Zone1 Why is there fear of Black people?

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Black criminals hunt in packs.

A bad neighborhood is always a black neighborhood. I feel perfectly safe in neighborhoods inhabited by poor Vietnamese war refugees.

I guess you've never heard of Appalachia?

Central Appalachia has up to three times the national poverty rate, an epidemic of prescription drug abuse, the shortest life span in the nation, toothlessness, cancer and chronic depression.
Davis beat back CBS but said the planned programme reflected a sense that white people living in poorer communities were blamed for their condition.
“There’s this feeling here like people are looking down on you. Feeling like it’s OK to laugh at you, to pity you. You’re not on the same common ground for comparison as someone who’s better off or living in a better place. That doesn’t mean it’s always true, it just means we feel that burden quickly. We’re primed to react to people we think are looking down on us. That they judge us for our clothes, judge us for our car, judge us for our income, the way we talk,” he said.
“This is the poorest congressional district in the United States. I grew up delivering furniture with my dad. No one ever said they were in poverty. That’s a word that’s used to judge people. You hear them say, I may be a poor man but we live a pretty good life for poor people. People refer to themselves as poor but they won’t refer to themselves as in poverty.”
Karen Jennings encountered the prejudice when she first left Beattyville.
“When I went to Louisville as a teenager to work in Waffle House I had this country accent. They laughed at me and asked if we even had bathrooms where I come from. People here are judged in the bigger cities and they resent that,” she said. “The difference is the cities hide their problems. Here it’s too small to hide them. There’s the drugs, and the poverty. There’s a lot of the old people come in here for food. The welfare isn’t enough. Three girls in my granddaughter’s class are pregnant. This is a hard place to grow up. People don’t hide it but they resent being judged for it.”


America's poorest white town: abandoned by coal, swallowed by drugs
There has never been white affirmative action. It has never been needed since whites have constructed the society and nation that we live in.
Yeah - white affirmative action, Whites looking out for other whites at the expense of Blacks, who didn't count or matter, literally. White affirmative action stacked the deck in all aspects of society in favor of whites society, again, at the expense of its Black citizens who just didn't matter for the most part.

That's the white supremacist mindset upon which the United States was founded and was only ended legislatively by the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The key takeaway however is JUST BECAUSE THE LAW CHANGED DOESN'T MEAN HEARTS AND MINDS WERE CHANGED. We can see how they haven't, every single day when we log into this message board and we read the same thoughts, attitudes and fake grievances that were being proffered back when people were putting up the signs below.




Yeah - white affirmative action, Whites looking out for other whites at the expense of Blacks, who didn't count or matter, literally. White affirmative action stacked the deck in all aspects of society in favor of whites society, again, at the expense of its Black citizens who just didn't matter for the most part.

That's the white supremacist mindset upon which the United States was founded and was only ended legislatively by the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The key takeaway however is JUST BECAUSE THE LAW CHANGED DOESN'T MEAN HEARTS AND MINDS WERE CHANGED. We can see how they haven't, every single day when we log into this message board and we read the same thoughts, attitudes and fake grievances that were being proffered back when people were putting up the signs below.

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And don't forget who pushed through the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and who was against it.
I was walking out of Auto Zone yesterday (who, btw, do not sell Red Line products) and there was this lady out in the parking lot bent down, looking under the front of her car.

So I stopped and asked her if she was alright or if she had something leaking under there.

She was caught completely off-guard, observably. Just by the look on her face alone.

Anyway. Long story short, she just parked where someone else had parked (because oil doesn't leak from a radiator.)

But this woman acted completey shocked that I would stop and crawl under there for her to see what was going on.

As I walked back to my car, I thought to myself, I wonder if she acted that way because I was white and she was black.
/---/ Good for you. My very pregnant wife and two kids were stranded on a busy road with a flat. Plenty of white men passed her by. A Black gentleman stopped, changed the tire for her, and sent her on her way. He said it was unbelievable that no one else would stop to help her.
Westvall, you can click the thumbs down button all you want but there are no blacks who own the gun manufacturing companies, the cigarette or alcohol manfucaturers. Blacks do not own airlines, shipping or the freight companies that allow drugs to be shipped into this country and distributed in it. This is just one of many inconvenient truths those like you cannot face.
There are plenty of black owned small trucking companies. Usually single truck owner operators, but there are more than a few who operate four or five trucks.

I know of two black owned small gun makers who specialize in custom AR platform guns, but you are correct about the aviation world, we need more blacks involved in aviation.

You are the clod who refuses to face facts. The illegal aliens are replacing the black population. The dems have figured out they don't need you anymore so they are kicking you all to the curb.
Yeah - white affirmative action, Whites looking out for other whites at the expense of Blacks, who didn't count or matter, literally. White affirmative action stacked the deck in all aspects of society in favor of whites society, again, at the expense of its Black citizens who just didn't matter for the most part.

That's the white supremacist mindset upon which the United States was founded and was only ended legislatively by the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The key takeaway however is JUST BECAUSE THE LAW CHANGED DOESN'T MEAN HEARTS AND MINDS WERE CHANGED. We can see how they haven't, every single day when we log into this message board and we read the same thoughts, attitudes and fake grievances that were being proffered back when people were putting up the signs below.

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/-----/ That's the white liberal democRAT supremacist mindset.
There I fixed it for you. I'm here to help.
I don't demand or care about your approval. Your own thread is a demand for approval from whites. You wanted answers, and you got them

Lisa talked about a frightening experience and you Laughed.
You do know that people can go back to the OP and read what she wrote right? She didn't demand ANYTHING:

"Is there anyone here who can identify with the White man in the above narrative?"

Maybe the reason she laughed at Lisa's story is because the thought of Lisa, Miss Hoity Toity, at a bus stop at 11:00 at night in a bad area of town struck her as funny.

Or odd.

But hey, God rescued her so she's fine, apparently, maybe, hopefully.
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I'm not lecturing you about anything, only directing you to a video by an inteliigent young black woman.
She isn't intelligent. She is saying things that make you feel good as a white person. It is time those like you stop believing what you want and start believing what is real. And what that young woman was talking about is not real.
/---/ Good for you. My very pregnant wife and two kids were stranded on a busy road with a flat. Plenty of white men passed her by. A Black gentleman stopped, changed the tire for her, and sent her on her way. He said it was unbelievable that no one else would stop to help her.
Who wouldn't stop and help three pregnant people?
I saw this on another message board:
"I was talking race with a friend of mine who happens to be White. I told him that as a Black person we often enter situations distrusted and have to do so much more than the next person to establish trust, simply because of the color of our skin.
He replied to me, 'Do you know why lots of Whites are hesitant around Black people? Because if they were you they would have burned this nation (USA) down by now, and they don't know if today is the day that you'll decide to do it'.
First time I was speechless in my adult life".

Is there anyone here who can identify with the White man in the above narrative?

Young black men are 7% of the population but commit over 50% of all murder……,

While majority of all murders are committed against one’s own racial group inter racial murder has more white and Hispanics murdered by young black men.

Asians across the country, women in democrat controlled cities have been targeted by young black men for random punching attacks…….

The flash mobs of young teenagers storming various malls and stores are made up of young black teenagers….,

The blm/antifs riots that raged for a full year were composed of young black people, burning, looting and murdering people….

The vast majority of shootings in this country are not mass public shootings…they are gang shootings committed vy young black men…..dittos car jacking sand robberies….

Off the top of my head, those would be some of the reasons that people fear young black males…
Young black men are 7% of the population but commit over 50% of all murder……,

While majority of all murders are committed against one’s own racial group inter racial murder has more white and Hispanics murdered by young black men.

Asians across the country, women in democrat controlled cities have been targeted by young black men for random punching attacks…….

The flash mobs of young teenagers storming various malls and stores are made up of young black teenagers….,

The blm/antifs riots that raged for a full year were composed of young black people, burning, looting and murdering people….

The vast majority of shootings in this country are not mass public shootings…they are gang shootings committed vy young black men…..dittos car jacking sand robberies….

Off the top of my head, those would be some of the reasons that people fear young black males…

What's a "sand robbery"?
Because I abide by the law, I'm vetted, trained, and a trusted individual in the eyes of my local, state, and federal governments. How many other people do you know who've legally-carried a concealed firearm for the last 12 years?
During those 12 years, how many times have you had to use it to defend your life?
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