President Biden Leads Democrats In Siding With Foreign Nations Attacking Judicial Branch / USSC


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Biden stands withgoreign powers in condemning USSC whilr Speaker Pelosi openly undermines USSC, calls for InsuRrection...

24 / 25 June Committee, anyone?

Biden stands withgoreign powers in condemning USSC whilr Speaker Pelosi openly undermines USSC, calls for InsuRrection...

24 / 25 June Committee, anyone?

Since Obama was a foreigner absent of American principles and values growing up, it just goes to show who's running the show.
Joe will really go bat**** crazy when he hears what Clarence Thomas said.

Why do libs have a problem with those who want America to be a country with morals?
Because the statist left morals are 180 degrees different than that of our founding fathers moral values???
There is a bunch of gangsters and crooks sitting in the WH today.

They should all be charged and be behind bars!

This is not normal let alone legal, what they are doing!
Funny, many EU countries have a stricter abortion standard than some US states. Even the just upheld Mississippi law is abortion until the 13th week whereas France, Germany, and Switzerland are 12 weeks.

So, what we can discern from this is that the idiots who commented, "allies", were fed a steaming pile of shit and were told that SCOTUS banned abortions in America.

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