Luke's Rachel Maddow style connect the dots makes Fools of History Channel


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
The History channels special on the Search for the DNA of Jesus is so full of mistakes and false assertions that it's extremely comical. One major false claim is that by finding the DNA of John the Baptist they will have the DNA lineage of Jesus claiming them as cousins.
So research why they think they were cousins and you'll fall on the floor laughing.
LUKE is the culprit, his assertion is so stupid that you'll never read Luke the same ever again. It is liken to how Rachel Maddow connects the dots, that's how rediculous his assertion was that they were cousins.
The assertion only comes from pne source that seems to be Luke’s personal conclusion, based on a typology of Old Testament relations. Here’s how it works.
Jesus’ mother’s name is Mary. John’s mother’s name, according to Luke (only), is Elizabeth. The only other Elizabeth (written in Hebrew as Elisheba) in the Bible is the wife of Aaron, the brother of Moses. Moses’ sister’s name was Miriam, a form of Mary. So, in the story of Moses, Mary and Elizabeth are sisters-in-law, and their offspring would be first cousins.
Thus, concludes Luke: Jesus and John were also cousins. *RFLMAO*
SO LUKE'S STUPIDITY=HISTORY CHANNEL REGURGITATING false narative of history through a source of an idiot.

Disregard the fact the History channel special is talking about DNA on a shroud where the red marking is clay not Blood. That is a stupidity of it's own that started by a Berkley University Scam that was raising money for DNA cloning off the shroud. The people were arrested for the exact false claims history channel is using, and in fact are getting their notions off of.
Do these people ever research the validity of info and who is giving them this garbage?

I can go on all day listing the false assertions but most I've already discussed regarding the different christs and their different eras and sentencings.

It's rediculous when History channel is more about tabloid versions of history
with emphasis on mythology and ancient alien rewrite of history, in the same way our regular news has become tabloid.
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Why in creation would you watch MSNBC???

Calif. pastor's faith joins science in History Channel's hunt for Jesus DNA
5 hours ago - 636276193656051637-John-the-Baptist-bones. ... University geneticist George Busby, combining faith and science to search for Jesus'DNA.
The Jesus Strand: A Search for DNA | HISTORY
Using the latest advances in DNA technology Oxford University geneticist George ... of Oviedo and the newly discovered bones of Jesus' cousin, John the Baptist.
The scientists who are trying to find Jesus's DNA | The Independent › News › Science › Archaeology › Features
2 days ago - Here's what DNA analysis of relics purported to be from Jesusor his ... The finding is hugely important, partly because John the Baptistwas ...
John the Baptist if accurately dated in the AD era would have been the righteous teacher that christ THEUDAS by the Jordan followed before he had John killed and stole his flock.
Source:A Sabian sect called Mandeans who are the surviving sect of followers of John who claim Jesus (Theudas) the false prophet who had John murdered in stealing his followers.
1)they were not related
2) this christ is not Yehuda the Galilean King Herod era Christ nor the 100bc son of Mary the only one who died on Passover and it was by stoning & hanging not crucifixion.
3)the only shroud the church claimed to have was Yehudas which means it would be Judas' shroud or the 6bc crucified Yehuda the Galilean christ's shroud if it were not dated in the 1400's? Could not be the shroud of the son of mary Hanged on a tree on passover.
The fact they can't discuss the historical and thus use a compiled characters non Jewish name is saying it all. If you claim to be a historical channel then why can't you use a historical JEWISH NAME? =BUSTED!
We shouldn't be surprised that with all the fake news going around by the major news companies that the history channel is getting in on the action seems to be an epidemic of it in all areas....
Rag mag titles=more sold copies
Exagerated article titles online=more clicks
Hyped titles on TV reports=hold viewers for ads sake.
It's all tabloid now, the act of surviving without morality concern for the damage they cause.
The History channels special on the Search for the DNA of Jesus is so full of mistakes and false assertions that it's extremely comical. One major false claim is that by finding the DNA of John the Baptist they will have the DNA lineage of Jesus claiming them as cousins.
So research why they think they were cousins and you'll fall on the floor laughing.
LUKE is the culprit, his assertion is so stupid that you'll never read Luke the same ever again. It is liken to how Rachel Maddow connects the dots, that's how rediculous his assertion was that they were cousins.
The assertion only comes from pne source that seems to be Luke’s personal conclusion, based on a typology of Old Testament relations. Here’s how it works.
Jesus’ mother’s name is Mary. John’s mother’s name, according to Luke (only), is Elizabeth. The only other Elizabeth (written in Hebrew as Elisheba) in the Bible is the wife of Aaron, the brother of Moses. Moses’ sister’s name was Miriam, a form of Mary. So, in the story of Moses, Mary and Elizabeth are sisters-in-law, and their offspring would be first cousins.
Thus, concludes Luke: Jesus and John were also cousins. *RFLMAO*
SO LUKE'S STUPIDITY=HISTORY CHANNEL REGURGITATING false narative of history through a source of an idiot.

Disregard the fact the History channel special is talking about DNA on a shroud where the red marking is clay not Blood. That is a stupidity of it's own that started by a Berkley University Scam that was raising money for DNA cloning off the shroud. The people were arrested for the exact false claims history channel is using, and in fact are getting their notions off of.
Do these people ever research the validity of info and who is giving them this garbage?

I can go on all day listing the false assertions but most I've already discussed regarding the different christs and their different eras and sentencings.

It's rediculous when History channel is more about tabloid versions of history
with emphasis on mythology and ancient alien rewrite of history, in the same way our regular news has become tabloid.
What are your credentials?
What are your credentials?
Dan 10:21
I ask because a serious scholar would have information that wasn't so blatantly one-sided.

I have discovered that when information is presented in such a manner, it is the work of an unhealthy obsession.

Since you claim no real authority to your knowledge, have nice day.
Why would you need to lie?
I just gave you what you asked for.
I left out the part that I was the one who reported the scam to the Berkley Police and the part that the late Peter Jennings used my Search for the Historical Jesus as the premise and basis for his special by the same name. I left out the fact Oxford and
Harvard and Yale and other Universities use my theological and social science research work. Because that one verse trumps all that and says it all. Now using your argument: what are the apostles credentials when they are not prophets?
Why in creation would you watch MSNBC???

Calif. pastor's faith joins science in History Channel's hunt for Jesus DNA
5 hours ago - 636276193656051637-John-the-Baptist-bones. ... University geneticist George Busby, combining faith and science to search for Jesus'DNA.
The Jesus Strand: A Search for DNA | HISTORY
Using the latest advances in DNA technology Oxford University geneticist George ... of Oviedo and the newly discovered bones of Jesus' cousin, John the Baptist.
The scientists who are trying to find Jesus's DNA | The Independent › News › Science › Archaeology › Features
2 days ago - Here's what DNA analysis of relics purported to be from Jesusor his ... The finding is hugely important, partly because John the Baptistwas ...

We have no DNA of anyone mentioned in the NT and relics are untrustworthy. It was a way to make money and pilgrimages to a church.
Exactly, that we agree on.
They like to use similar trick wording that the fake news loves to use.
Words like "possibly", "perhaps", "can be" are not to he taken serious when they are thrown against a wall like a Baloney tossing contest.
I noticed the shroud DNA is so established that they spend the whole episode looking for other sources like a nail driven through bone archelogical find, just about anything with a cross attachment is made to be his or him even though the NT says he was stoned and hanged. Source: Acts 5:30 , Acts 10:39, Acts 13:29 , 1 Peter 2:24, Galatians 3:13.

I can tell you if any claimed DNA doesn't mention close to 50% Italian lineage then it isn't the Passover son of Mary figure and of course, that is not a singular figure used for the Jesus image.
Roman Emperors became Gods when they died. Jesus was pro Roman and was a Roman

Matthew 5:40-42New American Bible (Revised Edition) (NABRE)

40 If anyone wants to go to law with you over your tunic, hand him your cloak as well. 41 Should anyone press you into service for one mile, go with him for two miles. 42 Give to the one who asks of you, and do not turn your back on one who wants to borrow.

Love of Enemies.

  1. 5:41 Roman garrisons in Palestine had the right to requisition the property and services of the native population.
  2. 5:43–48 See Lv 19:18. There is no Old Testament commandment demanding hatred of one’s enemy, but the “neighbor” of the love commandment was understood as one’s fellow countryman. Both in the Old Testament (Ps 139:19–22) and at Qumran (1QS 9:21) hatred of evil persons is assumed to be right. Jesus extends the love commandment to the enemy and the persecutor. His disciples, as children of God, must imitate the example of their Father, who grants his gifts of sun and rain to both the good and the bad.
A house divided can not stand mean Jews against Greeks and Romans and Zealot Jews against Samaritans and Hellenistic Jews (those who were not zealots)

A house, a tribe, a culture, a country, an Earth if divided and death and destruction will follow, as such Rome had no choice but to attack the Temple of Herod and to end the civil war.

The NT is pro Roman and is Roman probably wrote by Philo, Josephus, etc, who were pro Roman.

Its the best philosophy and religion , get along with each other. Rome , like Persia allowed those to practice their religions as long as not zealots, and paid taxes to Rome, not unlike we pay taxes to the US Government and State.
Roman Emperors became Gods when they died. Jesus was pro Roman and was a Roman

Matthew 5:40-42New American Bible (Revised Edition) (NABRE)

40 If anyone wants to go to law with you over your tunic, hand him your cloak as well. 41 Should anyone press you into service for one mile, go with him for two miles. 42 Give to the one who asks of you, and do not turn your back on one who wants to borrow.

Love of Enemies.

  1. 5:41 Roman garrisons in Palestine had the right to requisition the property and services of the native population.
  2. 5:43–48 See Lv 19:18. There is no Old Testament commandment demanding hatred of one’s enemy, but the “neighbor” of the love commandment was understood as one’s fellow countryman. Both in the Old Testament (Ps 139:19–22) and at Qumran (1QS 9:21) hatred of evil persons is assumed to be right. Jesus extends the love commandment to the enemy and the persecutor. His disciples, as children of God, must imitate the example of their Father, who grants his gifts of sun and rain to both the good and the bad.
A house divided can not stand mean Jews against Greeks and Romans and Zealot Jews against Samaritans and Hellenistic Jews (those who were not zealots)

A house, a tribe, a culture, a country, an Earth if divided and death and destruction will follow, as such Rome had no choice but to attack the Temple of Herod and to end the civil war.

The NT is pro Roman and is Roman probably wrote by Philo, Josephus, etc, who were pro Roman.

Its the best philosophy and religion , get along with each other. Rome , like Persia allowed those to practice their religions as long as not zealots, and paid taxes to Rome, not unlike we pay taxes to the US Government and State.

why not post your source for the above utterly idiotic essay, penny dear?
The garble does include some truths-------the NT is entirely PRO-ROMAN.
However Jesus ---CLEARLY, was not. His actions which managed to get
themselves recorded with some accuracy now and then------are testimony to his
anti-rome sentiment. The persons pro-rome in the NT (other than the writers)
are CAIAPHAS (a sadducean high priest) the shill and HEROD who was
actually an EDOMITE----along with his bloody kid SALOME. Persia had
not been all that big on raiding the wealth wherever they went as was Rome.
Rome made tributaries of every nation they invaded. Tribute is not "taxes" ----
it is pillage. The ROMAN RELIGION made Tribute to Rome "an act of piety".
It worked well for many centuries. Not all kings of rome BECAME "GODS"------
one had to be so declared by the SENATE (known today as "college of cardinals" )
Oh Irosie I so know you want Jesus to be a Jew, so everyone can worship Jews, but its not true. See my avatar, that is the Father, Son and Holy Ghost.

No one comes to the Father except through me, which is Titus in Israel, since Vespasian went back to Rome and became the Emperor with the help of the Alexander a rich jew. Titus first in command was Tiberius Alexander. Philo was Alexander's brother, Tiberius's uncle.

Alexander the Alabarch - Wikipedia.
Oh Irosie I so know you want Jesus to be a Jew, so everyone can worship Jews, but its not true. See my avatar, that is the Father, Son and Holy Ghost.

No one comes to the Father except through me, which is Titus in Israel, since Vespasian went back to Rome and became the Emperor with the help of the Alexander a rich jew. Titus first in command was Tiberius Alexander. Philo was Alexander's brother, Tiberius's uncle.

Alexander the Alabarch - Wikipedia.

Jesus was a jew--------People are supposed to "worship" him? you are
confused It is the religion of adolf hitler that requires worship of DER FUHRER.
The REICH is the roman empire------its religion declares its "KING" a "god"
An interesting factoid related to religion is----Judaism never included
"king worship" ----ie deification of the king but MANY MANY cultures do. The Aztecs considered their king a "god" as did the Japanese and the Egyptians
(to name a few) In fact------even "the messiah" is not considered a "god"
in jewish theology----not even an angel. -------but almost. Of course even
angels are not "gods" The idea of INVOKING angels and saints and
avatars and various sorts of jinni ------is very GREEK. Rome aped
Greece (albeit --badly). I find the concept of the senate's ability to DECLARE
a person a "god" ------REALLY CREATIVE. Not as important as the invention
of Pizza -----but fascinating, nonetheless
Christians are not Jews, we are mainly Greek and Roman philosophy. Philo was a Hellenistic Jew , and followed Plato.
sheeeeesh "funny" is your WHOLE contribution to the conversation, penny dear?
Christians are not Jews, we are mainly Greek and Roman philosophy. Philo was a Hellenistic Jew , and followed Plato.

B''h Christians are not jews!!! Christianity is based on roman "culture" (not a
compliment) Philo was what today is called an ORTHODOX JEW. Jews have had
an affinity toward GREEK CULTURE---most specifically the musing of the greek
PHILOSOPHERS. Philo did not worship PLATO------to call him a "follower of
Plato" is silly. Neither Plato nor Socrates nor Epicurus "following" became
a cult or sect of Judaism----but they were all read and quoted avidly. Some people did OBJECT to the avid fascination that lots of jews had for greek philosophy----but IT PRESISTS even today which is why I know more about Plato than do you------in fact, so do orthodox rabbis. Do you know why there are LOTS of jews today named ALEXANDER (and also Philip)?? It is an interesting story as is the history of the city ALEXANDRIA -----which at one time was virtually a
JEWISH CITY (philo included) Sadly-----very recently it was the site of a church
Christians are not Jews, we are mainly Greek and Roman philosophy. Philo was a Hellenistic Jew , and followed Plato.

B''h Christians are not jews!!! Christianity is based on roman "culture" (not a
compliment) Philo was what today is called an ORTHODOX JEW. Jews have had
an affinity toward GREEK CULTURE---most specifically the musing of the greek
PHILOSOPHERS. Philo did not worship PLATO------to call him a "follower of
Plato" is silly. Neither Plato nor Socrates nor Epicurus "following" became
a cult or sect of Judaism----but they were all read and quoted avidly. Some people did OBJECT to the avid fascination that lots of jews had for greek philosophy----but IT PRESISTS even today which is why I know more about Plato than do you------in fact, so do orthodox rabbis. Do you know why there are LOTS of jews today named ALEXANDER (and also Philip)?? It is an interesting story as is the history of the city ALEXANDRIA -----which at one time was virtually a
JEWISH CITY (philo included) Sadly-----very recently it was the site of a church

No he was not an Orthodox Jew. He was mainly a Plato follower and worked to incorporate each, Judaism and Platonism, but ended up mainly Greek Stoicism with Roman overtones, and also Zoroastrians star gazers but then we know the Jews incorporated Egyptian and Zoroastrian theology , the NT was not created and wrote without Rome's permission. The winner writes history. Philo was a Hellenized Jew living in Alexandria.
Christians are not Jews, we are mainly Greek and Roman philosophy. Philo was a Hellenistic Jew , and followed Plato.

B''h Christians are not jews!!! Christianity is based on roman "culture" (not a
compliment) Philo was what today is called an ORTHODOX JEW. Jews have had
an affinity toward GREEK CULTURE---most specifically the musing of the greek
PHILOSOPHERS. Philo did not worship PLATO------to call him a "follower of
Plato" is silly. Neither Plato nor Socrates nor Epicurus "following" became
a cult or sect of Judaism----but they were all read and quoted avidly. Some people did OBJECT to the avid fascination that lots of jews had for greek philosophy----but IT PRESISTS even today which is why I know more about Plato than do you------in fact, so do orthodox rabbis. Do you know why there are LOTS of jews today named ALEXANDER (and also Philip)?? It is an interesting story as is the history of the city ALEXANDRIA -----which at one time was virtually a
JEWISH CITY (philo included) Sadly-----very recently it was the site of a church

No he was not an Orthodox Jew. He was mainly a Plato follower and worked to incorporate each, Judaism and Platonism, but ended up mainly Greek Stoicism with Roman overtones, and also Zoroastrians star gazers but then we know the Jews incorporated Egyptian and Zoroastrian theology , the NT was not created and wrote without Rome's permission. The winner writes history. Philo was a Hellenized Jew living in Alexandria.

wrong again-----Philo was an orthodox jew as were just about all the JOOOOS OF ALEXANDRIA-----even until recently. PLATOISM is not a religion----are you
suggesting that he worshipped ZEUS? Greek Stoicism is also NOT A RELIGION----it is a philosophical approach -----well treated in the Talmud.
ROMAN OVERTONES??? whattah joke------as in human lion lunch?---NOPE---
no roman overtones and no vestal whores. You got the wrong Philo. You seem to imagine that jews who like greek philosophy had "converted" to something.
Jewish theology specifically rejects Zoroastrianism-------it did get incorporated into Christianity and later into islam (in fact the JINNI are simply the Zoroastrian particles of fire-------jews ain't got Jinns). Ain't no Egyptian theology in Judaism----lots in Christianity -----especially the Christian concept of GEOGRAPHICAL HELL ---------read DANTE.. I have no idea what your sentence >>>>>

""" the NT was not created and wrote without Rome's permission. ""

is supposed to mean--------have you considered remediation? As to Rome and
the NT-----the EMPEROR of ROME was the editor. Later on the CANON CATHOLIC LAW prescribed the roman method of oppression and exploitation of conquered nations. THE CANON IS VERY ROMAN with some of the less laudable greek bias and sense of supremacy that besmirches some of the writings of Plato

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