Rep Jasmine Crockett (D) Thinks She's Smarter Than Any Trump Supporter

Define "inappropriate behavior"

Back when Obama was president, they said wearing that TAN suit was "inappropriate behavior" too.
Or not wearing a jacket while in the Oval Office was "inappropriate behavior"
The pedophile Biden showering with his young daughter. Inappropriately. You okay with that?

Naw, anyone who looks at Trump's disastrous presidency and says, "Let's do that again" doesn't have the sense God gave dogs.

Only a complete fucking idiot would say, "I'm okay with fascism because I don't like $4.00 gasoline". I mean, the Germans were STARVING before they picked Fascism, and it wasn't proven to be a horrible idea at that point.
What a really pointless tirade.

Provide a single example of "fascism" that can be attributed to Trump policy.
Did you see the diary entry?
That's not a complaint.

Besides, what's the definition of inappropriate in that context?
And don't you think that a college graduate could express the situation better then someone in gradeschool?

And the college graduate hasn't complained.
What kind of idiot thinks Joe Biden is doing a good job. Wow

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Joe Biden is not doing a good job; he's doing a great job! He got through 6 major pieces of legislation that this country is benefiting from.

The economy is up. Jobs are up. Unemployment is down. The DOW is at record levels. Manufacturing is coming back to America.

WTF did Trump ever do? Give tax cuts to the rich? At least Biden wants to keep us as a democracy! Trump wants to turn us into the Fourth Reich!
WTF did Trump ever do? Give tax cuts to the rich? At least Biden wants to keep us as a democracy! Trump wants to turn us into the Fourth Reich!
Don't forget Trump said he wants to be a dictator, but for only one day.

As if he would ever voluntarily give that up.
Actually, I think we are superior because your side lacks intelligence, compassion, and intellectual honesty.

Trump is an execrable human being by any measure. He has almost no redeeming qualities. But he reflects your worst instincts, and that's enough.

There is nothing "superior" about you at all.
Trump makes you laugh because he is a fucking clown!
I think Trumps appeal is from his "i'm on your side" act.
The billionaire who feels the pain of the common man.

Well, what about all the contractors (common men) he stiffed?
And when they tried to collect what was due them, Trump sent Michael Cohen to threaten them with so many lawsuits, it would take so long, and cost them so much, it would be cheaper to just forget about getting paid.
You mean like show trials of his opponents?
Or retribution, such as against Michael Cohen

He was returned to prison weeks later before a judge ordered him returned to home confinement, saying that returning him to prison was clearly meant to punish him for his plan to publish his book, titled, “Disloyal: The True Story of Michael Cohen, Former Personal Attorney to President Donald J. Trump.”
What the fuck are you talking about? Trump supporters are the dumbest individuals on the planet! Trump supporters are stupid, stupid people. They are dumber than the Tea Party and that's pretty dumb.

But don't you dare talk about rudeness after MTG's comments. She's the one who started it. Crockett just finished it and put that dumbass butch bitch in her place.
That woman has been in congress for over a year and a half, and she's been an asshole the whole time.

This wasn't an isolated situation. That bi*ch has been talking down to people since the day she walked into the Capital for the first time.
Showing her nasty attitude like some street whore on Compton Street.

She's been talking the same smack since day-one and I'm sure that argument was just a continuation of another argument off camera.
You got to be shitting me? Trump supporters support a man who doesn't know the difference between Jimmy Connors and Jimmy Carter. He doesn't know the difference between Nikki Haley and Nancy Pelosi. He doesn't know the difference between Marla Maples and E Jean Carroll.

He thinks you can inject bleach into your bloodstream as a cure for covid. MTG, a Trump supporter, believes in Jewish space lasers.

The fucker also admires the Third Reich.

How much more stupid can you possibly be?

I do agree with you about the cost of living. That does suck! Although your source is wrong about wages. Wages are up. But not enough.
If wages are up 1.3% and the price of everything went up 25% looks like you're going backwards. That looks like the value of your dollar lost ground and you're actually taking a pay-cut instead of a pay increase.

But I guess you have to cherry-pick the details to arrive at a positive conclusion.
That's not a complaint.

Besides, what's the definition of inappropriate in that context?
And don't you think that a college graduate could express the situation better then someone in gradeschool?

And the college graduate hasn't complained.
So you're okay with it

Joe Biden is not doing a good job; he's doing a great job! He got through 6 major pieces of legislation that this country is benefiting from.

The economy is up. Jobs are up. Unemployment is down. The DOW is at record levels. Manufacturing is coming back to America.

WTF did Trump ever do? Give tax cuts to the rich? At least Biden wants to keep us as a democracy! Trump wants to turn us into the Fourth Reich!
Joe Biden is not doing a good job; he's doing a great job! He got through 6 major pieces of legislation that this country is benefiting from.

The economy is up. Jobs are up. Unemployment is down. The DOW is at record levels. Manufacturing is coming back to America.

WTF did Trump ever do? Give tax cuts to the rich? At least Biden wants to keep us as a democracy! Trump wants to turn us into the Fourth Reich!
Extreme ignorance checking in here. A tool of the Democrat.
Don't forget Trump said he wants to be a dictator, but for only one day.

As if he would ever voluntarily give that up.
Trump wants to take this country back to Germany in the 30's. He's already got one of his little Nazis in Marjorie Taylor Green. That bad butch blonde.

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