More Christians are conservative meanwhile Christ was liberal...

Never said I ever saw where they went.
sure you did.....I suggest you go back and refresh your memory about what you said.......
Can't go back and find something that I didn't say. Loser. Again.

So it's okay for you to insult people but if others repeat back what you say about yourself they are just being unfair.

Can we say double standard?
Your magic underwear must be a couple of sizes too small, because otherwise you'd know that real Christians turn the other cheek.

So that excuses your hypocrisy?
Is that how you turn the other cheek? Please try again.
what if I have a signed statement from an ordained minister that says I am real?.........
You were probably ordained over the Internet. No actual belief in the bible required. :lol:
I'm not ordained at all.......never claimed to you have a certificate from an atheist that certifies you as rational?......if you do, it was forged.......

How can someone who is irrational certify someone else as rational?
They made YOU part of the mormon church, didn't they? :D

So you are admitting the restored gospel is rational?

I'd say that's a step but I fear you did it through ignorance.
The restored gospel is a made up load of tithe-inducing wisdom. Is that about right?
STFU you fake Christian.

what if I have a signed statement from an ordained minister that says I am real?.........
You were probably ordained over the Internet. No actual belief in the bible required. :lol:
I'm not ordained at all.......never claimed to you have a certificate from an atheist that certifies you as rational?......if you do, it was forged.......
Atheists don't require a certificate to be part of the gang, nor do they have to tithe. But you don't do that anyways, do you?

Nor any effort. Nor any ability to reason. Nor any morality whatsoever.

Besides who is talking about joining a gang?
You joined a pedophilic gang of polygamists. But you knew that already. :D
You call me schoolyard names because I know more about Christianity than you do? :D
I though it was because you believed you knew more, but demonstrated you knew nothing,,,,,,,
STFU you fake Christian.

Fabulous demonstration of your superior knowledge.

You know you might be able to hold your own if you actually tried to understand the scriptures instead of giving up because you don't understand something the first try.
PMP doesn't believe that Noah got 2 of every animal on his raft, and a whole bunch of other shit as well, ipso facto, he's a faker.
because you and the Rev Phelps agree that if you don't take every single word in the Bible as literal fact you aren't allowed in that must mean either I'm not a real Christian or that you and the Rev Phelps.....whaaaaat?.......
You hafta believe SOME of it. So you think the Noah story is crap, what else? :popcorn:
what if I have a signed statement from an ordained minister that says I am real?.........
You were probably ordained over the Internet. No actual belief in the bible required. :lol:

Seriously, you need to work on reading comprehension of you think that was an intelligent comeback to what he said. Or did you really think he was saying he was ordained by saying he would get a certificate from an ordained minister verifying he was a real Christian?

How can you willfully remain ignorant and pretend you are educated? What is so difficult about trying to understand something even if you don't believe it.

I don't pretend to be an expert on Islam. That doesn't stop me from trying to learn about Muslims or treating them with respect.

You don't want people to think you are a fool? Then stop opening your mouth and demonstrating you are one. Someone needs to tell you the truth or you have no hope of ever realizing it and fixing the problem.
Like I said, I never get more insulted than when I enter a religion thread with so called Christians. I'm starting to think that maybe Jesus was obnoxious as well and you're just following his teachings? No heaven for you, dude.

Again how is quoting what you said about yourself insulting you? Why do expect to have people let you walk all over them when you come in acting like an ignorant ass?

If you say stupid things you are going to be called on it. how else are you ever going to learn?
The point is that you can't come back with anything more intelligent than I'm an un-educated ignorant fool, and that's only your last post! It's childish, either come back to me with solid arguments or shut the fuck up.

Post: can you quote me the text that states flora or fauna were harmed in the making of this story?.....

BW: it is not the highlight for the parable as redirected to fallen humanity, it is your written text that leaves the conclusion waning.

Post: you realize of course that if you examine the above statement carefully, it makes absolutely no sense.......the conclusions you seem to have drawn from the written text are not "waning"......they are invisible.....

Avatar: So that excuses your hypocrisy?

Taz: either come back to me with solid arguments or shut the fuck up.

there is little doubt the hypocrisy for those who's written scriptures are not verifiable by the referred text through a verbal discussion. the premise of Flooding the entire Garden of Earth for the sole directed purpose against Humanity ... is left waning as the true act of the Almighty and fails in its purpose as scripted (by christians).

The point is that you can't come back with anything more intelligent than I'm an un-educated ignorant fool, and that's only your last post! It's childish, either come back to me with solid arguments or shut the fuck up.
are you pretending intelligent people cannot consider you uneducated and ignorant?......I would expect them to be the first to reach that conclusion......
I though it was because you believed you knew more, but demonstrated you knew nothing,,,,,,,
STFU you fake Christian.

Fabulous demonstration of your superior knowledge.

You know you might be able to hold your own if you actually tried to understand the scriptures instead of giving up because you don't understand something the first try.
PMP doesn't believe that Noah got 2 of every animal on his raft, and a whole bunch of other shit as well, ipso facto, he's a faker.
because you and the Rev Phelps agree that if you don't take every single word in the Bible as literal fact you aren't allowed in that must mean either I'm not a real Christian or that you and the Rev Phelps.....whaaaaat?.......
You hafta believe SOME of it. So you think the Noah story is crap, what else? :popcorn:
I believe everything the Bible says.....however, unlike you, I don't find any reference to Noah being required to find marsupials from Australia.....
STFU you fake Christian.

Fabulous demonstration of your superior knowledge.

You know you might be able to hold your own if you actually tried to understand the scriptures instead of giving up because you don't understand something the first try.
PMP doesn't believe that Noah got 2 of every animal on his raft, and a whole bunch of other shit as well, ipso facto, he's a faker.
because you and the Rev Phelps agree that if you don't take every single word in the Bible as literal fact you aren't allowed in that must mean either I'm not a real Christian or that you and the Rev Phelps.....whaaaaat?.......
You hafta believe SOME of it. So you think the Noah story is crap, what else? :popcorn:
I believe everything the Bible says.....however, unlike you, I don't find any reference to Noah being required to find marsupials from Australia.....
Something like 2 of every animal isn't in the bible? Maybe you need a re-read. :D
The point is that you can't come back with anything more intelligent than I'm an un-educated ignorant fool, and that's only your last post! It's childish, either come back to me with solid arguments or shut the fuck up.
are you pretending intelligent people cannot consider you uneducated and ignorant?......I would expect them to be the first to reach that conclusion......
You see? A childish and meaningless response that just clutters up this board and the internet at large.
That's all you have,isn't it?
I respect Christianity but it makes no sense to me. The most part of my friend are religious enough. What I fail to comprehend is why every single one of my Christian friends label themselves as conservative. Doesn't that defy the fundamental teachings of the bible? Or am I making false assumptions and the bible is truly more conservative than liberal? What is the very nature of Christianity: liberal or conservative one?
God established the LAW. Christ fulfilled the LAW to the letter. Corrupt religious leaders were DISTORTING the LAW to make themselves look smart and godly. They were bot conservative. They were liberal and they did the very same thing that liberals do today. They make exceptions to the rules, and they turn black and white to grey.
I respect Christianity but it makes no sense to me. The most part of my friend are religious enough. What I fail to comprehend is why every single one of my Christian friends label themselves as conservative. Doesn't that defy the fundamental teachings of the bible? Or am I making false assumptions and the bible is truly more conservative than liberal? What is the very nature of Christianity: liberal or conservative one?
God established the LAW. Christ fulfilled the LAW to the letter. Corrupt religious leaders were DISTORTING the LAW to make themselves look smart and godly. They were bot conservative. They were liberal and they did the very same thing that liberals do today. They make exceptions to the rules, and they turn black and white to grey.
God established the law? So he's a bad ass, like Chuck Norris?
Fabulous demonstration of your superior knowledge.

You know you might be able to hold your own if you actually tried to understand the scriptures instead of giving up because you don't understand something the first try.
PMP doesn't believe that Noah got 2 of every animal on his raft, and a whole bunch of other shit as well, ipso facto, he's a faker.
because you and the Rev Phelps agree that if you don't take every single word in the Bible as literal fact you aren't allowed in that must mean either I'm not a real Christian or that you and the Rev Phelps.....whaaaaat?.......
You hafta believe SOME of it. So you think the Noah story is crap, what else? :popcorn:
I believe everything the Bible says.....however, unlike you, I don't find any reference to Noah being required to find marsupials from Australia.....
Something like 2 of every animal isn't in the bible? Maybe you need a re-read. :D
and you interpret that to mean he needed two of every type of animal that exists today.......tell me, did he need two oryx, Dorcas gazelle, nilgai, chinkara, blackbuck, Tibetan antelope, four-horned antelope, Tibetan antelope, saiga, gemsbok, nilgai, klipspringer, and sitatunga?

did he need both Angus and Hereford cows? about Shorthorns?.....Texas Longhorns?......
The point is that you can't come back with anything more intelligent than I'm an un-educated ignorant fool, and that's only your last post! It's childish, either come back to me with solid arguments or shut the fuck up.
are you pretending intelligent people cannot consider you uneducated and ignorant?......I would expect them to be the first to reach that conclusion......
You see? A childish and meaningless response that just clutters up this board and the internet at large.
That's all you have,isn't it?
no, but you never respond to the rest....I suspect its because you know you would lose......
The point is that you can't come back with anything more intelligent than I'm an un-educated ignorant fool, and that's only your last post! It's childish, either come back to me with solid arguments or shut the fuck up.
are you pretending intelligent people cannot consider you uneducated and ignorant?......I would expect them to be the first to reach that conclusion......
You see? A childish and meaningless response that just clutters up this board and the internet at large.
That's all you have,isn't it?
no, but you never respond to the rest....I suspect its because you know you would lose......
Tell me how Noah got polar bears from the arctic and back, and I'll respond, even if I lose. Can't be any fairer than that.
PMP doesn't believe that Noah got 2 of every animal on his raft, and a whole bunch of other shit as well, ipso facto, he's a faker.
because you and the Rev Phelps agree that if you don't take every single word in the Bible as literal fact you aren't allowed in that must mean either I'm not a real Christian or that you and the Rev Phelps.....whaaaaat?.......
You hafta believe SOME of it. So you think the Noah story is crap, what else? :popcorn:
I believe everything the Bible says.....however, unlike you, I don't find any reference to Noah being required to find marsupials from Australia.....
Something like 2 of every animal isn't in the bible? Maybe you need a re-read. :D
and you interpret that to mean he needed two of every type of animal that exists today.......tell me, did he need two oryx, Dorcas gazelle, nilgai, chinkara, blackbuck, Tibetan antelope, four-horned antelope, Tibetan antelope, saiga, gemsbok, nilgai, klipspringer, and sitatunga?

did he need both Angus and Hereford cows? about Shorthorns?.....Texas Longhorns?......
He needed marsupials from Australia, how'd he get those? And Noah would have needed all those species you mention because between the flood and now, there wasn't enough time for all that evolution to happen. And anyways, evolution isn't in the Christian handbook, god made everything as is.
I respect Christianity but it makes no sense to me. The most part of my friend are religious enough. What I fail to comprehend is why every single one of my Christian friends label themselves as conservative. Doesn't that defy the fundamental teachings of the bible? Or am I making false assumptions and the bible is truly more conservative than liberal? What is the very nature of Christianity: liberal or conservative one?
God established the LAW. Christ fulfilled the LAW to the letter. Corrupt religious leaders were DISTORTING the LAW to make themselves look smart and godly. They were not conservative. They were liberal and they did the very same thing that liberals do today. They make exceptions to the rules, and they turn black and white to grey.
God established the law? So he's a bad ass, like Chuck Norris?
God doesn't lie ---- Satan les and is the author of sin.1Now the serpent was more crafty than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said to the woman, "Indeed, has God said, 'You shall not eat from any tree of the garden'?" 2The woman said to the serpent, "From the fruit of the trees of the garden we may eat; 3but from the fruit of the tree which is in the middle of the garden, God has said, 'You shall not eat from it or touch it, or you will die.'" 4The serpent said to the woman, "You surely will not die! 5"For God knows that in the day you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil."
The point is that you can't come back with anything more intelligent than I'm an un-educated ignorant fool, and that's only your last post! It's childish, either come back to me with solid arguments or shut the fuck up.
are you pretending intelligent people cannot consider you uneducated and ignorant?......I would expect them to be the first to reach that conclusion......
You see? A childish and meaningless response that just clutters up this board and the internet at large.
That's all you have,isn't it?
no, but you never respond to the rest....I suspect its because you know you would lose......
Tell me how Noah got polar bears from the arctic and back, and I'll respond, even if I lose. Can't be any fairer than that.
God brought the various animals to the ark. And while I do not believe in evolution, I do believe that God created living things with a capacity to adapt. This adaptation occurred over several thousand of years and not million of years. The polar bear is not a separate Kind of bear, anymore than an Angora and a Siamese Cat are not both of the cat Kind.

Humans are one Kind. Bears are another Kind. Horses are another Kind.
Last edited:
The point is that you can't come back with anything more intelligent than I'm an un-educated ignorant fool, and that's only your last post! It's childish, either come back to me with solid arguments or shut the fuck up.
are you pretending intelligent people cannot consider you uneducated and ignorant?......I would expect them to be the first to reach that conclusion......
You see? A childish and meaningless response that just clutters up this board and the internet at large.
That's all you have,isn't it?
no, but you never respond to the rest....I suspect its because you know you would lose......
Tell me how Noah got polar bears from the arctic and back, and I'll respond, even if I lose. Can't be any fairer than that.
God brought the various animals to the ark. And while I do not believe in evolution, I do believe that God created living things with a capacity to adapt. This adaptation occurred over several thousand of years and not million of years. The polar bear is not a separate Kind of bear, anymore than an Angora and a Siamese Cat are not both of the cat Kind.

Humans are one Kind. Bears are another Kind. Horses are another Kind.
So you really believe that an invisible being magically gathered up animals and flew them to a smallish boat, so this invisible being could drown everything else on earth, then afterwards, these animals changed into all the different kinds of each animal, but without evolving because these changes all occurred in the past several thousand years? Wow, you're pretty messed up! :D
I respect Christianity but it makes no sense to me. The most part of my friend are religious enough. What I fail to comprehend is why every single one of my Christian friends label themselves as conservative. Doesn't that defy the fundamental teachings of the bible? Or am I making false assumptions and the bible is truly more conservative than liberal? What is the very nature of Christianity: liberal or conservative one?
God established the LAW. Christ fulfilled the LAW to the letter. Corrupt religious leaders were DISTORTING the LAW to make themselves look smart and godly. They were not conservative. They were liberal and they did the very same thing that liberals do today. They make exceptions to the rules, and they turn black and white to grey.
God established the law? So he's a bad ass, like Chuck Norris?
God doesn't lie ---- Satan les and is the author of sin.1Now the serpent was more crafty than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said to the woman, "Indeed, has God said, 'You shall not eat from any tree of the garden'?" 2The woman said to the serpent, "From the fruit of the trees of the garden we may eat; 3but from the fruit of the tree which is in the middle of the garden, God has said, 'You shall not eat from it or touch it, or you will die.'" 4The serpent said to the woman, "You surely will not die! 5"For God knows that in the day you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil."
You realize that that's not really god talking, it's some guy who wrote down stuff he wanted to. Don't you?
I respect Christianity but it makes no sense to me. The most part of my friend are religious enough. What I fail to comprehend is why every single one of my Christian friends label themselves as conservative. Doesn't that defy the fundamental teachings of the bible? Or am I making false assumptions and the bible is truly more conservative than liberal? What is the very nature of Christianity: liberal or conservative one?
God established the LAW. Christ fulfilled the LAW to the letter. Corrupt religious leaders were DISTORTING the LAW to make themselves look smart and godly. They were not conservative. They were liberal and they did the very same thing that liberals do today. They make exceptions to the rules, and they turn black and white to grey.
God established the law? So he's a bad ass, like Chuck Norris?
God doesn't lie ---- Satan les and is the author of sin.1Now the serpent was more crafty than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said to the woman, "Indeed, has God said, 'You shall not eat from any tree of the garden'?" 2The woman said to the serpent, "From the fruit of the trees of the garden we may eat; 3but from the fruit of the tree which is in the middle of the garden, God has said, 'You shall not eat from it or touch it, or you will die.'" 4The serpent said to the woman, "You surely will not die! 5"For God knows that in the day you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil."
You realize that that's not really god talking, it's some guy who wrote down stuff he wanted to. Don't you?

One of many authors, many unknown, esp in the OT.
I wonder why these god-did-it (from the Bible, not Koran!) adult believers also don't believe in Santa Claus.
Perhaps if there were churches of SC instead of JC, they would ... because that's what they're told by the guys dressed up as "priests" or whatever!

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