MSNBC: guest Mike Pence would put gay people in concentration camps if he became President

Good grief

Well did Mike Pence not say that all gays have a mental illness Sassy? And then the christian righties freaked out when Joy Behar called him mentally ill for his views..What is the difference?

The difference is homosexuals are mentally ill and being a Christian is not. It's pretty simple. Maybe you'r not able to take care of yourself either, given your confusion over something basic like that. Are you seeing professionals and taking meds?

He creeps me out, not only is he dangerous he looks like a white haired Ken barbie doll..

That's funny, considering what most homosexuals think is 'appropriate appearance'.

So it is up to you or a christian to tell me that...go sit in you higher than me corner.. I am a christian and know many many who agree with me..
The extremes are making it impossible for people to find God on their own who would otherwise judge them...NOT YOU

I don't give a fuck what you LARP as on the innernetz. Get back on the porch with the other mentally ill kids with drug abuse problems rolling your feces into little balls and eating them.
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Gays are not mentally ill, they are just tax-paying, law-abiding citizens such as yourself...the mentally ill people are those who fixate on others' consensual adult sex life to the elimination of all else. Are you one of those sickies who, when you see gay couples, your mind immediately jumps to what they do in the sack? That's mental illness right there.
Well, you could say he same about cigarette smokers or gun owners, but you're at war with these law abiding taxpayers.
Well did Mike Pence not say that all gays have a mental illness Sassy? And then the christian righties freaked out when Joy Behar called him mentally ill for his views..What is the difference?

The difference is homosexuals are mentally ill and being a Christian is not. It's pretty simple. Maybe you'r not able to take care of yourself either, given your confusion over something basic like that. Are you seeing professionals and taking meds?

The good lord above loves all of his children and they are all saved due to the spilt blood of his son, Jesus. So when you get to heaven, you had best love and accept them or you will be tossed out and sent to the burning fire.

According to the Bible, faggots ain't going to Heaven.They is gonna go straight to hell.

Since when does Paul have the final authority?? Is he God??
Paul didn't make the rules. The Big Guy made them.

Which big guy, give me a link?
Yes indeed, love the deviants and degenerates. Accept the child molesters and the animal rapists.

Ahh no. Jesus demanded repentence and sin no more. We should do no less.

Who accepts that? Perhaps the an extreme party but then the right has a extreme loony party can not put all of us together..

You specifically since you advocate for acceptance of degeneracy all the time.

If he/she/it/mutant were really a Christian, it would be all for helping them avoid indulging in sicko deviant neuroses, not babbling and patting itself on the back for being a moron fashion victim.
The difference is homosexuals are mentally ill and being a Christian is not. It's pretty simple. Maybe you'r not able to take care of yourself either, given your confusion over something basic like that. Are you seeing professionals and taking meds?

The good lord above loves all of his children and they are all saved due to the spilt blood of his son, Jesus. So when you get to heaven, you had best love and accept them or you will be tossed out and sent to the burning fire.

According to the Bible, faggots ain't going to Heaven.They is gonna go straight to hell.

Since when does Paul have the final authority?? Is he God??
Paul didn't make the rules. The Big Guy made them.

Which big guy, give me a link?

"In the beginning, the BIG GUY created......"
The good lord above loves all of his children and they are all saved due to the spilt blood of his son, Jesus. So when you get to heaven, you had best love and accept them or you
What Bible are you reading from? Unless they repent, they have NO FUTURE.
Good grief

Well did Mike Pence not say that all gays have a mental illness Sassy? And then the christian righties freaked out when Joy Behar called him mentally ill for his views..What is the difference?

The difference is homosexuals are mentally ill and being a Christian is not. It's pretty simple. Maybe you'r not able to take care of yourself either, given your confusion over something basic like that. Are you seeing professionals and taking meds?

He creeps me out, not only is he dangerous he looks like a white haired Ken barbie doll..

That's funny, considering what most homosexuals think is 'appropriate appearance'.
Gays are not mentally ill, they are just tax-paying, law-abiding citizens such as yourself...the mentally ill people are those who fixate on others' consensual adult sex life to the elimination of all else. Are you one of those sickies who, when you see gay couples, your mind immediately jumps to what they do in the sack? That's mental illness right there.

It's true - the most vehemently anti-gay are quite often the worst closet cases.


Like you mentally ill sicko freaks have any credibility, and pop psychology fictions are anything other than schoolyard stupidity put out by emotionally stunted deviants.
So then you are going to deny the freak show of Roy Moore, the anti gays

Roger Moore, Robert Bentley here I will give you a list...but these 2 are both the loudest voices against the gays, and both looked to be the strongest christians while they both cheated on their wives in the closest ..and the state for acting that way...this was just last summer..check out the cheaters from both live in a dream world..

List of federal political sex scandals in the United States - Wikipedia
The good lord above loves all of his children and they are all saved due to the spilt blood of his son, Jesus. So when you get to heaven, you had best love and accept them or you
What Bible are you reading from? Unless they repent, they have NO FUTURE.

These morons have never read squat. They just like to pretend they have on the innernetz.
Well did Mike Pence not say that all gays have a mental illness Sassy? And then the christian righties freaked out when Joy Behar called him mentally ill for his views..What is the difference?

The difference is homosexuals are mentally ill and being a Christian is not. It's pretty simple. Maybe you'r not able to take care of yourself either, given your confusion over something basic like that. Are you seeing professionals and taking meds?

He creeps me out, not only is he dangerous he looks like a white haired Ken barbie doll..

That's funny, considering what most homosexuals think is 'appropriate appearance'.
Gays are not mentally ill, they are just tax-paying, law-abiding citizens such as yourself...the mentally ill people are those who fixate on others' consensual adult sex life to the elimination of all else. Are you one of those sickies who, when you see gay couples, your mind immediately jumps to what they do in the sack? That's mental illness right there.

It's true - the most vehemently anti-gay are quite often the worst closet cases.


Like you mentally ill sicko freaks have any credibility, and pop psychology fictions are anything other than schoolyard stupidity put out by emotionally stunted deviants.
So then you are going to deny the freak show of Roy Moore, the anti gays

Roger Moore, Robert Bentley here I will give you a list...but these 2 are both the loudest voices against the gays, and both looked to be the strongest christians while they both cheated on their wives in the closest ..and the state for acting that way...this was just last summer..check out the cheaters from both live in a dream world..

List of federal political sex scandals in the United States - Wikipedia

Yes, definitely stupid. Please, nobody tell this moron that Nazi school books claimed 2 + 2 = 4, or the loon will join those tards in Oregon who claim arithmetic is 'racist n stuff'', cuz, like, HITLER, DUDES!!!!!
MSNBC wasted no opportunity to shred employees of their competitors like Bill O'Reilly and Laura Ingraham, but they turn around and quickly script this ludicrous propaganda to try to sweep Reid's comments under the rug. If Reid were employed at CNN they would be ripping her a new one right now, David Hogg would be demanding a boycott, and Starbucks would be shutting down all of their stores for a day long sensitivity training.

Okay, I'm actually sure what Starbucks has to do with this, but it sounds in like it's in the ballpark.
One (I) could write a pretty lengthy pamphlet explaining why just about every statement described by the Gay Mafia as "homophobic' [a nonsensical, illogical word if every there were one] is either factual, normal, or nothing more than a harmless statement of opinion.

Consider: NOBODY in this country has EVER been prosecuted for "being gay." Your sexual orientation is your own business; nobody cares, and nobody will know without overt behavior. Again: nobody has every been prosecuted for being gay. They have been prosecuted - and persecuted - for overt behavior.

Few people give a shit where you stick your dick.

Being opposed to "gay marriage" doesn't necessarily mean one is opposed to gay people, or to private gay sexual activity. It is an entirely different issue, dealing with public policy, and not sodomy.

Condemning homosexual sodomy doesn't necessarily involve HATE of any individual person, or of a community of people.

And on, and on.
Yes indeed, love the deviants and degenerates. Accept the child molesters and the animal rapists.

Ahh no. Jesus demanded repentence and sin no more. We should do no less.

Who accepts that? Perhaps the an extreme party but then the right has a extreme loony party can not put all of us together..

You specifically since you advocate for acceptance of degeneracy all the time.

I advocate against hypocrisy ...... It is not up to me to show you your wrongs....but you were fast on judging me...why is that?
MSNBC wasted no opportunity to shred employees of their competitors like Bill O'Reilly and Laura Ingraham, but they turn around and quickly script this ludicrous propaganda to try to sweep Reid's comments under the rug. If Reid were employed at CNN they would be ripping her a new one right now, David Hogg would be demanding a boycott, and Starbucks would be shutting down all of their stores for a day long sensitivity training.

Okay, I'm actually sure what Starbucks has to do with this, but it sounds in like it's in the ballpark.

She was accused of free hate speech, O' Reilly was accused of sexual assault, and Laura Ingraham actually gave private info about gays out when she was in college and head of the paper.
The good lord above loves all of his children and they are all saved due to the spilt blood of his son, Jesus. So when you get to heaven, you had best love and accept them or you will be tossed out and sent to the burning fire.

According to the Bible, faggots ain't going to Heaven.They is gonna go straight to hell.

Since when does Paul have the final authority?? Is he God??
Paul didn't make the rules. The Big Guy made them.

Which big guy, give me a link?

"In the beginning, the BIG GUY created......"

Leviticus 20 and we had best get ready with your stones to stone Trump.

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