Russia Ukraine update = Russia says it is kicking ass, and Putin blames 2014 coup in Ukraine for war


Diamond Member
Apr 5, 2021
Not the "official narrative" of the "US" media...

Not the "official narrative" of the "US" media...

Putin and therefore Russia, are lying c@cksukers by nature, possibly a hold over from their communist days, into their still running kleptocracy era. The war started because Putin would like to extend a militarily controlled buffer zone in that region of his country, by taking over territory of Ukraine, as having lost Ukraine as a breakaway country and not recognizing it's right to exist, and having had success in Crimea in control of the political will at the time, decided Ukraine was ripe for taking another bite, and this was supposed 1 week takeover, but that was not the case for the largest standing armor in Europe. Now, that political will is faltering under the load of heavy losses of men and material. Ukraine with western support has become Russia latest "Vietnam" since being kicked out of Afghanistan (again with western support of the invaded country) only this time the meat grinder quagmire is on it's doorstep as, the sons of Russia die, for a goal the Russian people do not understand, while Ukraine knows exactly what it at stake, it's very survival. Recent months have seen Ukraine supporting Russian underground or Ukraine itself, bringing the specter of drone attack to Russia, sometimes deep within Russia's borders, further decaying the will of that people to quietly continue to endure the continued losses of Putin's folly.

Little Ukraine is holding the Russian bear at bay in inflicting heavy losses. In recent days, with their current counteroffensive, Ukraine has made gains measured in as little as 200 meters. As an armor guy, experienced in 3,500 meter shots, and backed by combined arm support and air supremacy (which is not the case here) 200 meters isn't jacksh!t. So, what is going on is entrenched lines neither side is being highly successful at changing and in my opinion, probably won't be, anytime soon.
It's all a fog of war until it isn't. The fact it has gone on this long illustrates that Russia overestimated their own capabilities and underestimated Ukraines support/will.
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It's all a fog of war until it isn't. The fact it hasgone on this long illustrates that Russia oveprestimated their own capabilities and underestimated Ukraines support/will.
I don't think Russia banked on the fact that the American taxpayer would be bilked out of billions of dollars and military equipment, which was sent to our little money-laundering Nazi in Ukraine. Had everyone stayed out of it and allowed those long time rivals to bicker among themselves, then Russia would have wrapped things up a long time ago. But the globalist organization known as NATO along with the help from their puppet nations, Russia had to deal with unforeseen obstacles.
I don't think Russia banked on the fact that the American taxpayer would be bilked out of billions of dollars and military equipment, which was sent to our little money-laundering Nazi in Ukraine. Had everyone stayed out of it and allowed those long time rivals to bicker among themselves, then Russia would have wrapped things up a long time ago. But the globalist organization known as NATO along with the help from their puppet nations, Russia had to deal with unforeseen obstacles.
Why them poh Ruskies, dying for nothing.
I don't think Russia banked on the fact that the American taxpayer would be bilked out of billions of dollars and military equipment, which was sent to our little money-laundering Nazi in Ukraine. Had everyone stayed out of it and allowed those long time rivals to bicker among themselves, then Russia would have wrapped things up a long time ago. But the globalist organization known as NATO along with the help from their puppet nations, Russia had to deal with unforeseen obstacles.
Yeah, just as France and Britain stayed out of supporting Poland when she was attacked by Germany. That decision didn't turn out so well for the world. No greater challenge than fighting tanks on horseback as the Poles were forced to.
Yeah, just as France and Britain stayed out of supporting Poland when she was attacked by Germany. That decision didn't turn out so well for the world. No greater challenge than fighting tanks on horseback as the Poles were forced to.
Different time and different circumstances. In those days, Germany was the aggressor without provocation. In this case, Russia was provoked by NATO and the USA.
Different time and different circumstances. In those days, Germany was the aggressor without provocation. In this case, Russia was provoked by NATO and the USA.
Well, Germanies argument at the time is that they were provoked by the Treaty of Versailles. Japan flew to Pearl Harbor because they were provoked by oil embargos. Unless one is actually physically attacked, there should be in most cases a diplomatic solution. At least an attempt at one. Russia didn't even try, they took Crimea without resistance and assumed Biden might be the same as Obama. Many of us did really.
Well, Germanies argument at the time is that they were provoked by the Treaty of Versailles. Japan flew to Pearl Harbor because they were provoked by oil embargos. Unless one is actually physically attacked, there should be in most cases a diplomatic solution. At least an attempt at one. Russia didn't even try, they took Crimea without resistance and assumed Biden might be the same as Obama. Many of us did really.
I think Russia recognized America's forced regime change in Ukraine as an early sign of possible future aggression. I think they used great constraint to have waited as long as they did. When NATO tried to recruit Ukraine, the plan became clear to Putin what the American Deep State was up to.
Russia has zero problems breaking agreements also..
I'm no fan of anyone in that region, but Russia was in the right in this case. Nobody has broken more promises than the D.C. Deep State. You can rest assured that if one of their spokesman's lips are moving, he's lying.
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Putin and therefore Russia, are lying c@cksukers by nature, possibly a hold over from their communist days, into their still running kleptocracy era. The war started because Putin would like to extend a militarily controlled buffer zone in that region of his country, by taking over territory of Ukraine, as having lost Ukraine as a breakaway country and not recognizing it's right to exist, and having had success in Crimea in control of the political will at the time, decided Ukraine was ripe for taking another bite, and this was supposed 1 week takeover, but that was not the case for the largest standing armor in Europe. Now, that political will is faltering under the load of heavy losses of men and material. Ukraine with western support has become Russia latest "Vietnam" since being kicked out of Afghanistan (again with western support of the invaded country) only this time the meat grinder quagmire is on it's doorstep as, the sons of Russia die, for a goal the Russian people do not understand, while Ukraine knows exactly what it at stake, it's very survival. Recent months have seen Ukraine supporting Russian underground or Ukraine itself, bringing the specter of drone attack to Russia, sometimes deep within Russia's borders, further decaying the will of that people to quietly continue to endure the continued losses of Putin's folly.

Little Ukraine is holding the Russian bear at bay in inflicting heavy losses. In recent days, with their current counteroffensive, Ukraine has made gains measured in as little as 200 meters. As an armor guy, experienced in 3,500 meter shots, and backed by combined arm support and air supremacy (which is not the case here) 200 meters isn't jacksh!t. So, what is going on is entrenched lines neither side is being highly successful at changing and in my opinion, probably won't be, anytime soon.

Why was the homO Administration interfering with Ukraine elections in the person of Victoria Nuland, who originated in Dick Cheney's office under W?

Why was the American Taxpayer being billed for fucking around in Ukraine elections?

What was the motive to bill the US taxpayer for 40+ "bio labs" in Ukraine?

Why was Traitor Joe bragging about getting a Ukraine prosecutor fired?

True conservative foreign policy is non interventionalist. This is the exact opposite, and all the 911 crowd loves it...

This is Zionist Fascism stealing Ukraine with the backing of the homO Administration to make Ukraine a laundromat for kickbacks of US taxdollars to worthless treasonous lying sacks of shit like Hunter Biden.
Why was the homO Administration interfering with Ukraine elections in the person of Victoria Nuland, who originated in Dick Cheney's office under W?

Why was the American Taxpayer being billed for fucking around in Ukraine elections?

What was the motive to bill the US taxpayer for 40+ "bio labs" in Ukraine?

Why was Traitor Joe bragging about getting a Ukraine prosecutor fired?

True conservative foreign policy is non interventionalist. This is the exact opposite, and all the 911 crowd loves it...

This is Zionist Fascism stealing Ukraine with the backing of the homO Administration to make Ukraine a laundromat for kickbacks of US taxdollars to worthless treasonous lying sacks of shit like Hunter Biden.
I don't know who the "homo" administration was, in your culture war ideology. Say what and who you mean, instead of stupid dog whistle code words. I do know, Dick Cheney is 20 years back and not of political importance in 2023. Any chance you could live in the present reality.

I am more like a normal old school conservative. I haven't liked the kleptocratic Russians since they changed their name and started their new oppressive society any more than the old Communist Russians, as they still use the same tactic abroad and internally to put down decent with jail time. Conservatives never supported Russia, until you fake conservative Trumper stole the name of that once great political party, to be headed by your orange clown show.

Your anti-Jew, Nazi attack was pointless ass your Nazi attacks always show you as a supporter of Hitler, though he failed miserably, as he should have, buy remain a symbol for your anti-American, anti-international law, anti-Ukraine ramblings.
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I don't know who the home administration was

homO Administration, the one with the MAN as "First Lady" that promoted Dick Cheney's disciple Victoria Nuland... strange...

I do know, Dick Cheney is 20 years back and not of political importance in 2023.

Laughable, since his daughter is your definition of "conservative" and "Reagan proved deficits don't matter" so here we are with a debt of $30 trillion

Dick Cheney is one of the worst traitors in American history. A Zionist Fascist exactly as Einstein warned.

I haven't liked the kleptocratic Russians

What you don't like about Putin is as follows

Putin told the world the truth on 913 that the US, Israel, and Saudi did 911

THAT is why your treasonous lying Zionist Fascist rear hates Putin

Putin has also mocked the Co2 fraud

Putin has troops in Syria and you really don't want them there....

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