Schools opening, how other countries are doing it.


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
The US, and other countries, will likely also take cues from Denmark, Japan, Norway, China, Israel, and Taiwan. Here's what they're doing to keep their students safe.

To reduce the risk of infection, students' desks in Denmark, Israel, and Norway are spaced six feet apart, which is the official recommendation for effective social distancing.

In Denmark, children enter through several different entrances to prevent crowding and parents are not allowed inside the school.

In eastern China, schoolchildren are given hats to wear that measure three feet across, to remind them to keep a safe distance from others.

In Israel, students are not permitted to have physical contact with peers or staff.

You can read the rest of the article. I think schools should open safely. We must as adults forgo bars, large groups, parties, restaurants and wear masks so kids can go to school. It the least we can do for our kids!!
Don't care.

As far as I see it, the gubmint schools can stay shut down forever....Parents will find out how well their offspring can learn with homeschooling and online options, without all the moonbat indoctrination.
In fact, if parents took the time to look up the requirements to graduate and then found the right curriculum online, they could get their kids well educated, likely ahead of the traditional method, and also tailor their education to their strengths that target specific occupations.

That would put them two steps ahead of a public school education found in the brick & mortar Union sweatshops.
They could take precautions here also, but trump would not like that either. He doesn't actually care. He just wants to swing his little D*ck and order and threaten people around. It is his low bred style. He is so out of here.
It's evil what they're doing to children. This is not about health. If you still think it is, you are thoroughly brainwashed.


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The US, and other countries, will likely also take cues from Denmark, Japan, Norway, China, Israel, and Taiwan. Here's what they're doing to keep their students safe.

To reduce the risk of infection, students' desks in Denmark, Israel, and Norway are spaced six feet apart, which is the official recommendation for effective social distancing.

In Denmark, children enter through several different entrances to prevent crowding and parents are not allowed inside the school.

In eastern China, schoolchildren are given hats to wear that measure three feet across, to remind them to keep a safe distance from others.

In Israel, students are not permitted to have physical contact with peers or staff.

You can read the rest of the article. I think schools should open safely. We must as adults forgo bars, large groups, parties, restaurants and wear masks so kids can go to school. It the least we can do for our kids!!
Most children can’t even catch it. Of all Wuhan virus cases, children make up less than 2%. Their lungs don’t have the cell types needed to catch and spread it. Even the ones that somehow get it, almost never die. All that social distancing and mask wearing for children is a total waste of time.
Don't care.

As far as I see it, the gubmint schools can stay shut down forever....Parents will find out how well their offspring can learn with homeschooling and online options, without all the moonbat indoctrination.
In fact, if parents took the time to look up the requirements to graduate and then found the right curriculum online, they could get their kids well educated, likely ahead of the traditional method, and also tailor their education to their strengths that target specific occupations.

That would put them two steps ahead of a public school education found in the brick & mortar Union sweatshops.

That's probably hard for a lot of parents because they need to work. If one parent stays home, sure, that's a choice. If both parents work, or in one parent homes, not so easy to do.
The US, and other countries, will likely also take cues from Denmark, Japan, Norway, China, Israel, and Taiwan. Here's what they're doing to keep their students safe.

To reduce the risk of infection, students' desks in Denmark, Israel, and Norway are spaced six feet apart, which is the official recommendation for effective social distancing.

In Denmark, children enter through several different entrances to prevent crowding and parents are not allowed inside the school.

In eastern China, schoolchildren are given hats to wear that measure three feet across, to remind them to keep a safe distance from others.

In Israel, students are not permitted to have physical contact with peers or staff.

You can read the rest of the article. I think schools should open safely. We must as adults forgo bars, large groups, parties, restaurants and wear masks so kids can go to school. It the least we can do for our kids!!
Other countries don’t have our insane virus rate due to the incompetence of the psychopath in the White House
The US, and other countries, will likely also take cues from Denmark, Japan, Norway, China, Israel, and Taiwan. Here's what they're doing to keep their students safe.

To reduce the risk of infection, students' desks in Denmark, Israel, and Norway are spaced six feet apart, which is the official recommendation for effective social distancing.

In Denmark, children enter through several different entrances to prevent crowding and parents are not allowed inside the school.

In eastern China, schoolchildren are given hats to wear that measure three feet across, to remind them to keep a safe distance from others.

In Israel, students are not permitted to have physical contact with peers or staff.

You can read the rest of the article. I think schools should open safely. We must as adults forgo bars, large groups, parties, restaurants and wear masks so kids can go to school. It the least we can do for our kids!!
Other countries don’t have our insane virus rate due to the incompetence of the psychopath in the White House

Other countries don't have our rate for a number of different reasons, not simply because of Trump.
They could take precautions here also, but trump would not like that either. He doesn't actually care. He just wants to swing his little D*ck and order and threaten people around. It is his low bred style. He is so out of here.
Gubmint schools are under the nearly complete control of the states.

Incoherent and irrational howling at the moon about the God Emperor is duly noted.
The US, and other countries, will likely also take cues from Denmark, Japan, Norway, China, Israel, and Taiwan. Here's what they're doing to keep their students safe.

To reduce the risk of infection, students' desks in Denmark, Israel, and Norway are spaced six feet apart, which is the official recommendation for effective social distancing.

In Denmark, children enter through several different entrances to prevent crowding and parents are not allowed inside the school.

In eastern China, schoolchildren are given hats to wear that measure three feet across, to remind them to keep a safe distance from others.

In Israel, students are not permitted to have physical contact with peers or staff.

You can read the rest of the article. I think schools should open safely. We must as adults forgo bars, large groups, parties, restaurants and wear masks so kids can go to school. It the least we can do for our kids!!
Other countries don’t have our insane virus rate due to the incompetence of the psychopath in the White House
Thanks, Obama!
Don't care.

As far as I see it, the gubmint schools can stay shut down forever....Parents will find out how well their offspring can learn with homeschooling and online options, without all the moonbat indoctrination.
Amen to that.
The US, and other countries, will likely also take cues from Denmark, Japan, Norway, China, Israel, and Taiwan. Here's what they're doing to keep their students safe.

To reduce the risk of infection, students' desks in Denmark, Israel, and Norway are spaced six feet apart, which is the official recommendation for effective social distancing.

In Denmark, children enter through several different entrances to prevent crowding and parents are not allowed inside the school.

In eastern China, schoolchildren are given hats to wear that measure three feet across, to remind them to keep a safe distance from others.

In Israel, students are not permitted to have physical contact with peers or staff.

You can read the rest of the article. I think schools should open safely. We must as adults forgo bars, large groups, parties, restaurants and wear masks so kids can go to school. It the least we can do for our kids!!

You mean it's a "world wide" pandemic? You don't say. And here I thought listening to you Liberals Trump created the virus in the White House and caused all this to happen. I was wondering why no one was in the stands while I was watching European sports and why Australia shut down again.
It's evil what they're doing to children. This is not about health. If you still think it is, you are thoroughly brainwashed.


Yeah it’s incredible how brainwashed she is that she seriously thinks this will be good for children’s day seriously thinks there is a virus out there.she is too dense to answer the question that if there was this deadly virus killing all these people out there as the media claims,then hospitals would be lined up MILES long with people trying to get in where there are hospitals out there now that are completely empty which is UNHEARD of.

She thinks the davidians killed burned down the Waco compound though instead of the FBI and ATF she loves though so no surprise she believes all this crap the CIA media is feeding her.LOl.
The US, and other countries, will likely also take cues from Denmark, Japan, Norway, China, Israel, and Taiwan. Here's what they're doing to keep their students safe.

To reduce the risk of infection, students' desks in Denmark, Israel, and Norway are spaced six feet apart, which is the official recommendation for effective social distancing.

In Denmark, children enter through several different entrances to prevent crowding and parents are not allowed inside the school.

In eastern China, schoolchildren are given hats to wear that measure three feet across, to remind them to keep a safe distance from others.

In Israel, students are not permitted to have physical contact with peers or staff.

You can read the rest of the article. I think schools should open safely. We must as adults forgo bars, large groups, parties, restaurants and wear masks so kids can go to school. It the least we can do for our kids!!

You mean it's a "world wide" pandemic? You don't say. And here I thought listening to you Liberals Trump created the virus in the White House and caused all this to happen. I was wondering why no one was in the stands while I was watching European sports and why Australia shut down again.
She actually thinks trump is the worse president ever never mind the fact that he did not start any new wars as bush and his pal Obama did and their other pal Clinton before them. She must love warmongering presidents that murder women and children as well as burn down compounds and murder women and children.Lol.
I'd love to know how closely home schooling correlates with the loon element on this message board.
Don't care.

As far as I see it, the gubmint schools can stay shut down forever....Parents will find out how well their offspring can learn with homeschooling and online options, without all the moonbat indoctrination.
In fact, if parents took the time to look up the requirements to graduate and then found the right curriculum online, they could get their kids well educated, likely ahead of the traditional method, and also tailor their education to their strengths that target specific occupations.

That would put them two steps ahead of a public school education found in the brick & mortar Union sweatshops.

That's probably hard for a lot of parents because they need to work. If one parent stays home, sure, that's a choice. If both parents work, or in one parent homes, not so easy to do.
Parents have been creating home school co-ops to circumvent this and a lot of other challenges with homeschooling.
Anyway, schools here are making no allowances whatsoever that I'm aware of for COVID-19. No distancing requirements, no masks, no limits on gatherings.
Don't care.

As far as I see it, the gubmint schools can stay shut down forever....Parents will find out how well their offspring can learn with homeschooling and online options, without all the moonbat indoctrination.

Homeschooling what they did in March is Social isolation. They are called Public Schools and the teachers are trained to school.

So now Devos is worried about child abuse if kids stay home. Now she is worried about it, don't she knows that some home schooled kids get abused?? She had the nerve on TV to say this.

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