Should The Navy Seals Who Framed Gallagher Be Executed?


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018
Eddie Gallagher's Attorney Says He'll Sue NY Times, Claiming 'Fake Reporting'

So ever since Trump personally stepped in and restored the dignity and honor of Navy Seal Eddie Gallagher, the libs were so triggered that they couldn't get over it -- and tried to seek other ways to destroy this man and possibly even try to bring harm to his family....

This was evident when the Deep State leaked classified video footage to the liberal media that depicted several SEALs committing literal treason when they accused their leader of war crimes. Basically, these so-called SEALs colluded with ISIS themselves and cooked up a scheme to get Gallagher charged with war crimes, because of how effective he was at taking out terrorists.

"The footage includes serious accusations of a combat-hungry Gallagher firing indiscriminately at Iraqi civilians. One SEAL claimed Gallagher targeted women and children, according to the Times' footage, with the chief boasting that "burqas were flying' (LOL, that would have been totally awesome to see, MAGA!!). Gallagher's teammates called the former SEAL "toxic" and "freaking evil." 'The chief was perfectly OK with killing anybody that was moving,' claimed Special Operator 1st Class Corey Scott, who later changed his story and testified that he, not Gallagher, was responsible for a man's death in Iraq in 2017"

This guy killed the bad guys, who cares how he killed them..."wah wah wah, he shot little girls and old people", so freaking what!! -- these Iraqi people are the same ones who would celebrate each and every death of an American killed in battle -- so if any soldier wants to let off some steam and pop a few of these muzzies, so be it -- that is how you win over the hearts and minds of those people....

Luckily Gallagher's lawyers are going to sue the New York Times and possibly bankrupt them because of how obviously slandered he was by the Times and by how the Times conspired with the Deep State to try to ruin this man and his family -- Trump stood tall and protected him, but a lawsuit isn't enough -- the SEALs who colluded with ISIS -- those SEALs should be brought up on charges of treason and executed in order to send a tone to the libs and anyone else who stands against our troops.
This guy killed the bad guys, who cares how he killed them..."wah wah wah, he shot little girls and old people", so freaking what!! -- these Iraqi people are the same ones who would celebrate each and every death of an American killed in battle -- so if any soldier wants to let off some steam and pop a few of these muzzies, so be it -- that is how you win over the hearts and minds of those people....

How'd that work out for us again? Oh, that's right, The Iranians run Iraq now.
Eddie Gallagher's Attorney Says He'll Sue NY Times, Claiming 'Fake Reporting'

So ever since Trump personally stepped in and restored the dignity and honor of Navy Seal Eddie Gallagher, the libs were so triggered that they couldn't get over it -- and tried to seek other ways to destroy this man and possibly even try to bring harm to his family....

This was evident when the Deep State leaked classified video footage to the liberal media that depicted several SEALs committing literal treason when they accused their leader of war crimes. Basically, these so-called SEALs colluded with ISIS themselves and cooked up a scheme to get Gallagher charged with war crimes, because of how effective he was at taking out terrorists.

"The footage includes serious accusations of a combat-hungry Gallagher firing indiscriminately at Iraqi civilians. One SEAL claimed Gallagher targeted women and children, according to the Times' footage, with the chief boasting that "burqas were flying' (LOL, that would have been totally awesome to see, MAGA!!). Gallagher's teammates called the former SEAL "toxic" and "freaking evil." 'The chief was perfectly OK with killing anybody that was moving,' claimed Special Operator 1st Class Corey Scott, who later changed his story and testified that he, not Gallagher, was responsible for a man's death in Iraq in 2017"

This guy killed the bad guys, who cares how he killed them..."wah wah wah, he shot little girls and old people", so freaking what!! -- these Iraqi people are the same ones who would celebrate each and every death of an American killed in battle -- so if any soldier wants to let off some steam and pop a few of these muzzies, so be it -- that is how you win over the hearts and minds of those people....

Luckily Gallagher's lawyers are going to sue the New York Times and possibly bankrupt them because of how obviously slandered he was by the Times and by how the Times conspired with the Deep State to try to ruin this man and his family -- Trump stood tall and protected him, but a lawsuit isn't enough -- the SEALs who colluded with ISIS -- those SEALs should be brought up on charges of treason and executed in order to send a tone to the libs and anyone else who stands against our troops.
Killing the messenger is an old tactic you evidently agree with.
So ever since Trump personally stepped in and restored the dignity and honor of Navy Seal Eddie Gallagher, the libs were so triggered that they couldn't get over it -- and tried to seek other ways to destroy this man and possibly even try to bring harm to his family....

"Should The Navy Seals Who Framed Gallagher Be Executed?"

Some things are beyond satire - or should be.

That said, what are the bookies saying about the chances of Gallagher showing up at Trump's campaign rallies? Or making an honored-guest appearance at Trump's next State of the Union?

Everyone knows what Gallagher was doing, and no one should really be surprised the military let him get away with everything but a minor charge. However, leaving behind even the pretense of some rules on the battlefield should not be taken lightly:

In Spencer’s resignation, the ousted navy secretary described the rule of law in the armed forces as what “sets us apart from our adversaries” and that “good order and discipline is what has enabled our victory against foreign tyranny time and again”.

In a direct swipe at Trump, Spencer said: “Unfortunately it has become apparent that in this respect, I no longer share the same understanding with the commander-in- chief who appointed me, in regards to the key principle of good order and discipline.”​
This guy killed the bad guys, who cares how he killed them..."wah wah wah, he shot little girls and old people", so freaking what!! -- these Iraqi people are the same ones who would celebrate each and every death of an American killed in battle -- so if any soldier wants to let off some steam and pop a few of these muzzies, so be it -- that is how you win over the hearts and minds of those people....

How'd that work out for us again? Oh, that's right, The Iranians run Iraq now.
WE should NEVER have gone into Iraq!
So ever since Trump personally stepped in and restored the dignity and honor of Navy Seal Eddie Gallagher, the libs were so triggered that they couldn't get over it -- and tried to seek other ways to destroy this man and possibly even try to bring harm to his family....

"Should The Navy Seals Who Framed Gallagher Be Executed?"

Some things are beyond satire - or should be.

That said, what are the bookies saying about the chances of Gallagher showing up at Trump's campaign rallies? Or making an honored-guest appearance at Trump's next State of the Union?

Everyone knows what Gallagher was doing, and no one should really be surprised the military let him get away with everything but a minor charge. However, leaving behind even the pretense of some rules on the battlefield should not be taken lightly:

In Spencer’s resignation, the ousted navy secretary described the rule of law in the armed forces as what “sets us apart from our adversaries” and that “good order and discipline is what has enabled our victory against foreign tyranny time and again”.

In a direct swipe at Trump, Spencer said: “Unfortunately it has become apparent that in this respect, I no longer share the same understanding with the commander-in- chief who appointed me, in regards to the key principle of good order and discipline.”​
Nothing is beyond satire......
So ever since Trump personally stepped in and restored the dignity and honor of Navy Seal Eddie Gallagher, the libs were so triggered that they couldn't get over it -- and tried to seek other ways to destroy this man and possibly even try to bring harm to his family....

"Should The Navy Seals Who Framed Gallagher Be Executed?"

Some things are beyond satire - or should be.

That said, what are the bookies saying about the chances of Gallagher showing up at Trump's campaign rallies? Or making an honored-guest appearance at Trump's next State of the Union?

Everyone knows what Gallagher was doing, and no one should really be surprised the military let him get away with everything but a minor charge. However, leaving behind even the pretense of some rules on the battlefield should not be taken lightly:

In Spencer’s resignation, the ousted navy secretary described the rule of law in the armed forces as what “sets us apart from our adversaries” and that “good order and discipline is what has enabled our victory against foreign tyranny time and again”.

In a direct swipe at Trump, Spencer said: “Unfortunately it has become apparent that in this respect, I no longer share the same understanding with the commander-in- chief who appointed me, in regards to the key principle of good order and discipline.”​
Nothing is beyond satire......

So you have no issue with innocent Christians having their heads chopped off?
Gallagher and Trump have done irreparable harm, credibility, and dishonor to the NAVY SEAL community.
War is Hell. It can drive good people to do bad things. When this happens, what do we do? In the past, we prosecute them & jail them & then after the fuss calms down, we release them.

We had a local young soldier on a road block with 3 other soldiers. They raped & killed a 14 year old girl, then killed her parents & burned them all to try to hide the evidence. I think they are still in jail.

William Calley who directed the Mai Lai massacre during Vietnam, was tried & convicted & spent less than a year in prison.

Trump should have kept out of let & let the military handle this as they normally do. Nothing more that aying their actions were bad & kicking them out - not honoring what they did.

Now the terrorist will use that photo taken with the young man he killed will recruit countless more especially when they say that this is what Trump wanted.

The military understands this,, Dumbass Trump understands nothing.
So ever since Trump personally stepped in and restored the dignity and honor of Navy Seal Eddie Gallagher, the libs were so triggered that they couldn't get over it -- and tried to seek other ways to destroy this man and possibly even try to bring harm to his family....

"Should The Navy Seals Who Framed Gallagher Be Executed?"

Some things are beyond satire - or should be.

That said, what are the bookies saying about the chances of Gallagher showing up at Trump's campaign rallies? Or making an honored-guest appearance at Trump's next State of the Union?

Everyone knows what Gallagher was doing, and no one should really be surprised the military let him get away with everything but a minor charge. However, leaving behind even the pretense of some rules on the battlefield should not be taken lightly:

In Spencer’s resignation, the ousted navy secretary described the rule of law in the armed forces as what “sets us apart from our adversaries” and that “good order and discipline is what has enabled our victory against foreign tyranny time and again”.

In a direct swipe at Trump, Spencer said: “Unfortunately it has become apparent that in this respect, I no longer share the same understanding with the commander-in- chief who appointed me, in regards to the key principle of good order and discipline.”​
Nothing is beyond satire......

So you have no issue with innocent Christians having their heads chopped off?

Trump says what other countries do within their borders is their business. So Trump could carte less.
So ever since Trump personally stepped in and restored the dignity and honor of Navy Seal Eddie Gallagher, the libs were so triggered that they couldn't get over it -- and tried to seek other ways to destroy this man and possibly even try to bring harm to his family....

"Should The Navy Seals Who Framed Gallagher Be Executed?"

Some things are beyond satire - or should be.

That said, what are the bookies saying about the chances of Gallagher showing up at Trump's campaign rallies? Or making an honored-guest appearance at Trump's next State of the Union?

Everyone knows what Gallagher was doing, and no one should really be surprised the military let him get away with everything but a minor charge. However, leaving behind even the pretense of some rules on the battlefield should not be taken lightly:

In Spencer’s resignation, the ousted navy secretary described the rule of law in the armed forces as what “sets us apart from our adversaries” and that “good order and discipline is what has enabled our victory against foreign tyranny time and again”.

In a direct swipe at Trump, Spencer said: “Unfortunately it has become apparent that in this respect, I no longer share the same understanding with the commander-in- chief who appointed me, in regards to the key principle of good order and discipline.”​
Nothing is beyond satire......

So you have no issue with innocent Christians having their heads chopped off?
It depends. Are they real Christians or our fake Christians that support Trump? I don`t care if they`re beheaded or not just don`t do it around me. It really is messy.
So ever since Trump personally stepped in and restored the dignity and honor of Navy Seal Eddie Gallagher, the libs were so triggered that they couldn't get over it -- and tried to seek other ways to destroy this man and possibly even try to bring harm to his family....

"Should The Navy Seals Who Framed Gallagher Be Executed?"

Some things are beyond satire - or should be.

That said, what are the bookies saying about the chances of Gallagher showing up at Trump's campaign rallies? Or making an honored-guest appearance at Trump's next State of the Union?

Everyone knows what Gallagher was doing, and no one should really be surprised the military let him get away with everything but a minor charge. However, leaving behind even the pretense of some rules on the battlefield should not be taken lightly:

In Spencer’s resignation, the ousted navy secretary described the rule of law in the armed forces as what “sets us apart from our adversaries” and that “good order and discipline is what has enabled our victory against foreign tyranny time and again”.

In a direct swipe at Trump, Spencer said: “Unfortunately it has become apparent that in this respect, I no longer share the same understanding with the commander-in- chief who appointed me, in regards to the key principle of good order and discipline.”​
Nothing is beyond satire......

So you have no issue with innocent Christians having their heads chopped off?
It depends. Are they real Christians or our fake Christians that support Trump? I don`t care if they`re beheaded or not just don`t do it around me. It really is messy.
It seems we can joke and poke fun at hundreds of thousands of innocent muslims being murdered all the time.....but apparently, using satire to expose this fact is wrong if you are using innocent Christians to do it...…

Its almost as if those Christians were more innocent than those innocent muslims….
So ever since Trump personally stepped in and restored the dignity and honor of Navy Seal Eddie Gallagher, the libs were so triggered that they couldn't get over it -- and tried to seek other ways to destroy this man and possibly even try to bring harm to his family....

"Should The Navy Seals Who Framed Gallagher Be Executed?"

Some things are beyond satire - or should be.

That said, what are the bookies saying about the chances of Gallagher showing up at Trump's campaign rallies? Or making an honored-guest appearance at Trump's next State of the Union?

Everyone knows what Gallagher was doing, and no one should really be surprised the military let him get away with everything but a minor charge. However, leaving behind even the pretense of some rules on the battlefield should not be taken lightly:

In Spencer’s resignation, the ousted navy secretary described the rule of law in the armed forces as what “sets us apart from our adversaries” and that “good order and discipline is what has enabled our victory against foreign tyranny time and again”.

In a direct swipe at Trump, Spencer said: “Unfortunately it has become apparent that in this respect, I no longer share the same understanding with the commander-in- chief who appointed me, in regards to the key principle of good order and discipline.”​
Nothing is beyond satire......

So you have no issue with innocent Christians having their heads chopped off?
It depends. Are they real Christians or our fake Christians that support Trump? I don`t care if they`re beheaded or not just don`t do it around me. It really is messy.
It seems we can joke and poke fun at hundreds of thousands of innocent muslims being murdered all the time.....but apparently, using satire to expose this fact is wrong if you are using innocent Christians to do it...…

Its almost as if those Christians were more innocent than those innocent muslims….
You like Muslims? Move to Iran lol
"Should The Navy Seals Who Framed Gallagher Be Executed?"

Some things are beyond satire - or should be.

That said, what are the bookies saying about the chances of Gallagher showing up at Trump's campaign rallies? Or making an honored-guest appearance at Trump's next State of the Union?

Everyone knows what Gallagher was doing, and no one should really be surprised the military let him get away with everything but a minor charge. However, leaving behind even the pretense of some rules on the battlefield should not be taken lightly:

In Spencer’s resignation, the ousted navy secretary described the rule of law in the armed forces as what “sets us apart from our adversaries” and that “good order and discipline is what has enabled our victory against foreign tyranny time and again”.

In a direct swipe at Trump, Spencer said: “Unfortunately it has become apparent that in this respect, I no longer share the same understanding with the commander-in- chief who appointed me, in regards to the key principle of good order and discipline.”​
Nothing is beyond satire......

So you have no issue with innocent Christians having their heads chopped off?
It depends. Are they real Christians or our fake Christians that support Trump? I don`t care if they`re beheaded or not just don`t do it around me. It really is messy.
It seems we can joke and poke fun at hundreds of thousands of innocent muslims being murdered all the time.....but apparently, using satire to expose this fact is wrong if you are using innocent Christians to do it...…

Its almost as if those Christians were more innocent than those innocent muslims….
You like Muslims? Move to Iran lol
I like honesty...….

Innocent people being killed is wrong no matter what religion they belonged to if any....

Yo dumb ass is the type who will ask a dying child if he or she is a Christian before you offer to help them.....

Guess some of us are more moral than you fake ass bible thumpers
Nothing is beyond satire......

So you have no issue with innocent Christians having their heads chopped off?
It depends. Are they real Christians or our fake Christians that support Trump? I don`t care if they`re beheaded or not just don`t do it around me. It really is messy.
It seems we can joke and poke fun at hundreds of thousands of innocent muslims being murdered all the time.....but apparently, using satire to expose this fact is wrong if you are using innocent Christians to do it...…

Its almost as if those Christians were more innocent than those innocent muslims….
You like Muslims? Move to Iran lol
I like honesty...….

Innocent people being killed is wrong no matter what religion they belonged to if any....

Yo dumb ass is the type who will ask a dying child if he or she is a Christian before you offer to help them.....

Guess some of us are more moral than you fake ass bible thumpers
Ok black face calm down lol

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