Stocks do 9 times better when Democrats are in the White House


Gold Member
May 30, 2008
While Republicans promote themselves as the friendliest party for Wall Street, stock investors do better when Democrats occupy the White House. From a dollars- and-cents standpoint, it’s not even close.

The BGOV Barometer shows that, over the five decades since John F. Kennedy was inaugurated, $1,000 invested in a hypothetical fund that tracks the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index (SPX) only when Democrats are in the White House would have been worth $10,920 at the close of trading yesterday.

That’s more than nine times the dollar return an investor would have realized from following a similar strategy during Republican administrations. A $1,000 stake invested in a fund that followed the S&P 500 under Republican presidents, starting with Richard Nixon, would have grown to $2,087 on the day George W. Bush left office.

Stocks Return More With Democrat in White House: BGOV Barometer - Bloomberg
I saw the same thing earlier.

Republicans will double your money.

Democrats will make it 5 times more than Republicans.

Why do we vote for republicans again?

9 times more money with the Democrats in the White House.
This is the thread that no Republican will respond to.

They can't handle the truth.
Oh, give em time. They call you a name and then say your source is wrong somehow and that everyone KNOWS that CONZ are better for bidness than dems but don't ask them for any PROOF of their contentions or it's name calling time again.
While Republicans promote themselves as the friendliest party for Wall Street, stock investors do better when Democrats occupy the White House. From a dollars- and-cents standpoint, it’s not even close.

The BGOV Barometer shows that, over the five decades since John F. Kennedy was inaugurated, $1,000 invested in a hypothetical fund that tracks the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index (SPX) only when Democrats are in the White House would have been worth $10,920 at the close of trading yesterday.

That’s more than nine times the dollar return an investor would have realized from following a similar strategy during Republican administrations. A $1,000 stake invested in a fund that followed the S&P 500 under Republican presidents, starting with Richard Nixon, would have grown to $2,087 on the day George W. Bush left office.

Stocks Return More With Democrat in White House: BGOV Barometer - Bloomberg

Are you saying that it is the dems that are in bed with the Banksters?
So now we know the truth. The dems care more for the rich than the middle class even though they always claim otherwise.
The reason stocks do better under Democrats is that Democrats don't let Wall Street run derivative based Ponzi schemes that destroy the world economy.
so, its those greedy wall street democrats liberal twits are afraid of to invest part of their social security.................
While Republicans promote themselves as the friendliest party for Wall Street, stock investors do better when Democrats occupy the White House. From a dollars- and-cents standpoint, it’s not even close.

The BGOV Barometer shows that, over the five decades since John F. Kennedy was inaugurated, $1,000 invested in a hypothetical fund that tracks the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index (SPX) only when Democrats are in the White House would have been worth $10,920 at the close of trading yesterday.

That’s more than nine times the dollar return an investor would have realized from following a similar strategy during Republican administrations. A $1,000 stake invested in a fund that followed the S&P 500 under Republican presidents, starting with Richard Nixon, would have grown to $2,087 on the day George W. Bush left office.

Stocks Return More With Democrat in White House: BGOV Barometer - Bloomberg

the stock market is a prognosticator, which is why we had the crash in '08, when it was clear Obama will be POTUS.
So Bush was right about partially privatizing Social Security and investing in the stock market
The reason stocks do better under Democrats is that Democrats don't let Wall Street run derivative based Ponzi schemes that destroy the world economy.


"These two entities—Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac—are not facing any kind of financial crisis. The more people exaggerate these problems, the more pressure there is on these companies, the less we will see in terms of affordable housing." -- Barney Frank and the Democrats


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