound to a bed by their arms and legs, one of whom had undergone sexual assault and had had a knife shoved in her vagina.

The report also noted multiple instances of Hamas terrorists engaging in gang rape, which, the authors said, accounts for about 90 percent of wartime rapes. “Cooperation in the acts strengthens the perpetrators’ sense of togetherness and solidarity,” according to the report.

One survivor from the festival, identified in the report as Sapir, said in a testimony to police that she witnessed five separate rapes. From her hiding place near Route 232, not far from the festival grounds, Sapir said she saw a large group of Hamas terrorists swapping firearms and injured women. In a separate instance, Sapir said she saw one terrorist rape a woman, as another terrorist cut her and mutilated her body.


A man stands in front of a makeshift memorial amid national flags and portraits of Israeli people taken captive or killed by Hamas terrorists during the October 7 attacks, during a visit to the site of the Supernova music festival, where some 360 people were slaughtered, January 14, 2024, after 100 days of war between Israel and the Hamas. Menahem Kahana/AFP)

Chaim Otmazgin, commander of ZAKA’s special units and an officer in the IDF Home Front Command’s search and rescue unit, told the report’s authors he had found two victims in one home, a mother and daughter, with the latter’s pants and underwear removed.

Rapes were frequently perpetrated in front of the victim’s friends and family, to compound their humiliation and fear, the report’s authors said. Itzik Itah, a volunteer for ZAKA, was cited in the report saying that in one house, a heterosexual couple was found bound together, with the woman’s body exhibiting “clear signs of rape.”

Men were not spared from sexual assault and several were found with mutilated genitalia.

The report also contained a section on sexual violence in military installations infiltrated by Hamas on October 7. Most of the testimonies in this section were already in the public domain, such as that of Shari Mendes, a volunteer undertaker at the Shura IDF Rabbinate base, who said she saw four bodies of female soldiers that showed signs of sexual violence, including massive bleeding in their pelvic regions.

The section ends with the note that “the Association of Rape Crisis Centers received additional information on sexual assault against female soldiers which has not been made public.”


Released hostage Aviva Siegel speaks during a meeting in the Knesset on January 9, 2024, in which she discussed Hamas’s sexual violence toward Israeli hostages . Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)

The next section collects testimonies of released hostages who described sexual violence aimed at others still in captivity. Chen and Agam Goldstein-Almog, a mother and daughter freed 51 days after being abducted, described meeting at least three female hostages who had been sexually assaulted. Aviva Siegel, who was also released after 51 days, also recounted encounters with hostages who had undergone sexual assault, saying that Hamas had made “marionettes” out of both women and men held captive in Gaza.

“Silence is no longer an option. We expect international organizations to take a clear stance; we cannot stand on the sidelines,” said the association’s CEO, Orit Sulitzeanu, in a statement announcing the report’s submission to UN officials. “Silence will be remembered as a historical stain on those who chose to remain silent and deny the sexual crimes committed by Hamas.”

The remark was a thinly veiled jab at international groups of women that ignored evidence of Hamas’s weaponization of sexual violence.

Notoriously, it took about eight weeks for UN Women, a women’s rights group under the tutelage of the UN, to post, and shortly thereafter delete, a condemnation of the October 7 onslaught itself.


Protestors gather outside the UN headquarters in New York City on December 4, 2023, to protest the international community’s perceived silence on sexual violence committed by Hamas terrorists against Israeli women during the October 7 massacre. Carli Fogel)

Another week would go by before the agency registered the existence of “disturbing reports of gender-based and sexual violence on October 7.”

The delayed response sparked outrage among Jewish and Israeli feminist groups, rallying to the hashtag “#MeToo_UNless_UR_A_Jew” and charging the UN body’s silence was motivated by antisemitism.

The campaign gained traction by December, with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and United States President Joe Biden both publicly castigating international women’s groups for ignoring mounting evidence that Hamas had used rape as a weapon of war. Later that month, the New York Times ran a damning report on the extent of sexual violence during the October 7 attacks.


Protestors gather outside the UN headquarters in New York City on December 4, 2023, to protest the international community’s perceived silence on sexual violence committed by Hamas terrorists against Israeli women during the October 7 massacre. Carli Fogel).

Some pro-Palestinian voices have attempted to downplay the extent of Hamas’s sexual violence. In a December interview to CNN, Rep. Pramila Jayapal, chair of the US Congress’s Progressive Caucus, repeatedly evaded anchor Dana Bash’s questions about the Palestinian terror group’s weaponization of rape, saying that “I think it happens in war situations” but that “we have to be balanced about bringing in the outrages against Palestinians.”

Other commentators have alleged Israel manufactured the mass sexual violence allegations as a pretext for its war in the Gaza Strip.

American-Jewish anti-Zionist author Max Blumenthal claimed to disprove the New York Times report on Hamas’s sexual violence in an episode of the popular podcast “Bad Faith,” hosted by social media personality Briahna Joy Gray, during which Blumenthal claimed that the “mass rape propaganda campaign began [in December]… obviously because it had a political utility.”


Demonstrators gather during a ‘#MeToo unless you are a Jew’ protest outside of United Nations headquarters in New York City on December 4, 2023. Charly Triballeau / AFP)

Gray, who served as national press secretary for the 2020 presidential campaign of progressive US Senator Bernie Sanders, has also utilized her prolific presence on X (formerly Twitter) to deny the atrocities of October 7 and downplay the accounts of survivors who witnessed gender-based violence.

A self-styled progressive, Gray has employed the claim that some rape victims’ reluctance to come forward indicates they were not attacked, while failing to address the fact that the majority of the victims were killed on the day of the attack, as indicated in the association’s report.

War broke out October 7, when thousands of Hamas-led terrorists stormed southern Israel to kill nearly 1,200 people, mainly civilians, and take 253 hostages of all ages.

Vowing to end the Palestinian terror group’s rule in Gaza, Israel launched an unprecedented airstrike and ground campaign in the Gaza Strip, which has seen about half the coastal enclave’s residences destroyed, displacing over a million people, many of whom face severe risk of starvation.

According to the Strip’s Hamas-controlled health ministry, over 29,000 Palestinians have been killed in the hostilities. The figure, which cannot be independently verified, does not distinguish between civilians and combatants, of whom Hamas says it has lost some 6,000, while the IDF says it has killed about twice that many.

Since the United Nothing, also known as the UN, has a long record of being occupied by the Arab Islamic lobby abd obsessive against Israel with "resolutions" and statements...
It might all be a waste of time.

Israel submits report to UN on Hamas’s mass weaponization of rape.
Written by umbrella organization of rape crisis centers, grim document reviews Palestinian terror group’s strategic use of sexual violence, as deniers abound.
By TOI Staff
21 Feb, 2024, 5:17 pm


Protestors gather outside the UN headquarters in New York City on December 4, 2023, to protest the international community's perceived silence on sexual violence committed by Hamas terrorists against Israeli women during the October 7 massacre. Carli Fogel)

The Association of Rape Crisis Centers in Israel on Wednesday submitted to the United Nations a report detailing the sadistic and systematic nature of the sexual violence employed by Hamas terrorists during the terror group’s brutal October 7 onslaught on southern Israel, as well as evidence of such crimes being perpetrated on an ongoing basis against hostages still held in Gaza.

The association said the chilling 35-page report, written by Dr. Carmit Klar Chalamish, head of the organization’s research department, and Noa Berger, its director of content, “is the first official research since October 7, consolidating evidence and providing conclusions” from “numerous confidential and public pieces of information.”

It identifies four main arenas where Hamas used rape as a weapon of war: the Supernova music festival near Re’im; Gaza border communities; military bases infiltrated by Hamas; and abuse of hostages inside the Strip.

According to a statement from the association, which was founded in 1990 as an umbrella organization of Israel’s nine rape crisis centers, “the report clearly demonstrates that this is not a ‘malfunction’ or isolated incident, but a clear operational strategy involving systematic, targeted sexual abuse,” contrary to the claims of some pro-Palestinian activists who have denied the extent of Hamas’s weaponization of rape.

The report collects numerous testimonies from eyewitnesses, including first responders at hard-hit Gaza border communities and survivors of the massacre at the Supernova festival, nearly all of them identified by their full names.

However, the statement continued, “the report does not provide quantitative information due to the nature of the events, most of which resulted in the victims’ deaths, making their full extent unknown and possibly unknowable.”

Retrieval of evidence was made still more difficult by the mass-casualty nature of the October 7 atrocities, which led Israeli authorities to decide against time-consuming crime scene investigation protocols to document rape cases in the immediate aftermath of the shock assault. This later impeded forensic determination of sexual assault in some cases.


Israeli soldiers at the forensic center in the Shura military base near Ramle, where hundreds of dead bodies arrived since the October 7 Hamas onslaught, October 24, 2023. Yossi Aloni/Flash90)

Notwithstanding, the report outlines several sadistic tactics that were recurring, among them genital mutilation and penetration of victims’ bodies with weapons.

Thus, Nachman Dickstein, a volunteer for body retrieval service ZAKA, was cited describing a pair of women bound to a bed by their arms and legs, one of whom had undergone sexual assault and had had a knife shoved in her vagina.

The report also noted multiple instances of Hamas terrorists engaging in gang rape, which, the authors said, accounts for about 90 percent of wartime rapes. “Cooperation in the acts strengthens the perpetrators’ sense of togetherness and solidarity,” according to the report.

One survivor from the festival, identified in the report as Sapir, said in a testimony to police that she witnessed five separate rapes. From her hiding place near Route 232, not far from the festival grounds, Sapir said she saw a large group of Hamas terrorists swapping firearms and injured women. In a separate instance, Sapir said she saw one terrorist rape a woman, as another terrorist cut her and mutilated her body.


A man stands in front of a makeshift memorial amid national flags and portraits of Israeli people taken captive or killed by Hamas terrorists during the October 7 attacks, during a visit to the site of the Supernova music festival, where some 360 people were slaughtered, January 14, 2024, after 100 days of war between Israel and the Hamas. Menahem Kahana/AFP)

Chaim Otmazgin, commander of ZAKA’s special units and an officer in the IDF Home Front Command’s search and rescue unit, told the report’s authors he had found two victims in one home, a mother and daughter, with the latter’s pants and underwear removed.

Rapes were frequently perpetrated in front of the victim’s friends and family, to compound their humiliation and fear, the report’s authors said. Itzik Itah, a volunteer for ZAKA, was cited in the report saying that in one house, a heterosexual couple was found bound together, with the woman’s body exhibiting “clear signs of rape.”

Men were not spared from sexual assault and several were found with mutilated genitalia.

The report also contained a section on sexual violence in military installations infiltrated by Hamas on October 7. Most of the testimonies in this section were already in the public domain, such as that of Shari Mendes, a volunteer undertaker at the Shura IDF Rabbinate base, who said she saw four bodies of female soldiers that showed signs of sexual violence, including massive bleeding in their pelvic regions.

The section ends with the note that “the Association of Rape Crisis Centers received additional information on sexual assault against female soldiers which has not been made public.”


Released hostage Aviva Siegel speaks during a meeting in the Knesset on January 9, 2024, in which she discussed Hamas’s sexual violence toward Israeli hostages . Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)

The next section collects testimonies of released hostages who described sexual violence aimed at others still in captivity. Chen and Agam Goldstein-Almog, a mother and daughter freed 51 days after being abducted, described meeting at least three female hostages who had been sexually assaulted. Aviva Siegel, who was also released after 51 days, also recounted encounters with hostages who had undergone sexual assault, saying that Hamas had made “marionettes” out of both women and men held captive in Gaza.

“Silence is no longer an option. We expect international organizations to take a clear stance; we cannot stand on the sidelines,” said the association’s CEO, Orit Sulitzeanu, in a statement announcing the report’s submission to UN officials. “Silence will be remembered as a historical stain on those who chose to remain silent and deny the sexual crimes committed by Hamas.”

The remark was a thinly veiled jab at international groups of women that ignored evidence of Hamas’s weaponization of sexual violence.

Notoriously, it took about eight weeks for UN Women, a women’s rights group under the tutelage of the UN, to post, and shortly thereafter delete, a condemnation of the October 7 onslaught itself.


Protestors gather outside the UN headquarters in New York City on December 4, 2023, to protest the international community’s perceived silence on sexual violence committed by Hamas terrorists against Israeli women during the October 7 massacre. Carli Fogel)

Another week would go by before the agency registered the existence of “disturbing reports of gender-based and sexual violence on October 7.”

The delayed response sparked outrage among Jewish and Israeli feminist groups, rallying to the hashtag “#MeToo_UNless_UR_A_Jew” and charging the UN body’s silence was motivated by antisemitism.

The campaign gained traction by December, with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and United States President Joe Biden both publicly castigating international women’s groups for ignoring mounting evidence that Hamas had used rape as a weapon of war. Later that month, the New York Times ran a damning report on the extent of sexual violence during the October 7 attacks.


Protestors gather outside the UN headquarters in New York City on December 4, 2023, to protest the international community’s perceived silence on sexual violence committed by Hamas terrorists against Israeli women during the October 7 massacre. Carli Fogel).

Some pro-Palestinian voices have attempted to downplay the extent of Hamas’s sexual violence. In a December interview to CNN, Rep. Pramila Jayapal, chair of the US Congress’s Progressive Caucus, repeatedly evaded anchor Dana Bash’s questions about the Palestinian terror group’s weaponization of rape, saying that “I think it happens in war situations” but that “we have to be balanced about bringing in the outrages against Palestinians.”

Other commentators have alleged Israel manufactured the mass sexual violence allegations as a pretext for its war in the Gaza Strip.

American-Jewish anti-Zionist author Max Blumenthal claimed to disprove the New York Times report on Hamas’s sexual violence in an episode of the popular podcast “Bad Faith,” hosted by social media personality Briahna Joy Gray, during which Blumenthal claimed that the “mass rape propaganda campaign began [in December]… obviously because it had a political utility.”


Demonstrators gather during a ‘#MeToo unless you are a Jew’ protest outside of United Nations headquarters in New York City on December 4, 2023. Charly Triballeau / AFP)

Gray, who served as national press secretary for the 2020 presidential campaign of progressive US Senator Bernie Sanders, has also utilized her prolific presence on X (formerly Twitter) to deny the atrocities of October 7 and downplay the accounts of survivors who witnessed gender-based violence.

A self-styled progressive, Gray has employed the claim that some rape victims’ reluctance to come forward indicates they were not attacked, while failing to address the fact that the majority of the victims were killed on the day of the attack, as indicated in the association’s report.

War broke out October 7, when thousands of Hamas-led terrorists stormed southern Israel to kill nearly 1,200 people, mainly civilians, and take 253 hostages of all ages.

Vowing to end the Palestinian terror group’s rule in Gaza, Israel launched an unprecedented airstrike and ground campaign in the Gaza Strip, which has seen about half the coastal enclave’s residences destroyed, displacing over a million people, many of whom face severe risk of starvation.

According to the Strip’s Hamas-controlled health ministry, over 29,000 Palestinians have been killed in the hostilities. The figure, which cannot be independently verified, does not distinguish between civilians and combatants, of whom Hamas says it has lost some 6,000, while the IDF says it has killed about twice that many.
Wow. Protesting in December in New York, in T-shirts, bras and panties. Got to be cold! Brrrr!
Hamas terrorists 'systematically and intentionally' committed sexual violence during Oct. 7 attack: report.
The report concluded that Hamas in some cases tied up victims and made their families watch.
February 21, 2024
By Peter Aitken , Yonat Friling Fox News
Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Hamas terrorists ‘systematically and intentionally’ committed sexual violence during Oct. 7 attack: report
February 21, 2024

The Association of Rape Crisis Centers of Israel (ARCCI) released a comprehensive report detailing the sexual crimes committed “systematically and intentionally” during the Hamas attack on Oct. 7, 2023.

“The information and testimonies we provide clarify beyond any doubt what occurred, but significant parts of the story are still ahead of us,” Orit Sulitzeanu, executive director of the ARRCI, wrote in the opening remarks of the “Silent Cry” report. The ARCCI is an umbrella organization of Israel’s regional rape crisis centers.

“Since sexual assault typically involves delayed disclosure, especially during wartime, the picture presented in the report is still preliminary,” Sulitzeanu warned. “In the months and years to come, depending on the choices of the survivors, we may be able to bring a fuller story of the sexual assaults on Oct. 7 and thereafter to the fore.”

The report found that the Hamas attack included violent rape – often involving threats with weapons – and that many of those rapes occurred collectively, with collaboration among the perpetrators and sometimes conducted in front of witnesses, including family members.


The rapists would sometimes engage in what the report called “sadistic practices,” which included binding and tying up the victims, mutilating genital organs – including severed breasts – and using weapons as part of the rape.

The report cited a New York Times interview with four Nova festival rescue workers who described finding women’s bodies with spread legs, without underwear and with hands bound behind their backs.

These “sadistic practices” aimed to increase the victim’s humiliation, and in many cases the rapists would subsequently kill the victims.


The attacks occurred wherever Hamas found women: Investigators found violated bodies of female soldiers at the Shura military base, at the various kibbutzes where Hamas attacked civilians, at the Nova music festival and in some cases during “captivity.”

“From the testimonies and information provided, it emerges that the sexual assaults committed in the Oct. 7 attack and thereafter were carried out systematically and deliberately,” the report concluded.

The report stressed the difficulty in obtaining evidence and testimony, noting that the process already proves difficult enough in times of peace and therefore faces even greater stumbling blocks in times of war.


“Various pieces of information were collected from official sources, publications in local and international press, interviews with ‘first responders’ in different areas, as well as information that arrived at the [Association] from professionals and confidential calls,” the report stated, adding that it did not include information from social media or “unverified sources.”

Weiss Maudi, who last year became the first Israeli representative to serve as a senior adviser to the president of the 77th Session of the U.N. General Assembly in New York, said last year that U.N. bodies, particularly U.N. Women, simply refused to acknowledge that atrocities were committed against Israeli women – and young girls – despite much of it filmed by Hamas, and other Palestinian terrorists from Gaza, themselves. The search for evidence therefore received little help from outside bodies and entities.

However, the report also concluded – perhaps for the first time – that sexual assaults occurred against children and men, but stressed that “information about this phenomenon is relatively scarce at this stage and focuses on body mutilation.”

“The limited exposure of sexual assaults on men, even in comparison to the limited exposure of sexual assaults in war, is considered characteristic of the phenomenon,” the report said. “Generally, men suffer from compound shame when disclosing sexual assaults, which are perceived as deeply humiliating and an attack on masculinity.”

“It is reasonable to assume that male survivors in this case will have more difficulty seeking help,” the report added.
Hamas terrorists 'systematically and intentionally' committed sexual violence during Oct. 7 attack: report.
The report concluded that Hamas in some cases tied up victims and made their families watch.
February 21, 2024
By Peter Aitken , Yonat Friling Fox News
Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Hamas terrorists ‘systematically and intentionally’ committed sexual violence during Oct. 7 attack: report
February 21, 2024

The Association of Rape Crisis Centers of Israel (ARCCI) released a comprehensive report detailing the sexual crimes committed “systematically and intentionally” during the Hamas attack on Oct. 7, 2023.

“The information and testimonies we provide clarify beyond any doubt what occurred, but significant parts of the story are still ahead of us,” Orit Sulitzeanu, executive director of the ARRCI, wrote in the opening remarks of the “Silent Cry” report. The ARCCI is an umbrella organization of Israel’s regional rape crisis centers.

“Since sexual assault typically involves delayed disclosure, especially during wartime, the picture presented in the report is still preliminary,” Sulitzeanu warned. “In the months and years to come, depending on the choices of the survivors, we may be able to bring a fuller story of the sexual assaults on Oct. 7 and thereafter to the fore.”

The report found that the Hamas attack included violent rape – often involving threats with weapons – and that many of those rapes occurred collectively, with collaboration among the perpetrators and sometimes conducted in front of witnesses, including family members.


The rapists would sometimes engage in what the report called “sadistic practices,” which included binding and tying up the victims, mutilating genital organs – including severed breasts – and using weapons as part of the rape.

The report cited a New York Times interview with four Nova festival rescue workers who described finding women’s bodies with spread legs, without underwear and with hands bound behind their backs.

These “sadistic practices” aimed to increase the victim’s humiliation, and in many cases the rapists would subsequently kill the victims.


The attacks occurred wherever Hamas found women: Investigators found violated bodies of female soldiers at the Shura military base, at the various kibbutzes where Hamas attacked civilians, at the Nova music festival and in some cases during “captivity.”

“From the testimonies and information provided, it emerges that the sexual assaults committed in the Oct. 7 attack and thereafter were carried out systematically and deliberately,” the report concluded.

The report stressed the difficulty in obtaining evidence and testimony, noting that the process already proves difficult enough in times of peace and therefore faces even greater stumbling blocks in times of war.


“Various pieces of information were collected from official sources, publications in local and international press, interviews with ‘first responders’ in different areas, as well as information that arrived at the [Association] from professionals and confidential calls,” the report stated, adding that it did not include information from social media or “unverified sources.”

Weiss Maudi, who last year became the first Israeli representative to serve as a senior adviser to the president of the 77th Session of the U.N. General Assembly in New York, said last year that U.N. bodies, particularly U.N. Women, simply refused to acknowledge that atrocities were committed against Israeli women – and young girls – despite much of it filmed by Hamas, and other Palestinian terrorists from Gaza, themselves. The search for evidence therefore received little help from outside bodies and entities.

However, the report also concluded – perhaps for the first time – that sexual assaults occurred against children and men, but stressed that “information about this phenomenon is relatively scarce at this stage and focuses on body mutilation.”

“The limited exposure of sexual assaults on men, even in comparison to the limited exposure of sexual assaults in war, is considered characteristic of the phenomenon,” the report said. “Generally, men suffer from compound shame when disclosing sexual assaults, which are perceived as deeply humiliating and an attack on masculinity.”

“It is reasonable to assume that male survivors in this case will have more difficulty seeking help,” the report added.
I hope they are trialed and executed for crimes against humanity.
We are not children.

We all know the terrorists rape women (and sometimes men).

The terrorists come from countries where they are taught not to touch "good" women until marriage.

So when they have hostages, they naturally become tumescent and ...
The "objective"UN refused to pay attention for long weeks.
Gee, I haven't heard UN and objective use in same sentence in years, even with quote marks. Personally, I think the headquarters should be moved to an island, somewhere, as they do not serve beneficial interest of the US or the free world.

Since the United Nothing, also known as the UN, has a long record of being occupied by the Arab Islamic lobby abd obsessive against Israel with "resolutions" and statements...
It might all be a waste of time.

Israel submits report to UN on Hamas’s mass weaponization of rape.
Written by umbrella organization of rape crisis centers, grim document reviews Palestinian terror group’s strategic use of sexual violence, as deniers abound.
By TOI Staff
21 Feb, 2024, 5:17 pm


Protestors gather outside the UN headquarters in New York City on December 4, 2023, to protest the international community's perceived silence on sexual violence committed by Hamas terrorists against Israeli women during the October 7 massacre. Carli Fogel)

The Association of Rape Crisis Centers in Israel on Wednesday submitted to the United Nations a report detailing the sadistic and systematic nature of the sexual violence employed by Hamas terrorists during the terror group’s brutal October 7 onslaught on southern Israel, as well as evidence of such crimes being perpetrated on an ongoing basis against hostages still held in Gaza.

The association said the chilling 35-page report, written by Dr. Carmit Klar Chalamish, head of the organization’s research department, and Noa Berger, its director of content, “is the first official research since October 7, consolidating evidence and providing conclusions” from “numerous confidential and public pieces of information.”

It identifies four main arenas where Hamas used rape as a weapon of war: the Supernova music festival near Re’im; Gaza border communities; military bases infiltrated by Hamas; and abuse of hostages inside the Strip.

According to a statement from the association, which was founded in 1990 as an umbrella organization of Israel’s nine rape crisis centers, “the report clearly demonstrates that this is not a ‘malfunction’ or isolated incident, but a clear operational strategy involving systematic, targeted sexual abuse,” contrary to the claims of some pro-Palestinian activists who have denied the extent of Hamas’s weaponization of rape.

The report collects numerous testimonies from eyewitnesses, including first responders at hard-hit Gaza border communities and survivors of the massacre at the Supernova festival, nearly all of them identified by their full names.

However, the statement continued, “the report does not provide quantitative information due to the nature of the events, most of which resulted in the victims’ deaths, making their full extent unknown and possibly unknowable.”

Retrieval of evidence was made still more difficult by the mass-casualty nature of the October 7 atrocities, which led Israeli authorities to decide against time-consuming crime scene investigation protocols to document rape cases in the immediate aftermath of the shock assault. This later impeded forensic determination of sexual assault in some cases.


Israeli soldiers at the forensic center in the Shura military base near Ramle, where hundreds of dead bodies arrived since the October 7 Hamas onslaught, October 24, 2023. Yossi Aloni/Flash90)

Notwithstanding, the report outlines several sadistic tactics that were recurring, among them genital mutilation and penetration of victims’ bodies with weapons.

Thus, Nachman Dickstein, a volunteer for body retrieval service ZAKA, was cited describing a pair of women bound to a bed by their arms and legs, one of whom had undergone sexual assault and had had a knife shoved in her vagina.

The report also noted multiple instances of Hamas terrorists engaging in gang rape, which, the authors said, accounts for about 90 percent of wartime rapes. “Cooperation in the acts strengthens the perpetrators’ sense of togetherness and solidarity,” according to the report.

One survivor from the festival, identified in the report as Sapir, said in a testimony to police that she witnessed five separate rapes. From her hiding place near Route 232, not far from the festival grounds, Sapir said she saw a large group of Hamas terrorists swapping firearms and injured women. In a separate instance, Sapir said she saw one terrorist rape a woman, as another terrorist cut her and mutilated her body.


A man stands in front of a makeshift memorial amid national flags and portraits of Israeli people taken captive or killed by Hamas terrorists during the October 7 attacks, during a visit to the site of the Supernova music festival, where some 360 people were slaughtered, January 14, 2024, after 100 days of war between Israel and the Hamas. Menahem Kahana/AFP)

Chaim Otmazgin, commander of ZAKA’s special units and an officer in the IDF Home Front Command’s search and rescue unit, told the report’s authors he had found two victims in one home, a mother and daughter, with the latter’s pants and underwear removed.

Rapes were frequently perpetrated in front of the victim’s friends and family, to compound their humiliation and fear, the report’s authors said. Itzik Itah, a volunteer for ZAKA, was cited in the report saying that in one house, a heterosexual couple was found bound together, with the woman’s body exhibiting “clear signs of rape.”

Men were not spared from sexual assault and several were found with mutilated genitalia.

The report also contained a section on sexual violence in military installations infiltrated by Hamas on October 7. Most of the testimonies in this section were already in the public domain, such as that of Shari Mendes, a volunteer undertaker at the Shura IDF Rabbinate base, who said she saw four bodies of female soldiers that showed signs of sexual violence, including massive bleeding in their pelvic regions.

The section ends with the note that “the Association of Rape Crisis Centers received additional information on sexual assault against female soldiers which has not been made public.”


Released hostage Aviva Siegel speaks during a meeting in the Knesset on January 9, 2024, in which she discussed Hamas’s sexual violence toward Israeli hostages . Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)

The next section collects testimonies of released hostages who described sexual violence aimed at others still in captivity. Chen and Agam Goldstein-Almog, a mother and daughter freed 51 days after being abducted, described meeting at least three female hostages who had been sexually assaulted. Aviva Siegel, who was also released after 51 days, also recounted encounters with hostages who had undergone sexual assault, saying that Hamas had made “marionettes” out of both women and men held captive in Gaza.

“Silence is no longer an option. We expect international organizations to take a clear stance; we cannot stand on the sidelines,” said the association’s CEO, Orit Sulitzeanu, in a statement announcing the report’s submission to UN officials. “Silence will be remembered as a historical stain on those who chose to remain silent and deny the sexual crimes committed by Hamas.”

The remark was a thinly veiled jab at international groups of women that ignored evidence of Hamas’s weaponization of sexual violence.

Notoriously, it took about eight weeks for UN Women, a women’s rights group under the tutelage of the UN, to post, and shortly thereafter delete, a condemnation of the October 7 onslaught itself.


Protestors gather outside the UN headquarters in New York City on December 4, 2023, to protest the international community’s perceived silence on sexual violence committed by Hamas terrorists against Israeli women during the October 7 massacre. Carli Fogel)

Another week would go by before the agency registered the existence of “disturbing reports of gender-based and sexual violence on October 7.”

The delayed response sparked outrage among Jewish and Israeli feminist groups, rallying to the hashtag “#MeToo_UNless_UR_A_Jew” and charging the UN body’s silence was motivated by antisemitism.

The campaign gained traction by December, with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and United States President Joe Biden both publicly castigating international women’s groups for ignoring mounting evidence that Hamas had used rape as a weapon of war. Later that month, the New York Times ran a damning report on the extent of sexual violence during the October 7 attacks.


Protestors gather outside the UN headquarters in New York City on December 4, 2023, to protest the international community’s perceived silence on sexual violence committed by Hamas terrorists against Israeli women during the October 7 massacre. Carli Fogel).

Some pro-Palestinian voices have attempted to downplay the extent of Hamas’s sexual violence. In a December interview to CNN, Rep. Pramila Jayapal, chair of the US Congress’s Progressive Caucus, repeatedly evaded anchor Dana Bash’s questions about the Palestinian terror group’s weaponization of rape, saying that “I think it happens in war situations” but that “we have to be balanced about bringing in the outrages against Palestinians.”

Other commentators have alleged Israel manufactured the mass sexual violence allegations as a pretext for its war in the Gaza Strip.

American-Jewish anti-Zionist author Max Blumenthal claimed to disprove the New York Times report on Hamas’s sexual violence in an episode of the popular podcast “Bad Faith,” hosted by social media personality Briahna Joy Gray, during which Blumenthal claimed that the “mass rape propaganda campaign began [in December]… obviously because it had a political utility.”


Demonstrators gather during a ‘#MeToo unless you are a Jew’ protest outside of United Nations headquarters in New York City on December 4, 2023. Charly Triballeau / AFP)

Gray, who served as national press secretary for the 2020 presidential campaign of progressive US Senator Bernie Sanders, has also utilized her prolific presence on X (formerly Twitter) to deny the atrocities of October 7 and downplay the accounts of survivors who witnessed gender-based violence.

A self-styled progressive, Gray has employed the claim that some rape victims’ reluctance to come forward indicates they were not attacked, while failing to address the fact that the majority of the victims were killed on the day of the attack, as indicated in the association’s report.

War broke out October 7, when thousands of Hamas-led terrorists stormed southern Israel to kill nearly 1,200 people, mainly civilians, and take 253 hostages of all ages.

Vowing to end the Palestinian terror group’s rule in Gaza, Israel launched an unprecedented airstrike and ground campaign in the Gaza Strip, which has seen about half the coastal enclave’s residences destroyed, displacing over a million people, many of whom face severe risk of starvation.

According to the Strip’s Hamas-controlled health ministry, over 29,000 Palestinians have been killed in the hostilities. The figure, which cannot be independently verified, does not distinguish between civilians and combatants, of whom Hamas says it has lost some 6,000, while the IDF says it has killed about twice that many.
Israel will say anything to continue their holocaust against Gaza.

Since the United Nothing, also known as the UN, has a long record of being occupied by the Arab Islamic lobby abd obsessive against Israel with "resolutions" and statements...
It might all be a waste of time.

Israel submits report to UN on Hamas’s mass weaponization of rape.
Written by umbrella organization of rape crisis centers, grim document reviews Palestinian terror group’s strategic use of sexual violence, as deniers abound.
By TOI Staff
21 Feb, 2024, 5:17 pm


Protestors gather outside the UN headquarters in New York City on December 4, 2023, to protest the international community's perceived silence on sexual violence committed by Hamas terrorists against Israeli women during the October 7 massacre. Carli Fogel)

The Association of Rape Crisis Centers in Israel on Wednesday submitted to the United Nations a report detailing the sadistic and systematic nature of the sexual violence employed by Hamas terrorists during the terror group’s brutal October 7 onslaught on southern Israel, as well as evidence of such crimes being perpetrated on an ongoing basis against hostages still held in Gaza.

The association said the chilling 35-page report, written by Dr. Carmit Klar Chalamish, head of the organization’s research department, and Noa Berger, its director of content, “is the first official research since October 7, consolidating evidence and providing conclusions” from “numerous confidential and public pieces of information.”

It identifies four main arenas where Hamas used rape as a weapon of war: the Supernova music festival near Re’im; Gaza border communities; military bases infiltrated by Hamas; and abuse of hostages inside the Strip.

According to a statement from the association, which was founded in 1990 as an umbrella organization of Israel’s nine rape crisis centers, “the report clearly demonstrates that this is not a ‘malfunction’ or isolated incident, but a clear operational strategy involving systematic, targeted sexual abuse,” contrary to the claims of some pro-Palestinian activists who have denied the extent of Hamas’s weaponization of rape.

The report collects numerous testimonies from eyewitnesses, including first responders at hard-hit Gaza border communities and survivors of the massacre at the Supernova festival, nearly all of them identified by their full names.

However, the statement continued, “the report does not provide quantitative information due to the nature of the events, most of which resulted in the victims’ deaths, making their full extent unknown and possibly unknowable.”

Retrieval of evidence was made still more difficult by the mass-casualty nature of the October 7 atrocities, which led Israeli authorities to decide against time-consuming crime scene investigation protocols to document rape cases in the immediate aftermath of the shock assault. This later impeded forensic determination of sexual assault in some cases.


Israeli soldiers at the forensic center in the Shura military base near Ramle, where hundreds of dead bodies arrived since the October 7 Hamas onslaught, October 24, 2023. Yossi Aloni/Flash90)

Notwithstanding, the report outlines several sadistic tactics that were recurring, among them genital mutilation and penetration of victims’ bodies with weapons.

Thus, Nachman Dickstein, a volunteer for body retrieval service ZAKA, was cited describing a pair of women bound to a bed by their arms and legs, one of whom had undergone sexual assault and had had a knife shoved in her vagina.

The report also noted multiple instances of Hamas terrorists engaging in gang rape, which, the authors said, accounts for about 90 percent of wartime rapes. “Cooperation in the acts strengthens the perpetrators’ sense of togetherness and solidarity,” according to the report.

One survivor from the festival, identified in the report as Sapir, said in a testimony to police that she witnessed five separate rapes. From her hiding place near Route 232, not far from the festival grounds, Sapir said she saw a large group of Hamas terrorists swapping firearms and injured women. In a separate instance, Sapir said she saw one terrorist rape a woman, as another terrorist cut her and mutilated her body.


A man stands in front of a makeshift memorial amid national flags and portraits of Israeli people taken captive or killed by Hamas terrorists during the October 7 attacks, during a visit to the site of the Supernova music festival, where some 360 people were slaughtered, January 14, 2024, after 100 days of war between Israel and the Hamas. Menahem Kahana/AFP)

Chaim Otmazgin, commander of ZAKA’s special units and an officer in the IDF Home Front Command’s search and rescue unit, told the report’s authors he had found two victims in one home, a mother and daughter, with the latter’s pants and underwear removed.

Rapes were frequently perpetrated in front of the victim’s friends and family, to compound their humiliation and fear, the report’s authors said. Itzik Itah, a volunteer for ZAKA, was cited in the report saying that in one house, a heterosexual couple was found bound together, with the woman’s body exhibiting “clear signs of rape.”

Men were not spared from sexual assault and several were found with mutilated genitalia.

The report also contained a section on sexual violence in military installations infiltrated by Hamas on October 7. Most of the testimonies in this section were already in the public domain, such as that of Shari Mendes, a volunteer undertaker at the Shura IDF Rabbinate base, who said she saw four bodies of female soldiers that showed signs of sexual violence, including massive bleeding in their pelvic regions.

The section ends with the note that “the Association of Rape Crisis Centers received additional information on sexual assault against female soldiers which has not been made public.”


Released hostage Aviva Siegel speaks during a meeting in the Knesset on January 9, 2024, in which she discussed Hamas’s sexual violence toward Israeli hostages . Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)

The next section collects testimonies of released hostages who described sexual violence aimed at others still in captivity. Chen and Agam Goldstein-Almog, a mother and daughter freed 51 days after being abducted, described meeting at least three female hostages who had been sexually assaulted. Aviva Siegel, who was also released after 51 days, also recounted encounters with hostages who had undergone sexual assault, saying that Hamas had made “marionettes” out of both women and men held captive in Gaza.

“Silence is no longer an option. We expect international organizations to take a clear stance; we cannot stand on the sidelines,” said the association’s CEO, Orit Sulitzeanu, in a statement announcing the report’s submission to UN officials. “Silence will be remembered as a historical stain on those who chose to remain silent and deny the sexual crimes committed by Hamas.”

The remark was a thinly veiled jab at international groups of women that ignored evidence of Hamas’s weaponization of sexual violence.

Notoriously, it took about eight weeks for UN Women, a women’s rights group under the tutelage of the UN, to post, and shortly thereafter delete, a condemnation of the October 7 onslaught itself.


Protestors gather outside the UN headquarters in New York City on December 4, 2023, to protest the international community’s perceived silence on sexual violence committed by Hamas terrorists against Israeli women during the October 7 massacre. Carli Fogel)

Another week would go by before the agency registered the existence of “disturbing reports of gender-based and sexual violence on October 7.”

The delayed response sparked outrage among Jewish and Israeli feminist groups, rallying to the hashtag “#MeToo_UNless_UR_A_Jew” and charging the UN body’s silence was motivated by antisemitism.

The campaign gained traction by December, with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and United States President Joe Biden both publicly castigating international women’s groups for ignoring mounting evidence that Hamas had used rape as a weapon of war. Later that month, the New York Times ran a damning report on the extent of sexual violence during the October 7 attacks.


Protestors gather outside the UN headquarters in New York City on December 4, 2023, to protest the international community’s perceived silence on sexual violence committed by Hamas terrorists against Israeli women during the October 7 massacre. Carli Fogel).

Some pro-Palestinian voices have attempted to downplay the extent of Hamas’s sexual violence. In a December interview to CNN, Rep. Pramila Jayapal, chair of the US Congress’s Progressive Caucus, repeatedly evaded anchor Dana Bash’s questions about the Palestinian terror group’s weaponization of rape, saying that “I think it happens in war situations” but that “we have to be balanced about bringing in the outrages against Palestinians.”

Other commentators have alleged Israel manufactured the mass sexual violence allegations as a pretext for its war in the Gaza Strip.

American-Jewish anti-Zionist author Max Blumenthal claimed to disprove the New York Times report on Hamas’s sexual violence in an episode of the popular podcast “Bad Faith,” hosted by social media personality Briahna Joy Gray, during which Blumenthal claimed that the “mass rape propaganda campaign began [in December]… obviously because it had a political utility.”


Demonstrators gather during a ‘#MeToo unless you are a Jew’ protest outside of United Nations headquarters in New York City on December 4, 2023. Charly Triballeau / AFP)

Gray, who served as national press secretary for the 2020 presidential campaign of progressive US Senator Bernie Sanders, has also utilized her prolific presence on X (formerly Twitter) to deny the atrocities of October 7 and downplay the accounts of survivors who witnessed gender-based violence.

A self-styled progressive, Gray has employed the claim that some rape victims’ reluctance to come forward indicates they were not attacked, while failing to address the fact that the majority of the victims were killed on the day of the attack, as indicated in the association’s report.

War broke out October 7, when thousands of Hamas-led terrorists stormed southern Israel to kill nearly 1,200 people, mainly civilians, and take 253 hostages of all ages.

Vowing to end the Palestinian terror group’s rule in Gaza, Israel launched an unprecedented airstrike and ground campaign in the Gaza Strip, which has seen about half the coastal enclave’s residences destroyed, displacing over a million people, many of whom face severe risk of starvation.

According to the Strip’s Hamas-controlled health ministry, over 29,000 Palestinians have been killed in the hostilities. The figure, which cannot be independently verified, does not distinguish between civilians and combatants, of whom Hamas says it has lost some 6,000, while the IDF says it has killed about twice that many.

Since the United Nothing, also known as the UN, has a long record of being occupied by the Arab Islamic lobby abd obsessive against Israel with "resolutions" and statements...
It might all be a waste of time.

Israel submits report to UN on Hamas’s mass weaponization of rape.
Written by umbrella organization of rape crisis centers, grim document reviews Palestinian terror group’s strategic use of sexual violence, as deniers abound.
By TOI Staff
21 Feb, 2024, 5:17 pm


Protestors gather outside the UN headquarters in New York City on December 4, 2023, to protest the international community's perceived silence on sexual violence committed by Hamas terrorists against Israeli women during the October 7 massacre. Carli Fogel)

The Association of Rape Crisis Centers in Israel on Wednesday submitted to the United Nations a report detailing the sadistic and systematic nature of the sexual violence employed by Hamas terrorists during the terror group’s brutal October 7 onslaught on southern Israel, as well as evidence of such crimes being perpetrated on an ongoing basis against hostages still held in Gaza.

The association said the chilling 35-page report, written by Dr. Carmit Klar Chalamish, head of the organization’s research department, and Noa Berger, its director of content, “is the first official research since October 7, consolidating evidence and providing conclusions” from “numerous confidential and public pieces of information.”

It identifies four main arenas where Hamas used rape as a weapon of war: the Supernova music festival near Re’im; Gaza border communities; military bases infiltrated by Hamas; and abuse of hostages inside the Strip.

According to a statement from the association, which was founded in 1990 as an umbrella organization of Israel’s nine rape crisis centers, “the report clearly demonstrates that this is not a ‘malfunction’ or isolated incident, but a clear operational strategy involving systematic, targeted sexual abuse,” contrary to the claims of some pro-Palestinian activists who have denied the extent of Hamas’s weaponization of rape.

The report collects numerous testimonies from eyewitnesses, including first responders at hard-hit Gaza border communities and survivors of the massacre at the Supernova festival, nearly all of them identified by their full names.

However, the statement continued, “the report does not provide quantitative information due to the nature of the events, most of which resulted in the victims’ deaths, making their full extent unknown and possibly unknowable.”

Retrieval of evidence was made still more difficult by the mass-casualty nature of the October 7 atrocities, which led Israeli authorities to decide against time-consuming crime scene investigation protocols to document rape cases in the immediate aftermath of the shock assault. This later impeded forensic determination of sexual assault in some cases.


Israeli soldiers at the forensic center in the Shura military base near Ramle, where hundreds of dead bodies arrived since the October 7 Hamas onslaught, October 24, 2023. Yossi Aloni/Flash90)

Notwithstanding, the report outlines several sadistic tactics that were recurring, among them genital mutilation and penetration of victims’ bodies with weapons.

Thus, Nachman Dickstein, a volunteer for body retrieval service ZAKA, was cited describing a pair of women bound to a bed by their arms and legs, one of whom had undergone sexual assault and had had a knife shoved in her vagina.

The report also noted multiple instances of Hamas terrorists engaging in gang rape, which, the authors said, accounts for about 90 percent of wartime rapes. “Cooperation in the acts strengthens the perpetrators’ sense of togetherness and solidarity,” according to the report.

One survivor from the festival, identified in the report as Sapir, said in a testimony to police that she witnessed five separate rapes. From her hiding place near Route 232, not far from the festival grounds, Sapir said she saw a large group of Hamas terrorists swapping firearms and injured women. In a separate instance, Sapir said she saw one terrorist rape a woman, as another terrorist cut her and mutilated her body.


A man stands in front of a makeshift memorial amid national flags and portraits of Israeli people taken captive or killed by Hamas terrorists during the October 7 attacks, during a visit to the site of the Supernova music festival, where some 360 people were slaughtered, January 14, 2024, after 100 days of war between Israel and the Hamas. Menahem Kahana/AFP)

Chaim Otmazgin, commander of ZAKA’s special units and an officer in the IDF Home Front Command’s search and rescue unit, told the report’s authors he had found two victims in one home, a mother and daughter, with the latter’s pants and underwear removed.

Rapes were frequently perpetrated in front of the victim’s friends and family, to compound their humiliation and fear, the report’s authors said. Itzik Itah, a volunteer for ZAKA, was cited in the report saying that in one house, a heterosexual couple was found bound together, with the woman’s body exhibiting “clear signs of rape.”

Men were not spared from sexual assault and several were found with mutilated genitalia.

The report also contained a section on sexual violence in military installations infiltrated by Hamas on October 7. Most of the testimonies in this section were already in the public domain, such as that of Shari Mendes, a volunteer undertaker at the Shura IDF Rabbinate base, who said she saw four bodies of female soldiers that showed signs of sexual violence, including massive bleeding in their pelvic regions.

The section ends with the note that “the Association of Rape Crisis Centers received additional information on sexual assault against female soldiers which has not been made public.”


Released hostage Aviva Siegel speaks during a meeting in the Knesset on January 9, 2024, in which she discussed Hamas’s sexual violence toward Israeli hostages . Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)

The next section collects testimonies of released hostages who described sexual violence aimed at others still in captivity. Chen and Agam Goldstein-Almog, a mother and daughter freed 51 days after being abducted, described meeting at least three female hostages who had been sexually assaulted. Aviva Siegel, who was also released after 51 days, also recounted encounters with hostages who had undergone sexual assault, saying that Hamas had made “marionettes” out of both women and men held captive in Gaza.

“Silence is no longer an option. We expect international organizations to take a clear stance; we cannot stand on the sidelines,” said the association’s CEO, Orit Sulitzeanu, in a statement announcing the report’s submission to UN officials. “Silence will be remembered as a historical stain on those who chose to remain silent and deny the sexual crimes committed by Hamas.”

The remark was a thinly veiled jab at international groups of women that ignored evidence of Hamas’s weaponization of sexual violence.

Notoriously, it took about eight weeks for UN Women, a women’s rights group under the tutelage of the UN, to post, and shortly thereafter delete, a condemnation of the October 7 onslaught itself.


Protestors gather outside the UN headquarters in New York City on December 4, 2023, to protest the international community’s perceived silence on sexual violence committed by Hamas terrorists against Israeli women during the October 7 massacre. Carli Fogel)

Another week would go by before the agency registered the existence of “disturbing reports of gender-based and sexual violence on October 7.”

The delayed response sparked outrage among Jewish and Israeli feminist groups, rallying to the hashtag “#MeToo_UNless_UR_A_Jew” and charging the UN body’s silence was motivated by antisemitism.

The campaign gained traction by December, with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and United States President Joe Biden both publicly castigating international women’s groups for ignoring mounting evidence that Hamas had used rape as a weapon of war. Later that month, the New York Times ran a damning report on the extent of sexual violence during the October 7 attacks.


Protestors gather outside the UN headquarters in New York City on December 4, 2023, to protest the international community’s perceived silence on sexual violence committed by Hamas terrorists against Israeli women during the October 7 massacre. Carli Fogel).

Some pro-Palestinian voices have attempted to downplay the extent of Hamas’s sexual violence. In a December interview to CNN, Rep. Pramila Jayapal, chair of the US Congress’s Progressive Caucus, repeatedly evaded anchor Dana Bash’s questions about the Palestinian terror group’s weaponization of rape, saying that “I think it happens in war situations” but that “we have to be balanced about bringing in the outrages against Palestinians.”

Other commentators have alleged Israel manufactured the mass sexual violence allegations as a pretext for its war in the Gaza Strip.

American-Jewish anti-Zionist author Max Blumenthal claimed to disprove the New York Times report on Hamas’s sexual violence in an episode of the popular podcast “Bad Faith,” hosted by social media personality Briahna Joy Gray, during which Blumenthal claimed that the “mass rape propaganda campaign began [in December]… obviously because it had a political utility.”


Demonstrators gather during a ‘#MeToo unless you are a Jew’ protest outside of United Nations headquarters in New York City on December 4, 2023. Charly Triballeau / AFP)

Gray, who served as national press secretary for the 2020 presidential campaign of progressive US Senator Bernie Sanders, has also utilized her prolific presence on X (formerly Twitter) to deny the atrocities of October 7 and downplay the accounts of survivors who witnessed gender-based violence.

A self-styled progressive, Gray has employed the claim that some rape victims’ reluctance to come forward indicates they were not attacked, while failing to address the fact that the majority of the victims were killed on the day of the attack, as indicated in the association’s report.

War broke out October 7, when thousands of Hamas-led terrorists stormed southern Israel to kill nearly 1,200 people, mainly civilians, and take 253 hostages of all ages.

Vowing to end the Palestinian terror group’s rule in Gaza, Israel launched an unprecedented airstrike and ground campaign in the Gaza Strip, which has seen about half the coastal enclave’s residences destroyed, displacing over a million people, many of whom face severe risk of starvation.

According to the Strip’s Hamas-controlled health ministry, over 29,000 Palestinians have been killed in the hostilities. The figure, which cannot be independently verified, does not distinguish between civilians and combatants, of whom Hamas says it has lost some 6,000, while the IDF says it has killed about twice that many.

Since the United Nothing, also known as the UN, has a long record of being occupied by the Arab Islamic lobby abd obsessive against Israel with "resolutions" and statements...
It might all be a waste of time.

Israel submits report to UN on Hamas’s mass weaponization of rape.
Written by umbrella organization of rape crisis centers, grim document reviews Palestinian terror group’s strategic use of sexual violence, as deniers abound.
By TOI Staff
21 Feb, 2024, 5:17 pm


Protestors gather outside the UN headquarters in New York City on December 4, 2023, to protest the international community's perceived silence on sexual violence committed by Hamas terrorists against Israeli women during the October 7 massacre. Carli Fogel)

The Association of Rape Crisis Centers in Israel on Wednesday submitted to the United Nations a report detailing the sadistic and systematic nature of the sexual violence employed by Hamas terrorists during the terror group’s brutal October 7 onslaught on southern Israel, as well as evidence of such crimes being perpetrated on an ongoing basis against hostages still held in Gaza.

The association said the chilling 35-page report, written by Dr. Carmit Klar Chalamish, head of the organization’s research department, and Noa Berger, its director of content, “is the first official research since October 7, consolidating evidence and providing conclusions” from “numerous confidential and public pieces of information.”

It identifies four main arenas where Hamas used rape as a weapon of war: the Supernova music festival near Re’im; Gaza border communities; military bases infiltrated by Hamas; and abuse of hostages inside the Strip.

According to a statement from the association, which was founded in 1990 as an umbrella organization of Israel’s nine rape crisis centers, “the report clearly demonstrates that this is not a ‘malfunction’ or isolated incident, but a clear operational strategy involving systematic, targeted sexual abuse,” contrary to the claims of some pro-Palestinian activists who have denied the extent of Hamas’s weaponization of rape.

The report collects numerous testimonies from eyewitnesses, including first responders at hard-hit Gaza border communities and survivors of the massacre at the Supernova festival, nearly all of them identified by their full names.

However, the statement continued, “the report does not provide quantitative information due to the nature of the events, most of which resulted in the victims’ deaths, making their full extent unknown and possibly unknowable.”

Retrieval of evidence was made still more difficult by the mass-casualty nature of the October 7 atrocities, which led Israeli authorities to decide against time-consuming crime scene investigation protocols to document rape cases in the immediate aftermath of the shock assault. This later impeded forensic determination of sexual assault in some cases.


Israeli soldiers at the forensic center in the Shura military base near Ramle, where hundreds of dead bodies arrived since the October 7 Hamas onslaught, October 24, 2023. Yossi Aloni/Flash90)

Notwithstanding, the report outlines several sadistic tactics that were recurring, among them genital mutilation and penetration of victims’ bodies with weapons.

Thus, Nachman Dickstein, a volunteer for body retrieval service ZAKA, was cited describing a pair of women bound to a bed by their arms and legs, one of whom had undergone sexual assault and had had a knife shoved in her vagina.

The report also noted multiple instances of Hamas terrorists engaging in gang rape, which, the authors said, accounts for about 90 percent of wartime rapes. “Cooperation in the acts strengthens the perpetrators’ sense of togetherness and solidarity,” according to the report.

One survivor from the festival, identified in the report as Sapir, said in a testimony to police that she witnessed five separate rapes. From her hiding place near Route 232, not far from the festival grounds, Sapir said she saw a large group of Hamas terrorists swapping firearms and injured women. In a separate instance, Sapir said she saw one terrorist rape a woman, as another terrorist cut her and mutilated her body.


A man stands in front of a makeshift memorial amid national flags and portraits of Israeli people taken captive or killed by Hamas terrorists during the October 7 attacks, during a visit to the site of the Supernova music festival, where some 360 people were slaughtered, January 14, 2024, after 100 days of war between Israel and the Hamas. Menahem Kahana/AFP)

Chaim Otmazgin, commander of ZAKA’s special units and an officer in the IDF Home Front Command’s search and rescue unit, told the report’s authors he had found two victims in one home, a mother and daughter, with the latter’s pants and underwear removed.

Rapes were frequently perpetrated in front of the victim’s friends and family, to compound their humiliation and fear, the report’s authors said. Itzik Itah, a volunteer for ZAKA, was cited in the report saying that in one house, a heterosexual couple was found bound together, with the woman’s body exhibiting “clear signs of rape.”

Men were not spared from sexual assault and several were found with mutilated genitalia.

The report also contained a section on sexual violence in military installations infiltrated by Hamas on October 7. Most of the testimonies in this section were already in the public domain, such as that of Shari Mendes, a volunteer undertaker at the Shura IDF Rabbinate base, who said she saw four bodies of female soldiers that showed signs of sexual violence, including massive bleeding in their pelvic regions.

The section ends with the note that “the Association of Rape Crisis Centers received additional information on sexual assault against female soldiers which has not been made public.”


Released hostage Aviva Siegel speaks during a meeting in the Knesset on January 9, 2024, in which she discussed Hamas’s sexual violence toward Israeli hostages . Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)

The next section collects testimonies of released hostages who described sexual violence aimed at others still in captivity. Chen and Agam Goldstein-Almog, a mother and daughter freed 51 days after being abducted, described meeting at least three female hostages who had been sexually assaulted. Aviva Siegel, who was also released after 51 days, also recounted encounters with hostages who had undergone sexual assault, saying that Hamas had made “marionettes” out of both women and men held captive in Gaza.

“Silence is no longer an option. We expect international organizations to take a clear stance; we cannot stand on the sidelines,” said the association’s CEO, Orit Sulitzeanu, in a statement announcing the report’s submission to UN officials. “Silence will be remembered as a historical stain on those who chose to remain silent and deny the sexual crimes committed by Hamas.”

The remark was a thinly veiled jab at international groups of women that ignored evidence of Hamas’s weaponization of sexual violence.

Notoriously, it took about eight weeks for UN Women, a women’s rights group under the tutelage of the UN, to post, and shortly thereafter delete, a condemnation of the October 7 onslaught itself.


Protestors gather outside the UN headquarters in New York City on December 4, 2023, to protest the international community’s perceived silence on sexual violence committed by Hamas terrorists against Israeli women during the October 7 massacre. Carli Fogel)

Another week would go by before the agency registered the existence of “disturbing reports of gender-based and sexual violence on October 7.”

The delayed response sparked outrage among Jewish and Israeli feminist groups, rallying to the hashtag “#MeToo_UNless_UR_A_Jew” and charging the UN body’s silence was motivated by antisemitism.

The campaign gained traction by December, with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and United States President Joe Biden both publicly castigating international women’s groups for ignoring mounting evidence that Hamas had used rape as a weapon of war. Later that month, the New York Times ran a damning report on the extent of sexual violence during the October 7 attacks.


Protestors gather outside the UN headquarters in New York City on December 4, 2023, to protest the international community’s perceived silence on sexual violence committed by Hamas terrorists against Israeli women during the October 7 massacre. Carli Fogel).

Some pro-Palestinian voices have attempted to downplay the extent of Hamas’s sexual violence. In a December interview to CNN, Rep. Pramila Jayapal, chair of the US Congress’s Progressive Caucus, repeatedly evaded anchor Dana Bash’s questions about the Palestinian terror group’s weaponization of rape, saying that “I think it happens in war situations” but that “we have to be balanced about bringing in the outrages against Palestinians.”

Other commentators have alleged Israel manufactured the mass sexual violence allegations as a pretext for its war in the Gaza Strip.

American-Jewish anti-Zionist author Max Blumenthal claimed to disprove the New York Times report on Hamas’s sexual violence in an episode of the popular podcast “Bad Faith,” hosted by social media personality Briahna Joy Gray, during which Blumenthal claimed that the “mass rape propaganda campaign began [in December]… obviously because it had a political utility.”


Demonstrators gather during a ‘#MeToo unless you are a Jew’ protest outside of United Nations headquarters in New York City on December 4, 2023. Charly Triballeau / AFP)

Gray, who served as national press secretary for the 2020 presidential campaign of progressive US Senator Bernie Sanders, has also utilized her prolific presence on X (formerly Twitter) to deny the atrocities of October 7 and downplay the accounts of survivors who witnessed gender-based violence.

A self-styled progressive, Gray has employed the claim that some rape victims’ reluctance to come forward indicates they were not attacked, while failing to address the fact that the majority of the victims were killed on the day of the attack, as indicated in the association’s report.

War broke out October 7, when thousands of Hamas-led terrorists stormed southern Israel to kill nearly 1,200 people, mainly civilians, and take 253 hostages of all ages.

Vowing to end the Palestinian terror group’s rule in Gaza, Israel launched an unprecedented airstrike and ground campaign in the Gaza Strip, which has seen about half the coastal enclave’s residences destroyed, displacing over a million people, many of whom face severe risk of starvation.

According to the Strip’s Hamas-controlled health ministry, over 29,000 Palestinians have been killed in the hostilities. The figure, which cannot be independently verified, does not distinguish between civilians and combatants, of whom Hamas says it has lost some 6,000, while the IDF says it has killed about twice that many.

Israel will say anything to continue their holocaust against Gaza.
I thought you paLeStInIanNs deny the Holocaust...
Oh wait.
You just trippin'
Gee, I haven't heard UN and objective use in same sentence in years, ..
I can't argue with that.

In other news, Jan Egeland (of Norway -) no.1 propagandist for UNRWA, claimed on CNN that the org. is non political...
Wow. Protesting in December in New York, in T-shirts, bras and panties. Got to be cold! Brrrr!
And again I asked the question which is the very first question of the very first post I made in these forums years ago....

Why is it always fat, ugly white women? Where are the babes in these protests?

Since the United Nothing, also known as the UN, has a long record of being occupied by the Arab Islamic lobby abd obsessive against Israel with "resolutions" and statements...
It might all be a waste of time.

Israel submits report to UN on Hamas’s mass weaponization of rape.
Written by umbrella organization of rape crisis centers, grim document reviews Palestinian terror group’s strategic use of sexual violence, as deniers abound.
By TOI Staff
21 Feb, 2024, 5:17 pm


Protestors gather outside the UN headquarters in New York City on December 4, 2023, to protest the international community's perceived silence on sexual violence committed by Hamas terrorists against Israeli women during the October 7 massacre. Carli Fogel)

The Association of Rape Crisis Centers in Israel on Wednesday submitted to the United Nations a report detailing the sadistic and systematic nature of the sexual violence employed by Hamas terrorists during the terror group’s brutal October 7 onslaught on southern Israel, as well as evidence of such crimes being perpetrated on an ongoing basis against hostages still held in Gaza.

The association said the chilling 35-page report, written by Dr. Carmit Klar Chalamish, head of the organization’s research department, and Noa Berger, its director of content, “is the first official research since October 7, consolidating evidence and providing conclusions” from “numerous confidential and public pieces of information.”

It identifies four main arenas where Hamas used rape as a weapon of war: the Supernova music festival near Re’im; Gaza border communities; military bases infiltrated by Hamas; and abuse of hostages inside the Strip.

According to a statement from the association, which was founded in 1990 as an umbrella organization of Israel’s nine rape crisis centers, “the report clearly demonstrates that this is not a ‘malfunction’ or isolated incident, but a clear operational strategy involving systematic, targeted sexual abuse,” contrary to the claims of some pro-Palestinian activists who have denied the extent of Hamas’s weaponization of rape.

The report collects numerous testimonies from eyewitnesses, including first responders at hard-hit Gaza border communities and survivors of the massacre at the Supernova festival, nearly all of them identified by their full names.

However, the statement continued, “the report does not provide quantitative information due to the nature of the events, most of which resulted in the victims’ deaths, making their full extent unknown and possibly unknowable.”

Retrieval of evidence was made still more difficult by the mass-casualty nature of the October 7 atrocities, which led Israeli authorities to decide against time-consuming crime scene investigation protocols to document rape cases in the immediate aftermath of the shock assault. This later impeded forensic determination of sexual assault in some cases.


Israeli soldiers at the forensic center in the Shura military base near Ramle, where hundreds of dead bodies arrived since the October 7 Hamas onslaught, October 24, 2023. Yossi Aloni/Flash90)

Notwithstanding, the report outlines several sadistic tactics that were recurring, among them genital mutilation and penetration of victims’ bodies with weapons.

Thus, Nachman Dickstein, a volunteer for body retrieval service ZAKA, was cited describing a pair of women bound to a bed by their arms and legs, one of whom had undergone sexual assault and had had a knife shoved in her vagina.

The report also noted multiple instances of Hamas terrorists engaging in gang rape, which, the authors said, accounts for about 90 percent of wartime rapes. “Cooperation in the acts strengthens the perpetrators’ sense of togetherness and solidarity,” according to the report.

One survivor from the festival, identified in the report as Sapir, said in a testimony to police that she witnessed five separate rapes. From her hiding place near Route 232, not far from the festival grounds, Sapir said she saw a large group of Hamas terrorists swapping firearms and injured women. In a separate instance, Sapir said she saw one terrorist rape a woman, as another terrorist cut her and mutilated her body.


A man stands in front of a makeshift memorial amid national flags and portraits of Israeli people taken captive or killed by Hamas terrorists during the October 7 attacks, during a visit to the site of the Supernova music festival, where some 360 people were slaughtered, January 14, 2024, after 100 days of war between Israel and the Hamas. Menahem Kahana/AFP)

Chaim Otmazgin, commander of ZAKA’s special units and an officer in the IDF Home Front Command’s search and rescue unit, told the report’s authors he had found two victims in one home, a mother and daughter, with the latter’s pants and underwear removed.

Rapes were frequently perpetrated in front of the victim’s friends and family, to compound their humiliation and fear, the report’s authors said. Itzik Itah, a volunteer for ZAKA, was cited in the report saying that in one house, a heterosexual couple was found bound together, with the woman’s body exhibiting “clear signs of rape.”

Men were not spared from sexual assault and several were found with mutilated genitalia.

The report also contained a section on sexual violence in military installations infiltrated by Hamas on October 7. Most of the testimonies in this section were already in the public domain, such as that of Shari Mendes, a volunteer undertaker at the Shura IDF Rabbinate base, who said she saw four bodies of female soldiers that showed signs of sexual violence, including massive bleeding in their pelvic regions.

The section ends with the note that “the Association of Rape Crisis Centers received additional information on sexual assault against female soldiers which has not been made public.”


Released hostage Aviva Siegel speaks during a meeting in the Knesset on January 9, 2024, in which she discussed Hamas’s sexual violence toward Israeli hostages . Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)

The next section collects testimonies of released hostages who described sexual violence aimed at others still in captivity. Chen and Agam Goldstein-Almog, a mother and daughter freed 51 days after being abducted, described meeting at least three female hostages who had been sexually assaulted. Aviva Siegel, who was also released after 51 days, also recounted encounters with hostages who had undergone sexual assault, saying that Hamas had made “marionettes” out of both women and men held captive in Gaza.

“Silence is no longer an option. We expect international organizations to take a clear stance; we cannot stand on the sidelines,” said the association’s CEO, Orit Sulitzeanu, in a statement announcing the report’s submission to UN officials. “Silence will be remembered as a historical stain on those who chose to remain silent and deny the sexual crimes committed by Hamas.”

The remark was a thinly veiled jab at international groups of women that ignored evidence of Hamas’s weaponization of sexual violence.

Notoriously, it took about eight weeks for UN Women, a women’s rights group under the tutelage of the UN, to post, and shortly thereafter delete, a condemnation of the October 7 onslaught itself.


Protestors gather outside the UN headquarters in New York City on December 4, 2023, to protest the international community’s perceived silence on sexual violence committed by Hamas terrorists against Israeli women during the October 7 massacre. Carli Fogel)

Another week would go by before the agency registered the existence of “disturbing reports of gender-based and sexual violence on October 7.”

The delayed response sparked outrage among Jewish and Israeli feminist groups, rallying to the hashtag “#MeToo_UNless_UR_A_Jew” and charging the UN body’s silence was motivated by antisemitism.

The campaign gained traction by December, with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and United States President Joe Biden both publicly castigating international women’s groups for ignoring mounting evidence that Hamas had used rape as a weapon of war. Later that month, the New York Times ran a damning report on the extent of sexual violence during the October 7 attacks.


Protestors gather outside the UN headquarters in New York City on December 4, 2023, to protest the international community’s perceived silence on sexual violence committed by Hamas terrorists against Israeli women during the October 7 massacre. Carli Fogel).

Some pro-Palestinian voices have attempted to downplay the extent of Hamas’s sexual violence. In a December interview to CNN, Rep. Pramila Jayapal, chair of the US Congress’s Progressive Caucus, repeatedly evaded anchor Dana Bash’s questions about the Palestinian terror group’s weaponization of rape, saying that “I think it happens in war situations” but that “we have to be balanced about bringing in the outrages against Palestinians.”

Other commentators have alleged Israel manufactured the mass sexual violence allegations as a pretext for its war in the Gaza Strip.

American-Jewish anti-Zionist author Max Blumenthal claimed to disprove the New York Times report on Hamas’s sexual violence in an episode of the popular podcast “Bad Faith,” hosted by social media personality Briahna Joy Gray, during which Blumenthal claimed that the “mass rape propaganda campaign began [in December]… obviously because it had a political utility.”


Demonstrators gather during a ‘#MeToo unless you are a Jew’ protest outside of United Nations headquarters in New York City on December 4, 2023. Charly Triballeau / AFP)

Gray, who served as national press secretary for the 2020 presidential campaign of progressive US Senator Bernie Sanders, has also utilized her prolific presence on X (formerly Twitter) to deny the atrocities of October 7 and downplay the accounts of survivors who witnessed gender-based violence.

A self-styled progressive, Gray has employed the claim that some rape victims’ reluctance to come forward indicates they were not attacked, while failing to address the fact that the majority of the victims were killed on the day of the attack, as indicated in the association’s report.

War broke out October 7, when thousands of Hamas-led terrorists stormed southern Israel to kill nearly 1,200 people, mainly civilians, and take 253 hostages of all ages.

Vowing to end the Palestinian terror group’s rule in Gaza, Israel launched an unprecedented airstrike and ground campaign in the Gaza Strip, which has seen about half the coastal enclave’s residences destroyed, displacing over a million people, many of whom face severe risk of starvation.

According to the Strip’s Hamas-controlled health ministry, over 29,000 Palestinians have been killed in the hostilities. The figure, which cannot be independently verified, does not distinguish between civilians and combatants, of whom Hamas says it has lost some 6,000, while the IDF says it has killed about twice that many.

Total lies.
All the observers proved there were no rapes at all by Hamas, and Moslems have a tiny incidence of rape compared to the high incidence of rape in Israel.
The main thing wrong with Islam is how repressive it is.
Moslem could not rape if they wanted to, since they are trained to be so repressed.
I thought you paLeStInIanNs deny the Holocaust...
Oh wait.
You just trippin'

No Mideast country denies the Holocaust, and in fact all Mideast countries were on the side of the Allies in both world wars, and Palestine specifically offered facilitated immigration to Jews going back to when Palestine was first created in 1920.
Total lies.
All the observers proved there were no rapes at all by Hamas, and Moslems have a tiny incidence of rape compared to the high incidence of rape in Israel.
The main thing wrong with Islam is how repressive it is.
Moslem could not rape if they wanted to, since they are trained to be so repressed.
You are posting absolute filthy lies

Those rapes by Hamas happened and no witnesses claimed otherwise

Muslims have a much higher rate of rape than any where else on earth
Gee, I haven't heard UN and objective use in same sentence in years, even with quote marks. Personally, I think the headquarters should be moved to an island, somewhere, as they do not serve beneficial interest of the US or the free world.

The UN actually is totally a US puppet, and Truman started the UN solely for the goal of being able to create Israel out of thin air.

The stated goal of the UN was to end war by making it illegal (except in defense of an attack), in its charter that each member would ratify into law in each country.

So then by Congress ratifying the UN charter in 1945, the invasion of Vietnam, Panama, Grenada, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, etc., were totally illegal according to US law.

So the problem is not the UN, it is the US that is contradicting law and abusing the UN for its own illegal purposes.
You are posting absolute filthy lies

Those rapes by Hamas happened and no witnesses claimed otherwise

Muslims have a much higher rate of rape than any where else on earth

There are no witnesses who claim there were any rapes by Hamas at all.
Israel has made claims but without any witnesses coming forth, and no evidence at all.
All the claims by Israel have been proven false so far.

And that should be obvious.
The action by Hamas was done very quickly, in public, and to capture hostages for exchange.
There was no time or possibility for rape to occur.
That is like claiming a bank robber would rape a bank teller instead of trying to just get away.
Claims of Mass Rape by Hamas Unravel Upon Investigation - YES! Magazine Solutions Journalism


Claims of Mass Rape by Hamas Unravel Upon Investigation​

This investigative report uncovers questionable sourcing and a striking lack of physical or eyewitness evidence in two early reports that have been widely cited to bolster claims that Hamas committed mass sexual violence in its Oct. 7, 2023, attack on Israel.

Following Hamas’ Oct. 7 attacks that resulted in at least 1,163 deaths, rumors began circulating that Israeli women were experiencing horrific mass rape and sexual violence. Months later, a position paper by Physicians for Human Rights Israel and a New York Times investigation convinced many observers that Hamas used rape as a weapon of war. But an investigation by YES! examining both reports, other media investigations, hundreds of news articles, interviews with Israeli sources, and photo and video evidence reveals a shocking conclusion: There is no evidence mass rape occurred.

The New Yorker, New York Times, Associated Press, and The Nation treat PHRI’s paper as the gold standard for proof of Hamas’ rape and sexual violence. But the paper is shockingly thin. It lacks original reporting and is based on media reports that are dubious at best with no corroboration—no forensic evidence, no survivor testimony, no video evidence.

During a two-hour-long interview that was heated at times, Hadas Ziv, director of ethics and policy at Physicians for Human Rights Israel (PHRI), acknowledged numerous problems with the position paper she co-authored, “Sexual and Gender-Based Violence As a Weapon of War During the October 7, 2023 Hamas Attacks.

Ziv admitted credibility problems with sources and that she did not review all available evidence. She was “unaware” numerous sources had fabricated atrocity stories about Oct. 7. Ziv said, “Yeah, that’s a problem,” about a soldier she quotes whose claim of rape was changed by the government. She quoted volunteers from Zaka, a scandal-plagued organization that collected human remains after Oct. 7, but Ziv did not realize Zaka openly talks of inventing stories. When discussing claims that women’s sexual organs were deliberately mutilated, Ziv conceded, “OK, if there’s alternative explanations you can’t say that.”

While admitting “I did not know all the stories that you speak about that discredit those witnesses,” Ziv also lashed out: “I feel like I’m a rape victim that’s being interrogated.” YES! responded, “Not every interview is a friendly interview.”

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