Student Suspended For Telling His Teacher That Her Breath Stinks

Road Runner

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Jun 16, 2021
Now I've heard everything. If the child hurt her feelings with this comment then I think that a mere insect probably has a higher self-esteem than her. 🙄

Now I've heard everything. If the child hurt her feelings with this comment then I think that a mere insect probably has a higher self-esteem than her. 🙄

The child should not have been suspended for that, but thanks for confirming that on top of low pay, teachers can and should put up with all levels of disrespect at the job.

This is why people are leaving and not coming back.
Now I've heard everything. If the child hurt her feelings with this comment then I think that a mere insect probably has a higher self-esteem than her. 🙄

PS Who are these two guys; is this where you get all your "news"? Mean-spirited bullies
I know but she should have just ignored it.
Oh? And when the kid decides to hit her? I don’t agree. Respect in this case, is for the position and it starts with the small stuff.

I remember years ago, a member on another board I was on was proud that his little sister, who was maybe 4 years old, was openly sassing an adult. She was “standing up for herself”. Manners, courtesy and respect for the position are what guide our ability to navigate social situations. We know what to expect and how to behave. That doesn’t mean you have to respect everyone, but you should learn the rules first.

We have raised and are raising a generation of people who have no clue about how to behave in social situations. The kids who assault teachers don’t start with a punch, they start with simple disrespect. I don’t care if the teacher is rude (there are mechanisms for dealing with that), it is the position, not the individual occupying it.
Oh? And when the kid decides to hit her? I don’t agree. Respect in this case, is for the position and it starts with the small stuff.

I remember years ago, a member on another board I was on was proud that his little sister, who was maybe 4 years old, was openly sassing an adult. She was “standing up for herself”. Manners, courtesy and respect for the position are what guide our ability to navigate social situations. We know what to expect and how to behave. That doesn’t mean you have to respect everyone, but you should learn the rules first.

We have raised and are raising a generation of people who have no clue about how to behave in social situations. The kids who assault teachers don’t start with a punch, they start with simple disrespect. I don’t care if the teacher is rude (there are mechanisms for dealing with that), it is the position, not the individual occupying it.

I could not agree with this more. If you want to think of it another way--everyone would have this teacher's head if she told this child HIS breath stunk. Or any student. And btw, I would agree.

But we have it in our head somehow that teachers deserve this treatment--that it's even kinda funny.

And then we marvel at the blistering teaching shortage.
The child should not have been suspended for that, but thanks for confirming that on top of low pay, teachers can and should put up with all levels of disrespect at the job.

This is why people are leaving and not coming back.

No offense but aren't you overreacting? I mean all he said was her breath stunk. Kids say the darnest things. I've been called fat and a guy before but I let it go right in through one ear and out the other.

PS Who are these two guys; is this where you get all your "news"? Mean-spirited bullies

They're the Conservative Twins or something.

Oh? And when the kid decides to hit her?

That's different.

I could not agree with this more. If you want to think of it another way--everyone would have this teacher's head if she told this child HIS breath stunk. Or any student. And btw, I would agree.

True, but I do believe that's because adults should know better.
No offense but aren't you overreacting? I mean all he said was her breath stunk. Kids say the darnest things. I've been called fat and a guy before but I let it go right in through one ear and out the other.

They're the Conservative Twins or something.

That's different.

True, but I do believe that's because adults should know better.

I'm not "overreacting" because this is not an isolated incidence. While you're here finding obscure stories of teachers doing terrible things, teachers at the middle school and up level can't wear any kind of jean with a leghole opening less than 12 inches because the kids will mock the heck out of them. When did this happen? We used to assume that teachers didn't wear the latest TEENAGE fashions.

There are whole strings of social media airing out the horrid, hurtful things kids say to their teachers' faces. Not like, this class sucks and I hate it--okay, fair. Things like, you're fat, ugly, old, your hair is stupid, your make up is bad, etc. Things that even 10 years ago would have earned you detention because it's DISRESPECTFUL and cruel. Now it's just normalized.

Our society deserves for every teacher to walk out one day. Just say screw it. Deal with your own kids.
Our society deserves for every teacher to walk out one day. Just say screw it. Deal with your own kids.

I'm not one of those people as I realize that there are still good teachers out there, but a whole lot of people today would tell you that they don't care as they're homeschooling or planning on homeschooling anyways. Again I'm not one of those who doesn't care I'm just saying that unfortunately that's the point that we have reached.
I'm not one of those people as I realize that there are still good teachers out there, but a whole lot of people today would tell you that they don't care as they're homeschooling or planning on homeschooling anyways. Again I'm not one of those who doesn't care I'm just saying that unfortunately that's the point that we have reached.

Great. All the parents who can afford it will homeschool; all the good teachers are leaving because we're sick of the lack of trust and harassment.

Now what?

(hint: see Defund the Police and the crime wave)
Great. All the parents who can afford it will homeschool; all the good teachers are leaving because we're sick of the lack of trust and harassment.

Now what?

(hint: see Defund the Police and the crime wave)

I don't think that it would come to that point if more of the good teachers spoke up against indoctrination. I personally do believe that's where the problem truly lies.

Again I was just telling you how it is from other people's POV and that it's going to be really hard to get parents to care about teacher's leaving if they feel like they're better off teaching their children themselves.

I cannot stress it enough that I do not feel the same way. As I just want to get rid of the bad teachers not the good ones and obviously no I don't want to see anybody get harassed but a simple "that isn't very nice to say that she has bad breath" and then move on and ignore it afterwards actually helps the situation because the child learns that when they say things like that it doesn't earn them attention. Kids hate being ignored so that's actually giving them consequences for their actions. At least in my book.
I don't think that it would come to that point if more of the good teachers spoke up against indoctrination. I personally do believe that's where the problem truly lies.

Again I was just telling you how it is from other people's POV and that it's going to be really hard to get parents to care about teacher's leaving if they feel like they're better off teaching their children themselves.

I cannot stress it enough that I do not feel the same way. As I just want to get rid of the bad teachers not the good ones and obviously no I don't want to see anybody get harassed but a simple "that isn't very nice to say that she has bad breath" and then move on and ignore it afterwards actually helps the situation because the child learns that when they say things like that it doesn't earn them attention. Kids hate being ignored so that's actually giving them consequences for their actions. At least in my book.

You have no idea. You soak your brain in this stuff all day--people who talk about schools but don't know--the same way the Left soaked up stories of all the Terrible Cops.

This was always a job with low pay and a heavy workload, but now that there's a Moral Panic about "indoctrination" the job is ten thousand times harder. So thanks for that.
You have no idea. You soak your brain in this stuff all day--people who talk about schools but don't know--the same way the Left soaked up stories of all the Terrible Cops.

This was always a job with low pay and a heavy workload, but now that there's a Moral Panic about "indoctrination" the job is ten thousand times harder. So thanks for that.

What did I say? I was trying to be supportive. 😕
What did I say? I was trying to be supportive. 😕

You said there are good teachers but they need to speak out against indoctrination. Okay--how does that work? Speak out where? If I see no indoctrination in my district, do I have to speak out about some indoctrination all the way across the nation?

Do you even begin to understand the workload teachers have, now more than ever--and we're expected to be advocates too?
You said there are good teachers but they need to speak out against indoctrination. Okay--how does that work? Speak out where? If I see no indoctrination in my district, do I have to speak out about some indoctrination all the way across the nation?

No, no, no you misunderstood me but I should have specified it. I'm talking about the teachers that come from schools where indoctrination is going on. There should be more teachers from those schools speaking up against this.

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