Seeding oceans with iron could help limit global warming


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Seeding oceans with iron could help limit global warming

A team of German researchers believe stimulating the growth of algae in our oceans may offer a viable method of removing excess carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

Indeed, despite alternative studies suggesting the above-mentioned approach is ineffective, a recent analysis of an ocean-fertilization experiment conducted 8 years ago in the Southern Ocean indicates that encouraging algae blooms to grow can soak up carbon - which is then deposited in the deep ocean as the algae dies.

Way back in February 2004, researchers involved in the European Iron Fertilization Experiment (EIFEX) fertilized 167 square kilometers of the Southern Ocean with several tons of iron sulphate. For 37 days, the team on board the German research vessel Polarstern monitored the bloom and demise of single-cell algae (phytoplankton) in the iron-limited but otherwise nutrient-rich ocean region.

Interestingly enough, each atom of added iron pulled at least 13,000 atoms of carbon out of the atmosphere by encouraging algal growth which, through photosynthesis, captures carbon. As noted above, much of the captured carbon was transported to the deep ocean, where it will remain sequestered for centuries - essentially acting as a "carbon sink."

"At least half of the bloom was exported to depths greater than 1,000 metres," explains Victor Smetacek, a marine biologist at the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research in Bremerhaven, Germany, who led the study.

The team used a turbidity meter - a device that measures the degree to which water becomes less transparent owing to the presence of suspended particles - to establish the amount of biomass, such as dead algae, that rained down the water column towards the sea floor. Samples collected outside the experimental area showed substantially less carbon being deposited in the deep ocean
Seeding oceans with iron could help limit global warming

Well, old rocks should we cover the entire ocean with this?
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Seeding oceans with iron could help limit global warming

A team of German researchers believe stimulating the growth of algae in our oceans may offer a viable method of removing excess carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

Indeed, despite alternative studies suggesting the above-mentioned approach is ineffective, a recent analysis of an ocean-fertilization experiment conducted 8 years ago in the Southern Ocean indicates that encouraging algae blooms to grow can soak up carbon - which is then deposited in the deep ocean as the algae dies.

Way back in February 2004, researchers involved in the European Iron Fertilization Experiment (EIFEX) fertilized 167 square kilometers of the Southern Ocean with several tons of iron sulphate. For 37 days, the team on board the German research vessel Polarstern monitored the bloom and demise of single-cell algae (phytoplankton) in the iron-limited but otherwise nutrient-rich ocean region.

Interestingly enough, each atom of added iron pulled at least 13,000 atoms of carbon out of the atmosphere by encouraging algal growth which, through photosynthesis, captures carbon. As noted above, much of the captured carbon was transported to the deep ocean, where it will remain sequestered for centuries - essentially acting as a "carbon sink."

"At least half of the bloom was exported to depths greater than 1,000 metres," explains Victor Smetacek, a marine biologist at the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research in Bremerhaven, Germany, who led the study.

The team used a turbidity meter - a device that measures the degree to which water becomes less transparent owing to the presence of suspended particles - to establish the amount of biomass, such as dead algae, that rained down the water column towards the sea floor. Samples collected outside the experimental area showed substantially less carbon being deposited in the deep ocean
Seeding oceans with iron could help limit global warming

How much carbon would be emitted (using surrent technologies and resources) in the recovery, refinement, transportation and distribution of the Iron required to sustantively impact atmospheric Carbon concentrations? How many eddy current regions are there where we could employ the technique and and how long would it take to drop atmospheric levels back to 1880 levels?
Looking at the spectacular failures we have engineered in past,trying to"FIX" mother nature why would we even think this wouldn't backfire like all the rest.

Back to the drawing board.
No, we should try anything like this in measured and careful test areas. There are bound to be unintended consequences and we need to know and understand how those consequences will play out in a larger application.

Having said that, if we keep on the path we are on at present, we may find ourselves forced to do geo-engineering without adaquete tests.
We need to exploit algae, with switchgrass and hemp, as CO2-neutral biomass media, to be processed into ethanol, by ultrasound or other modern methods.
We need to test media, for causing iron to remove carbon, given the rate of return.

We need to radically re-green deserts and polluted areas, but if some form of bloom removes 13,000 atoms of carbon, for each atom of iron, hey now. Let's get some little plants and test them.

I see no reason, why we should not try to use algae, this way, on large oceanic areas, during different seasons.
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We need to test media, for causing iron to remove carbon, given the rate of return.

We need to radically re-green deserts and polluted areas, but if some form of bloom removes 13,000 atoms of carbon, for each atom of iron, hey now. Let's get some little plants and test them.

I see no reason, why we should not try to use algae, this way, on large oceanic areas, during different seasons.

Might kill the lower part of the food chain that lives in our oceans. There's risk with doing so.
Nice... We could just dump all of those rusting heaps on the side of the roads into the Oceans. Problem solved.
Isn't there enough iron in the ocean already? WWI and WWII there must be millions of tons of ships, tanks, and planes down there.

Setting on the bottom of the ocean they aren't doing free floating surface water life much good.

Seriously, there is a lot of processing that must be done to make iron a good ocean fertilizer. The other issue is that it is a broad spectrum fertilizer and in warm waters the most common types of life likely to be encouraged to large blooms are not necessarily what we'd want to create large slicks of. Ever hear of "Red Tides," (not to be confused with the infamous "Crimson Tide" -
) last thing we need to do is start poisoning the already dwindling seafood bounty.
The oceans have increased in acidity (30% according to NOAA, IPCC and NASA) won't the acid just melt the cars?
The Story of the Multiflora Rose:

In 1947, the Missouri Conservation Commission, in response to the abandonment of barbed wire fencing after the sale of farmland to commercial and residential developement, declared that they would offer multiflora rose plants as a living self-mending fence replacement and distributed the seedlings free of charge to any farmer that would remove his barbed wire or weld wire fencing.

Over 10,000,000 seedlings were distributed annually.

The law of unintended consequences revealed itself with a vengeance.

It turns out that birds love to eat the seeds of multifloral roses, but of course cannot digest everywhere a bird shits, a multifloral rose springs up.


Invasive. Native to Japan. During the last century, federal and many state conservation agencies [Especially Missouri] promoted the planting of multiflora rose in an effort to control erosion and provide cover and winter food for wildlife. Those hopeful ideas waned when the plant began to spread and became a serious invader of agricultural lands, pastures and native ecosystems throughout the eastern United States. Now, it is considered an invasive plant; in 1983, the state of Missouri declared it a noxious weed.

Multiflora Rose | Missouri Department of Conservation
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The oceans have increased in acidity (30% according to NOAA, IPCC and NASA) won't the acid just melt the cars?

30% if you are working with 1 sigfig, which is what the 8.2 to 8.1 pH (per H+ concentration) calculation does. 2 sigfigs would probably put it somewhere around a 25 or 26% acidification. Jr. High general science/High School chemistry (or at least it was in my Jr. High and HS - back in the early '60s). No, the oceans are not "acids," or even "acidic," as a whole (which would mean regular average pH of below 7). But the pH level of our planet's oceans is dropping, and any decline in the pH of a substance is properly qualified as an "acidification." "Melting cars" is not the issue. Existing food chain bases that depend upon life optimized to water pH centered on 8.2 or higher isn't going to do well as that center point is lowered. You also have to understand that the mean is not the limit of the ocean pH. The warmer the water, the more CO2 it will absorb and retain and the lower the local pH will drop. Tropical waters are warmer and have a lower pH, often dropping and maintaining in the high sevens (~7.8, IIRC). This is only with an atmospheric CO2fraction of ~400ppm. Pop that level up around 1400ppm, which is what some senarios suggest (and some consider conservative) over the next century, and the worry won't be acidification, it will be acidic oceans to consider.
The oceans have increased in acidity (30% according to NOAA, IPCC and NASA) won't the acid just melt the cars?

30% if you are working with 1 sigfig, which is what the 8.2 to 8.1 pH (per H+ concentration) calculation does. 2 sigfigs would probably put it somewhere around a 25 or 26% acidification. Jr. High general science/High School chemistry (or at least it was in my Jr. High and HS - back in the early '60s). No, the oceans are not "acids," or even "acidic," as a whole (which would mean regular average pH of below 7). But the pH level of our planet's oceans is dropping, and any decline in the pH of a substance is properly qualified as an "acidification." "Melting cars" is not the issue. Existing food chain bases that depend upon life optimized to water pH centered on 8.2 or higher isn't going to do well as that center point is lowered. You also have to understand that the mean is not the limit of the ocean pH. The warmer the water, the more CO2 it will absorb and retain and the lower the local pH will drop. Tropical waters are warmer and have a lower pH, often dropping and maintaining in the high sevens (~7.8, IIRC). This is only with an atmospheric CO2fraction of ~400ppm. Pop that level up around 1400ppm, which is what some senarios suggest (and some consider conservative) over the next century, and the worry won't be acidification, it will be acidic oceans to consider.

Right, NASA is lying.

Thank you.

Also the notion that there is an "Average" pH for the Ocean is another Goebbles Big AGW Lie

Role of carbonic acid in ocean chemistry

The oceans of the world have absorbed almost half of the CO2 emitted by humans from the burning of fossil fuels.[3] The extra dissolved carbon dioxide has caused the ocean's average surface pH to shift by about 0.1 unit from pre-industrial levels.[4] This process is known as ocean acidification.[5]


Spectroscopic studies of carbonic acid

Theoretical calculations show that the presence of even a single molecule of water causes carbonic acid to revert to carbon dioxide and water. In the absence of water, the dissociation of gaseous carbonic acid is predicted to be very slow, with a half-life of 180,000 years.[6]

It has long been recognized that pure carbonic acid cannot be obtained at room temperatures (about 20 °C or about 70 °F). It can be generated by exposing a frozen mixture of water and carbon dioxide to high-energy radiation, and then warming to remove the excess water. The carbonic acid that remained was characterized by infrared spectroscopy. The fact that the carbonic acid was prepared by irradiating a solid H2O + CO2 mixture may suggest that H2CO3 might be found in outer space, where frozen ices of H2O and CO2 are common, as are cosmic rays and ultraviolet light, to help them react.[6] The same carbonic acid polymorph (denoted beta-carbonic acid) was prepared by heating alternating layers of glassy aqueous solutions of bicarbonate and acid in vacuo, which causes protonation of bicarbonate, followed by removal of the solvent. Alpha-carbonic acid was prepared by the same technique using methanol rather than water as a solvent.

So Fecaltoonces' Roberts Lav thread about simply putting pCO2 into H2O describes a bogus study, which had no methodology, to either simulate carbonic acid formulation OR cold water affinity, for carrying relatively acidic concentrations.

What happens is still an exchange process, of several reactions, which are shown:

CO2 + H2O ~~~~> H2CO3 + Ca ~~~~> CaCO3 + OH-

You might also like to get all the way, to the bottom of the Wikipedia page:

Carbonic Acid Decomposition

pH Calculation and Acid-Base Titration Curves - Freeware for Data Analysis and Simulation


Decomposition is always happening, as part of the above exchange:

H2CO3 + 2 H2O ~~~~> CO2 + 3 H2O


The relative acidity, of upwelling ocean water is enough, to destroy organisms.

Of course, when the oceans warm, bacteria will kill other organisms. Die-offs are here, already.

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