'State-sanctioned kidnapping': California bill would give therapists power to take children over 12 from parents 'without accusation, evidence ...


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
The loony left fascists/Marxists (different sides of the same coin), at work.

'State-sanctioned kidnapping': California bill would give therapists power to take children over 12 from parents 'without accusation, evidence, or trial'​

A California Democrat has proposed a bill that would allow a mental health professional to place a child as young as 12 in a residential shelter facility without parental knowledge or consent and without there being any prior allegations of incest or child abuse.​
The stated purpose of AB 665, introduced by Assembly Member Wendy Carrillo, is to bring two existing laws into alignment. Currently children age 12 and over are able to consent to receiving mental health treatment or counseling services but cannot consent to being placed into a residential shelter facility unless deemed either a risk to themselves or others, or in cases where the minor is an alleged victim of incest or child abuse. AB 665 seeks to remove these caveats.​
The bill is strongly opposed by Our Duty, an international group of parents of children who are, or were, gender-questioning, who believe the law would amount to “state-sanctioned kidnapping.”​
According to Erin Friday, co-lead of Our Duty, the bill will give counselors unfettered control over children age 12 and above. In a letter to the state assembly, Friday gives the example of a hypothetical 6th grader who informs her school counselor that she is a “trans boy.” Friday argues that if AB 665 were to be enacted, that child may not come home from school that day but could instead be sent to an “LGBTQ housing facility.”​
“The parents will have no idea what happened to their child,” writes Friday. “Imagine their fear and anxiety. These parents are criminalized without an accusation, evidence or trial.”​
AB 665 states that a “shocking 78 percent of LGBTQ+ youth who were surveyed shared they had considered suicide,” and most had done so in the last year, and that nearly one-third had made an attempt in the past year.​
The bill goes on to state that LGBTQ+ youth experience depression and anxiety, as well as other negative outcomes, due to rejection from parents, harassment in school, and the “overall LGBTQ negativity present in society.”​
Many so-called gender-affirming therapists believe that non-affirming parents are a danger to their children, while at the same time holding the belief that experimental sex change interventions, such as puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones, are “life-saving” care. Bill AB665 would give such therapists the power to send a gender-confused child to a residential shelter facility.​
Dr. Riitta Kaltiala, chief psychiatrist at Finland's Tampere U gender clinic, recently said the transition-or-suicide narrative is "purposeful disinformation, the dissemination of which is irresponsible."

A year ago my step great granddaughter's school transitioned her. The more she complained that she wasn't a boy the more the school blamed parental conversion therapy. She was warned not to tell her parents. She was given a breast binder to wear. They threatened Emma about telling her parents. She never told her parents anything anyway. She told her grandparents everything. Emma was on a plane to her aunt's in Texas the next day. Now the whole family has relocated.
A year ago my step great granddaughter's school transitioned her. The more she complained that she wasn't a boy the more the school blamed parental conversion therapy. She was warned not to tell her parents. She was given a breast binder to wear. They threatened Emma about telling her parents. She never told her parents anything anyway. She told her grandparents everything. Emma was on a plane to her aunt's in Texas the next day. Now the whole family has relocated.
Hi, if that was my daughter they'd all be dead right this minute, I would not tarry a single day, I'd go right over there and execute everyone who had hand in attempts....
Hi, if that was my daughter they'd all be dead right this minute, I would not tarry a single day, I'd go right over there and execute everyone who had hand in attempts....
I wish. It is very sad what these schools do to children. They pick on a child they consider weak and easily controlled. The insecure kid. Then they manipulate that child. With Emma, they picked on the wrong kid.
A year ago my step great granddaughter's school transitioned her. The more she complained that she wasn't a boy the more the school blamed parental conversion therapy. She was warned not to tell her parents. She was given a breast binder to wear. They threatened Emma about telling her parents. She never told her parents anything anyway. She told her grandparents everything. Emma was on a plane to her aunt's in Texas the next day. Now the whole family has relocated.

Was this before or after the Lesbians sued you to paint a portrait?
A year ago my step great granddaughter's school transitioned her. The more she complained that she wasn't a boy the more the school blamed parental conversion therapy. She was warned not to tell her parents. She was given a breast binder to wear. They threatened Emma about telling her parents. She never told her parents anything anyway. She told her grandparents everything. Emma was on a plane to her aunt's in Texas the next day. Now the whole family has relocated.

Cool story......
Was this before or after the Lesbians sued you to paint a portrait?
Years and years after. Gays are active. How many times have they gone after the baker in Colorado? A kid in school is like red meat in the lion cage. In any case, I'm glad Emma is out of California and no longer subject to the school system.
Cuba removes children from their parents. The Communist party terminates parental rights and place minors in communist indoctrination centers, commonly referred to as the Patria Potestad.

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