SCOTUS' Conceal Carry Decision Will Endanger Black Men and Boys Most of All


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2021
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Shenandoah Valley of Virginia
Some things you just can't make up.

The vigilantism that could result from the New York State Rifle and Pistol v. Bruen will put Black men and boys in the most danger. When we allow people with no real threat to their lives to carry weapons, we allow those with imagined threats to carry them. And many of those imagined threats involve young Black men; studies have shown that people perceive Black males to be "larger, more threatening, and potentially more harmful" than people of other races.

SCOTUS' Conceal Carry Decision Will Endanger Black Men and Boys Most of All | Opinion

Yeah, I hope is is rough on them since the blacks are the ones committing better than 50% of violent crime.....I guess being a feral negro bent on crime in NY just got a little tougher.
Some things you just can't make up.

The vigilantism that could result from the New York State Rifle and Pistol v. Bruen will put Black men and boys in the most danger. When we allow people with no real threat to their lives to carry weapons, we allow those with imagined threats to carry them. And many of those imagined threats involve young Black men; studies have shown that people perceive Black males to be "larger, more threatening, and potentially more harmful" than people of other races.

SCOTUS' Conceal Carry Decision Will Endanger Black Men and Boys Most of All | Opinion

Yeah, I hope is is rough on them since the blacks are the ones committing better than 50% of violent crime.....I guess being a feral negro bent on crime in NY just got a little tougher.
fingers crossed bro...

In fact, you should do your part and take out those scary blacks
Some things you just can't make up.

The vigilantism that could result from the New York State Rifle and Pistol v. Bruen will put Black men and boys in the most danger. When we allow people with no real threat to their lives to carry weapons, we allow those with imagined threats to carry them. And many of those imagined threats involve young Black men; studies have shown that people perceive Black males to be "larger, more threatening, and potentially more harmful" than people of other races.

SCOTUS' Conceal Carry Decision Will Endanger Black Men and Boys Most of All | Opinion

Yeah, I hope is is rough on them since the blacks are the ones committing better than 50% of violent crime.....I guess being a feral negro bent on crime in NY just got a little tougher.
These Moon Bats will come up with all kinds of silly shit now that they are butt hurt.

How about this one?

I'm not an American. I've never set foot in the USA but I have a better understanding of the US Constitution that the SCOTUS and probably yourself.

The US Constitution does not permit the ownership of firearms for personal protection.


Antony Stringfellow (@MisterStringy) June 23, 2022
fingers crossed bro...

In fact, you should do your part and take out those scary blacks
We don't have many dem plantation/feral blacks where I live though every now and again some drive in from DC or NY to try to hide-out but they don't cause much of a ruckus. If they do they are soon snitched-out by our blacks who don't want them around. ;)
Some things you just can't make up.

The vigilantism that could result from the New York State Rifle and Pistol v. Bruen will put Black men and boys in the most danger. When we allow people with no real threat to their lives to carry weapons, we allow those with imagined threats to carry them. And many of those imagined threats involve young Black men; studies have shown that people perceive Black males to be "larger, more threatening, and potentially more harmful" than people of other races.

SCOTUS' Conceal Carry Decision Will Endanger Black Men and Boys Most of All | Opinion

Yeah, I hope is is rough on them since the blacks are the ones committing better than 50% of violent crime.....I guess being a feral negro bent on crime in NY just got a little tougher.

Actually it might protect other black men, you know the law abiding ones.
What this case really said is that there can't be any more "May Issue". It has to be Constitutional Carry or "Shall Issue".

In Shall Issue states (like here in Florida and many other states) there is still a background check so theoretically the crooks wouldn't be able to get the CWP.

Of course none of that makes any difference whatsoever. The druggies, gang bangers and street thugs that commit most of the gun crimes in the US don't give a shit about any law.
I'm not an American. I've never set foot in the USA but I have a better understanding of the US Constitution that the SCOTUS and probably yourself.

The US Constitution does not permit the ownership of firearms for personal protection

This is a completely contradictory statement.

The constitution lines out where our rights and freedoms come from, what the government is designed to do, and then limits the government 's power to enact what its supposed to do.

Congress shall make no law.....

We, the people, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, and ensure domestic tranquility and enhance the general welfare , provide for the common defense....
It is both interesting and disturbing how ignorant many posters are about the role of the Supreme Court in our system of governance.

The Court's opinions are treated as though they are a form of legislation, creating, changing, or eliminating public policies. This decision was NOT a matter of the Court's majority making a decision on the wisdom or efficacy of New York's law. They simply looked at the law to see if it was consistent with the text and history of the Second Amendment, and found that it was not a permissible infringement of this Constitutional right.

Using the OP's logic, the Founders are responsible for generations of Black Yoots' tendency to keep killing each other.

Actually, is innocent blacks who are the main victims of "scary" blacks.
Yes, but we want them criminals to be locked up -- that can be done without criminalizing the innocent...i.e. black people as a whole...

Because there are plenty of white criminals that are locked up without criminalizing whiteness as the same thing for everyone else...not so hard...

But criminalizing outgroups is essentially a prerequisite if you are closeted racist right-winger....
Yes, but we want them criminals to be locked up -- that can be done without criminalizing the innocent...i.e. black people as a whole...

Which is essentially a prerequisite if you are closeted racist right-winger

Unfortunately for you I am an INDEPENDENT who views everyone equitably.

What I stated was true the biggest murder threat to blacks are by other blacks as the FBI conclusively shows and has for many years now.
It is both interesting and disturbing how ignorant many posters are about the role of the Supreme Court in our system of governance.

The Court's opinions are treated as though they are a form of legislation, creating, changing, or eliminating public policies. This decision was NOT a matter of the Court's majority making a decision on the wisdom or efficacy of New York's law. They simply looked at the law to see if it was consistent with the text and history of the Second Amendment, and found that it was not a permissible infringement of this Constitutional right.

Using the OP's logic, the Founders are responsible for generations of Black Yoots' tendency to keep killing each other.

How do you figure?

All the ruling does is shit-can a unconstitutional edict but it does have the effect of creating a more level playing field (once the odious hoops for a NY CC permit are jumped through) that will allow all NY citizens (not just the criminals or elite) to CC if they so desire.

Then perhaps when some YOOT gets all froggy on a subway it won't work out too well for them. ;)

Meh, the negros have been offing each other off in wholesale lots for a spell and that has more to do with one party dem policy in the affected areas where they hold sway more than anything else.

If one goes by the definition of unconstitutional many of the synonyms apply to the NY law and the one-party system in much of the state from which it sprang.



  1. not in accordance with a political constitution, especially the US Constitution, or with procedural rules:

    autocratic · dictatorial · totalitarian · authoritarian · absolute · absolutist · arbitrary · undemocratic · antidemocratic · uncontrolled · unaccountable · summary · one-party · single-party · autarchic · monocratic · tyrannical · oppressive
Actually, is innocent blacks who are the main victims of "scary" blacks.

You have to see this from Buff Knobpolishers perspective. Grab some old ladies purse only to have her pull out a .32 and ventilate you?
150 years ago, in the Dred Scott case, Chief Justice Roger B. Taney said "you know, if black people are citizens they'll be able to carry guns, eek!"

Now, Justice Clarence Thomas says "you're damn straight we will."
And Democrats are saying, "We warned you...see? Now they want to have guns... And those damn Republicans are trying to give them guns."
This is a completely contradictory statement.

The constitution lines out where our rights and freedoms come from, what the government is designed to do, and then limits the government 's power to enact what its supposed to do.
No, the Constitution does not line out from where our rights and freedoms come. The Constitution acknowledges many, but not all, pre-existing rights, and protects them from government interference and infringement. The Constitution creates no rights.

There are a couple, voting, trial by jury, etc., that one could debate whether they create rights or define the standard of protection for greater rights, such as having a voice in government, or the right to a fair trial, but other than those debatable cases, your statement is patently incorrect.
No, the Constitution does not line out from where our rights and freedoms come. The Constitution acknowledges many, but not all, pre-existing rights, and protects them from government interference and infringement. The Constitution creates no rights.

There are a couple, voting, trial by jury, etc., that one could debate whether they create rights or define the standard of protection for greater rights, such as having a voice in government, or the right to a fair trial, but other than those debatable cases, your statement is patently incorrect.'s very clear.
Blacks Law Dictionary (what was created at that time for those entering the legal profession to understand the terms used in the constitution) is what is used to understand the constitution and what it means.

And just because the language today is lost on's not lost on the "Originalists" on the SCOTUS. Which I am most pleased about. And God is who gave people their rights....not a bunch of dead guys a long time ago according to the constitution we are currently using.

If you want something else there are plenty of other countries in the world to migrate to.
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