Anti-Tea Party Member
Lately, you may hear words such as:
"I want my country back" or "uprising" on FoxNews, in town halls, in Republican memos, or talking points...
Let me educate the uneducated:
To all of the idiots who feel their country was somehow stolen from them: I have just looked at the latest earth satellite photos and I have overwhelming evidence that this country has not been stolen from you. The continent of North America is exactly where you left it on January 19th. No one has stolen this country. Americans, an overwhelming majority of them, have voted for and elected Barrack Obama to the White House. Please reference the United States Constitution for the clause of whoever wins the most votes wins the contest.
Number two, Obama is an American citizen. Hawaii has looked into this and found this to be true. Obama has provided a scan and a real copy of his COB for us to view and many people, many intelligent people I should say, have said that it is in fact geniune. Additionally, two Hawaiian newspapers published birth announcements within a week and a half of his birth. Even if he was born in Kenya, his mother is an American citizen which automatically makes him one as well. Again, please reference the United States constitution.
Now then, onto this uprising. Having a few loud mouths at town hall meetings does not constitute an uprising. This conservative tea-party movement has yet to even reach a FRACTION of the anti-war movement and the anti-war movement wasn't even a fraction of what a real uprising is. No, you cannot compare these loud mouthed, un-educated, mumbling idiots to the colonists who declared independence from the Brits 300something years ago. I'm sorry about that.
The people who are pulling the strings against higher taxes for the rich are the rich people. When Sean Hannity is telling you that higher taxes are bad - he makes millions of dollars a year - he's telling that to you because he doesn't want to pay the government any additional money. Of course, he forgets that when the country gave tax cuts to the rich many years back, we never paid for that. When we decided to go to war in Iraq -- we never paid for that. When we bailed out the banks and the auto industry last year -- we never paid for that, either. All of a sudden the Republicans are against adding to the national debt when Reagan, Bush 1 and Bush 2 are responsible for over 70% of the money we owe.
The people who are against healthcare reform are.... insurance companies. They're creating proxy groups and joining forces with the tea baggers to wage war against healthcare reform. Why are they doing this? Because ever since the healthcare reform debate begun, most health insurance companies' stock prices have been cut in half or worse. This means the people who own stock, i.e. executives of health insurance companies, i.e. the rich, are losing money. This is not a small business where profit is used to create jobs... profit is used to make the rich richer, meanwhile, we have 40 million Americans without health insurance and millions more being screwed over by the healthcare companies.
So next time you think about showing up to town hall with a swatstika attached to Obama's logo... please remember that you are just a puppet of the health insurance industry and they don't give two shits about the American people. All they care about is their stock price, their mansions, their yachts and polo tournaments. The super rich of this country could care less about everyone else's well being -- which is why they're employing the Republican Party to do their dirty work for them and which is also why less and less people are members of the Republican Party these days.
This has been a public service announcement by DavidS.
"I want my country back" or "uprising" on FoxNews, in town halls, in Republican memos, or talking points...
Let me educate the uneducated:
To all of the idiots who feel their country was somehow stolen from them: I have just looked at the latest earth satellite photos and I have overwhelming evidence that this country has not been stolen from you. The continent of North America is exactly where you left it on January 19th. No one has stolen this country. Americans, an overwhelming majority of them, have voted for and elected Barrack Obama to the White House. Please reference the United States Constitution for the clause of whoever wins the most votes wins the contest.
Number two, Obama is an American citizen. Hawaii has looked into this and found this to be true. Obama has provided a scan and a real copy of his COB for us to view and many people, many intelligent people I should say, have said that it is in fact geniune. Additionally, two Hawaiian newspapers published birth announcements within a week and a half of his birth. Even if he was born in Kenya, his mother is an American citizen which automatically makes him one as well. Again, please reference the United States constitution.
Now then, onto this uprising. Having a few loud mouths at town hall meetings does not constitute an uprising. This conservative tea-party movement has yet to even reach a FRACTION of the anti-war movement and the anti-war movement wasn't even a fraction of what a real uprising is. No, you cannot compare these loud mouthed, un-educated, mumbling idiots to the colonists who declared independence from the Brits 300something years ago. I'm sorry about that.
The people who are pulling the strings against higher taxes for the rich are the rich people. When Sean Hannity is telling you that higher taxes are bad - he makes millions of dollars a year - he's telling that to you because he doesn't want to pay the government any additional money. Of course, he forgets that when the country gave tax cuts to the rich many years back, we never paid for that. When we decided to go to war in Iraq -- we never paid for that. When we bailed out the banks and the auto industry last year -- we never paid for that, either. All of a sudden the Republicans are against adding to the national debt when Reagan, Bush 1 and Bush 2 are responsible for over 70% of the money we owe.
The people who are against healthcare reform are.... insurance companies. They're creating proxy groups and joining forces with the tea baggers to wage war against healthcare reform. Why are they doing this? Because ever since the healthcare reform debate begun, most health insurance companies' stock prices have been cut in half or worse. This means the people who own stock, i.e. executives of health insurance companies, i.e. the rich, are losing money. This is not a small business where profit is used to create jobs... profit is used to make the rich richer, meanwhile, we have 40 million Americans without health insurance and millions more being screwed over by the healthcare companies.
So next time you think about showing up to town hall with a swatstika attached to Obama's logo... please remember that you are just a puppet of the health insurance industry and they don't give two shits about the American people. All they care about is their stock price, their mansions, their yachts and polo tournaments. The super rich of this country could care less about everyone else's well being -- which is why they're employing the Republican Party to do their dirty work for them and which is also why less and less people are members of the Republican Party these days.
This has been a public service announcement by DavidS.