MSNBC: guest Mike Pence would put gay people in concentration camps if he became President

Good grief

Well did Mike Pence not say that all gays have a mental illness Sassy? And then the christian righties freaked out when Joy Behar called him mentally ill for his views..What is the difference?

The difference is homosexuals are mentally ill and being a Christian is not. It's pretty simple. Maybe you'r not able to take care of yourself either, given your confusion over something basic like that. Are you seeing professionals and taking meds?

He creeps me out, not only is he dangerous he looks like a white haired Ken barbie doll..

That's funny, considering what most homosexuals think is 'appropriate appearance'.
Gays are not mentally ill, they are just tax-paying, law-abiding citizens such as yourself...the mentally ill people are those who fixate on others' consensual adult sex life to the elimination of all else. Are you one of those sickies who, when you see gay couples, your mind immediately jumps to what they do in the sack? That's mental illness right there.

It's true - the most vehemently anti-gay are quite often the worst closet cases.

Good grief

Well did Mike Pence not say that all gays have a mental illness Sassy? And then the christian righties freaked out when Joy Behar called him mentally ill for his views..What is the difference?

The difference is homosexuals are mentally ill and being a Christian is not. It's pretty simple. Maybe you'r not able to take care of yourself either, given your confusion over something basic like that. Are you seeing professionals and taking meds?

The good lord above loves all of his children and they are all saved due to the spilt blood of his son, Jesus. So when you get to heaven, you had best love and accept them or you will be tossed out and sent to the burning fire.
Saturday on MSNBC’s “AM Joy,” Brandon Wolf, vice president of the Dru Project, commended host Joy Reid for her apology for the controversy over past homophobic blog posts attributed to her.
MSNBC Guest: Mike Pence Would Put Gay People in ‘Concentration Camps’ if He Became President

And when MSM write their lies the sheep morons literally believe and it spreads like wild fire.

This is what I believe is a "pre-emptive strike" against what the dems/looney left know is coming before Fall this year. They know the issues of forced deviant sex cult on kids will be brought up in various incarnations time and again by the right. And it should be, because it's a real phenomenon in the courts and elsewhere. It's like Hitler making a comment about "those mean mean Jews will probably put all our SS troops in a prison camp!" It's easier to advance a cult into the minds of the young when you have the strings of sympathy well tuned.

The right should completely ignore this; or conversely, see it as a sign of fear. Hold steady and stay the course conservatives. It worked like a charm in 2016. But even I would've never guessed that Obama would sink Hillary's ship (and all the Congressional dems by party/values association) by ordering girls in schools to tolerate deranged boys to disrobe next to them. I mean, my jaw still hits the ground when I think about it. Obama was either supremely deluded by his own unchecked visions of grandeur, or an extremely subversive prick that liked to bite the hands that fed him. Maybe a little of both?
Yes indeed, love the deviants and degenerates. Accept the child molesters and the animal rapists.

Ahh no. Jesus demanded repentence and sin no more. We should do no less.
Wasn't it Hillary Clinton and a few other high officials in the Dem party who ran a child sex ring out of a pizza shops aka Pizzagate.
Yes indeed, love the deviants and degenerates. Accept the child molesters and the animal rapists.

Ahh no. Jesus demanded repentence and sin no more. We should do no less.

That is only for Catholics, Protestants believe all you need to do is "believe" and "accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior".
Good grief

Well did Mike Pence not say that all gays have a mental illness Sassy? And then the christian righties freaked out when Joy Behar called him mentally ill for his views..What is the difference?

The difference is homosexuals are mentally ill and being a Christian is not. It's pretty simple. Maybe you'r not able to take care of yourself either, given your confusion over something basic like that. Are you seeing professionals and taking meds?

The good lord above loves all of his children and they are all saved due to the spilt blood of his son, Jesus. So when you get to heaven, you had best love and accept them or you will be tossed out and sent to the burning fire.

According to the Bible, faggots ain't going to Heaven.They is gonna go straight to hell.
Yes indeed, love the deviants and degenerates. Accept the child molesters and the animal rapists.

Ahh no. Jesus demanded repentence and sin no more. We should do no less.
Funny how so many of those child rapists are "men of god"......

They're homosexuals posing as preachers, some 80% are homos, and homos commit 35% to over 50% of all kiddie rapes, and are only some 2% of the population, and if you go by the last FBI undercover investigation of your beloved NAMBLA homo rape gang, they will rape little girls if no boys are around, too. IF any of these organizations started screening out the high risk employees likely to rape children, like homosexual males at the top of the list of sickos, then you vermin would be crying about 'discrimination' and ' homophobia', like the good little parrots you all are.
Good grief

Well did Mike Pence not say that all gays have a mental illness Sassy? And then the christian righties freaked out when Joy Behar called him mentally ill for his views..What is the difference?

The difference is homosexuals are mentally ill and being a Christian is not. It's pretty simple. Maybe you'r not able to take care of yourself either, given your confusion over something basic like that. Are you seeing professionals and taking meds?

The good lord above loves all of his children and they are all saved due to the spilt blood of his son, Jesus. So when you get to heaven, you had best love and accept them or you will be tossed out and sent to the burning fire.

According to the Bible, faggots ain't going to Heaven.They is gonna go straight to hell.

Since when does Paul have the final authority?? Is he God??
Good grief

Well did Mike Pence not say that all gays have a mental illness Sassy? And then the christian righties freaked out when Joy Behar called him mentally ill for his views..What is the difference?

The difference is homosexuals are mentally ill and being a Christian is not. It's pretty simple. Maybe you'r not able to take care of yourself either, given your confusion over something basic like that. Are you seeing professionals and taking meds?

He creeps me out, not only is he dangerous he looks like a white haired Ken barbie doll..

That's funny, considering what most homosexuals think is 'appropriate appearance'.
Gays are not mentally ill, they are just tax-paying, law-abiding citizens such as yourself...the mentally ill people are those who fixate on others' consensual adult sex life to the elimination of all else. Are you one of those sickies who, when you see gay couples, your mind immediately jumps to what they do in the sack? That's mental illness right there.

It's true - the most vehemently anti-gay are quite often the worst closet cases.


Like you mentally ill sicko freaks have any credibility, and pop psychology fictions are anything other than schoolyard stupidity put out by emotionally stunted deviants.
Good grief

Well did Mike Pence not say that all gays have a mental illness Sassy? And then the christian righties freaked out when Joy Behar called him mentally ill for his views..What is the difference?

The difference is homosexuals are mentally ill and being a Christian is not. It's pretty simple. Maybe you'r not able to take care of yourself either, given your confusion over something basic like that. Are you seeing professionals and taking meds?

The good lord above loves all of his children and they are all saved due to the spilt blood of his son, Jesus. So when you get to heaven, you had best love and accept them or you will be tossed out and sent to the burning fire.

According to the Bible, faggots ain't going to Heaven.They is gonna go straight to hell.

Since when does Paul have the final authority?? Is he God??
Paul didn't make the rules. The Big Guy made them.
Saturday on MSNBC’s “AM Joy,” Brandon Wolf, vice president of the Dru Project, commended host Joy Reid for her apology for the controversy over past homophobic blog posts attributed to her.
MSNBC Guest: Mike Pence Would Put Gay People in ‘Concentration Camps’ if He Became President

And when MSM write their lies the sheep morons literally believe and it spreads like wild fire.
It takes a true moron to believe all this bs that MSM post out there knowing the dumbed down full heartedly believe it all because they can't figure out this is how they are played.

Can't fix stupid though.

They are so pathetic they dream this shit up and can't even prove it. He should sue the pos bastard for slander.

Like we keep telling you sheep this information is put out the there on purpose to drag down anybody they don't want to win this has been going on for decades it's just people are awake and can see it all clearly now with the exceptions of the real stupid asses who still see the Gov. as their parents.

I truly love your sig file. I should change mine back to "FECALs (FOX Echo Chamber Angry Listeners.)"

GMTA and all that. I do like mine better though.
Yes indeed, love the deviants and degenerates. Accept the child molesters and the animal rapists.

Ahh no. Jesus demanded repentence and sin no more. We should do no less.
Funny how so many of those child rapists are "men of god"......
Are you trying to make a case for them being loved and accepted? They are no better than school teachers.
You mean school teachers at catholic schools? Probably just as protected by the church hierarchy.
Good grief

Well did Mike Pence not say that all gays have a mental illness Sassy? And then the christian righties freaked out when Joy Behar called him mentally ill for his views..What is the difference?

The difference is homosexuals are mentally ill and being a Christian is not. It's pretty simple. Maybe you'r not able to take care of yourself either, given your confusion over something basic like that. Are you seeing professionals and taking meds?

He creeps me out, not only is he dangerous he looks like a white haired Ken barbie doll..

That's funny, considering what most homosexuals think is 'appropriate appearance'.

Your comment reminded me of this fella :

WALT HEYER is a former transgender with a passion to help others who regret gender change.

Walt Heyer Ministries | Rethinking Transgenderism

And of course almost none of them claim the severe mutilations helped them; they weres the same mentally ill depressed suicidal sickos, only now they have to wear diapers, so that guy is genuinely trying to help them, utterly unlike the sick gimps here encouraging them and preventing them from trying treatment and getting help, like the trolls who keep citing me and only posting their stupid infantile memes over and over, as if they are credible or something.
Yes indeed, love the deviants and degenerates. Accept the child molesters and the animal rapists.

Ahh no. Jesus demanded repentence and sin no more. We should do no less.

Who accepts that? Perhaps the an extreme party but then the right has a extreme loony party can not put all of us together..

You specifically since you advocate for acceptance of degeneracy all the time.

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