Zone1 Spiritual awakening?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

As an NFL player collapsed on the field of play during a game weeks ago as he went into cardiac arrest. It prompted millions watching to stop what they were doing and pray for the young man, including myself. I don't even know why I turned on the TV to watch because I usually don't, but I did.

Overall it was a good thing, he survived and seems just fine now. But it united people with differing races, political persuasions, etc., and it forced us all to reevaluate what is important, what is life really all about

And guess what, it ain't about football.

It ain't about politics.

Also, we are not living our lives just to be entertained

And lastly, life is more than the millions of dollars they were making on the field that night as players simply walked off the field to pray, not to return that night. Deep down, they knew that the young man's life was far more important that the money they could have made playing the rest of the game which is why they had to stop.

God does move in mysterious ways.
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God does move in mysterious ways.
Yes, he does. I've been through some godawful stuff in my life and after losing some loved ones many years ago.. Well, I had moments in which I hated God for taking them from me.. long, bizarre story.. and yet here I am defending the Poor Dude... LOL.. against people who have also gotten very angry @ Him.. Go figure.. Well, as the Word says "Be angry but sin not" and lately I tend to think this mostly applies to our "thing" with God (though also to our relationship w/humans). I am sure you have been angry at God?

I don't think you can walk w/ the Lord more than a few years w/o that happening..

And yet staying angry at Him... that's a sin (although I won't say it is a mortal sin in ALL cases because some people are just ignorant about God, Jesus... the Church, etc...)
Yes, he does. I've been through some godawful stuff in my life and after losing some loved ones many years ago.. Well, I had moments in which I hated God for taking them from me.. long, bizarre story.. and yet here I am defending the Poor Dude... LOL.. against people who have also gotten very angry @ Him.. Go figure.. Well, as the Word says "Be angry but sin not" and lately I tend to think this mostly applies to our "thing" with God (though also to our relationship w/humans). I am sure you have been angry at God?

I don't think you can walk w/ the Lord more than a few years w/o that happening..

And yet staying angry at Him... that's a sin (although I won't say it is a mortal sin in ALL cases because some people are just ignorant about God, Jesus... the Church, etc...)
Wrestling with God goes all the way back to men like Moses and Jacob.

In fact, Jacob was renamed "Israel" which is translated to mean, "wrestle with God". In fact, Jacob literally did that.

When I'm down, I try to remember how Jesus was in the garden crying his eyes out as he started to sweat drops of blood from the agony of knowing the torture of the cross that awaited him, as he pleaded with God to spare him from it if possible.

Yea, he didn't.

If you hang in there though, better things await you...............
Wrestling with God goes all the way back to men like Moses and Jacob.

In fact, Jacob was renamed "Israel" which is translated to mean, "wrestle with God". In fact, Jacob literally did that.

When I'm down, I try to remember how Jesus was in the garden crying his eyes out as he started to sweat drops of blood from the agony of knowing the torture of the cross that awaited him, as he pleaded with God to spare him from it if possible.

Yea, he didn't.

If you hang in there though, better things await you...............
thanks for the uplifting words.. As you know not everyone here is into lifting people up!

It's amazing that God didn't spare Jesus that horrific torture of the Cross. But somehow we humans think WE should be spared anything similar. Americans are especially spoiled and think life should be.. a certain way.. lots of material stuff and etc.. Then when life bites.. blame God! I have done that myself, sad to say.. but God is big enough to deal with this.. He knows we will lose it sometimes and say terrible things to Him and even hate him.. I was blown away a few times w/ the thought that I can actually feel hatred toward Him and He won't... what? fall apart?

LOL... true story... just shows how messed up our human minds can be.....

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