Militarization of Police- DHS

15 minutes would be pushing it, if the armored car company would even allow it! If the police force had the equipment...time wouldn't be an issue.
You surprise me. I'd say it's more like ten minutes because an opportunity like that would be valuable publicity and public relations for an armored car service.

You gotta contact the armored car service. They have to find an available unit...transfer its contents if it is not empty. Then the armored car has to actually get there. 30 minutes at the least, if not more.
Just about each and every sentence with your word teaper.

Amen. I got so sick of that repetitive, juvenile drivel today, I put him on ignore. So much easier than scrolling through his school yard name calling when reading through a long thread. No time for attention seeking trolls.

Good point. Yeah he's just trolling. Putting him in the nothing but a troll bin.
DHS isn't "sending" these vehicles anywhere.

Local police departments are buying them, surplus, from the military. DHS has nothing to do with it.
That's a technical point. The relevant fact is the Defense Department is giving these MRAPs to local police agencies, gratis.
Congratulations! Your tiny town has an MRAP and is ready for war - The Washington Post

It's not a "technical point" when it's used to feed into some big "DHS is coming to kill us" conspiracy.

Is that anything like the "teapers are coming to kill us" conspiracy theories?

Oh, no, it couldn't be because there's no evidence that the tea party forms any sort of threat at all.
That's a technical point. The relevant fact is the Defense Department is giving these MRAPs to local police agencies, gratis.
Congratulations! Your tiny town has an MRAP and is ready for war - The Washington Post

It's not a "technical point" when it's used to feed into some big "DHS is coming to kill us" conspiracy.

Is that anything like the "teapers are coming to kill us" conspiracy theories?

Oh, no, it couldn't be because there's no evidence that the tea party forms any sort of threat at all.

Actually, it's just like that.
It's not a "technical point" when it's used to feed into some big "DHS is coming to kill us" conspiracy.

Is that anything like the "teapers are coming to kill us" conspiracy theories?

Oh, no, it couldn't be because there's no evidence that the tea party forms any sort of threat at all.

Actually, it's just like that.

Yes it is.

On the one side we have folks who wanted less government and were formed to fight back against the un-affordable health care act, militarization of our police, NSA snooping, killing Americans without trial, jailing Americans without trial, and other things being foisted on the American public in an attempt to change everything about this country the tea party folks like.

Then on the other side we have the local and state police, and federal employees who are being directed to engage in a wars against non-prescription drug use, drug dealers, gang bangers, stray radical Islamic terrorists, domestic terrorists, insane people, babies that get in the way, and anyone that might think about resisting the militarization of our civil code enforcement system.

Conspiracy? I'd say it's more like an obvious clash in the making. You can't make war with your citizens and not expect there to be consequences. So I'd say both sides of this coming clash are right to view the other side with suspicion.

IMO it's time we tear down our wall and bring America back to where it was before 9/11. Revert back to how it was before this nazi like DHS. Revert back to how it was before the unpatriot act allowed our president to kill us without trial. Revert back to how it was before it's to late and those nice little old grannies that make up the tea party start shooting back when the police come by to blow up their grandchildren.
It's not a "technical point" when it's used to feed into some big "DHS is coming to kill us" conspiracy.

Is that anything like the "teapers are coming to kill us" conspiracy theories?

Oh, no, it couldn't be because there's no evidence that the tea party forms any sort of threat at all.

Actually, it's just like that.

Yep! Koshercunt made that clear from her posts today. I counted two threats of a teaper uprising, then she backed off and changed her story. She is a teaper and a former prostitute...there is no doubt she is a liar.
Okay, I made an unfair assumption! I personally think the avg Joe should be able to purchase such weapons, but also be subject to EXTREME scrutiny.

I agree! It isn't just is a legislative and executive branch pattern that can be construed as abridging our rights. I can live with that. My argument is that blaming Obama for everything is nonsense...especially sense Bush started this trend.

I've blamed both sides all along and it's getting worse with every new administration.

Obama has most definitely raised the bar at this point,but I see it as the furthering of the total agenda and expect it to continue no matter who's in office.

This shouldnt even be a partisan issue.

Please note, I agree. I have an issue with those who have turned it into a partisan issue. Their arguments are disingenuous. They don't care about the issue, they are simply protesting a black President by parroting their low information talking points. A typical teaper...they are basing their opinions on falsehoods and lies...and creating more falsehoods and lies in the process.

Well that's just dumb because I am black. As a matter of fact I'm black white native and Hispanic so where could the discrimination possibly come from? And why does every democrat and liberal always pull the race card. Is that really your only excuse for supporting a moron? Obama could very well be the worst president we've ever had. Top 5 at least.

This is exactly the same rhetoric that Hilary Clinton and all her stupid supporters are going use. "If you don't vote for Hilary it's because she's a woman." "If you don't support obama you're a racist" "if you don't want to fund illegal immigrants you're a racist." Childish

I've blamed both sides all along and it's getting worse with every new administration.

Obama has most definitely raised the bar at this point,but I see it as the furthering of the total agenda and expect it to continue no matter who's in office.

This shouldnt even be a partisan issue.

Please note, I agree. I have an issue with those who have turned it into a partisan issue. Their arguments are disingenuous. They don't care about the issue, they are simply protesting a black President by parroting their low information talking points. A typical teaper...they are basing their opinions on falsehoods and lies...and creating more falsehoods and lies in the process.

Well that's just dumb because I am black. As a matter of fact I'm black white native and Hispanic so where could the discrimination possibly come from? And why does every democrat and liberal always pull the race card. Is that really your only excuse for supporting a moron? Obama could very well be the worst president we've ever had. Top 5 at least.


I am neither a democrat or a liberal. Nor do I support Obama. I am anti-Tea Party. They are nothing more than obstructionist and majority racist who have no grip on reality. They claim Obama has caused all of these issues...that have been issues for quite sometime. I don't have to support Obama to recognize a racist group or arguments borne of racism as opposed to logic.

Case in point...I CLEARLY stated that I agree with HereWeGoAgain, yet you still say I am playing the race card. I am not impressed with people that agree with me...I am impressed with their argument. I don't buy into nonsense rhetoric, I respect facts. Teapers can present no facts, only falsehoods and hyperbole. When that is the case, the ideology is based on racism, not ideology.

I challenge you, ask a teaper why when they spew their nonsense. Better yet, now that they know you identify yourself as black...disagree with one and they will call you a racist.
This is exactly the same rhetoric that Hilary Clinton and all her stupid supporters are going use. "If you don't vote for Hilary it's because she's a woman." "If you don't support obama you're a racist" "if you don't want to fund illegal immigrants you're a racist." Childish


No, that is the argument you are going to hear because it is easier than trying to refute an opposing argument.
This is exactly the same rhetoric that Hilary Clinton and all her stupid supporters are going use. "If you don't vote for Hilary it's because she's a woman." "If you don't support obama you're a racist" "if you don't want to fund illegal immigrants you're a racist." Childish


If you don't vote Republican you are not a "real American"
if you don't vote Republican you are an low information voter
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This is exactly the same rhetoric that Hilary Clinton and all her stupid supporters are going use. "If you don't vote for Hilary it's because she's a woman." "If you don't support obama you're a racist" "if you don't want to fund illegal immigrants you're a racist." Childish


If you don't vote Republican you are not a "real American"
if you don't vote Republican you are an uninformed voter

If you don't vote tea party, you are a statist pig.
If you don't vote tea party, you are a racist.
If you don't vote tea party, you don't support the constitution.

Pinky seems to be intelligent...I sure hope she isn't just another Koshercunt or Staph
Please note, I agree. I have an issue with those who have turned it into a partisan issue. Their arguments are disingenuous. They don't care about the issue, they are simply protesting a black President by parroting their low information talking points. A typical teaper...they are basing their opinions on falsehoods and lies...and creating more falsehoods and lies in the process.

Well that's just dumb because I am black. As a matter of fact I'm black white native and Hispanic so where could the discrimination possibly come from? And why does every democrat and liberal always pull the race card. Is that really your only excuse for supporting a moron? Obama could very well be the worst president we've ever had. Top 5 at least.


I am neither a democrat or a liberal. Nor do I support Obama. I am anti-Tea Party. They are nothing more than obstructionist and majority racist who have no grip on reality. They claim Obama has caused all of these issues...that have been issues for quite sometime. I don't have to support Obama to recognize a racist group or arguments borne of racism as opposed to logic.

Case in point...I CLEARLY stated that I agree with HereWeGoAgain, yet you still say I am playing the race card. I am not impressed with people that agree with me...I am impressed with their argument. I don't buy into nonsense rhetoric, I respect facts. Teapers can present no facts, only falsehoods and hyperbole. When that is the case, the ideology is based on racism, not ideology.

I challenge you, ask a teaper why when they spew their nonsense. Better yet, now that they know you identify yourself as black...disagree with one and they will call you a racist.

I love how you have taken it upon yourself to tell people which political party they support. You must have super powers and ride to work everyday on a magic carpet too. This conversation is beginning to bore me. You're like a broken record and the song was getting old before it started skippin. Peace.

Well that's just dumb because I am black. As a matter of fact I'm black white native and Hispanic so where could the discrimination possibly come from? And why does every democrat and liberal always pull the race card. Is that really your only excuse for supporting a moron? Obama could very well be the worst president we've ever had. Top 5 at least.


I am neither a democrat or a liberal. Nor do I support Obama. I am anti-Tea Party. They are nothing more than obstructionist and majority racist who have no grip on reality. They claim Obama has caused all of these issues...that have been issues for quite sometime. I don't have to support Obama to recognize a racist group or arguments borne of racism as opposed to logic.

Case in point...I CLEARLY stated that I agree with HereWeGoAgain, yet you still say I am playing the race card. I am not impressed with people that agree with me...I am impressed with their argument. I don't buy into nonsense rhetoric, I respect facts. Teapers can present no facts, only falsehoods and hyperbole. When that is the case, the ideology is based on racism, not ideology.

I challenge you, ask a teaper why when they spew their nonsense. Better yet, now that they know you identify yourself as black...disagree with one and they will call you a racist.

I love how you have taken it upon yourself to tell people which political party they support. You must have super powers and ride to work everyday on a magic carpet too. This conversation is beginning to bore me. You're like a broken record and the song was getting old before it started skippin. Peace.


:lol: You just told me what political party I forget that already? :lol:

Teapers are so dishonest!
So basically you're saying that they're scary, and that's why they're bad.

SWAT teams throwing flash bangs at babies has nothing at all to do with MRAPs.
Actually it has a lot to do with it. The expanding implementation of SWAT activity, which is fundamentally militaristic, is what brought about this flash/bang misuse. And there are many more examples of abusive SWAT activity. These MRAP vehicles are another step in the direction of hyper-militarization of America's civilian police.

What's next? Armed drones? A-10 gunships? Why not? Right?

There is a big difference between offensive military weaponry and defensive military armor.

It's a little surprising to me that I have to point that out.
There is nothing defensive about an armored vehicle filled with armed men. The word is protective.

How often do you suppose this police department will have need to make use of this monster -- and those camouflage costumes? These guys look like Special Forces getting ready to assault an enemy position. The problem is now that they have these toys, much like all their SWAT gear, they will want to play with them. But we have a National Guard for that kind of thing.


And while contemplating that, are you aware there are approximately 45,000 SWAT raids every year in the U.S.? 45,000! Up from less than ten per year before Reagan's drug war initiated militarization of our police agencies. These MRAP vehicles are just one more step in the wrong direction, which accounts for the protests against them.

Enough is enough!
I'm 21 but I'm smart enough to realize that the militarization of police, attack on gun owners, lower crime rates, the Arms trade treaty act w/the UN, the NDAA, the patriot act, and veterans being labeled as terrorists all with a decade is not a coincidence. You'd have to be blind not to see this country becoming a police state.


There's hope for America yet!
I love it when they get it while they're still young!!
Yes. She's a smart girl. Very well informed and sensible.
Once is enough if it saves an officers life
If your concern for officer safety extends to the level of endlessly expanding militarization I suggest a better approach to officer safety is to get a different kind of job. Because between SWAT rigs and MRAPs we don't need police anymore. Just put the Army in the streets.

Usually Andy and Barney Fife are enough to keep the peace. But sometimes badasses show up in the wrong place. In that case, it is good to have access to trained officers with the right equipment.

MRAPS don't kill, but they protect the officers who have to go after the badasses
I agree. But the trend suggests our local police agencies are preparing to confront something equivalent to the Waffen SS. Can you reference any event in recent memory, aside from the armored bank robbers in L.A. in 1997, which might call for the kind of equipment our local police agencies are acquiring? If events of that spectacular nature took place more than once in several decades I might be more inclined to agree with you.

There is an equal possibility something like that will never happen again. But if it does happen the average SWAT team is capable of dealing with it. The problem is we have SWAT teams now but they are busily kicking down doors at 3AM for reasons as incongruous as suspicion of minor marijuana sale (which was the actual reason for tossing the flash/bang grenade that recently blew a hole in a baby). This is why it's a bad idea to excessively militarize our police. They are far too inclined to excess.
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It is a simple question.

Why do you object to police being protected in the line of fire?
For example?

For example...

Gang bangers run a crack house on Clifton Ave. a police officer answers a routine call and is hit. The rest of the Lakewood PD shows up and come under fire. An officer is down and they can't reach him
An MRAP from neighboring Howell is called and they are able to extract him under fire and rush him to Paul Kimball Hospital.
If we never see Howells's MRAP except for such necessary emergencies, and if the only time SWAT teams are active is when a situation calls for it, I would have no argument. But we know better.
Apparently money is no object when they are spending our money to arm themselves to kill us.

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