Wisconsin Republicans block PFAS cleanup until polluters are granted immunity - for real

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

Time after time these people out do thenselves in shitness,. You might think that water should be clean.
What a state. Are there no adults in Wisconsin ?

The limits were only established this year, so they couldn't be held criminally liable anyway due to the ban on ex post facto law.

This just saves the State the trouble of losing in court.

Time after time these people out do thenselves in shitness,. You might think that water should be clean.
What a state. Are there no adults in Wisconsin ?
So with the pollution of Africa of the waste material to get the minerals needed for EV's you dick sucking assholes look away as long as it isnt in your backyard. As they say "Make sure you are clean, before you throw the first stone".
The limits were only established this year, so they couldn't be held criminally liable anyway due to the ban on ex post facto law.

This just saves the State the trouble of losing in court.
To me it looks like donors getting their pay off. Any prosecutions are further down the line.
So to summarise, the GOP position is that all of Wisconsin can die unless your boys get a pass. ?
It's time citizens start holding corporate polluters accountable. We need a hundred thousand erin brockovichbtupe to battle the pfas problem.
Start a thread Mike.Why are you defending this.
Because Marxists/Demofascists dont give a damn about the environment. I was there in West Germany watching what Socialist do to their country and the rape of the environment is such a disaster. Again, if you fuckers gave a damn about the environment, you wouldnt be using child labor to mine the cobalt out of Africa. This is just another deflection on how EVIL the left is.
Because Marxists/Demofascists dont give a damn about the environment. I was there in West Germany watching what Socialist do to their country and the rape of the environment is such a disaster. Again, if you fuckers gave a damn about the environment, you wouldnt be using child labor to mine the cobalt out of Africa. This is just another deflection on how EVIL the left is.
I can agree with your points but there is zero reason to block funding to clean up drinking water. Where's the logic in not fixing a major health crisis?
Because Marxists/Demofascists dont give a damn about the environment. I was there in West Germany watching what Socialist do to their country and the rape of the environment is such a disaster. Again, if you fuckers gave a damn about the environment, you wouldnt be using child labor to mine the cobalt out of Africa. This is just another deflection on how EVIL the left is.
The money has been allocated to fix it. The GOP are preventing the use of that money.. Its pretty straightforward.
To me it looks like donors getting their pay off. Any prosecutions are further down the line.
So to summarise, the GOP position is that all of Wisconsin can die unless your boys get a pass. ?
If it were Africa, the Republicans would be calling them a "banana republic", but this is normal in the US where big business does what it likes.
If it were Africa, the Republicans would be calling them a "banana republic", but this is normal in the US where big business does what it likes.
I am wondering if Washington could declare a national emergency and take over the supervision of water ? It would save people in certain areas. This isnt acceptable anywhere but not in the leader of the free world. Water is a human right in Slovenia.
It should be everywhere.
To me it looks like donors getting their pay off. Any prosecutions are further down the line.
So to summarise, the GOP position is that all of Wisconsin can die unless your boys get a pass. ?

They are going to clean the stuff up, the issue was criminal liability, and since the rule was only setup a year ago, ex post facto comes into play.

Time after time these people out do thenselves in shitness,. You might think that water should be clean.
What a state. Are there no adults in Wisconsin ?
We’re a gerrymandered state that will change this November. We will vote out numerous maga felony fuckups and flip either the state assembly or senate to Blue.

Thanks to Supreme Court justice Janet.

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