Seattle NPR Station Says It Will No Longer Carry Donald Trump’s Coronavirus Briefings Live Because Of Misinformation

KUOW 94.9FM in Seattle, one of the first epicenters of the US Coronavirus outbreak, has discontinued live broadcasts of White House Coronavirus briefings due to the massive pattern of disinformation therein.

Station statement March 25 (in part):

>> After airing the White House briefings live for two weeks, a pattern of false information and exaggeration increasingly had many at KUOW questioning whether these briefings were in the best service of our mission—to create and serve a more informed public. Of even greater concern was the potential impact of false information on the health and safety of our community.

A sampling of exaggerations and false information that were not fact checked in real time:

● “Nobody knew there’d be a pandemic or an epidemic of this proportion,” President Trump said at a live White House briefing on March 19 despite warnings from the U.S. Intelligence community earlier this year.

● “You’re seeing very few empty shelves,” our listeners heard live from President Trump on March 20. Local reporting shows many stores are out of basic supplies, including hand soap.

● We’re going to be able to make the drug chloroquine “available almost immediately” said President Trump on March 19. The president claimed, incorrectly, that the FDA had fast-tracked approval of its use to treat COVID-19. There isn't current medical evidence of the efficacy of that drug in treating COVID-19.

Knowing this a very fluid situation, we will revisit this decision daily. <<

KUOW will continue to treat all opportunities for live preemption on a case-by-case basis weighing for importance, news value and immediacy of need-to-know. But be clear, KUOW and NPR will continue to cover White House briefings and share relevant information from federal government and public health sources in the format most useful to our listeners. <<

Inasmuch as broadcast licensing requires responsible operation as a public trust, this is a shining example of exercising it. As readers know the last named piece of misinformation has already led to an unnecessary death and hospitalization of a couple who followed that advice. so denying destructive disinformation the chance to damage the public is exactly the right call.

See also this related thread where TV networks did the same thing -- Dana7360

And this is all over the fact those people died from self medicating without DR approval of some POOL CLEANER??? And the President is being held responsible for their chosen misunderstanding??

Come on Puggles…...if you were sick and heard something about a certain drug or chemical that is 'PROMISING' as a treatment......and you found out some pool cleaner had that chemical in it...…..would you really ingest it???? Without doing further research or calling your DR for advice??? REALLY???????

Sure, all you dumbasses go celebrate some imagined victory while the rest of us laugh at ya

It's nice to know you and your selective reading "laugh" at a couple split up by death, his life ended, hers shattered and hanging in the balance. Must be hilarious.

At least you actually read the OP, unlike the last wackadoodle. Even if you flushed away the parts you couldn't digest.

Your whole OP is like most TDS'ers cause it's all about how Orange Man Bad. OK whatever...…….but I wasn't laughing at the couple involved, I'm laughing at you and the rest that believe the crap you post that's in accordance with OMB.

No idea what "OMB" is supposed to be (Obstinately Mendacious 'Breviations?) but actually this story is about responsible broadcasting. Not sure if the general public knows this but it's illegal to broadcast a hoax.-- such as the instant chloroquine case. Now, the station (any station) could successfully make the argument that they were not in control of that hoax, but filtering the orange klown who can't be bothered to filter not only puts KUOW (YOUR station) in a safer place but protects the public from intentional Fake News.

Matter of fact the cited case of poisoning is exactly WHY it's illegal to broadcast a hoax. Harm to the public.

Rump stood at a podium and not only proclaimed it as a miracle cure complete with fake case history of "some guy" --- he falsely claimed it was approved as such. IT ISN'T. That's irresponsible, there just isn't any other word for it. So here's a broadcaster, one among several, taking the initiative to apply responsibility to a moron who CAN'T.

And I still stand by my questions to you or anyone for that matter...…...who in the hell is going to ingest pool cleaner based on Trumps comment of a chemical, that just happens to be in a toxic substance, looks promising but still needs further study?

As to the story of that couple...….I honestly question if it's even true or some made up shit.. I don't know the full story or the details of it.....and I do know people can really do some stupid stuff...…..but REALLY??????????

I have no doubt you still stand by your ignorance but I've already used my allotment of the word "obstinate" -- oops, did it again.

Unlike the Rump soiled briefings, the story of the couple in Phoenix is very real.

But as Rump himself correctly noted, he could shoot somebody on Fifth Avenue and not lose a vote. He understands the power of the Cult better than the cult followers do.
I see Billy_Bob and JGalt "dislike" this story.

Is it inaccurate?

If so, make corrections. If not, make your case or continue to be cowards.

And as an update we add Bustball to the list of the Butthurt.

Same thing westwall -- show where the OP is inaccurte, state your counterargument, or be a coward.

I know where my bet is.

Sluggo, you're a moron, as everyone here knows.

As for the op, I have already refuted;

● “You’re seeing very few empty shelves,” our listeners heard live from President Trump on March 20. Local reporting shows many stores are out of basic supplies, including hand soap.

What the president said is true, so why are the little Goebbels at NPR lying about it? Well, to slander Trump of course.

KABC started this shit when they did close up shots of the TP aisle of a Costco in Chino Hills. Even TP aisles are back to semi-normal with only the hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes in short supply. So NPR is lying, not the president. Their stunt is 100% partisan bullshit. You know it, and love it.

Morning Pothead. So you're actually gonna sit on this board and claim that responsible broadcasting is a "stunt" on the sole basis of your ipse dixit claim that a Costco a thousand miles away may have toilet paper?

Stay low-hanging fruity, Dumbass.
No, he said the democrats RESPONSE to the outbreak was the hoax.
Which is absolutely no different, since democrats were merely relaying the recommendations of experts. Notice Trump saw a threat to his re election and is now doing the things the experts suggested.

democrats were and are relaying the orders they got from Beijing. Trump is handling this correctly, unlike Obama who had 400 children to the white house during the H1N1 outbreak that killed 13,000 Americans.
I see Billy_Bob and JGalt "dislike" this story.

Is it inaccurate?

If so, make corrections. If not, make your case or continue to be cowards.

And as an update we add Bustball to the list of the Butthurt.

Same thing westwall -- show where the OP is inaccurte, state your counterargument, or be a coward.

I know where my bet is.

Sluggo, you're a moron, as everyone here knows.

As for the op, I have already refuted;

● “You’re seeing very few empty shelves,” our listeners heard live from President Trump on March 20. Local reporting shows many stores are out of basic supplies, including hand soap.

What the president said is true, so why are the little Goebbels at NPR lying about it? Well, to slander Trump of course.

KABC started this shit when they did close up shots of the TP aisle of a Costco in Chino Hills. Even TP aisles are back to semi-normal with only the hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes in short supply. So NPR is lying, not the president. Their stunt is 100% partisan bullshit. You know it, and love it.

Morning Pothead. So you're actually gonna sit on this board and claim that responsible broadcasting is a "stunt" based on your ipse dixit claim that a Costco a thousand miles away has toilet paper are ya?

Stay low-hanging fruity, Dumbass.

So Sluggo, you're going to actually sit on this board and claim that inducing hysteria and creating nationwide panics over things like toilet paper is "responsible broadcasting?"

Dude, you're dumb as a stump and a complete hack, but SERIOUSLY? :eek:
KUOW 94.9FM in Seattle, one of the first epicenters of the US Coronavirus outbreak, has discontinued live broadcasts of White House Coronavirus briefings due to the massive pattern of disinformation therein.

Station statement March 25 (in part):

>> After airing the White House briefings live for two weeks, a pattern of false information and exaggeration increasingly had many at KUOW questioning whether these briefings were in the best service of our mission—to create and serve a more informed public. Of even greater concern was the potential impact of false information on the health and safety of our community.​
A sampling of exaggerations and false information that were not fact checked in real time:​
● “Nobody knew there’d be a pandemic or an epidemic of this proportion,” President Trump said at a live White House briefing on March 19 despite warnings from the U.S. Intelligence community earlier this year.​
● “You’re seeing very few empty shelves,” our listeners heard live from President Trump on March 20. Local reporting shows many stores are out of basic supplies, including hand soap.​
● We’re going to be able to make the drug chloroquine “available almost immediately” said President Trump on March 19. The president claimed, incorrectly, that the FDA had fast-tracked approval of its use to treat COVID-19. There isn't current medical evidence of the efficacy of that drug in treating COVID-19.​
Knowing this a very fluid situation, we will revisit this decision daily. <<​
KUOW will continue to treat all opportunities for live preemption on a case-by-case basis weighing for importance, news value and immediacy of need-to-know. But be clear, KUOW and NPR will continue to cover White House briefings and share relevant information from federal government and public health sources in the format most useful to our listeners. <<​

Inasmuch as broadcast licensing requires responsible operation as a public trust, this is a shining example of exercising it. As readers know the last named piece of misinformation has already led to an unnecessary death and hospitalization of a couple who followed that advice. so denying destructive disinformation the chance to damage the public is exactly the right call.

See also this related thread where TV networks did the same thing -- Dana7360

So in it's place, what will they play? Golden Oldies from the Roaring 20's about how great life is?

No, this is Nation Public Radio, federally funded radical leftism. NPR is like MSNBCNN on the radio, but paid for by taxpayers.

BTW, I went to the store yesterday, only the hand sanitizer shelf was empty, even toilet paper was on the shelf (limit one, and in 8 roll packs). So the president is telling the truth, the little Goebbels of NPR are lying.

Cut all federal funds from PBS and NPR - TODAY. Let China fund them, since they are nothing but Chinese propaganda anyway.

WRONG Pothead. It's KUOW, the last three letters standing for "University of Washington" (the licensee) a single station. You should have been able to tell that from the specific frequency given in the OP but apparently you're too damn dumb. Best to stick with what you know, if you can ever find out what that is. Tailfins on old cars perhaps.

NPR is a network; KUOW is a station. And as such it's funded by its listeners, voluntarily, and there's happily nothing you can do about that.
they got from Beijing
No moron. You are embarrassing yourself.

Nah, I'm embarrassing you, shit fer brains. You're a pathetic little worm who can't even reply to what is posted.

Retard Obama had CHILDREN brought to the white house during the pinnacle of the H1N1 pandemic after declaring a state of emergency. Why did he not practice social distancing? 13,000 American's died, and he did NOTHING.

KUOW 94.9FM in Seattle, one of the first epicenters of the US Coronavirus outbreak, has discontinued live broadcasts of White House Coronavirus briefings due to the massive pattern of disinformation therein.

Station statement March 25 (in part):

>> After airing the White House briefings live for two weeks, a pattern of false information and exaggeration increasingly had many at KUOW questioning whether these briefings were in the best service of our mission—to create and serve a more informed public. Of even greater concern was the potential impact of false information on the health and safety of our community.​
A sampling of exaggerations and false information that were not fact checked in real time:​
● “Nobody knew there’d be a pandemic or an epidemic of this proportion,” President Trump said at a live White House briefing on March 19 despite warnings from the U.S. Intelligence community earlier this year.​
● “You’re seeing very few empty shelves,” our listeners heard live from President Trump on March 20. Local reporting shows many stores are out of basic supplies, including hand soap.​
● We’re going to be able to make the drug chloroquine “available almost immediately” said President Trump on March 19. The president claimed, incorrectly, that the FDA had fast-tracked approval of its use to treat COVID-19. There isn't current medical evidence of the efficacy of that drug in treating COVID-19.​
Knowing this a very fluid situation, we will revisit this decision daily. <<​
KUOW will continue to treat all opportunities for live preemption on a case-by-case basis weighing for importance, news value and immediacy of need-to-know. But be clear, KUOW and NPR will continue to cover White House briefings and share relevant information from federal government and public health sources in the format most useful to our listeners. <<​

Inasmuch as broadcast licensing requires responsible operation as a public trust, this is a shining example of exercising it. As readers know the last named piece of misinformation has already led to an unnecessary death and hospitalization of a couple who followed that advice. so denying destructive disinformation the chance to damage the public is exactly the right call.

See also this related thread where TV networks did the same thing -- Dana7360

So in it's place, what will they play? Golden Oldies from the Roaring 20's about how great life is?

No, this is Nation Public Radio, federally funded radical leftism. NPR is like MSNBCNN on the radio, but paid for by taxpayers.

BTW, I went to the store yesterday, only the hand sanitizer shelf was empty, even toilet paper was on the shelf (limit one, and in 8 roll packs). So the president is telling the truth, the little Goebbels of NPR are lying.

Cut all federal funds from PBS and NPR - TODAY. Let China fund them, since they are nothing but Chinese propaganda anyway.

WRONG Pothead. It's KUOW, the last three letters standing for "University of Washington" (the licensee) a single station. You should have been able to tell that from the specific frequency given in the OP but apparently you're too damn dumb. Best to stick with what you know, if you can ever find out what that is. Tailfins on old cars perhaps.

NPR is a network; KUOW is a station. And as such it's funded by its listeners, voluntarily, and there's happily nothing you can do about that.

Oh fuck off stupid. KUOW is part of the NPR network, you drooling retard.
they got from Beijing
No moron. You are embarrassing yourself.

Nah, I'm embarrassing you, shit fer brains. You're a pathetic little worm who can't even reply to what is posted.

Retard Obama had CHILDREN brought to the white house during the pinnacle of the H1N1 pandemic after declaring a state of emergency. Why did he not practice social distancing? 13,000 American's died, and he did NOTHING.

We may find a treatment for covid-19, but there will never be a cure for Hillbilly Obama Tourette's Syndrome.
This is sad. Now most networks are now rethinking covering trump's briefings. They cut away from last night's briefing just after trump spewed more false and dangerous lies about the virus.

I've never seen any TV network do this. They always cover the president. This president is different. What he spews can and has already gotten people killed.

It's the best for our nation to not have trump spewing lies about this deadly virus.

I wish we had a president who didn't lie to such a dangerous extent as trump.

“I've never seen any TV network do this.”

We’ve never had a president so dishonest, incompetent, and unfit to be president – worse than Nixon.
Well this merge came out of parts unknown --- I deliberately searched the Media forum for "radio", "briefings", "white house" and found nothing. Maybe the next software improvement... anyway leave us catch up on what will certainly prove to be hapless misinformed crapola. Starting with:

Sounds like yet another very good reason to defund National PUBLIC Radio.

Again --- KUOW is a STATION; NPR is a NETWORK. Go ahead and "defund" things you don't even understand and can't even distinguish, Cult of Ignance.

Most of KUOW's funding comes from listeners voluntarily and there's nothing you can do about that.

NOR does your fascistic "defund" wet dream have any basis ---- broadcasting a hoax is ALREADY ILLEGAL. Want to see it in the CFR?
Last edited:
If NPR doesn't want to carry official government media they should absolutely lose all federal funding. They shouldn't get funding anyway. At least with carrying official statements they had some justification. Now they have none.

Once AGAIN this is KUOW, not "NPR". Reading is a lost art.
This is sad. Now most networks are now rethinking covering trump's briefings. They cut away from last night's briefing just after trump spewed more false and dangerous lies about the virus.

I've never seen any TV network do this. They always cover the president. This president is different. What he spews can and has already gotten people killed.

It's the best for our nation to not have trump spewing lies about this deadly virus.

I wish we had a president who didn't lie to such a dangerous extent as trump.

Dana, apparently your thread has been merged too even though "TV" is not "radio". Weird.
This is sad. Now most networks are now rethinking covering trump's briefings. They cut away from last night's briefing just after trump spewed more false and dangerous lies about the virus.

I've never seen any TV network do this. They always cover the president. This president is different. What he spews can and has already gotten people killed.

It's the best for our nation to not have trump spewing lies about this deadly virus.

I wish we had a president who didn't lie to such a dangerous extent as trump.

NPR Seattle is not going to run them live at all.
NPR? Gee I wonder why???

:no_text11: "KUOW". Learn to read.
This is sad. Now most networks are now rethinking covering trump's briefings. They cut away from last night's briefing just after trump spewed more false and dangerous lies about the virus.

I've never seen any TV network do this. They always cover the president. This president is different. What he spews can and has already gotten people killed.

It's the best for our nation to not have trump spewing lies about this deadly virus.

I wish we had a president who didn't lie to such a dangerous extent as trump.

NPR Seattle is not going to run them live at all.
NPR gets money from me and other taxes payers. Maybe it's time to cut the funding

Not even relevant here.
The orange whore spent the last three years dodging anyone who would dare question him, even suspending the regular press briefings that have been customary for decades. Now we see his ugly, lying face every night due only to the fact that he wants to present a particular heroic image to the public. He's not worth the airtime. Running cartoons in the same time-slot would be more constructive.

More than that, what he says has already gotten people killed.

We don't need someone spewing lies that gets more people killed needlessly.

And indeed, broadcasting a hoax, as that was, is and always has been specifically illegal anyway. KUOW is protecting itself as well as the public it's licensed to serve. Had the broadcasters in Phoenx taken that route, that couple may have been spared.
Is the press really supposed to be the judge of what should and should not be covered ?

This seems a bit out of line to me.

There is no change is what's covered (see the station statement in my OP) --- there is a change in what is BROADCAST.

YUGE difference. Again --- it's literally illegal to broadcast a hoax.
This president is different. What he spews can and has already gotten people killed.

Who did he kill? I certainly hope you aren't foolish enough to be referring to imbeciles who drank fish cleaner.

That is just one example.

Apparently, I"m going to have to add you to the list of imbeciles who are responsible for the labels on plastic bags warning us not to put them over our heads.

What's egregious is you know this is a lie and you still tell it.

Right here pal.

The orange whore spent the last three years dodging anyone who would dare question him, even suspending the regular press briefings that have been customary for decades. Now we see his ugly, lying face every night due only to the fact that he wants to present a particular heroic image to the public. He's not worth the airtime. Running cartoons in the same time-slot would be more constructive.

More than that, what he says has already gotten people killed.

We don't need someone spewing lies that gets more people killed needlessly.

Really? Let’s see some proof. Oh that’s right , you have none. As usual. I suppose you’re going to cite the idiot in Arizona who drank aquarium cleaner and blame Trump. It’s DIMS who are getting people killed (expected from a party of baby murderers) with their blocking of aid packages.
This president is different. What he spews can and has already gotten people killed.

Who did he kill? I certainly hope you aren't foolish enough to be referring to imbeciles who drank fish cleaner.

That is just one example. Those people never would have taken that chemical if they had not seen trump on TV and had not heard him tell them that it's a possible cure for the virus. If trump had not said that, that man would be alive today and his wife wouldn't be in the hospital fighting for her life.

Certainly his lack of preparation when he had over 2 months to get our nation ready for this virus has caused needless deaths.

Instead of accepting the WHO test for the virus, he refused it and made our CDC start from scratch to develop a test and the first one was a failure. Instead of taking that over 2 months to make sure there was enough tests and medical supplies, he spent that time golfing and telling the nation it was a democratic hoax to ruin his reelection. He made stupid claims such as saying people who have the virus can go to work, that by some miracle the virus will go away by April and other very irresponsible things that allowed our nation to not be prepared for this and many to die needlessly.

If trump had been responsible, if he had put our nation first, if he had not been so selfish, we wouldn't be in the situation we're in now.

The virus isn't trump's fault.

The mess we're in now because of his inaction and irresponsible words is his fault

That's not what he said at all, so why must you lie about it?

See above, both of y'all. We're sorry y'all were too goddam stupid to accept stories from the world of Reality.
they got from Beijing
No moron. You are embarrassing yourself.

Nah, I'm embarrassing you, shit fer brains. You're a pathetic little worm who can't even reply to what is posted.

Retard Obama had CHILDREN brought to the white house during the pinnacle of the H1N1 pandemic after declaring a state of emergency. Why did he not practice social distancing? 13,000 American's died, and he did NOTHING.

We may find a treatment for covid-19, but there will never be a cure for Hillbilly Obama Tourette's Syndrome.

Still dodging and lying. Can't address the subject at hand.

What a complete fool you are.

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