Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

I get so much pushback when I post things like this, but to those people I say, you must have confused me for someone who cares that the truth offends you.

This is in Sarona. Tel Aviv. Right next to the HQ of the IDF. Right next to the Azrielli towers.

Perhaps one of the most central and sensitive locations in the city. Curious what would happen to me if I walked into Ramallah or Gaza with my kippah.

We really need to get a teacher who can help us do this apartheid thing better.

Hey South Africa, wanna lend a hand?

My historical indigeneity is more eloquently expressed by the speech that Ezer Weizman delivered at the German Parliament in 1996(written by Meir Shalev, see A segment of it reads: "I was a slave in Egypt. I received the Torah at Mount Sinai. Together with Yehoshua, I crossed the Jordan River. I entered Jerusalem with David, was exiled from it with Zedekiah, and did not forget it by the rivers of Babylon. When the Lord returned the exiles of Zion, I dreamed among those who rebuilt its ramparts. I fought the Romans and was banished from Spain. I was bound to the stake in Mainz. I studied Torah in Yemen and lost my family in Kishinev. I was incinerated in Treblinka, rebelled in Warsaw, and immigrated to the Land of Israel, the country from which I had been exiled and where I had been born, from which I come and to which I return.A nation is its collective memories, not skin-color.Ask me again, please, what makes me indigenous to the birth place of my history.

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