Zone1 Why is there fear of Black people?

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Westvall, you can click the thumbs down button all you want but there are no blacks who own the gun manufacturing companies, the cigarette or alcohol manfucaturers. Blacks do not own airlines, shipping or the freight companies that allow drugs to be shipped into this country and distributed in it. This is just one of many inconvenient truths those like you cannot face.
They don't talk about the shootings that happen in mid size or rural communites either.
And I just explained that legally, any time three or more people are shot by a shooter it is a "mass shooting".
The majority of such tend to be within one race/ethnic.
BTW, not all Hispanics are "Mexican people". Mexico may be the border they came in through, but most came from outside of Mexico.
FWIW, lumping all Hispanic as "Mexican" could be seen as another form of racism~ethnic-ism.
I don't believe that the term "mass shooting" is a legal term. I believe it's a way of classifying and distinguishing certain aspects of mass criminal shootings.

For example, the guy who massacred all those country music fans in Las Vegas so many ago is different than a gang member shooting and killing several rival gang members. And neither of them is in the same category as either one of the two racially motivated shootings carried out against Black victims by Dylann Roof or Payton Gendron.
And I just explained that legally, any time three or more people are shot by a shooter it is a "mass shooting".
The majority of such tend to be within one race/ethnic.
BTW, not all Hispanics are "Mexican people". Mexico may be the border they came in through, but most came from outside of Mexico.
FWIW, lumping all Hispanic as "Mexican" could be seen as another form of racism~ethnic-ism.
Ms Turquois is citing what the news media reported - that the shooter was looking to kill Hispanics or Mexicans, I can't remember which specifically, but it was in a southern town in Texas and that's why the shooter chose that location so the reasoning makes since. Nonetheless if you're going to take exception to someone's alleged "racism", then how about taking it up with the person who actually killed all of those innocent people, he's the one who espoused his own racism as to why he chose them to kill.
  • Brilliant
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I'm just pointing out the tendency for many to make vague ethnic generalizations.
Data shows quite a range of race/ethnics crossing the Southern border. Chinese and middle eastern types are some of the many in significant numbers.
You know it's kind of fascinating to watch you struggle to piece together a scenario that will match your skewed world view of that tragic event

El Paso sits directly across the border from Ciudad Juarez in the northern Mexican state of Chihuahua. The city was 83% Hispanic or Latino as of July 1, 2018, according to the US Census Bureau, while a quarter of residents were foreign-born.​
I think that's part of it. But there's another side to the fear/hatred of blacks: It was necessary to support slavery. That may seem obvious, but the point is, for a rational person with more or less operational moral faculties to accept slavery, it was necessary for them to believe that the fate of the slaves was somehow justified, that black people were slaves because they were morally and intellectually inferior.

Today, despite the fact that we long ago rejected slavery, legally and morally, the propaganda created to support slavery persists. It persists because racism is an easy way for lowly, resentful people to feel superior.
A thumbs up wasn't sufficient. Thank you for expressing this so eloquently.
Why do you think that makes you unique?

Because I abide by the law, I'm vetted, trained, and a trusted individual in the eyes of my local, state, and federal governments. How many other people do you know who've legally-carried a concealed firearm for the last 12 years?
There is not ..I’ve traveled through the USA across the country… our neighbors are nice people

The media , corporations and Hollywood are racist against whites wrt their hiring quotas that favor minorities. And with regards to their racial ideas that all white people including homeless whites are privileged.
If you understood what the word "privilege" actually means, then you would understand the truth in what you've been told, including "all white people including homeless whites are privileged".

"Having privilege does not mean that an individual is immune to life's hardships, but it does mean having an unearned benefit or advantage one receives in society by nature of their identity."

"A privilege is defined as a benefit or advantage afforded to members of a particular group that others do not have. It's also protects against certain disadvantages and pains that those who are not a member of the group are subjected to. Anyone who cannot see how being born into the white race affords them advantages over black people that white people themselves passed into law are being less than honest."​

My complete comment can be viewed here:
Zone1 - How Do Black People Define Racism?
  • Brilliant
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No, it's not because of the color of your skin.

It's because the 6% of the population (who just happen to have your skin color) commit HALF of most crime.

Not all blacks are like this, but such a high percentage are, that the decent ones need to prove themselves to most of us.
S/he's right. The real reason is because they're racists. Look at what s/he just wrote ...
  • Fact
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That's not how statistics work.

All things being equal...

Statistically, each racial group should have a percentage of crimes committed equal to their representation.

If whites are 60% of the population then they should statistically be responsible for 60% of all murders.

And blacks as 13% of the population should account for 13% of all murders.

When 13% of the population is responsible for 50% of murders, that deviation from the expected norms signify a significant issue.
You don't find it disturbing that all any of you can do is cite numbers but you can't explain anything about them?

What numbers are you using and what do those numbers actually represent because I can guarantee you, Black people, as a group, a race, do not commit more crime than white people.
  • Fact
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S/he's right. The real reason is because they're racists. Look at what s/he just wrote ...

How can the FBI's own statistics be "racist?

"Of the 9,468 murder arrests in the US in 2017, 53.5% were black and 20.8% Hispanic. Of the 822,671 arrests for non-aggravated assault, 31.4% were black and 18.4% Hispanic.[55]

According to the FBI Uniform Crime Reports, in 2008, black youths, who make up 16% of the youth population, accounted for 52% of juvenile violent crime arrests, including 58.5% of youth arrests for homicide and 67% for robbery. Black youths were overrepresented in all offense categories except DUI, liquor laws, and drunkenness."

Race and crime in the United States - Wikipedia

Now that was 12.1% of the population committing 53.5% of the murders, 16% of the youth population committing 52% of juvenile violent crimes, 58.5% of youth arrests for homicide, and 67% for robbery.
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You don't find it disturbing that all any of you can do is cite numbers but you can't explain anything about them?

What numbers are you using and what do those numbers actually represent because I can guarantee you, Black people, as a group, a race, do not commit more crime than white people.
They apparently know nothing about a concept called subsets. Like the subset of people who are crminal offenders.
Whites didn’t start racism.
What are you saying? They copied it from others? That doesn't make it any better because whether they came up with the original idea or not they established the United States of America on white supremacists beliefs and then created laws, policies, treatises, court cases, etc. which supported and upheld these white supremacists laws. Have you never heard of the Black Codes or of Jim Crow?
Whites were also the people who built a system that dismantled slavery and systemic racism.
This is akin to telling a woman that she should be grateful to her husband and thank him for his decision to stop beating her.

Was that really what you were trying to do?
I saw this on another message board:
"I was talking race with a friend of mine who happens to be White. I told him that as a Black person we often enter situations distrusted and have to do so much more than the next person to establish trust, simply because of the color of our skin.
He replied to me, 'Do you know why lots of Whites are hesitant around Black people? Because if they were you they would have burned this nation (USA) down by now, and they don't know if today is the day that you'll decide to do it'.
First time I was speechless in my adult life".

Is there anyone here who can identify with the White man in the above narrative?
What he revealed to you is the tacit acknowledgement that white people RARELY let slip, that they know how wrong and outrageous the treatment of Black people in our country has been due to the very visceral reaction they have even just thinking about how they would react had this been done to them (and probably not even thinking about the fact that it's not just once, or twice on just on this job, or at that location, etc. etc. etc.)
Haiti dusmantled slavery long before America did. Systemic racism has not been dismantled and bragging about fixing your fuck ups is really very stupid.
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