Senate removes The Don?


Diamond Member
Jan 8, 2011
Interesting article by a Trump supporter. The columnist claims the fix is in. Donnie tried to save his ass from removal by taking out the general, but it isn’t enough.

If this writer is right, our government is really F’ed up.

Impeachment, Soleimani and the Pull of the Swamp
Nothing happens in D.C. that doesn’t become a weapon in these people’s hands.

To think Pelosi wouldn’t use this to its fullest is terminally naive. To think Trump is savvy enough to see the game board in all its complexity having not one truly loyal staff (or family) member is also naive.

To think McConnell is anything more than an order-taker from those above him is the height of naivete.

I give Trump credit for navigating things to this point and keeping the violence to a minimum, but if he’s going to go down, he better be prepared to go scorched earth in the process.

It’s his only chance at survival and fulfilling even one of his many campaign promises.

Either way, the U.S. electorate will not stand for removing Trump over this. And they shouldn’t. I may be angry with Trump for his recent actions, but this impeachment is the height of lunacy. And when something this ludicrous goes this far, it means the fix is in.

The Flying Monkeys have taken over the asylum. The existence of this trial is itself an inflection point in history.

The rest is just a chase scene.
Impeachment, Soleimani and the Pull of the Swamp
There is no way any of that is going to happen. I fully acknowledge the swamp includes many republicans including people like McConnell and Graham, but the thing is they gave the democrats a shot at impeachment with the Russia investigation lead by the "respectable, stand up, honorable" Mueller, and the democrats failed.

It's a joke for the author to suggest swamp republicans are throwing away their careers by not siding with the swamp that's not how it works.
Interesting article by a Trump supporter. The columnist claims the fix is in. Donnie tried to save his ass from removal by taking out the general, but it isn’t enough.

If this writer is right, our government is really F’ed up.

Impeachment, Soleimani and the Pull of the Swamp
Nothing happens in D.C. that doesn’t become a weapon in these people’s hands.

To think Pelosi wouldn’t use this to its fullest is terminally naive. To think Trump is savvy enough to see the game board in all its complexity having not one truly loyal staff (or family) member is also naive.

To think McConnell is anything more than an order-taker from those above him is the height of naivete.

I give Trump credit for navigating things to this point and keeping the violence to a minimum, but if he’s going to go down, he better be prepared to go scorched earth in the process.

It’s his only chance at survival and fulfilling even one of his many campaign promises.

Either way, the U.S. electorate will not stand for removing Trump over this. And they shouldn’t. I may be angry with Trump for his recent actions, but this impeachment is the height of lunacy. And when something this ludicrous goes this far, it means the fix is in.

The Flying Monkeys have taken over the asylum. The existence of this trial is itself an inflection point in history.

The rest is just a chase scene.
Impeachment, Soleimani and the Pull of the Swamp
Since it takes a 2/3rd super majority of the senate to remove Trump, Trump is safe. That is unless some bombshell is uncovered that we currently don't know about.
Interesting article by a Trump supporter. The columnist claims the fix is in. Donnie tried to save his ass from removal by taking out the general, but it isn’t enough.

If this writer is right, our government is really F’ed up.

Impeachment, Soleimani and the Pull of the Swamp
Nothing happens in D.C. that doesn’t become a weapon in these people’s hands.

To think Pelosi wouldn’t use this to its fullest is terminally naive. To think Trump is savvy enough to see the game board in all its complexity having not one truly loyal staff (or family) member is also naive.

To think McConnell is anything more than an order-taker from those above him is the height of naivete.

I give Trump credit for navigating things to this point and keeping the violence to a minimum, but if he’s going to go down, he better be prepared to go scorched earth in the process.

It’s his only chance at survival and fulfilling even one of his many campaign promises.

Either way, the U.S. electorate will not stand for removing Trump over this. And they shouldn’t. I may be angry with Trump for his recent actions, but this impeachment is the height of lunacy. And when something this ludicrous goes this far, it means the fix is in.

The Flying Monkeys have taken over the asylum. The existence of this trial is itself an inflection point in history.

The rest is just a chase scene.
Impeachment, Soleimani and the Pull of the Swamp

If you actually believe you're going to get 67 Senators to convict I've got a bridge to sell you
Interesting article by a Trump supporter. The columnist claims the fix is in. Donnie tried to save his ass from removal by taking out the general, but it isn’t enough.

If this writer is right, our government is really F’ed up.

Impeachment, Soleimani and the Pull of the Swamp
Nothing happens in D.C. that doesn’t become a weapon in these people’s hands.

To think Pelosi wouldn’t use this to its fullest is terminally naive. To think Trump is savvy enough to see the game board in all its complexity having not one truly loyal staff (or family) member is also naive.

To think McConnell is anything more than an order-taker from those above him is the height of naivete.

I give Trump credit for navigating things to this point and keeping the violence to a minimum, but if he’s going to go down, he better be prepared to go scorched earth in the process.

It’s his only chance at survival and fulfilling even one of his many campaign promises.

Either way, the U.S. electorate will not stand for removing Trump over this. And they shouldn’t. I may be angry with Trump for his recent actions, but this impeachment is the height of lunacy. And when something this ludicrous goes this far, it means the fix is in.

The Flying Monkeys have taken over the asylum. The existence of this trial is itself an inflection point in history.

The rest is just a chase scene.
Impeachment, Soleimani and the Pull of the Swamp
Heil Schiffler!
Interesting article by a Trump supporter. The columnist claims the fix is in. Donnie tried to save his ass from removal by taking out the general, but it isn’t enough.

If this writer is right, our government is really F’ed up.

Impeachment, Soleimani and the Pull of the Swamp
Nothing happens in D.C. that doesn’t become a weapon in these people’s hands.

To think Pelosi wouldn’t use this to its fullest is terminally naive. To think Trump is savvy enough to see the game board in all its complexity having not one truly loyal staff (or family) member is also naive.

To think McConnell is anything more than an order-taker from those above him is the height of naivete.

I give Trump credit for navigating things to this point and keeping the violence to a minimum, but if he’s going to go down, he better be prepared to go scorched earth in the process.

It’s his only chance at survival and fulfilling even one of his many campaign promises.

Either way, the U.S. electorate will not stand for removing Trump over this. And they shouldn’t. I may be angry with Trump for his recent actions, but this impeachment is the height of lunacy. And when something this ludicrous goes this far, it means the fix is in.

The Flying Monkeys have taken over the asylum. The existence of this trial is itself an inflection point in history.

The rest is just a chase scene.
Impeachment, Soleimani and the Pull of the Swamp
Since it takes a 2/3rd super majority of the senate to remove Trump, Trump is safe. That is unless some bombshell is uncovered that we currently don't know about.
Hand written notes, of a suspicious Origin will Destroy Orange Man Bad. One of them was leaked!

If you actually believe you're going to get 67 Senators to convict I've got a bridge to sell you

You might want to start making sure you have bridges.

Remember.....the "Swamp" is practically everyone in DC.
If you really believe there aren't 67 unfaithful Senators....think again.

Ponder that just maybe, the Pelosi delay was to ensure that all the T's were crossed and all the I's were dotted. meaning they had the votes no matter how they get them.

The Swamp, in a shocking move, (to the Right) removes Trump, and DC is back to normal.
Pence is just a small hurdle.
All that is required for VERY EVIL men to prevail, is for good men to do nothing.

It wouldn't surprise me ONE BIT if the Swamp succeeds in removing Trump. And that nothing happens because of it except the Coup is complete.
Interesting article by a Trump supporter. The columnist claims the fix is in. Donnie tried to save his ass from removal by taking out the general, but it isn’t enough.

If this writer is right, our government is really F’ed up.

Impeachment, Soleimani and the Pull of the Swamp
Nothing happens in D.C. that doesn’t become a weapon in these people’s hands.

To think Pelosi wouldn’t use this to its fullest is terminally naive. To think Trump is savvy enough to see the game board in all its complexity having not one truly loyal staff (or family) member is also naive.

To think McConnell is anything more than an order-taker from those above him is the height of naivete.

I give Trump credit for navigating things to this point and keeping the violence to a minimum, but if he’s going to go down, he better be prepared to go scorched earth in the process.

It’s his only chance at survival and fulfilling even one of his many campaign promises.

Either way, the U.S. electorate will not stand for removing Trump over this. And they shouldn’t. I may be angry with Trump for his recent actions, but this impeachment is the height of lunacy. And when something this ludicrous goes this far, it means the fix is in.

The Flying Monkeys have taken over the asylum. The existence of this trial is itself an inflection point in history.

The rest is just a chase scene.
Impeachment, Soleimani and the Pull of the Swamp
You're mistaken about the former card-carrying Communist, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. Her undisclosed hatred for this free nation is known by those of us who have followed her career path for years. She is still a Communist at heart, and she's playing by Alinsky's little rulebook to pretend to be something you're not so you will get what you want, which does not have to incorporate any truth whatever. Just go for the gold and get what you want to destroy the old way.

Communist countries do not lead the free world, and they eventually see the light after they've starved a few million people to death, which often takes more than one lifetime. Not to know this is not to know world history. Communist societies fail, and it's not if but when.
They want Pence Impeached too, and then what we have is

DemNazi Germany and Nancy Pelosi installed as Hitler.

If you actually believe you're going to get 67 Senators to convict I've got a bridge to sell you

You might want to start making sure you have bridges.

Remember.....the "Swamp" is practically everyone in DC.
If you really believe there aren't 67 unfaithful Senators....think again.

Ponder that just maybe, the Pelosi delay was to ensure that all the T's were crossed and all the I's were dotted. meaning they had the votes no matter how they get them.

The Swamp, in a shocking move, (to the Right) removes Trump, and DC is back to normal.
Pence is just a small hurdle.
All that is required for VERY EVIL men to prevail, is for good men to do nothing.

It wouldn't surprise me ONE BIT if the Swamp succeeds in removing Trump. And that nothing happens because of it except the Coup is complete.
Interesting article by a Trump supporter. The columnist claims the fix is in. Donnie tried to save his ass from removal by taking out the general, but it isn’t enough.

If this writer is right, our government is really F’ed up.

Impeachment, Soleimani and the Pull of the Swamp
Nothing happens in D.C. that doesn’t become a weapon in these people’s hands.

To think Pelosi wouldn’t use this to its fullest is terminally naive. To think Trump is savvy enough to see the game board in all its complexity having not one truly loyal staff (or family) member is also naive.

To think McConnell is anything more than an order-taker from those above him is the height of naivete.

I give Trump credit for navigating things to this point and keeping the violence to a minimum, but if he’s going to go down, he better be prepared to go scorched earth in the process.

It’s his only chance at survival and fulfilling even one of his many campaign promises.

Either way, the U.S. electorate will not stand for removing Trump over this. And they shouldn’t. I may be angry with Trump for his recent actions, but this impeachment is the height of lunacy. And when something this ludicrous goes this far, it means the fix is in.

The Flying Monkeys have taken over the asylum. The existence of this trial is itself an inflection point in history.

The rest is just a chase scene.
Impeachment, Soleimani and the Pull of the Swamp

If you actually believe you're going to get 67 Senators to convict I've got a bridge to sell you
Thank you for telling it like it is. :thup:
If you actually believe you're going to get 67 Senators to convict I've got a bridge to sell you

You might want to start making sure you have bridges.

Remember.....the "Swamp" is practically everyone in DC.
If you really believe there aren't 67 unfaithful Senators....think again.

Ponder that just maybe, the Pelosi delay was to ensure that all the T's were crossed and all the I's were dotted. meaning they had the votes no matter how they get them.

The Swamp, in a shocking move, (to the Right) removes Trump, and DC is back to normal.
Pence is just a small hurdle.
All that is required for VERY EVIL men to prevail, is for good men to do nothing.

It wouldn't surprise me ONE BIT if the Swamp succeeds in removing Trump. And that nothing happens because of it except the Coup is complete.
It wouldn’t surprise me either. However, I suspect many Trump supporters will be surprised. Do they accept defeat by the swamp, or do they go to war?
They want Pence Impeached too, and then what we have is

DemNazi Germany and Nancy Pelosi installed as Hitler.

If you actually believe you're going to get 67 Senators to convict I've got a bridge to sell you

You might want to start making sure you have bridges.

Remember.....the "Swamp" is practically everyone in DC.
If you really believe there aren't 67 unfaithful Senators....think again.

Ponder that just maybe, the Pelosi delay was to ensure that all the T's were crossed and all the I's were dotted. meaning they had the votes no matter how they get them.

The Swamp, in a shocking move, (to the Right) removes Trump, and DC is back to normal.
Pence is just a small hurdle.
All that is required for VERY EVIL men to prevail, is for good men to do nothing.

It wouldn't surprise me ONE BIT if the Swamp succeeds in removing Trump. And that nothing happens because of it except the Coup is complete.
Ms. Pelosi needs a manicure. She broke a few nails this morning when she expressed how pleasured she was that Trump's (falsely-charged) impeachment was permanent. (underscore permanent).
If you actually believe you're going to get 67 Senators to convict I've got a bridge to sell you

You might want to start making sure you have bridges.

Remember.....the "Swamp" is practically everyone in DC.
If you really believe there aren't 67 unfaithful Senators....think again.

Ponder that just maybe, the Pelosi delay was to ensure that all the T's were crossed and all the I's were dotted. meaning they had the votes no matter how they get them.

The Swamp, in a shocking move, (to the Right) removes Trump, and DC is back to normal.
Pence is just a small hurdle.
All that is required for VERY EVIL men to prevail, is for good men to do nothing.

It wouldn't surprise me ONE BIT if the Swamp succeeds in removing Trump. And that nothing happens because of it except the Coup is complete.
It wouldn’t surprise me either. However, I suspect many Trump supporters will be surprised. Do they accept defeat by the swamp, or do they go to war?
I think I will wait to see the outcome of the Senate trial. Patience is the right thing to do instead of speaking because we'd feel bad about a President the people elected according to the Constitution was ousted on anything but high crimes and misdemeanors. I'm pretty sure the outcome will be a just one for all concerned.
If you actually believe you're going to get 67 Senators to convict I've got a bridge to sell you

You might want to start making sure you have bridges.

Remember.....the "Swamp" is practically everyone in DC.
If you really believe there aren't 67 unfaithful Senators....think again.

Ponder that just maybe, the Pelosi delay was to ensure that all the T's were crossed and all the I's were dotted. meaning they had the votes no matter how they get them.

The Swamp, in a shocking move, (to the Right) removes Trump, and DC is back to normal.
Pence is just a small hurdle.
All that is required for VERY EVIL men to prevail, is for good men to do nothing.

It wouldn't surprise me ONE BIT if the Swamp succeeds in removing Trump. And that nothing happens because of it except the Coup is complete.
It wouldn’t surprise me either. However, I suspect many Trump supporters will be surprised. Do they accept defeat by the swamp, or do they go to war?
I think I will wait to see the outcome of the Senate trial. Patience is the right thing to do instead of speaking because we'd feel bad about a President the people elected according to the Constitution was ousted on anything but high crimes and misdemeanors. I'm pretty sure the outcome will be a just one for all concerned.
Yes of course, this is all speculation. The author makes a good case that the swamp will take out the Don.

Could the swamp so clearly expose themselves to all Americans, by removing Trump? It seems they might be afraid of the wrath of Americans who support Don. Then again, I’m not sure they give a shit what Americans think. They’re a pretty arrogant bunch.
It wouldn’t surprise me either. However, I suspect many Trump supporters will be surprised. Do they accept defeat by the swamp, or do they go to war?

If past results (of nothing done) are any indicator of future events.......the outcome is clear (regardless of the false bravado)

There will be some intense bitching, moaning and whining of course......but eventually the right will roll with any and all punches the Left pulls. Again, I'm only speaking from experience and evidence.
Interesting article by a Trump supporter. The columnist claims the fix is in. Donnie tried to save his ass from removal by taking out the general, but it isn’t enough.

If this writer is right, our government is really F’ed up.

Impeachment, Soleimani and the Pull of the Swamp
Nothing happens in D.C. that doesn’t become a weapon in these people’s hands.

To think Pelosi wouldn’t use this to its fullest is terminally naive. To think Trump is savvy enough to see the game board in all its complexity having not one truly loyal staff (or family) member is also naive.

To think McConnell is anything more than an order-taker from those above him is the height of naivete.

I give Trump credit for navigating things to this point and keeping the violence to a minimum, but if he’s going to go down, he better be prepared to go scorched earth in the process.

It’s his only chance at survival and fulfilling even one of his many campaign promises.

Either way, the U.S. electorate will not stand for removing Trump over this. And they shouldn’t. I may be angry with Trump for his recent actions, but this impeachment is the height of lunacy. And when something this ludicrous goes this far, it means the fix is in.

The Flying Monkeys have taken over the asylum. The existence of this trial is itself an inflection point in history.

The rest is just a chase scene.
Impeachment, Soleimani and the Pull of the Swamp

If you actually believe you're going to get 67 Senators to convict I've got a bridge to sell you
How much? Kidding!!!!

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