Stocks do 9 times better when Democrats are in the White House

You don't spend the money in your recovering 401k or money you haven't taken out of the market.

You do. People take the future into consideration, so as they feel wealthier, they spend more. For instance, the housing bubble was driving consumption. Why? Because people felt wealthier as their home prices increased.
And they were borrowing against the equity in their home.............

And why were they doing this.........?

Because they equity was there and they thought it always would be.

After what happened to the housing market and the stock market do you think that attitude still exists with those same people?

They were spending more since they thought they were more I said.

If people learned their lessons from bubbles, then we would not keep having them.
It certainly should.

But, when I recently posted about the Dow, several rw's posted that it did not impact their lives because they're just working stiffs, working from paycheck to paycheck. They really did not understand how our stock market works or its importance to us all.

I don't have to read the posts to know they won't understand this either.

They've been told to vote AGAINST themselves and FOR the ultra-wealthy and by gawd, that is what they will do.

They just don't know any better and refuse to learn.

They just can't help it.

1. Is the stock market good or bad?

2. Do you support Bush's suggestion to partially privatize Social Security and invest them in the stock market?
it would be a bad idea to privatize social security. if you put a fund the size of social security in the hands of wall street brokers you will see some of the riskiest trading in history. billions in profits would be made from tax payer dollars that will be funneled to a few private investors. the social security trust fund is roughly $2.6 T (or thats whats its suppose to be) were put in the hands of stock traders, a few select traders would earn huge profits on those trades. even if it were a 1% management fee (which is typical) that profit would be $26 B annually. this without them having to guarantee any rate of return.

on the same note if you start to allow individuals to trade their own social security, what would happen if they made bad moves and lost all their money? does the government have to come up with more for them, or are they SOL?

with the history that wall street has had in the last few years, we should not trust putting a fund of that size in the hand of people who take bad risks.

Bush proposed partially privatize Social Security, not all of it as you go on a rant using the 2.6 Trillion figure. Same nonsense about losing all of their money.

How much do you think this costs?

SSA is headquartered in Woodlawn, Maryland, just to the west of Baltimore, at what is known as Central Office. The agency includes 10 regional offices, 8 processing centers, approximately 1300 field offices, and 37 Teleservice Centers. As of 2007, about 62,000 people were employed by the SSA. Headquarters non-supervisory employees of the SSA are represented by AFGE Local 1923. Social Security is currently the largest social welfare program in the United States, constituting 37% of government expenditure and 7% of GDP
From 6,400 in April of 2009....

To over 13,000 now.

Obama is the Democrats Reagan.
From 6,400 in April of 2009....

To over 13,000 now.

Obama is the Democrats Reagan.

chrissy loves wall street CEO's.
Since they are on an upswing (which won't last too long) long as it makes his boss look good? Naturally he loves them.

Wait until later in the year before the election when it tanks again...then hw will take on his OWS personna and call Wall Street SOB's again...

*Wait for it*
From 6,400 in April of 2009....

To over 13,000 now.

Obama is the Democrats Reagan.

chrissy loves wall street CEO's.
Since they are on an upswing (which won't last too long) long as it makes his boss look good? Naturally he loves them.

Wait until later in the year before the election when it tanks again...then hw will take on his OWS personna and call Wall Street SOB's again...

*Wait for it*

Socialist T hates Wall Street banks.

That's why he belongs to a credit union.
This guy Chris just loves keeping this stupid thread alive. First of all, I'd like someone to show me a link that the stock market does 9 times better when Democrats are in charge. It's just the dumbest thing to say.
This guy Chris just loves keeping this stupid thread alive. First of all, I'd like someone to show me a link that the stock market does 9 times better when Democrats are in charge. It's just the dumbest thing to say.

Here ya go..........

Unlike most studies, which are based on total returns, Santa-Clara and Valkanov based their efforts on the average excess return of the indexes over the return of the three-month Treasury bill. The results were striking. When a Republican president held office, the value-weighted return delivered nearly a 2% premium over the T-bill. When a Democrat held office, the premium was nearly 11%. While the 9% difference clearly favors the Democrats, the results from the equal-weighted portfolio were even more telling, with a 16%+ result in favor of the Democrats. (To learn more about T-bills and other government securities, read 20 Investments You Should Know: Treasuries.)


Returns Under Republican Administrations

Returns Under Democratic Administrations

Value Weighted



Equal Weighted



Figure 1: Excess returns of CRSP indexes versus three-month Treasury bill, 1927-1998

Further investigation reveals the results were generated by higher real returns and lower interest rates under Democratic administrations. Business cycle fluctuations showed no correlation to the results, demonstrating statistically significant outperformance for the Democrats regardless of underlying economic conditions. Value-weighted portfolios posted a steady 10% premium in favor of the Democrats, while equal-weighted portfolios came in at around 20%. (Read more about recognizing business cycles in Understanding Cycles – The Key To Market Timing.)

Read more: For Higher Stock Returns, Vote Republican Or Democrat?

For Higher Stock Returns, Vote Republican Or Democrat?
This guy Chris just loves keeping this stupid thread alive. First of all, I'd like someone to show me a link that the stock market does 9 times better when Democrats are in charge. It's just the dumbest thing to say.

Here ya go..........

Unlike most studies, which are based on total returns, Santa-Clara and Valkanov based their efforts on the average excess return of the indexes over the return of the three-month Treasury bill. The results were striking. When a Republican president held office, the value-weighted return delivered nearly a 2% premium over the T-bill. When a Democrat held office, the premium was nearly 11%. While the 9% difference clearly favors the Democrats, the results from the equal-weighted portfolio were even more telling, with a 16%+ result in favor of the Democrats. (To learn more about T-bills and other government securities, read 20 Investments You Should Know: Treasuries.)


Returns Under Republican Administrations

Returns Under Democratic Administrations

Value Weighted



Equal Weighted



Figure 1: Excess returns of CRSP indexes versus three-month Treasury bill, 1927-1998

Further investigation reveals the results were generated by higher real returns and lower interest rates under Democratic administrations. Business cycle fluctuations showed no correlation to the results, demonstrating statistically significant outperformance for the Democrats regardless of underlying economic conditions. Value-weighted portfolios posted a steady 10% premium in favor of the Democrats, while equal-weighted portfolios came in at around 20%. (Read more about recognizing business cycles in Understanding Cycles – The Key To Market Timing.)

Read more: For Higher Stock Returns, Vote Republican Or Democrat?

For Higher Stock Returns, Vote Republican Or Democrat?

Yes, and we can tie the stock market to the phases of the moon.

That anyone would hope to simply equate these two on the basis of timing is still (in my mind) just another indication of how poor this country's educational system has become.
The stock market gains mostly go the the top 1%, so if they're doing 9 times better under the dems, why do they bitch so much about the repubs favoring the rich?
This guy Chris just loves keeping this stupid thread alive. First of all, I'd like someone to show me a link that the stock market does 9 times better when Democrats are in charge. It's just the dumbest thing to say.

It's even dumber not to click on the link in the original post....

Stocks Return More With Democrat in White House: BGOV Barometer - Bloomberg

It says in the WH...not in charge.

It says nothing about what else is going on around them.

Your claims are as meaninless now as they were back when you first made them, Sir Spamelot.

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