Zone1 Maine will forcefully remove children from parents, if the parents do not obey the Marxists in gender reassignments for the children.


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Floor E Da
Maine Legislation Proposes Removing Children from Parents Rejecting 'Gender-Affirming Care'©Credit: DepositPhotos
A new bill in Maine, H.P. 1114, is proposing significant changes to child abuse laws.
It aims to make it illegal for parents to deny their children gender-reassignment procedures, including hormones and surgery.
And i thought that the Marxists didnt like it when children were separated from their parents. Or is it, that the Marxists just dont like law abiding citizens who actually are parents and wont allow their underage children to mutilate themselves? Why did the left go bonkers when President Trump separated illegal immigrant children from the adults who brought them here(but may not have been the parents)?

So is this an attempt by the Marxists to legally kidnap children who live in Maine? Who ever is in charge, i do wonder bigly, is playing with fire, and they are going to be burned.

MSN And i thought that the Marxists didnt like it when children were separated from their parents. Or is it, that the Marxists just dont like law abiding citizens who actually are parents and wont allow their underage children to mutilate themselves? Why did the left go bonkers when President Trump separated illegal immigrant children from the adults who brought them here(but may not have been the parents)?

So is this an attempt by the Marxists to legally kidnap children who live in Maine? Who ever is in charge, i do wonder bigly, is playing with fire, and they are going to be burned.

View attachment 892364
Show me anywhere in the writings of Karl Marx, where he in any way promoted or condoned LGBT+ values or all of this gender dysphoria. You won't find it. Marx with his colleague and fellow communist philosopher, Fredrick Engels, had very negative views of homosexuals. They are identified as "homophobes" by many pro-LGBT+ activists.
Show me anywhere in the writings of Karl Marx, where he in any way promoted or condoned LGBT+ values or all of this gender dysphoria. You won't find it. Marx with his colleague and fellow communist philosopher, Fredrick Engels, had very negative views of homosexuals. They are identified as "homophobes" by many pro-LGBT+ activists.
Thats true

modern marxists are woke

The old marxists were not
Thats true

modern marxists are woke

The old marxists were not
The so-called "woke" are just irrational, spoiled, upper-middle class or affluent liberals who have nothing to do with Marx. They've never read Marx, nor do they even care. Have you ever looked into who is funding all of this gender dysphoria? It's not Marxists, that's for sure. It's big money interests that are behind it, along with George Soros. Getting people hooked on hormones and expensive surgeries for life.
The so-called "woke" are just irrational, spoiled, upper-middle class or affluent liberals who have nothing to do with Marx. They've never read Marx, nor do they even care. Have you ever looked into who is funding all of this gender dysphoria? It's not Marxists, that's for sure. It's big money interests that are behind it, along with George Soros. Getting people hooked on hormones and expensive surgeries for life.
The basic premise of marxists is government control of everything along with redistribution of the wealth

Many libs today are marxists

but so poorly educated that they dont even know it
The basic premise of marxists is government control of everything along with redistribution of the wealth

Many libs today are marxists

but so poorly educated that they dont even know it

These American liberals don't want the US Government to control EVERYTHING and redistribute everyone's wealth. That's nothing more than a cheap right-wing Republican polemic and diatribe against Democrat Liberals who want Medicare for all, and make sure the wealthiest people in our society pay their taxes like everybody else and don't hide money in some tax haven somewhere in the Caribbean or a Panamanian bank.

The final objective of Marxist socialism is communism, which is defined as:

"... A communist society would entail the absence of private property and social classes,[1] and ultimately money[6] and the state (or nation state).[7][8][9]"

Communism is a stateless, classless society that no longer needs money as a means of exchange, due to the lack of markets and the individual consumer's control over the means of production. The abolition of private property doesn't include personal property. Practically everything that you own now is your personal property, whereas private property is assets that you can use to exploit the labor of other human beings and produce goods and services for a profit. If your property doesn't fall within that category, it's your personal property.
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These American liberals don't want the US Government to control EVERYTHING and redistribute everyone's wealth. That's nothing more than a cheap right-wing Republican polemic and diatribe against Democrat Liberals who want Medicare for all, and make sure the wealthiest people in our society pay their taxes like everybody else and don't hide money in some tax haven somewhere in the Caribbean or a Panamanian bank.

The final objective of Marxist socialism is communism, which is defined as:

"... A communist society would entail the absence of private property and social classes,[1] and ultimately money[6] and the state (or nation state).[7][8][9]"

Communism is a stateless, classless society that no longer needs money as a means of exchange, due to the lack of markets and the individual consumer's control over the means of production. The abolition of private property doesn't include personal property. Practically everything that you own now is your personal property, whereas private property is assets that you can use to exploit the labor of other human beings and produce goods and services for a profit. If your property doesn't fall within that category, it's your personal property.

How can it not be classified that way? Who gets to do the classifying?

That's the problem with your definition.

I can twist it so that ANY property, of any kind, can be shown to be a tool to exploit another person's labor.
How can it not be classified that way? Who gets to do the classifying?

That's the problem with your definition.

I can twist it so that ANY property, of any kind, can be shown to be a tool to exploit another person's labo

Not really, Marxists have had more than a century to categorize what is private property and what isn't. One can be pedantic and exaggerate, fearmonger, claiming that even one's tooth-brush is "private property" but that's not what Marx or his students ever taught. Private property is a business enterprise, it can be land and other real estate properties, but a socialist society can allow people to own real estate for their personal use, including land.
Not really, Marxists have had more than a century to categorize what is private property and what isn't. One can be pedantic and exaggerate, fearmonger, claiming that even one's tooth-brush is "private property" but that's not what Marx or his students ever taught. Private property is a business enterprise, it can be land and other real estate properties, but a socialist society can allow people to own real estate for their personal use, including land.

They can categorize all they want. The end goal will ALWAYS be the same. A small group of people, using government power to take control and once again toss mankind into a two tier system.

A very small ruling elite, and a huge number of serfs to service them.

In other words, just like it has always been save for when CAPITALISM created, and nurtured the middle class.
They can categorize all they want. The end goal will ALWAYS be the same. A small group of people, using government power to take control and once again toss mankind into a two tier system.

A very small ruling elite, and a huge number of serfs to service them.

In other words, just like it has always been save for when CAPITALISM created, and nurtured the middle class.
Capitalism creates what you just described in an even worse way than socialism. At least the government holds elections, which one of your employers ever held elections, allowing the people who work the business to elect management? It doesn't happen. As technology advances there are fewer jobs that can't be automated, and in the not-too-distant future, that's going to force society by necessity to adopt a non-profit, more democratic, and yes centrally planned system of mass-production. Socialism is inevitable due to advanced automation, AI, and quantum computing.

Show me anywhere in the writings of Karl Marx, where he in any way promoted or condoned LGBT+ values or all of this gender dysphoria. You won't find it. Marx with his colleague and fellow communist philosopher, Fredrick Engels, had very negative views of homosexuals. They are identified as "homophobes" by many pro-LGBT+ activists.
Yet by standards of today, the LGBTQWXYZ123^& is playing the Marxist playbook, by destroying the natural order of things and breaking down Society Values, so the end result will be a "Fundamental Transformation" of the United States into the Soviet Socialist States of America.

These American liberals don't want the US Government to control EVERYTHING and redistribute everyone's wealth. That's nothing more than a cheap right-wing Republican polemic and diatribe against Democrat Liberals who want Medicare for all, and make sure the wealthiest people in our society pay their taxes like everybody else and don't hide money in some tax haven somewhere in the Caribbean or a Panamanian bank.

The final objective of Marxist socialism is communism, which is defined as:

"... A communist society would entail the absence of private property and social classes,[1] and ultimately money[6] and the state (or nation state).[7][8][9]"

Communism is a stateless, classless society that no longer needs money as a means of exchange, due to the lack of markets and the individual consumer's control over the means of production. The abolition of private property doesn't include personal property. Practically everything that you own now is your personal property, whereas private property is assets that you can use to exploit the labor of other human beings and produce goods and services for a profit. If your property doesn't fall within that category, it's your personal property.
Blah blah blah, wealthy doenst pay taxes....Blah, blah, blah, socialist medicine for all....Criminals should be allowed to rob innocent people.....Blah, blah, blah, men with tits are women.....

How about the fucking poor paying their fair share of taxes, while the top 1% pay 39% of all federal income taxess. How about leaving the medical to professions, instead of the government who will pick and choose who will live and who will die. Men with tits, and criminals should be taken off the streets permanently so they cant harm themselves or others...
Not really, Marxists have had more than a century to categorize what is private property and what isn't. One can be pedantic and exaggerate, fearmonger, claiming that even one's tooth-brush is "private property" but that's not what Marx or his students ever taught. Private property is a business enterprise, it can be land and other real estate properties, but a socialist society can allow people to own real estate for their personal use, including land.
I remember when the Soviet Socialist States of Russia, was full bore Communist. Each working person, because they were forced to work or ended up dead or in a gulag, had a 1 bedroom or 2 bedroom apartment depending if you were married or not. You had 1 car, a real shit car, and one TV that broadcasted 1 television channel that all day said how great Communism was. One newspaper also saying how Evil the West was and only the Communist Party mattered. I also was in West Germany about 10 miles from the Wall that separated the East from the West, and not once did i see anyone trying to go over the wall, facing rabid dogs and machine guns, to get into East Germany, but 100s a year trying to get to freedom. That is the dirty little secret the Marxists fail to tell idiots like you.
These American liberals don't want the US Government to control EVERYTHING and redistribute everyone's wealth. That's nothing more than a cheap right-wing Republican polemic and diatribe against Democrat Liberals who want Medicare for all, and make sure the wealthiest people in our society pay their taxes like everybody else and don't hide money in some tax haven somewhere in the Caribbean or a Panamanian bank.

The final objective of Marxist socialism is communism, which is defined as:

"... A communist society would entail the absence of private property and social classes,[1] and ultimately money[6] and the state (or nation state).[7][8][9]"

Communism is a stateless, classless society that no longer needs money as a means of exchange, due to the lack of markets and the individual consumer's control over the means of production. The abolition of private property doesn't include personal property. Practically everything that you own now is your personal property, whereas private property is assets that you can use to exploit the labor of other human beings and produce goods and services for a profit. If your property doesn't fall within that category, it's your personal property.
.. A communist society would entail the absence of private property and social classes,[1] and ultimately money[6] and the state (or nation state)

According to that definition marxists have never achieved their dream and they never will

What you are describing is a monarchy headed by Jesus Christ after the 2nd Coming

And only God can do that
Capitalism creates what you just described in an even worse way than socialism. At least the government holds elections, which one of your employers ever held elections, allowing the people who work the business to elect management? It doesn't happen. As technology advances there are fewer jobs that can't be automated, and in the not-too-distant future, that's going to force society by necessity to adopt a non-profit, more democratic, and yes centrally planned system of mass-production. Socialism is inevitable due to advanced automation, AI, and quantum computing.

Capitalism CREATED the middle class. Capitalism has benefited more people, in less time, than any economic system in history.

Socialism can only work if it has the wealth created by Capitalism to fund it.
I remember when the Soviet Socialist States of Russia, was full bore Communist. Each working person, because they were forced to work or ended up dead or in a gulag, had a 1 bedroom or 2 bedroom apartment depending if you were married or not. You had 1 car, a real shit car, and one TV that broadcasted 1 television channel that all day said how great Communism was. One newspaper also saying how Evil the West was and only the Communist Party mattered. I also was in West Germany about 10 miles from the Wall that separated the East from the West, and not once did i see anyone trying to go over the wall, facing rabid dogs and machine guns, to get into East Germany, but 100s a year trying to get to freedom. That is the dirty little secret the Marxists fail to tell idiots like you.

I remember when the Soviet Socialist States of Russia, was full bore Communist.

You obviously don't remember anything about the Soviet Union, if you're identifying it as "full-bore communist". The USSR was the United Soviet Socialist Republic and it never claimed to be cpmmunist but rather on the socialist path to communism. A society without a state, without socioeconomic classes or the need for money.

The Soviet Union had a state, had socioeconomic classes albeit less than under market capitalism, and used money as a means of exchange for labor, goods, and services. So again, it was a centrally planned, command economy, managed by the state, not a stateless society where the consumer had complete control over the means of production as Karl Marx and Engels described.

The Soviet Union is irrelevant to this discussion because we're not the Soviet Union or Soviet Russia. The context of our political situation and our resources, along with our modern technology is completely different from that of Soviet Russia in the early 20th century. To bring the USSR into the discussion is nothing more than an evasive emotionally charged distraction, a fearmongering smoke screen designed to distract readers from the topic I mentioned, namely the need to adopt socialism as a result of advanced automation and artificial intelligence.

It's obvious, even to many of the wealthy ruling elites, that we're heading right unto the lap of socialism due to advanced technology automating the production of goods and services. That includes mining and the processing of raw materials. The logistical framework of mass production is heading towards socialism, due to advanced automation, AI, and powerful computers.

Each working person, because they were forced to work or ended up dead or in a gulag,

You're spewing a bunch of Western Cold War propaganda. It was illegal in Soviet Russia for someone who could work, not to, but to be a lazy bum wasn't a capital crime. The Gulag system is also misrepresented in the West and it was eliminated by the 1950s. What does any of this have to do with what I mentioned in earlier posts? Nothing. It's just a cheap shot. He's unable and unwilling to debate economics so he begins with the Cold War BS propaganda and fearmongering.

If the situation was as bad in the Soviet Union as capitalist propagandists claim why do so many Russians in Russia have such fond memories of their lives as Soviet citizens?

had a 1 bedroom or 2 bedroom apartment depending if you were married or not. You had 1 car, a real shit car, and one TV that broadcasted 1 television channel that all day said how great Communism was.

Hehehe looking at how bad the situation is here in the US today, what you just described above sounds pretty good! People today don't even have enough to pay the rent of a 1 bedroom apartment, hence are forced to live in rooms in other people's houses or small studios, while making $20 hourly. The cost of living in the US today is through the roof. You're detached from reality due to probably being retired.

Again, nothing of what is being said here is relevant to the topic I mentioned in an earlier post about socialism in America due to advanced technology. He's going on his Anti-Soviet-fearmongering tangent.

One newspaper also saying how Evil the West was and only the Communist Party mattered. I also was in West Germany about 10 miles from the Wall that separated the East from the West, and not once did i see anyone trying to go over the wall, facing rabid dogs and machine guns, to get into East Germany, but 100s a year trying to get to freedom. That is the dirty little secret the Marxists fail to tell idiots like you.

The Soviet Union, including East Germany, was heavily sanctioned economically and constantly threatened with war. The US, UK, and France, along with 11 other nations, invaded Russia in 1918, shortly after WW1 and that essentially characterized the relationship of Soviet Russia and the West until the USSR's demise in 1991. It was one of perpetual war and hostility, mostly coming from the capitalist-run West.

In view of what the USSR accomplished, turning a poor, under-industrialized, agrarian society into the world's second-largest economy and a military nuclear superpower, despite all of the obstacles, its 70+ year life was quite impressive.

The US is currently barring its citizens and legal residents from traveling to certain countries. Travel restrictions aren't unique to Marxist-run governments and economies. Why should the USSR and East Germany allow its human capital, scientists, engineers, academics..etc, to receive all of their education and training, only to leave for Western Europe or the US? These countries were the enemy, encircling the USSR and doing everything possible to destroy it. Despite that, there were student and academic exchanges between the USSR, including East Germany and the West. Not too many of the participants in these programs defected to stay in the West, they went back home to the USSR and East Germany:

  1. Fulbright Program: It provided opportunities for students, scholars, and professionals to study, teach, and conduct research.
  2. International Research & Exchanges Board (IREX): Established in 1968, IREX promoted advanced field research and professional exchanges between the U.S. and the Soviet Union, among other countries. It was one of the leading organizations in fostering academic and cultural exchanges during the Cold War.
  3. US-USSR Cultural Exchange Agreement (1958): This agreement between the United States and the Soviet Union was aimed at promoting cultural exchanges, including the exchange of students, educators, and cultural leaders between the two countries. It was part of a broader effort to ease Cold War tensions through people-to-people contacts.
  4. British Council Exchange Programs: The British Council facilitated various cultural and educational exchange programs with the Soviet Union, including student exchanges. These programs aimed to foster mutual understanding between the UK and the USSR.
  5. AFS Intercultural Programs: Known for its international student exchange programs, AFS (originally the American Field Service) included participants from a wide range of countries, and although primarily focused on exchanges between Western countries, it occasionally facilitated exchanges involving Eastern Bloc countries.
  6. East-West Contacts under the Helsinki Accords (1975): The Helsinki Final Act, signed by 35 countries including the USSR and the United States, included provisions to facilitate human contacts across the Iron Curtain. This led to an increase in various forms of exchanges, including those involving students and academics, although these were not specific programs but rather part of broader diplomatic efforts.
  7. Soviet-American Exchange Initiative (1985): Initiated by Mikhail Gorbachev, this program aimed to increase cultural and educational exchanges between the USSR and the USA, including student exchanges, as part of the broader perestroika and glasnost reforms.
These programs varied in size, scope, and impact, but all contributed to creating channels of communication and exchange between the USSR and the Western world during a time of heightened global tensions.
There are a considerable number of North Korean defectors who after living in South Korea and getting a taste of capitalism, want to return to North Korea:

All of the above is irrelevant to what I was discussing about socialism in the United States due to advanced automation and artificial intelligence. This person wants to grind the ax and deflect from the issue of economics and focus on historical events that aren't relevant to us today in 21st-century America, with all of our unique political, scientific, social, and cultural institutions and modern technology.
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.. A communist society would entail the absence of private property and social classes,[1] and ultimately money[6] and the state (or nation state)

According to that definition marxists have never achieved their dream and they never will

What you are describing is a monarchy headed by Jesus Christ after the 2nd Coming

And only God can do that

Well, at least you recognize that the Kingdom of YHWH is communist and the angels aren't capitalizing on each other's needs or producing for personal gain, at other people's expense. The first Christians were theistic communists because that's what they were taught by Jesus and his 12 apostles.

With the advent of modern automation, artificial intelligence and powerful computing, what Marx and Engels envisioned might very well become reality, at least in the area of economics, if not politically. We will still have a state, but it will be democratic and manage a mass-production framework, that is highly automated and of course marketless and completely non-profit. This is inevitable with the advancement of technology.

Star Trek was often criticized by some critics for being too "communist":

Well, at least you recognize that the Kingdom of YHWH is communist and the angels aren't capitalizing on each other's needs or producing for personal gain, at other people's expense. The first Christians were theistic communists because that's what they were taught by Jesus and his 12 apostles.
I dont think of it that way

Frankly I dont know what its like to be an angel but I’d like to find out someday

Nevertheless if you recognize that accepting Jesus as your king will fulfill your dream of communist nirvana all you have to do is ask and God will deliver
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I remember when the Soviet Socialist States of Russia, was full bore Communist.

You obviously don't remember anything about the Soviet Union, if you're identifying it as "full-bore communist". The USSR was the United Soviet Socialist Republic and it never claimed to be cpmmunist but rather on the socialist path to communism. A society without a state, without socioeconomic classes or the need for money.

The Soviet Union had a state, had socioeconomic classes albeit less than under market capitalism, and used money as a means of exchange for labor, goods, and services. So again, it was a centrally planned, command economy, managed by the state, not a stateless society where the consumer had complete control over the means of production as Karl Marx and Engels described.

The Soviet Union is irrelevant to this discussion because we're not the Soviet Union or Soviet Russia. The context of our political situation and our resources, along with our modern technology is completely different from that of Soviet Russia in the early 20th century. To bring the USSR into the discussion is nothing more than an evasive emotionally charged distraction, a fearmongering smoke screen designed to distract readers from the topic I mentioned, namely the need to adopt socialism as a result of advanced automation and artificial intelligence.

It's obvious, even to many of the wealthy ruling elites, that we're heading right unto the lap of socialism due to advanced technology automating the production of goods and services. That includes mining and the processing of raw materials. The logistical framework of mass production is heading towards socialism, due to advanced automation, AI, and powerful computers.

Each working person, because they were forced to work or ended up dead or in a gulag,

You're spewing a bunch of Western Cold War propaganda. It was illegal in Soviet Russia for someone who could work, not to, but to be a lazy bum wasn't a capital crime. The Gulag system is also misrepresented in the West and it was eliminated by the 1950s. What does any of this have to do with what I mentioned in earlier posts? Nothing. It's just a cheap shot. He's unable and unwilling to debate economics so he begins with the Cold War BS propaganda and fearmongering.

If the situation was as bad in the Soviet Union as capitalist propagandists claim why do so many Russians in Russia have such fond memories of their lives as Soviet citizens?

had a 1 bedroom or 2 bedroom apartment depending if you were married or not. You had 1 car, a real shit car, and one TV that broadcasted 1 television channel that all day said how great Communism was.

Hehehe looking at how bad the situation is here in the US today, what you just described above sounds pretty good! People today don't even have enough to pay the rent of a 1 bedroom apartment, hence are forced to live in rooms in other people's houses or small studios, while making $20 hourly. The cost of living in the US today is through the roof. You're detached from reality due to probably being retired.

Again, nothing of what is being said here is relevant to the topic I mentioned in an earlier post about socialism in America due to advanced technology. He's going on his Anti-Soviet-fearmongering tangent.

One newspaper also saying how Evil the West was and only the Communist Party mattered. I also was in West Germany about 10 miles from the Wall that separated the East from the West, and not once did i see anyone trying to go over the wall, facing rabid dogs and machine guns, to get into East Germany, but 100s a year trying to get to freedom. That is the dirty little secret the Marxists fail to tell idiots like you.

The Soviet Union, including East Germany, was heavily sanctioned economically and constantly threatened with war. The US, UK, and France, along with 11 other nations, invaded Russia in 1918, shortly after WW1 and that essentially characterized the relationship of Soviet Russia and the West until the USSR's demise in 1991. It was one of perpetual war and hostility, mostly coming from the capitalist-run West.

In view of what the USSR accomplished, turning a poor, under-industrialized, agrarian society into the world's second-largest economy and a military nuclear superpower, despite all of the obstacles, its 70+ year life was quite impressive.

The US is currently barring its citizens and legal residents from traveling to certain countries. Travel restrictions aren't unique to Marxist-run governments and economies. Why should the USSR and East Germany allow its human capital, scientists, engineers, academics..etc, to receive all of their education and training, only to leave for Western Europe or the US? These countries were the enemy, encircling the USSR and doing everything possible to destroy it. Despite that, there were student and academic exchanges between the USSR, including East Germany and the West. Not too many of the participants in these programs defected to stay in the West, they went back home to the USSR and East Germany:

  1. Fulbright Program: It provided opportunities for students, scholars, and professionals to study, teach, and conduct research.
  2. International Research & Exchanges Board (IREX): Established in 1968, IREX promoted advanced field research and professional exchanges between the U.S. and the Soviet Union, among other countries. It was one of the leading organizations in fostering academic and cultural exchanges during the Cold War.
  3. US-USSR Cultural Exchange Agreement (1958): This agreement between the United States and the Soviet Union was aimed at promoting cultural exchanges, including the exchange of students, educators, and cultural leaders between the two countries. It was part of a broader effort to ease Cold War tensions through people-to-people contacts.
  4. British Council Exchange Programs: The British Council facilitated various cultural and educational exchange programs with the Soviet Union, including student exchanges. These programs aimed to foster mutual understanding between the UK and the USSR.
  5. AFS Intercultural Programs: Known for its international student exchange programs, AFS (originally the American Field Service) included participants from a wide range of countries, and although primarily focused on exchanges between Western countries, it occasionally facilitated exchanges involving Eastern Bloc countries.
  6. East-West Contacts under the Helsinki Accords (1975): The Helsinki Final Act, signed by 35 countries including the USSR and the United States, included provisions to facilitate human contacts across the Iron Curtain. This led to an increase in various forms of exchanges, including those involving students and academics, although these were not specific programs but rather part of broader diplomatic efforts.
  7. Soviet-American Exchange Initiative (1985): Initiated by Mikhail Gorbachev, this program aimed to increase cultural and educational exchanges between the USSR and the USA, including student exchanges, as part of the broader perestroika and glasnost reforms.
These programs varied in size, scope, and impact, but all contributed to creating channels of communication and exchange between the USSR and the Western world during a time of heightened global tensions.

All of the above is irrelevant to what I was discussing about socialism in the United States due to advanced automation and artificial intelligence. This person wants to grind the ax and deflect from the issue of economics and focus on historical events that aren't relevant to us today in 21st-century America, with all of our unique political, scientific, social, and cultural institutions and modern technology.

The problems we are experiencing now, are THANKS to cloward-Piven, two SOCIALISTS who postulated a way for the USA to be destroyed from within.

We are living their plan now.

We're it not for them, the shit show that is going on now, wouldn't be.

And that's the problem with socialists. For their plans to work they have to kill a whole butt ton of people.

So, how many millions have to die before you are satisfied?

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