Roe overturned

Here is what I wonder. During the campaign, it was Kamala Harris' office that had the responsibility to bail out ANTIFA and BLM terrorists involved in burning down people's businesses in order to get them back on the street as soon as possible.

When the Democrats unleash their brownshirts tonight and over the weekend, will it still be her responsibility, or will the logistical support for the domestic terrorists be kicked down the food chain a little bit due to her being veep?

Will it be Chuck Schumer, instead? Jerry Nadler? Somebody else?
And they can still do that. Many states will allow it up until then, and beyond. They might just have the inconvenience of a bus ride and an overnight motel room, which I’m sure PP and pro-abortion groups will fund.

Lots of people have to travel to accomplish their goals. My grandparents had to sail across an ocean for freedom. My 22-year-old father had to move 250 miles to an unfamiliar city for a job. It’s not that much of an ask to take a bus, stay an overnight if needed, and bus back.
Planned parenthood won't pay for anything unless there is a profit to be made. How naive you are. They murder babies bc it is lucrative. I heard from more than one source that abortionists make more $$ than any doctor save brain surgeons

why do you think it's OK to murder helpless children?

don't want children? don't make them. See how simple that is?
I wonder how many people will move to a pro life state just to live in a pro life environment?

I mean.. if the smallest and most helpless and needy among us is protected... maybe everyone is?

This decision has brought tears to my eyes... (and u have to know how rarely that happens..)
It's a free choice to leave or remain in a state, and I don't know how many states will prosper abortions. What the Supreme Court did is to restore to each state decisions over health issues when it comes to life or death for the little human being fetuses are.
Like half.

50 million women

That's the point. Of all of this. Get it straight.
And a large percentage of those women will approve of their states' laws. If they don't, they will work to change them, as it should be done. You do realize, don't you, that a LOT of pro-lifers are women, while it seems that a LOT of pro-aborts are pasty liberal men?
Planned parenthood won't pay for anything unless there is a profit to be made. How naive you are. They murder babies bc it is lucrative. I heard from more than one source that abortionists make more $$ than any doctor save brain surgeons

why do you think it's OK to murder helpless children?

don't want children? don't make them. See how simple that is?
I never said I think it’s Ok to murder babies. I’m pointing out that the liberals’ hysteria over “forced motherhood” and rape victims is overstated.
And similarly a Court with a different make up could easily rule the 2A only applies to militias
Then we would have the million man armed militia march on DC.

However, as dumb as you are Moon Bat, you were right this time.

We can't trust the Judicial Branch to protect our Liberties any more than we can trust the Executive or legislature Branches.

Our Founding fathers knew this and that is why we have the Second Amendment.
Oklahoma cannot restrict travel. It violates Constitutional freedoms. Any attempt by any state to restrict travel would go VERY badly for the government proposing it.

You seem to be under the mistaken belief that the majority of the American people favour this decision. 80% of Americans think abortion is a right to some point. Even the most extreme anti-abortionists think that the woman shouldn't have carry a pregnancy that results from rape or incest, to term.

ACB is a member of a small radical Catholic sect and was completely unqualified to be a SC justice. Her church is currently under investigation for sexual abuse of women and it only has 1500 members. I don't think cult members make good court members.
And most Americans also believe it is right to impose some restrictions on abortion. Only the most extreme argue for no restrictions at all. This way the states can serve their constituents best.
Great news!

Glad to see these small humans have gained rights.


Compassion wins!
It is, but unfortunately, it's up to the states now, not the nation whether the unborn children will be subjected to brainsuck and dismemberment of the rest including beheading what's left by the sucking instruments that turn what's left into corporal torture and dismemberment.
Then we would have the million man armed militia march on DC.

However, as dumb as you are Moon Bat, you were right this time.

We can't trust the Judicial Branch to protect our Liberties any more than we can trust the Executive or legislature Branches.

Our Founding fathers knew this and that is why we have the Second Amendment.
Murder was never a freedom, but it was obfuscated until videos of children losing their lives in the womb were available to view on the www.
The fourth amendment is not applicable to abortion.

It is unreasonable search and seizure.

What do you think the government's gonna do? Show up with a portable ultrasound machine to routinely enforce a woman's pregnancy? Your penchant for drama and overstatement is precisely what's wrong with discourse on this issue.
Americans have the right to be secure in their person, houses, papers, and effects.

I believe that includes what is inside my body, and for women too.
The only answer: vote every anti-reproductive-freedom Republican (which is basically all of them) out of office this November ! Then codify Roe and expand the Supreme Court.

It will be interesting to see how the Republicans and Democrats have to actually manage all their positions on abortion.
Many have claimed a stance as part of their agenda and platform with the comfort of believing it didn't really make a difference because of Roe and Casey.

Now it is nut-cutting time in their Districts and States.

However ... Congress is free to try and get a supermajority in the House and Senate, and 38 states to agree with an
Amendment to Constitution creating an unlimited Right to Abortion.
It would have to be unlimited to be Defined Right such as the first eight in the Bill of Rights.

Defined Right mean it cannot be granted by the federal government, so attempts to limit it are outside the purview of the government.
This is also the difference in the Firearms Decision and the Roe/Casey Decision.

As far as November is concerned, there are a lot of Republicans not returning to their seats in Congress.
Contrary to your projections though ... It is not going to be a swing back to the left, but more right than RINO.


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