Melting Glacier Is Not Sad After All

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019

Melting Glacier Is Not Sad After All

Relentless propaganda from the liberal establishment has conditioned the gullible to respond like Pavlov’s dog to any story involving glaciers. For example, CNN reports this:
Researchers have recovered a treasure trove of World War I artifacts from a cave shelter in northern Italy revealed by the melting of a glacier. …
It sits at an altitude of 3,094 meters (10,151 feet), just below the peak of Mount Scorluzzo, and excavation work has been carried out each July and August since 2017, removing around 60 cubic meters of ice from the cave.
The ice they have been excavating to reach the artifacts could not have been there when Austrian soldiers used the cave as a shelter. That’s because it was warmer during WWI than it is now, despite over a century of unprecedented human carbon emissions. This suggests that global warming dogma is a preposterous lie.

Yet a predictable response is for sheep to bleat that it is sad the ice is melting, as if it proved we are all doomed for not abandoning economic freedom and forbidding the use of fossil fuels as leftists demand.

Tony Heller has a laugh at this idiocy, and takes the opportunity to document how Big Government lies about the temperature record to advance its agenda:

All links highlighted

It's a climate emergency now.....zzzzzzzzz lol

Melting Glacier Is Not Sad After All

Relentless propaganda from the liberal establishment has conditioned the gullible to respond like Pavlov’s dog to any story involving glaciers. For example, CNN reports this:
Researchers have recovered a treasure trove of World War I artifacts from a cave shelter in northern Italy revealed by the melting of a glacier. …
It sits at an altitude of 3,094 meters (10,151 feet), just below the peak of Mount Scorluzzo, and excavation work has been carried out each July and August since 2017, removing around 60 cubic meters of ice from the cave.
The ice they have been excavating to reach the artifacts could not have been there when Austrian soldiers used the cave as a shelter. That’s because it was warmer during WWI than it is now, despite over a century of unprecedented human carbon emissions. This suggests that global warming dogma is a preposterous lie.

Yet a predictable response is for sheep to bleat that it is sad the ice is melting, as if it proved we are all doomed for not abandoning economic freedom and forbidding the use of fossil fuels as leftists demand.

Tony Heller has a laugh at this idiocy, and takes the opportunity to document how Big Government lies about the temperature record to advance its agenda:

All links highlighted

It's a climate emergency now.....zzzzzzzzz lol

Well, the biggest problem is both sides are attempting to make this issue a simple one. Why? Because simple minds control the world now. Politicians know they only need to convince the idiots and they're halfway there.

The narrative is being pushed from the oil companies, the anti-government people, the environmentalists and the like. And in the middle there are a few people who are actually sensible.

Melting Glacier Is Not Sad After All

Relentless propaganda from the liberal establishment has conditioned the gullible to respond like Pavlov’s dog to any story involving glaciers. For example, CNN reports this:
Researchers have recovered a treasure trove of World War I artifacts from a cave shelter in northern Italy revealed by the melting of a glacier. …
It sits at an altitude of 3,094 meters (10,151 feet), just below the peak of Mount Scorluzzo, and excavation work has been carried out each July and August since 2017, removing around 60 cubic meters of ice from the cave.
The ice they have been excavating to reach the artifacts could not have been there when Austrian soldiers used the cave as a shelter. That’s because it was warmer during WWI than it is now, despite over a century of unprecedented human carbon emissions. This suggests that global warming dogma is a preposterous lie.

Yet a predictable response is for sheep to bleat that it is sad the ice is melting, as if it proved we are all doomed for not abandoning economic freedom and forbidding the use of fossil fuels as leftists demand.

Tony Heller has a laugh at this idiocy, and takes the opportunity to document how Big Government lies about the temperature record to advance its agenda:

All links highlighted

It's a climate emergency now.....zzzzzzzzz lol

Well, the biggest problem is both sides are attempting to make this issue a simple one. Why? Because simple minds control the world now. Politicians know they only need to convince the idiots and they're halfway there.

The narrative is being pushed from the oil companies, the anti-government people, the environmentalists and the like. And in the middle there are a few people who are actually sensible.

The Simple explanation as with most everything---is usually THE TRUTH. When explanations become overly complicated, deceit is usually the culprit. Truth is almost always simple to understand.
Well, the biggest problem is both sides are attempting to make this issue a simple one. Why? Because simple minds control the world now. Politicians know they only need to convince the idiots and they're halfway there.
The narrative is being pushed from the oil companies, the anti-government people, the environmentalists and the like. And in the middle there are a few people who are actually sensible.
Damn near everything is automatically reduced to something that can fit on a baseball cap or a protest sign. My worry is that this condition is permanent.

Science by its very nature is imperfect. I wish we could get reporting and analysis that includes calm & rational input from both sides of any given issue.

Evidently we no longer want to do that, for some reason.
Jesus you people are stupid. All this means is that all the ice that closed off that cave since WWI has melted. Did someone say that particular glacier had melted back to the stone age? And glaciers are dynamic; they flow. And melting is not linear; melt streams cut through ages of ice. The lead post is ignorant twaddle and the rest of you just jumped in there with both feet.

Melting Glacier Is Not Sad After All

Relentless propaganda from the liberal establishment has conditioned the gullible to respond like Pavlov’s dog to any story involving glaciers. For example, CNN reports this:
Researchers have recovered a treasure trove of World War I artifacts from a cave shelter in northern Italy revealed by the melting of a glacier. …
It sits at an altitude of 3,094 meters (10,151 feet), just below the peak of Mount Scorluzzo, and excavation work has been carried out each July and August since 2017, removing around 60 cubic meters of ice from the cave.
The ice they have been excavating to reach the artifacts could not have been there when Austrian soldiers used the cave as a shelter. That’s because it was warmer during WWI than it is now, despite over a century of unprecedented human carbon emissions. This suggests that global warming dogma is a preposterous lie.

Yet a predictable response is for sheep to bleat that it is sad the ice is melting, as if it proved we are all doomed for not abandoning economic freedom and forbidding the use of fossil fuels as leftists demand.

Tony Heller has a laugh at this idiocy, and takes the opportunity to document how Big Government lies about the temperature record to advance its agenda:

All links highlighted

It's a climate emergency now.....zzzzzzzzz lol

Well, the biggest problem is both sides are attempting to make this issue a simple one. Why? Because simple minds control the world now. Politicians know they only need to convince the idiots and they're halfway there.

The narrative is being pushed from the oil companies, the anti-government people, the environmentalists and the like. And in the middle there are a few people who are actually sensible.

The Simple explanation as with most everything---is usually THE TRUTH. When explanations become overly complicated, deceit is usually the culprit. Truth is almost always simple to understand.

No, usually the simple explanation is "the truth" for people who can't be bothered with reality.
Well, the biggest problem is both sides are attempting to make this issue a simple one. Why? Because simple minds control the world now. Politicians know they only need to convince the idiots and they're halfway there.
The narrative is being pushed from the oil companies, the anti-government people, the environmentalists and the like. And in the middle there are a few people who are actually sensible.
Damn near everything is automatically reduced to something that can fit on a baseball cap or a protest sign. My worry is that this condition is permanent.

Science by its very nature is imperfect. I wish we could get reporting and analysis that includes calm & rational input from both sides of any given issue.

Evidently we no longer want to do that, for some reason.

Because A) people are unable to read. When they see "could" they read "will" and things like that. and B) because the media is there to make money and nothing else. They have their core customers and they keep them happy.

Melting Glacier Is Not Sad After All

Relentless propaganda from the liberal establishment has conditioned the gullible to respond like Pavlov’s dog to any story involving glaciers. For example, CNN reports this:
Researchers have recovered a treasure trove of World War I artifacts from a cave shelter in northern Italy revealed by the melting of a glacier. …
It sits at an altitude of 3,094 meters (10,151 feet), just below the peak of Mount Scorluzzo, and excavation work has been carried out each July and August since 2017, removing around 60 cubic meters of ice from the cave.
The ice they have been excavating to reach the artifacts could not have been there when Austrian soldiers used the cave as a shelter. That’s because it was warmer during WWI than it is now, despite over a century of unprecedented human carbon emissions. This suggests that global warming dogma is a preposterous lie.

Yet a predictable response is for sheep to bleat that it is sad the ice is melting, as if it proved we are all doomed for not abandoning economic freedom and forbidding the use of fossil fuels as leftists demand.

Tony Heller has a laugh at this idiocy, and takes the opportunity to document how Big Government lies about the temperature record to advance its agenda:

All links highlighted

It's a climate emergency now.....zzzzzzzzz lol

Well, the biggest problem is both sides are attempting to make this issue a simple one. Why? Because simple minds control the world now. Politicians know they only need to convince the idiots and they're halfway there.

The narrative is being pushed from the oil companies, the anti-government people, the environmentalists and the like. And in the middle there are a few people who are actually sensible.

Big oil, big oil, big oil!

Get a clue, silly boi, big oil owns the green companies! They make money no matter what the government does.
I am certain that some oil companies have attempted either to improve their public relations or to shift away from petroleum and towards renewable energy sources or other technologies with a more promising future. I'm not sure what point you are attempting to make with "big oil owns the green companies". How about naming some of these companies and explain to us what you intended to convey with your comment?

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