More Christians are conservative meanwhile Christ was liberal...

Have you communicated with God or the Holy Spirit?

How can anyone know God if they don't communicate with Him?

The Holy Ghost teaches us the truth of all things. No man can learn the truth that Jesus is the Christ and our redeemed except by the power of the Holy Ghost revealing it. There is a reason that the scriptures teach us that the Spirit of prophecy is a testimony of Jesus Christ.

I have received a testimony of Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit revealed to me that Jesus is who He claimed to be. Because of this testimony I've learned to apply the atonement in my life. It's strengthened me, healed me, stretched me and filled me with joy and love that surpasses understanding.

And I am nothing special. The Lord will reveal Himself to all those that sincerely seek Him. You don't have to take my word for it. You can experiment on the Word for yourself.

Two quotes on the matter I was just reading from Brigham Young:

"Let all persons be fervent in prayer, until they know the things of God for themselves and become certain that they are walking in the path that leads to everlasting life; then will envy, the child of ignorance, vanish and there will be no disposition in any man to place himself above another; for such a feeling meets no countenance in the order of heaven. Jesus Christ never wanted to be different from his Father. They were and are one. If a people are led by the revelations of Jesus Christ, and they are cognizant of the fact through their faithfulness, there is no fear but they will be one in Jesus Christ, and see eye to eye"


"If we draw near to him, he will draw near to us; if we seek him early, we shall find him; if we apply our minds faithfully and diligently day by day, to know and understand the mind and will of God, it is as easy as, yes, I will say easier than it is to know the minds of each other "

Come and enjoy the fruits of the gospel for yourself. You can hear and feel the voice of the Lord.

I asked you a simple question.
In response, you recite the gospel.
You implied that you believe the Holy Spirit communicated with you.

Was that communication one way, or did you have a conversation with that Holy Spirit?
When was the last time you two communicated?
Were you awake then, or were you dreaming?

I implied nothing. I've spoken outright and invited you to learn the same way. I talk with my Heavenly Father all the time. I encourage you to do the same.

How do you "talk" with your "Heavenly Father"?
Within your mind when you are awake?
How do you know you are not imagining those conversations?

You should try it and find out.

Try imagining a conversation?
Yes, I do that a lot; it's part of a thought process.
However, my consciousness is rooted in reality, and my decisions are based on my perceptions of objective reality.
Talking to a "God" is imaginary. The difference between us is that I realize that based on rationality.
How can anyone know God if they don't communicate with Him?

The Holy Ghost teaches us the truth of all things. No man can learn the truth that Jesus is the Christ and our redeemed except by the power of the Holy Ghost revealing it. There is a reason that the scriptures teach us that the Spirit of prophecy is a testimony of Jesus Christ.

I have received a testimony of Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit revealed to me that Jesus is who He claimed to be. Because of this testimony I've learned to apply the atonement in my life. It's strengthened me, healed me, stretched me and filled me with joy and love that surpasses understanding.

And I am nothing special. The Lord will reveal Himself to all those that sincerely seek Him. You don't have to take my word for it. You can experiment on the Word for yourself.

Two quotes on the matter I was just reading from Brigham Young:

"Let all persons be fervent in prayer, until they know the things of God for themselves and become certain that they are walking in the path that leads to everlasting life; then will envy, the child of ignorance, vanish and there will be no disposition in any man to place himself above another; for such a feeling meets no countenance in the order of heaven. Jesus Christ never wanted to be different from his Father. They were and are one. If a people are led by the revelations of Jesus Christ, and they are cognizant of the fact through their faithfulness, there is no fear but they will be one in Jesus Christ, and see eye to eye"


"If we draw near to him, he will draw near to us; if we seek him early, we shall find him; if we apply our minds faithfully and diligently day by day, to know and understand the mind and will of God, it is as easy as, yes, I will say easier than it is to know the minds of each other "

Come and enjoy the fruits of the gospel for yourself. You can hear and feel the voice of the Lord.

I asked you a simple question.
In response, you recite the gospel.
You implied that you believe the Holy Spirit communicated with you.

Was that communication one way, or did you have a conversation with that Holy Spirit?
When was the last time you two communicated?
Were you awake then, or were you dreaming?

I implied nothing. I've spoken outright and invited you to learn the same way. I talk with my Heavenly Father all the time. I encourage you to do the same.

How do you "talk" with your "Heavenly Father"?
Within your mind when you are awake?
How do you know you are not imagining those conversations?

You should try it and find out.

Try imagining a conversation?
Yes, I do that a lot; it's part of a thought process.
However, my consciousness is rooted in reality, and my decisions are based on my perceptions of objective reality.
Talking to a "God" is imaginary. The difference between us is that I realize that based on rationality.

No, talking to God is not imaginary. Believe it or not, things that you don't see or understand are still real. Your comprehension is not required for them to exist.

Take a few minutes to let that sink in.
I respect Christianity but it makes no sense to me. The most part of my friend are religious enough. What I fail to comprehend is why every single one of my Christian friends label themselves as conservative. Doesn't that defy the fundamental teachings of the bible? Or am I making false assumptions and the bible is truly more conservative than liberal? What is the very nature of Christianity: liberal or conservative one?

This stupid lie AGAIN?

You fucking commies have less originality than Hollywood.
Why do you believe in Christianity according to the KJB?
actually I prefer the NIV......why I believe has nothing to do with the thread or our discussion.......are you running away from your claims?.....why change topics?......

I am not the one making supernatural claims. You are ... about the validity of Christian dogma based on a book version (NIV in your case) with unverified sources.

Your belief has everything to do about the thread's topic, and how you interpret its meaning to formulate an answer.

My contention is we don't know the real Historical Jesus Christ very well, and can only select preferred information and interpret it based on our cultural & personal preferences.

If you want to get to know jesus Christ better talk with Him and serve Him.
I respect Christianity but it makes no sense to me. The most part of my friend are religious enough. What I fail to comprehend is why every single one of my Christian friends label themselves as conservative. Doesn't that defy the fundamental teachings of the bible? Or am I making false assumptions and the bible is truly more conservative than liberal? What is the very nature of Christianity: liberal or conservative one?

This stupid lie AGAIN?

You fucking commies have less originality than Hollywood.

It's what happens when people don't know anything about Christ or politics
Maybe a way to understand leftist is needed here

Some leftist see the government as an organization that can encourage all to act. Something akin to a secular church.

Hence, when they talk of welfare, they talk of secular charity that feeds the poor.

When they talk of universal health care, they talk of tending the sick.

In act of charity you can find in your church, I bet liberals have sought a secular means through government to do the same.

Is that wrong or right? I'll leave that to others to answer. I find it some what creepy, although beneficial for society in general.

So what you're saying is that to a leftist, charity begins in the pocket of your neighbor?

Did Jesus say "Blessed is he who steals, for he shall give a small cut to the poor?"
I respect Christianity but it makes no sense to me. The most part of my friend are religious enough. What I fail to comprehend is why every single one of my Christian friends label themselves as conservative. Doesn't that defy the fundamental teachings of the bible? Or am I making false assumptions and the bible is truly more conservative than liberal? What is the very nature of Christianity: liberal or conservative one?

'christians' in America are generally not Christians. They call themselves that because it feels good, but in practice they spit on the poor and lick the feet of the wealthy. The exact opposite of Jesus Christ.

Yet they'll wail and gnash their teeth at you if you point out their hypocrisy.
'christians' in America are generally not Christians. They call themselves that because it feels good, but in practice they spit on the poor and lick the feet of the wealthy. The exact opposite of Jesus Christ.

Yet they'll wail and gnash their teeth at you if you point out their hypocrisy.

You grasp that Jesus and Karl Marx were two different people, right sploogy?
I respect Christianity but it makes no sense to me. The most part of my friend are religious enough. What I fail to comprehend is why every single one of my Christian friends label themselves as conservative. Doesn't that defy the fundamental teachings of the bible? Or am I making false assumptions and the bible is truly more conservative than liberal? What is the very nature of Christianity: liberal or conservative one?

'christians' in America are generally not Christians. They call themselves that because it feels good, but in practice they spit on the poor and lick the feet of the wealthy. The exact opposite of Jesus Christ.

Yet they'll wail and gnash their teeth at you if you point out their hypocrisy.

How do you judge the hearts of others?
I respect Christianity but it makes no sense to me. The most part of my friend are religious enough. What I fail to comprehend is why every single one of my Christian friends label themselves as conservative. Doesn't that defy the fundamental teachings of the bible? Or am I making false assumptions and the bible is truly more conservative than liberal? What is the very nature of Christianity: liberal or conservative one?

This stupid lie AGAIN?

You fucking commies have less originality than Hollywood.
It's a troll, call-out thread in what's supposed to be a protected forum, and it's par for the course. When you see mods trolling, you can't expect any better.
You have a choice to obey god or jump off a cliff and die. That's not free choice .
and yet, you have chosen to jump off the cliff and die.......too bad you weren't free to make that choice.....
OK, my mistake, you get to obey god or HE pushes you off the cliff! Tell me again how that's a free choice?
????.....we all know nobody pushed you to reject God........if anything it amazes us that you used your free will to choose jumping off the cliff when all you had to do was acknowledge his existence and accept his gift.......but no, you had to choose jumping........
No, what I said was: if I don't accept your god, HE pushes me off a cliff. That's not a choice I have, that's a threat your god is aiming at me.
I know that's what you said.......however it isn't true and we have shown you that every time you repeat it.......if you repeat it again we can show you that you are wrong many times do you want to do that? say its not a choice because the consequences are bad......yet, you chose the bad consequences freely, proving it can be done......
Saying follow me or I'll shoot you is a threat,not a choice. Now you know.
If the choices are to obey god or else be burnt to death, that's not a free will choice. Only an imbecile would argue that. Or someone who doesn't understand the concept of free will. Which is it? :D
well to be fair, you will be dead BEFORE you burn, but in any event you have in fact chosen that, what were you saying about imbeciles?......
So it's obey god or your soul will burn forever in Hell. That's not a choice of free will. Even YOU can figure that out for yourself.

Its actually more, accept the gift God has provided by following Him or be held accountable for your actions
So basically, follow your god or he'll punish you forever. That's not a free choice your god gives you, that's no choice at all. Get it?
Sure it is. Because you can choose to reject it and spend your days in hell. Lots of people do that.

Just like lots of people choose to be criminals, and end up in jail. Same thing. It's known as "judgement". It happens. You are free to make the wrong choice. Go for it. But you are going to be judged by your choices. Get over it.
Your god says follow me or I'll shoot you, that's a threat not a choice. Now you know.
well to be fair, you will be dead BEFORE you burn, but in any event you have in fact chosen that, what were you saying about imbeciles?......
So it's obey god or your soul will burn forever in Hell. That's not a choice of free will. Even YOU can figure that out for yourself.

Its actually more, accept the gift God has provided by following Him or be held accountable for your actions
So basically, follow your god or he'll punish you forever. That's not a free choice your god gives you, that's no choice at all. Get it?
Sure it is. Because you can choose to reject it and spend your days in hell. Lots of people do that.

Just like lots of people choose to be criminals, and end up in jail. Same thing. It's known as "judgement". It happens. You are free to make the wrong choice. Go for it. But you are going to be judged by your choices. Get over it.
Your god says follow me or I'll shoot you, that's a threat not a choice. Now you know.
No, that's not what my God says. You should read up.
No, that's not what my God says. You should read up.

In all fairness, the Christian religion DOES say "accept Christ or burn in hell for all eternity."

It's more like

"you're royally screwed because of the choices you've made. You can either face the consequences of those choices or accept this gift to avoid them."
well to be fair, you will be dead BEFORE you burn, but in any event you have in fact chosen that, what were you saying about imbeciles?......
So it's obey god or your soul will burn forever in Hell. That's not a choice of free will. Even YOU can figure that out for yourself.

Its actually more, accept the gift God has provided by following Him or be held accountable for your actions
So basically, follow your god or he'll punish you forever. That's not a free choice your god gives you, that's no choice at all. Get it?
Sure it is. Because you can choose to reject it and spend your days in hell. Lots of people do that.

Just like lots of people choose to be criminals, and end up in jail. Same thing. It's known as "judgement". It happens. You are free to make the wrong choice. Go for it. But you are going to be judged by your choices. Get over it.
Your god says follow me or I'll shoot you, that's a threat not a choice. Now you know.

Lets for the sake of argument say that is actually what God was saying.

You do realize that if someone gives you 1 of two or more options from which to choose from, they are giving you a choice right? The very use of the word "or" creates a choice. This does not change merely because you dont like the consequences

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