MSNBC: guest Mike Pence would put gay people in concentration camps if he became President

It's going to take decades of fighting before the lunatic left even beginning to understand how they are being used, why they are being used and the major brainwashing going on here.

Changing your sex is so far beyond normal, we haven't even begun to see the dangerous tampering of genetics.

It's incredible how they fall for this bs.

The gays are a political football but we can't tell them anything ( most of them not all).

My best friend in the 1980's died from aids.. My parents were gone and he took care of me like a brother.

I miss him..he looked and acted like a republican..why is his sexual desires back then your business.. I never saw it.

why is there not judgment on Big ass Boob for Trump? I do like to

Anyway it is not up to me to tell anyone to change.
You misunderstand the concept. You conflate the human with his sin. No one hates homos, they hate homosexuality.

As an addiction counselor , every single one of us do things and then judge another ..

Someone with a porn addiction pointing at a gay

A fat person pointing at a drunk

How can you just single out homosexuality.. ?

Now mind you , I don't understand having those desires of the same sex myself..

A person all strung out on an opiate well... we all know when your strung out your not focusing on your own behavior..
Yes, we are all sinners. That is not to say we are to love sin.
I believe it's a sin telling people who they can and can't love.
They have free will just like you.
Overly dramatic - but entirely out of the realm of what he might do if he could get away with it.

Mike Pence once supported the use of federal funding to treat people "seeking to change their sexual behavior."

Here's What Mike Pence Said on LGBT Issues Over the Years
Snopes is an left wing shit eating organization...
Only a fool thinks they can pick their gender, and being gay is an absolute choice

Ever notice how fkn stupid people are who use SNOPES....... it'a amazing how clueless they are when SNOPES has been caught lying over and over.

You can pull . just about anything from them and prove they lie......

SOROS is behind SNOPES, and the idiots can't connect those DOTS . WHY OBAMA AND CLINTON MENTIONED THEM AS A TRUTH GOD..LMMFAO!!!!

They know only the STUPID take what they say as the honest to gawd truth leading the idiots to remain stupid awww because stupidity WORSHIPS their Presidential Parent Obama and CLINTON omfg the irony of stupidity.

No end to your silliness really - Is there?
Snopes are left wing shit eaters...
Fact-Checking Snopes: Website's Political 'Fact-Checker' Is Just A Liberal Blogger
We know that trumpanzees don't like fact checkers.
Snopes Eat too much left wing shit to be fact checkers
Snopes is an left wing shit eating organization...
Only a fool thinks they can pick their gender, and being gay is an absolute choice

Ever notice how fkn stupid people are who use SNOPES....... it'a amazing how clueless they are when SNOPES has been caught lying over and over.

You can pull . just about anything from them and prove they lie......

SOROS is behind SNOPES, and the idiots can't connect those DOTS . WHY OBAMA AND CLINTON MENTIONED THEM AS A TRUTH GOD..LMMFAO!!!!

They know only the STUPID take what they say as the honest to gawd truth leading the idiots to remain stupid awww because stupidity WORSHIPS their Presidential Parent Obama and CLINTON omfg the irony of stupidity.

No end to your silliness really - Is there?
Snopes are left wing shit eaters...
Fact-Checking Snopes: Website's Political 'Fact-Checker' Is Just A Liberal Blogger
We know that trumpanzees don't like fact checkers.
Snopes Eat too much left wing shit to be fact checkers

Where is my STOOOOPID button ^

I would wear that bitch out on your posts ;)
Good grief

Well did Mike Pence not say that all gays have a mental illness Sassy? And then the christian righties freaked out when Joy Behar called him mentally ill for his views..What is the difference?

The difference is homosexuals are mentally ill and being a Christian is not. It's pretty simple. Maybe you'r not able to take care of yourself either, given your confusion over something basic like that. Are you seeing professionals and taking meds?

He creeps me out, not only is he dangerous he looks like a white haired Ken barbie doll..

That's funny, considering what most homosexuals think is 'appropriate appearance'.
Gays are not mentally ill, they are just tax-paying, law-abiding citizens such as yourself...the mentally ill people are those who fixate on others' consensual adult sex life to the elimination of all else. Are you one of those sickies who, when you see gay couples, your mind immediately jumps to what they do in the sack? That's mental illness right there.
If you see two people..... of the same sex ...anywhere..... that are "normal" how would you presume they are a "gay couple" ?
Ya with me here meathead ? They AREN'T normal. Its obvious. Even a five year old will say "deyre weeeeeeeurd"

You have the freeDUMB to raise your children any way you choose.

I'll pass on your BS - and so will most other Millennials including my daughter who's BFF happens to be gay.

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Overly dramatic - but entirely out of the realm of what he might do if he could get away with it.

Mike Pence once supported the use of federal funding to treat people "seeking to change their sexual behavior."

Here's What Mike Pence Said on LGBT Issues Over the Years
Snopes is an left wing shit eating organization...
Only a fool thinks they can pick their gender, and being gay is an absolute choice
Did you choose? Which one did you like better? Did you try both just to make sure?
My best friend in the 1980's died from aids.. My parents were gone and he took care of me like a brother.

I miss him..he looked and acted like a republican..why is his sexual desires back then your business.. I never saw it.

why is there not judgment on Big ass Boob for Trump? I do like to

Anyway it is not up to me to tell anyone to change.
You misunderstand the concept. You conflate the human with his sin. No one hates homos, they hate homosexuality.

As an addiction counselor , every single one of us do things and then judge another ..

Someone with a porn addiction pointing at a gay

A fat person pointing at a drunk

How can you just single out homosexuality.. ?

Now mind you , I don't understand having those desires of the same sex myself..

A person all strung out on an opiate well... we all know when your strung out your not focusing on your own behavior..
Yes, we are all sinners. That is not to say we are to love sin.
I believe it's a sin telling people who they can and can't love.
That is not the point, generally Most people don’t give a shit one way or another. But the problem is you silly little fuckers want to indoctrinate everyone’s kids into that sick ass shit. The reason why criminal activity is what it is, is because the breakdown of the traditional American family. Don’t tell other people’s kids it’s all right to choose to be gay or any other six fucked up thing you can think of.
Being gay is just a choice... live with it. don’t try to justify it by saying anyone was born that way.
If it's a choice, how old were you when you made the choice? And did you try both sides first, just to make sure?
You misunderstand the concept. You conflate the human with his sin. No one hates homos, they hate homosexuality.

As an addiction counselor , every single one of us do things and then judge another ..

Someone with a porn addiction pointing at a gay

A fat person pointing at a drunk

How can you just single out homosexuality.. ?

Now mind you , I don't understand having those desires of the same sex myself..

A person all strung out on an opiate well... we all know when your strung out your not focusing on your own behavior..
Yes, we are all sinners. That is not to say we are to love sin.
I believe it's a sin telling people who they can and can't love.
That is not the point, generally Most people don’t give a shit one way or another. But the problem is you silly little fuckers want to indoctrinate everyone’s kids into that sick ass shit. The reason why criminal activity is what it is, is because the breakdown of the traditional American family. Don’t tell other people’s kids it’s all right to choose to be gay or any other six fucked up thing you can think of.
Being gay is just a choice... live with it. don’t try to justify it by saying anyone was born that way.
If it's a choice, how old were you when you made the choice? And did you try both sides first, just to make sure?

Heterosexuality is natural ...the natural order of a species to reproduce to sustain the species. The polar opposite of homosexuality which would be a dead end.
You misunderstand the concept. You conflate the human with his sin. No one hates homos, they hate homosexuality.

As an addiction counselor , every single one of us do things and then judge another ..

Someone with a porn addiction pointing at a gay

A fat person pointing at a drunk

How can you just single out homosexuality.. ?

Now mind you , I don't understand having those desires of the same sex myself..

A person all strung out on an opiate well... we all know when your strung out your not focusing on your own behavior..
Yes, we are all sinners. That is not to say we are to love sin.
I believe it's a sin telling people who they can and can't love.
That is not the point, generally Most people don’t give a shit one way or another. But the problem is you silly little fuckers want to indoctrinate everyone’s kids into that sick ass shit. The reason why criminal activity is what it is, is because the breakdown of the traditional American family. Don’t tell other people’s kids it’s all right to choose to be gay or any other six fucked up thing you can think of.
Being gay is just a choice... live with it. don’t try to justify it by saying anyone was born that way.
If it's a choice, how old were you when you made the choice? And did you try both sides first, just to make sure?
Being gay is a choice made by mentally disturbed people… Fact
Gays are not mentally ill, they are just tax-paying, law-abiding citizens such as yourself...the mentally ill people are those who fixate on others' consensual adult sex life to the elimination of all else. Are you one of those sickies who, when you see gay couples, your mind immediately jumps to what they do in the sack? That's mental illness right there.
Everything about the gay community is a hyper-fixation on sex. Even their street fairs are nothing but an excuse for public debauchery. We watched them take to the streets of our nation's Capitol depicting every percerted sexual practice practiced by every color their rainbow flag represents. When the AIDS epidemic was starting to spread back in the 80s, SF wanted to close the bath houses in the city. The courts and city hall were overrun with wild, angry mobs demanding their sex palaces remain open.

That public image of the gay community is the doing of the gays.
Everything about the gay community is a hyper-fixation on sex. Even their street fairs are nothing but an excuse for public debauchery. We watched them take to the streets of our nation's Capitol depicting every percerted sexual practice practiced by every color their rainbow flag represents. When the AIDS epidemic was starting to spread back in the 80s, SF wanted to close the bath houses in the city. The courts and city hall were overrun with wild, angry mobs demanding their sex palaces remain open.

Cults aren't really big on their chapels being dismantled. Even when extreme concerns for public health are involved.
You misunderstand the concept. You conflate the human with his sin. No one hates homos, they hate homosexuality.

As an addiction counselor , every single one of us do things and then judge another ..

Someone with a porn addiction pointing at a gay

A fat person pointing at a drunk

How can you just single out homosexuality.. ?

Now mind you , I don't understand having those desires of the same sex myself..

A person all strung out on an opiate well... we all know when your strung out your not focusing on your own behavior..
Yes, we are all sinners. That is not to say we are to love sin.
I believe it's a sin telling people who they can and can't love.
That is not the point, generally Most people don’t give a shit one way or another. But the problem is you silly little fuckers want to indoctrinate everyone’s kids into that sick ass shit. The reason why criminal activity is what it is, is because the breakdown of the traditional American family. Don’t tell other people’s kids it’s all right to choose to be gay or any other six fucked up thing you can think of.
Being gay is just a choice... live with it. don’t try to justify it by saying anyone was born that way.
If it's a choice, how old were you when you made the choice? And did you try both sides first, just to make sure?

Apparently you are FED BS lies and fall for it take it from the horses mouth......

gay, trans, whatever you all think alike anyway..

Regret is real— can help

Walt offers encouragement and hope for others who want to detransition back to their innate birth gender. has over 300,000 new visitors each year from 180 countries around the world.

Visit now.

An accomplished speaker, Walt travels extensively to share his story of redemption at conferences, churches and universities. Walt has appeared on many radio and television shows throughout the U.S. and Canada.

Walt Heyer Ministries | Rethinking Transgenderism


They are doing the same BS CON JOB to the gays as they are the Transgenders. One day you all will figure out that Obama and Clinton did nothing BUT USE YOU ALL AS POLITICAL FOOTBALLS and to gain votes. Many other reasons are there to but to far down the rabbit hole to even bother wiht those who can't understand the political games of ENSLAVING WE THE PEOPLE>

Outlawing Psychotherapy For Trans-Kids Will Not Prevent Suicides

And by the way WALT is a Transgender or was.........
WALT HEYER is a former transgender with a passion to help others who regret gender change. Walt travels extensively to share his story of redemption at conferences, churches and universities. Walt has appeared on numerous radio and television shows in the U.S. and Canada. Walt’s articles have been published online and his many books are a welcome resource in understanding the issue.
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The AMA should advise doctors do not perform sexual reassignment surgery.

It's hard for them to say anything on this guy other than a denial attack since that guy I posted about is a Transgender himself. LOL or at least he was one until he realized he never wanted to be what he changed over to. ...
Your comment reminded me of this fella :

WALT HEYER is a former transgender with a passion to help others who regret gender change.

Walt Heyer Ministries | Rethinking Transgenderism

And of course almost none of them claim the severe mutilations helped them; they weres the same mentally ill depressed suicidal sickos, only now they have to wear diapers, so that guy is genuinely trying to help them, utterly unlike the sick gimps here encouraging them and preventing them from trying treatment and getting help, like the trolls who keep citing me and only posting their stupid infantile memes over and over, as if they are credible or something.

It's going to take decades of fighting before the lunatic left even beginning to understand how they are being used, why they are being used and the major brainwashing going on here.

Changing your sex is so far beyond normal, we haven't even begun to see the dangerous tampering of genetics.

It's incredible how they fall for this bs.

The gays are a political football but we can't tell them anything ( most of them not all).

My best friend in the 1980's died from aids.. My parents were gone and he took care of me like a brother.

I miss him..he looked and acted like a republican..why is his sexual desires back then your business.. I never saw it.

why is there not judgment on Big ass Boob for Trump? I do like to

Anyway it is not up to me to tell anyone to change.
You misunderstand the concept. You conflate the human with his sin. No one hates homos, they hate homosexuality.
Of course...that's why people on the Right are against homosexuality marrying as opposed to homos marrying............

Oh really? Checked out the enthusiastic support you fetishists get from the right lately? The right wingers are fine with sicko pedophiles being able to adopt kids, same as you are. They're sociopaths just like their left wing fellow travellers when it comes to mindless narcissistic self-indulgence being the Holy Grail.
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It's going to take decades of fighting before the lunatic left even beginning to understand how they are being used, why they are being used and the major brainwashing going on here.

Changing your sex is so far beyond normal, we haven't even begun to see the dangerous tampering of genetics.

It's incredible how they fall for this bs.

The gays are a political football but we can't tell them anything ( most of them not all).

My best friend in the 1980's died from aids.. My parents were gone and he took care of me like a brother.

I miss him..he looked and acted like a republican..why is his sexual desires back then your business.. I never saw it.

why is there not judgment on Big ass Boob for Trump? I do like to

Anyway it is not up to me to tell anyone to change.
You misunderstand the concept. You conflate the human with his sin. No one hates homos, they hate homosexuality.

As an addiction counselor , every single one of us do things and then judge another ..

Someone with a porn addiction pointing at a gay

A fat person pointing at a drunk

How can you just single out homosexuality.. ?

Now mind you , I don't understand having those desires of the same sex myself..

A person all strung out on an opiate well... we all know when your strung out your not focusing on your own behavior..
Yes, we are all sinners. That is not to say we are to love sin.
I believe it's a sin telling people who they can and can't love.

Emotional retardation and neurotic fetishes aren't 'love', but then you mentally ill dope addled infantile left wingers aren't capable of understanding that fact.
Your comment reminded me of this fella :

WALT HEYER is a former transgender with a passion to help others who regret gender change.

Walt Heyer Ministries | Rethinking Transgenderism

And of course almost none of them claim the severe mutilations helped them; they weres the same mentally ill depressed suicidal sickos, only now they have to wear diapers, so that guy is genuinely trying to help them, utterly unlike the sick gimps here encouraging them and preventing them from trying treatment and getting help, like the trolls who keep citing me and only posting their stupid infantile memes over and over, as if they are credible or something.

It's going to take decades of fighting before the lunatic left even beginning to understand how they are being used, why they are being used and the major brainwashing going on here.

Changing your sex is so far beyond normal, we haven't even begun to see the dangerous tampering of genetics.

It's incredible how they fall for this bs.

The gays are a political football but we can't tell them anything ( most of them not all).

My best friend in the 1980's died from aids.. My parents were gone and he took care of me like a brother.

I miss him..he looked and acted like a republican..why is his sexual desires back then your business.. I never saw it.

why is there not judgment on Big ass Boob for Trump? I do like to

Anyway it is not up to me to tell anyone to change.
You misunderstand the concept. You conflate the human with his sin. No one hates homos, they hate homosexuality.

As an addiction counselor , every single one of us do things and then judge another ..

Someone with a porn addiction pointing at a gay

A fat person pointing at a drunk

How can you just single out homosexuality.. ?

Now mind you , I don't understand having those desires of the same sex myself..

A person all strung out on an opiate well... we all know when your strung out your not focusing on your own behavior..

I agree with not conflating homosexuality with minor stuff like being overweight; it's a far more nasty mental disorder and a public health menace and a menace to children. If you're supposedly a 'counseler' and an example of the mentality of those treating these people, then we know you're a major part of the problem yourselves and enablers. You should be barred from being around children yourselves.
And of course almost none of them claim the severe mutilations helped them; they weres the same mentally ill depressed suicidal sickos, only now they have to wear diapers, so that guy is genuinely trying to help them, utterly unlike the sick gimps here encouraging them and preventing them from trying treatment and getting help, like the trolls who keep citing me and only posting their stupid infantile memes over and over, as if they are credible or something.

It's going to take decades of fighting before the lunatic left even beginning to understand how they are being used, why they are being used and the major brainwashing going on here.

Changing your sex is so far beyond normal, we haven't even begun to see the dangerous tampering of genetics.

It's incredible how they fall for this bs.

The gays are a political football but we can't tell them anything ( most of them not all).

My best friend in the 1980's died from aids.. My parents were gone and he took care of me like a brother.

I miss him..he looked and acted like a republican..why is his sexual desires back then your business.. I never saw it.

why is there not judgment on Big ass Boob for Trump? I do like to

Anyway it is not up to me to tell anyone to change.
You misunderstand the concept. You conflate the human with his sin. No one hates homos, they hate homosexuality.
Of course...that's why people on the Right are against homosexuality marrying as opposed to homos marrying............

Oh really? Checked out the enthusiastic support you fetishists get from the right lately? The right wingers are fine with sicko pedophiles being able to adopt kids, same as you are. They're sociopaths just like their left wing fellow travellers when it comes to mindless narcissistic self-indulgence being the Holy Grail.
"fetishists"....:rofl: And there you go again, thinking about what people do in bed.....WITH an unhealthy inability to distinguish between was consenting adults do and abusing minors. I always worry about people who cannot distinguish between the two....they should stay away from children and animals.

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