Once again, the Left is projecting:


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
Derek Chauvin was a Democrat, in a Democrat run city, Democrat run police force, Democrat mayor, Democrat Black Sheriff, Democrat governor, Democrat house, and Democrat justice system...the "systemic racism" the Left keeps complaining about is occurring in places ALL run by the Left.

And it has been that way for a long time, Biden promoted systemic racism for 48 years, befriending a fellow ex KKK grand wizard, being against busing, and calling blacks thugs and all kinds of names. Kamala Harris, she's a beauty, she put thousands of Blacks in jail for petty crimes like smoking marijuana while serving in CA. And here's the kicker: Harris refused to release evidence against police butality and shootings involving Blacks, that would bring about convictions against the police.

But, please, go ahead and stand on your moral pedestals and preach to us, while you are in charge of failed cities and states that are shitholes of crime, looting, black on black shootings, "systemic racism", homelessness, joblessness, the highest Covid cases and death rates (despite the most brutal fascistic lockdowns), corruption, unemployment and financial ruin.
One thing I am sick of is all the bitching and moaning from all sides!

Does racism exist?


Have I ever been racist or bigoted?


Will I ever deny this?


I live outside Houston, Texas in Austin County region and grew up in Joliet, IL and will tell you I have seen racism and bigotry from all walks of life and know it is part of life and will never be eradicated!

Now does that mean I have to be rude or deny someone a living because they are different than me?


Are the police intentionally targeting minorities?

Most likely but what should be asked is why and are the minorities with high crime rates justified being targeted?

My family has a long history from Canada to Kentucky and in some parts of Kentucky the local Cops would quickly pull one of us over and check our car for possible illegal activity like drugs and so on because they know who we are and we are white!

Even if we have Cops in my family the law knows who we are, so I never hold it against the Cops and laugh when they harass me up there because I know it is part of life...

So let me be clear racism is part of life and will never go away and the idiots that believe they can teach the World to Sing are delusional because we were never created equal nor should we try to treat each other equal...

My apologies for this rant and I am sure many will be offended but reality is again racism and bigotry are part of life and it ain’t going away in my life nor any other lifetime!
The point is the system that this so called "systemic racism" exists is located in Democrat run cities and states. And the Left's leaders have been a big part of this, including Biden and Harris.
If a minority wants a chance to live, not be assaulted by their Govt, own property, and get a job, they need to run, not walk, out of the liberal run Meccas....and start voting for people that will give them a chance at life, ie not the DNC
Derek Chauvin was a Democrat, in a Democrat run city, Democrat run police force, Democrat mayor, Democrat Black Sheriff, Democrat governor, Democrat house, and Democrat justice system...the "systemic racism" the Left keeps complaining about is occurring in places ALL run by the Left.

And it has been that way for a long time, Biden promoted systemic racism for 48 years, befriending a fellow ex KKK grand wizard, being against busing, and calling blacks thugs and all kinds of names. Kamala Harris, she's a beauty, she put thousands of Blacks in jail for petty crimes like smoking marijuana while serving in CA. And here's the kicker: Harris refused to release evidence against police butality and shootings involving Blacks, that would bring about convictions against the police.

But, please, go ahead and stand on your moral pedestals and preach to us, while you are in charge of failed cities and states that are shitholes of crime, looting, black on black shootings, "systemic racism", homelessness, joblessness, the highest Covid cases and death rates (despite the most brutal fascistic lockdowns), corruption, unemployment and financial ruin.

Brilliant post. We MUST keep hammering away at the stinking hypocrisy of the left. They are guilty of LITERALLY everything they accuse the right of, and to a far worse degree.
Derek Chauvin was a Democrat, in a Democrat run city, Democrat run police force, Democrat mayor, Democrat Black Sheriff, Democrat governor, Democrat house, and Democrat justice system...the "systemic racism" the Left keeps complaining about is occurring in places ALL run by the Left.

And it has been that way for a long time, Biden promoted systemic racism for 48 years, befriending a fellow ex KKK grand wizard, being against busing, and calling blacks thugs and all kinds of names. Kamala Harris, she's a beauty, she put thousands of Blacks in jail for petty crimes like smoking marijuana while serving in CA. And here's the kicker: Harris refused to release evidence against police butality and shootings involving Blacks, that would bring about convictions against the police.

But, please, go ahead and stand on your moral pedestals and preach to us, while you are in charge of failed cities and states that are shitholes of crime, looting, black on black shootings, "systemic racism", homelessness, joblessness, the highest Covid cases and death rates (despite the most brutal fascistic lockdowns), corruption, unemployment and financial ruin.
Truth over Facts. One party rule is the way to go. Blue Wave.
Derek Chauvin was a Democrat, in a Democrat run city, Democrat run police force, Democrat mayor, Democrat Black Sheriff, Democrat governor, Democrat house, and Democrat justice system...the "systemic racism" the Left keeps complaining about is occurring in places ALL run by the Left.

And it has been that way for a long time, Biden promoted systemic racism for 48 years, befriending a fellow ex KKK grand wizard, being against busing, and calling blacks thugs and all kinds of names. Kamala Harris, she's a beauty, she put thousands of Blacks in jail for petty crimes like smoking marijuana while serving in CA. And here's the kicker: Harris refused to release evidence against police butality and shootings involving Blacks, that would bring about convictions against the police.

But, please, go ahead and stand on your moral pedestals and preach to us, while you are in charge of failed cities and states that are shitholes of crime, looting, black on black shootings, "systemic racism", homelessness, joblessness, the highest Covid cases and death rates (despite the most brutal fascistic lockdowns), corruption, unemployment and financial ruin.
Truth over Facts. One party rule is the way to go. Blue Wave.
They control the bullhorn and people believe them. Using social justice for damn near everything that has been passed and costing the nation trillions of dollars a year and it still is not nearly enough.

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