Zone1 Why is there fear of Black people?

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Oh, I'm so glad those policemen were there to save you, Lisa. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
So am I. Not sure why you think it’s funny that five black thugs were getting ready to do Gd-knows-what to an innocent white woman. Unless of course you are so delusional that you don’t think black youth, in a group, in a poor area of a Democrat city, could POSSIBLY do any wrong.

And yes, the timing of the rescue was Gd-sent.
We've been through this. White affirmative action is the precedent, not black affirmative action.
There has never been white affirmative action. It has never been needed since whites have constructed the society and nation that we live in.
Nah man. That's probably why Europeans slaughtered each other for centuries. All vying over who was the most supreme white supremacist. When Japan pulled themselves up by the bootstraps, the first thing we did was try and smack them back down, imposing tariffs, etc. Look at Germany: The jews dominated industry, so the low IQ Germans had to come up with some excuse to get rid of them, and secure the market, again. With limited time and resources, it is a zero sum game. Someone has to lose and someone has to win. Capitalism collapses if you don't have a bottom tier to hold it up. As human beings, a white gu would much rather his race be on the top than on the bottom. Negroes are no different, which is why I often roll my eyes at excessive victimhood. No sooner did the Germans leave france, did the French start colonizing Africa and Asia. No sooner did the French leave Africa, and negroes started stealing, killing, and enslaving their own people.
You have never read a history book. The Japanese spent centuries slaughtering each other as well as the Koreans and Chinese. The Chinese spent centuries slaughtering each other as well as any immigrants that weren't more powerful than the Han. The Africans spent their entire history slaughtering each other. The Arabs did the same. Mankind's entire history is one of inter and intra group slaughter.
Strength and testosterone matters too. ;)
Not in modern warfare. Strength and testosterone only matter if you are fighting with edged weapons or rocks. My experience was using firearms and explosives. A ninety-pound five foot nothing woman is fully the equal a six foot six three-hundred-pound man in modern warfare. Either can pull a trigger as well as the other.

I'm over seventy years old and I guarantee you that I am far deadlier with firearms than any gangbanger you care to name. If for no other reason, that I hit what I aim at. In fifty plus years of shooting, I have never seen a gang member at a rifle or pistol range.
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You have never read a history book. The Japanese spent centuries slaughtering each other as well as the Koreans and Chinese. The Chinese spent centuries slaughtering each other as well as any immigrants that weren't more powerful than the Han. The Africans spent their entire history slaughtering each other. The Arabs did the same. Mankind's entire history is one of inter and intra group slaughter.
Yea? What of it?
Ya boi FDR rounded 'em up and threw 'em in camps. lol
Not historically appropriate ^ considering what Japan and Germany were doing and how the world operated in the 1940s. The USA was one of the least racist and most diverse countries in the world in the 1940s. Consider our great Ally China…. Asian Chinese spokes people were giving roaring thunderous appliances by American audiences while touring the USA in terms of supporting their war effort.

Fdr along with Republicans and the American people brought us the greatest middle-class economy in world history. It lasted from about ww2 to the late 90s. Now look at all the rust belts in the USA. Look at all the poverty and degradation in our country that did not exist in our glorious past.
Not historically appropriate ^ considering what Japan and Germany were doing and how the world operated in the 1940s. The USA was one of the least racist and most diverse countries in the world in the 1940s. Consider our great Ally China…. Asian Chinese spokes people were giving roaring thunderous appliances by American audiences while touring the USA in terms of supporting their war effort.

Fdr along with Republicans and the American people brought us the greatest middle-class economy in world history. It lasted from about ww2 to the late 90s. Now look at all the rust belts in the USA. Look at all the poverty and degradation in our country that did not exist in our glorious past.
No, I don't like it; I love it!

When the handouts and socialism run out, eh? Probably just a you problem? I'm black I'm wealthier than all of you. If you're white and can't make it, you just suck.
No, I don't like it; I love it!

When the handouts and socialism run out, eh? Probably just a you problem? I'm black I'm wealthier than all of you. If you're white and can't make it, you just suck.
interest rates on a home loan are triple today what they were under Trump

Well the 1950s was a much better time no mass school shootings then. But starting out with columbine in the 1990s we’ve had so many young children killed by folks strung out on marijuana young men mostly young white men totally depressed. Not to mention the blacks in gangs killing each other in massive numbers in big cities in the USA. These things did not exist in America’s past when it was a better country for everybody.
I would welcome that, as would most of America. We need the black community to strive for education and emphasize the importance of this. I know most black Americans are honest, hard working people, same as most white Americans.

Blacks do all the things you say. And don't put some black youtube idiot on who says what you desperately need to hear in order to feel whites are better.
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