Lead Investigator Says President Biden ‘Committed Many Crimes’

Got it. Investigate, let the indictments roll, take it to court, prove it and nail him.

(FYI: MAGA media reports, goofy assumptions and hyperbolic accusations do not constitue proof)

Let's get the crime out of politics. Go get him.
you know good and darn well the doj will not go after Briben even if he did commit crimes ... and you're fine with it ..
There are more than 150 suspicious-activity reports involving Hunter and James Biden, CBS News reported last year.


How many do any of you have? I bet the lower left corner of my right nut that you all have ZERO.
the guy is a life long politician....he is probably guilty of all kinds of things that we will never know about.....like how so many of them make so much money.....
you know good and darn well the doj will not go after Briben even if he did commit crimes ... and you're fine with it ..
you know the we now have a 2 teared system of justice .. and we know how much you people love that .
Not everyone is slave to a party.

I'm so glad I'm not like you.
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Got it. Investigate, let the indictments roll, take it to court, prove it and nail him.

(FYI: MAGA media reports, goofy assumptions and hyperbolic accusations do not constitue proof)

Let's get the crime out of politics. Go get him.
So there ought to be an impeachment.

But there won’t be

It’s all about accusations
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In truth, we have already seen and have been subjected to truth, but all that is required is for a complicit propaganda apparatus to just deny the truths and the followers fall in line.

We have appointed proscecutors who are on the progressive payroll, we have illiberal and corrupt judges refusing to adhere to the rights of the accused and we have jurors hwo have been fed 7 years of hate against one party sitting in judgement of the leader of their political opponents.

No recommended or referred charges against any progressive, let alone their puppet, will make it through the President's legal wingman in the AG office.

The fear they [progressives] have is that Donald Trump wins and sets the office of the AG free to do actual investigations. The problem the Donal Trump has is that if he is elected, he will have just four years to do all that investigating and it just can't be accomplished, particularly given the massive resistence in the swamp to anything that exposes them.

So, for those of you who are hoping the Trump will bring charges and indictments and some much needed accountability, you are going to be very disappointed.

My adivice is that the right finds a solid and somewhat baggage free Candidate for 2028 that can win and then continue on these alleged crimes. Either way, many of the perps will be dead by the time any kind of justice will be seen. It is likely that Biden will expire of old age before the end of a Trump term.
you know the we now have a 2 teared system of justice .. and we know how much you people love that .

But but but he’s one of those mushe-mouthed-middlers? You know “the smart bunch ”. They claim to be “AGAINST it ALL” yet rush to protect D Politicians. They will slam any and all negative R posts with a vengeance.

Don’t take Old King mush-mouth too seriously.
Half the country sees both duopoly candidates as unworthy. The other half is half and half determined to follow their half fully.
How the fuck could any of us "prove" anything? This isnt a court of law and we arent investigators, but its super weird that you arent capable of acknowledging the mountain of evidence against Joe and his family. You ask the impossible from us, but you cant even admit that there is a lot of smoke around the Bidens.

Youre a weak debater.

Until that mountain is put before a court of law/impeachment hearing where everything said and claimed is under oath, it is just empty words.
Until you prove something in court, it is nothing more than an accusation.

Any reasonably intelligent person knows that. Hot air. Theory. The breeze.

I know it's different in your world.
Before anyone is taken to court, evidence, and investigation must take place. That's what is happening now, and the report on what they found will be spelled out...But, you say 'take it to court', well, in a corrupt administration like this one, where the AG is in the back pocket of the criminal, that is unlikely to happen, and you know that...

When Biden should be worried is after Jan 20, 2025...That's when a truly non biased AG could pursue....The current AG is Biden's protector, before the country...

I know it's different in your world...
Godboy no one but the prosecutors can show the evidenbce against the Bidens that are provided by the investigators.

Where's the evidence? They will try him. Show the evidence.

Stop shouting and show the evidence.
So, you think 'Godboy' is one of the investigators? Or, do you believe that he is somehow sitting on it to spite you? What a dummy you are...
So, you think 'Godboy' is one of the investigators? Or, do you believe that he is somehow sitting on it to spite you? What a dummy you are...
He’s someone who decides there were crimes before any investigation, much like the Republicans in charge of this farce.

And that’s why they have no credibility.

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