The Compiling of Christs and Biblical Characters


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
THE tax revolter Christ in the time of Lysania (died 35bc) and King Herod (died 4bc) was Yehuda the Galilean (died 6bc) and would be the one talking about taxes to Caesar
(Julius Caesar ruled as a dictator from 49 B.C. to 44 B.C. , when he was assassinated.)
Therefore this Christ could not be the same as in the time of Pilate. EWTN Priests claim Pilate and Caesar in the same era and Jesus in the era of Pilate in the AD era, proving they have no clue about historical chronology, order of events and personas in history, and therefore get caught teaching many christs in wrong eras to acct their fallacious compiled Jesus created image of a man fr9m these many christs as well as stealing the stories of Baal to deify the character.

The only historical christ figure in the AD era in the time of Pilate was Theudas by the Jordan (died 45ad)who's apostles were martyrs. That can't be the same figure Yehuda of Galilee in the time of Herod(died 4bc) and Lysanias (35bc) and Caesar (44bc).
Yehuda who was a tax revolter talking about Rome's taxes in the NT
is the one Bill O'Reilly uses for his book Killing Jesus, but that Christ is not the one who's apostles were Martyrs.
My History section post on compiled characters making Peter from the many Shimons helps make this point because the NT contradicts where the Christ first meets Shimon (each era christ had a Shimon) so the NT accidentally reveals the conflicting locations of the 2 christs and Shimons;
(a) By the sea of Galilee
(Matthew 4:18-22).
(b) On the banks of river Jordan
(John 1:42).
Josephus : on Yehuda the Galilean and the similar confused named thief murderer Yehuda the Galionite(used for the table turners & Jesus Barabbas scenes):
Book 18 chapter 1 is where the heart of the info on the tax revolt and teaching of the crucified Yehuda of Galilee is mentioned.
NOTE: Luke mentions him once, in
Acts 5:37, and Josephus several times, once here, sect. 6; and B. XX. ch. 5. sect. 2; Of the War, B. II. ch. 8. sect. 1; and ch. 17. sect. 8, calls this Judas, who was the pestilent author of that seditious doctrine and temper which brought the Jewish nation to utter destruction, a Galilean; but here (sect. 1) Josephus calls him a Gaulonite, of the city of Gamala; it is a great question where this Judas was born, whether in Galilee on the west side, or in Gaulonitis on the east side, of the river Jordan; while, in the place just now cited out of the Antiquities, B. XX. ch. 5. sect. 2, he is not only called a Galilean, but it is added to his story, "as I have signified in the books that go before these," as if he had still called him a Galilean in those Antiquities before, as well as in that particular place, as Dean Aldrich observes, Of the War, B. II. ch. 8. sect. 1.
Neither the King Herod era christ nor AD Pilate era Christ have anything to do with the half Roman who the Harlot Church preferred named Yeshu son of Mary of 100bc, who is the one the NT says was slew(stoned)and hanged (not crucified like the other 2 were) "on Passover"-John 18-19 and Mark 14-15
Source: Acts 5:30 "Jesus, whom ye slew and hanged on a tree" Acts 10:39 "whom they slew and hanged on a tree" Acts 13:29 "they took him down from the tree" 1 Peter 2:24 "who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree" Galatians 3:13 "Christ... being made a curse upon us... Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree"
This is why I asked which christ are you calling Jesus, because in the real world we get to investigate and discuss the historical not the fictitious images of men who need new names to keep you from finding the poor schlep behind the image made perfect
-Ezekiel 28 on the fallen son of perdition as a created image of a man made fallaciously perfect to be claimed both anointed and a god through that created false image.
THE tax revolter Christ in the time of Lysania (died 35bc) and King Herod (died 4bc) was Yehuda the Galilean (died 6bc) and would be the one talking about taxes to Caesar
(Julius Caesar ruled as a dictator from 49 B.C. to 44 B.C. , when he was assassinated.)
Therefore this Christ could not be the same as in the time of Pilate. EWTN Priests claim Pilate and Caesar in the same era and Jesus in the era of Pilate in the AD era, proving they have no clue about historical chronology, order of events and personas in history, and therefore get caught teaching many christs in wrong eras to acct their fallacious compiled Jesus created image of a man fr9m these many christs as well as stealing the stories of Baal to deify the character.

The only historical christ figure in the AD era in the time of Pilate was Theudas by the Jordan (died 45ad)who's apostles were martyrs. That can't be the same figure Yehuda of Galilee in the time of Herod(died 4bc) and Lysanias (35bc) and Caesar (44bc).
Yehuda who was a tax revolter talking about Rome's taxes in the NT
is the one Bill O'Reilly uses for his book Killing Jesus, but that Christ is not the one who's apostles were Martyrs.
My History section post on compiled characters making Peter from the many Shimons helps make this point because the NT contradicts where the Christ first meets Shimon (each era christ had a Shimon) so the NT accidentally reveals the conflicting locations of the 2 christs and Shimons;
(a) By the sea of Galilee
(Matthew 4:18-22).
(b) On the banks of river Jordan
(John 1:42).
Josephus : on Yehuda the Galilean and the similar confused named thief murderer Yehuda the Galionite(used for the table turners & Jesus Barabbas scenes):
Book 18 chapter 1 is where the heart of the info on the tax revolt and teaching of the crucified Yehuda of Galilee is mentioned.
NOTE: Luke mentions him once, in
Acts 5:37, and Josephus several times, once here, sect. 6; and B. XX. ch. 5. sect. 2; Of the War, B. II. ch. 8. sect. 1; and ch. 17. sect. 8, calls this Judas, who was the pestilent author of that seditious doctrine and temper which brought the Jewish nation to utter destruction, a Galilean; but here (sect. 1) Josephus calls him a Gaulonite, of the city of Gamala; it is a great question where this Judas was born, whether in Galilee on the west side, or in Gaulonitis on the east side, of the river Jordan; while, in the place just now cited out of the Antiquities, B. XX. ch. 5. sect. 2, he is not only called a Galilean, but it is added to his story, "as I have signified in the books that go before these," as if he had still called him a Galilean in those Antiquities before, as well as in that particular place, as Dean Aldrich observes, Of the War, B. II. ch. 8. sect. 1.
Neither the King Herod era christ nor AD Pilate era Christ have anything to do with the half Roman who the Harlot Church preferred named Yeshu son of Mary of 100bc, who is the one the NT says was slew(stoned)and hanged (not crucified like the other 2 were) "on Passover"-John 18-19 and Mark 14-15
Source: Acts 5:30 "Jesus, whom ye slew and hanged on a tree" Acts 10:39 "whom they slew and hanged on a tree" Acts 13:29 "they took him down from the tree" 1 Peter 2:24 "who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree" Galatians 3:13 "Christ... being made a curse upon us... Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree"
This is why I asked which christ are you calling Jesus, because in the real world we get to investigate and discuss the historical not the fictitious images of men who need new names to keep you from finding the poor schlep behind the image made perfect
-Ezekiel 28 on the fallen son of perdition as a created image of a man made fallaciously perfect to be claimed both anointed and a god through that created false image.
Sure about that?

Tiberius - Wikipedia

"Gospels, Jews, and Christians

The tribute penny mentioned in the Bible is commonly believed to be a Roman denarius depicting the Emperor Tiberius.
The Gospels mention that during Tiberius' reign, Jesus of Nazareth preached and was executed under the authority of Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor of Judaea province. In the Bible, Tiberius is mentioned by name only once, in Luke 3:1,[103] which states that John the Baptist entered on his public ministry in the fifteenth year of his reign. Many references to Caesar (or the emperor in some other translations), without further specification, would seem to refer to Tiberius. Similarly, the "Tribute Penny" referred to in Matthew[104] and Mark[105] is popularly thought to be a silver denarius coin of Tiberius.[106][107][108]

During Tiberius' reign Jews had become more prominent in Rome and Jewish and Gentile followers of Jesus began proselytizing Roman citizens, increasing long-simmering resentments.[109] Tiberius in 19 AD ordered Jews who were of military age to join the Roman Army.[109] Tiberius banished the rest of the Jews from Rome and threatened to enslave them for life if they did not leave the city.[109]

There is considerable debate among historians as to when Christianity was differentiated from Judaism.[109] Most scholars believe that Roman distinction between Jews and Christians took place around 70 AD.[109] Tiberius most likely viewed Christians as a Jewish sect rather than a separate, distinct faith.[109]"

Pontius Pilate - Wikipedia

"Pontius Pilate (/ˌpɒnʃəs, ˌpɒntʃəs, ˌpɒnti.əs ˈpaɪlət/;[2][3][4] Latin: Pontius Pīlātus, Greek: Πόντιος Πιλάτος, Pontios Pilatos) was the fifth prefect of the Roman province of Judaea from AD 26–36.[1][5] He served under Emperor Tiberius, and is best known today for the trial and crucifixion of Jesus.

The sources for Pilate's life are an inscription known as the Pilate Stone, which confirms his historicity and establishes his title as prefect; a brief mention by Tacitus; Philo of Alexandria; Josephus; the four canonical gospels; the Gospel of Nicodemus; the Gospel of Marcion; and other apocryphal works. Based on these sources, it appears that Pilate was an equestrian of the Pontii family, and succeeded Valerius Gratus as prefect of Judaea in AD 26. Once in his post he offended the religious sensibilities of his subjects, leading to harsh criticism from Philo, and many decades later, Josephus. According to Josephus c. AD 93,[6] Pilate was deposed and sent to Rome by Lucius Vitellius after harshly suppressing a Samaritan uprising, arriving just after the death of Tiberius which occurred on 16 March in AD 37. Pilate was replaced by Marcellus.

In all four gospel accounts, Pilate lobbies for Jesus to be spared his eventual fate of execution, and acquiesces only when the crowd refuses to relent. He thus seeks to avoid personal responsibility for the death of Jesus. In the Gospel of Matthew, Pilate washes his hands to show that he is not responsible for the execution of Jesus and reluctantly sends him to his death.[7] The Gospel of Mark, depicting Jesus as innocent of plotting against the Roman Empire, portrays Pilate as reluctant to execute him.[7] In the Gospel of Luke, Pilate not only agrees that Jesus did not conspire against Rome, but Herod Antipas, the tetrarch of Galilee, also finds nothing treasonable in Jesus' actions.[7] In the Gospel of John, Pilate states "I find no guilt in Him [Jesus]," and he asks the Jews if Jesus should be released from custody.[8]

Scholars have long debated how to interpret Pilate's portrayal in the sources. The significance of the Pilate Stone, an artifact discovered in 1961 that names Pontius Pilate, is similarly debated by scholars.[9][10]"

Herod Antipas - Wikipedia

"Herod Antipater (Greek: Ἡρῴδης Ἀντίπατρος, Hērǭdēs Antipatros; born before 20 BC – died after 39 AD), known by the nickname Antipas, was a 1st-century ruler of Galilee and Perea, who bore the title of tetrarch ("ruler of a quarter") and is referred to as both "Herod the Tetrarch"[1] and "King Herod"[2] in the New Testament although he never held the title of king.[3] He is best known today for accounts in the New Testament of his role in events that led to the executions of John the Baptist and Jesus of Nazareth.

After being named to the throne by Augustus upon the death of his father, Herod the Great, in 4 BC, and subsequent ethnarch rule by his brother, Herod Archelaus, Antipas ruled Galilee and Perea as a client state of the Roman Empire. He was responsible for building projects at Sepphoris and Betharamphtha, and more important for the construction of his capital Tiberias on the western shore of the Sea of Galilee. Named in honor of his patron, the emperor Tiberius, the city later became a center of rabbinic learning.

Antipas divorced his first wife Phasaelis, the daughter of King Aretas IV of Nabatea, in favour of Herodias, who had formerly been married to his half-brother Herod II. (Antipas was Herod the Great's son by Malthace, while Herod II was his son by Mariamne II.)[4][5] According to the New Testament Gospels, it was John the Baptist's condemnation of this arrangement that led Antipas to have him arrested; John was subsequently put to death in Machaerus. Besides provoking his conflict with the Baptiser, the tetrarch's divorce added a personal grievance to previous disputes with Aretas over territory on the border of Perea and Nabatea. The result was a war that proved disastrous for Antipas; a Roman counter-offensive was ordered by Tiberius, but abandoned upon that emperor's death in 37 AD. In 39 AD Antipas was accused by his nephew Agrippa I of conspiracy against the new Roman emperor Caligula, who sent him into exile in Gaul. Accompanied there by Herodias, he died at an unknown date.

The Gospel of Luke states that Jesus was first brought before Pontius Pilate for trial, since Pilate was the governor of Roman Judea, which encompassed Jerusalem where Jesus was arrested. Pilate initially handed him over to Antipas, in whose territory Jesus had been most active, but Antipas sent him back to Pilate's court."
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THE tax revolter Christ in the time of Lysania (died 35bc) and King Herod (died 4bc) was Yehuda the Galilean (died 6bc) and would be the one talking about taxes to Caesar
(Julius Caesar ruled as a dictator from 49 B.C. to 44 B.C. , when he was assassinated.)
Therefore this Christ could not be the same as in the time of Pilate. EWTN Priests claim Pilate and Caesar in the same era and Jesus in the era of Pilate in the AD era, proving they have no clue about historical chronology, order of events and personas in history, and therefore get caught teaching many christs in wrong eras to acct their fallacious compiled Jesus created image of a man fr9m these many christs as well as stealing the stories of Baal to deify the character.

The only historical christ figure in the AD era in the time of Pilate was Theudas by the Jordan (died 45ad)who's apostles were martyrs. That can't be the same figure Yehuda of Galilee in the time of Herod(died 4bc) and Lysanias (35bc) and Caesar (44bc).
Yehuda who was a tax revolter talking about Rome's taxes in the NT
is the one Bill O'Reilly uses for his book Killing Jesus, but that Christ is not the one who's apostles were Martyrs.
My History section post on compiled characters making Peter from the many Shimons helps make this point because the NT contradicts where the Christ first meets Shimon (each era christ had a Shimon) so the NT accidentally reveals the conflicting locations of the 2 christs and Shimons;
(a) By the sea of Galilee
(Matthew 4:18-22).
(b) On the banks of river Jordan
(John 1:42).
Josephus : on Yehuda the Galilean and the similar confused named thief murderer Yehuda the Galionite(used for the table turners & Jesus Barabbas scenes):
Book 18 chapter 1 is where the heart of the info on the tax revolt and teaching of the crucified Yehuda of Galilee is mentioned.
NOTE: Luke mentions him once, in
Acts 5:37, and Josephus several times, once here, sect. 6; and B. XX. ch. 5. sect. 2; Of the War, B. II. ch. 8. sect. 1; and ch. 17. sect. 8, calls this Judas, who was the pestilent author of that seditious doctrine and temper which brought the Jewish nation to utter destruction, a Galilean; but here (sect. 1) Josephus calls him a Gaulonite, of the city of Gamala; it is a great question where this Judas was born, whether in Galilee on the west side, or in Gaulonitis on the east side, of the river Jordan; while, in the place just now cited out of the Antiquities, B. XX. ch. 5. sect. 2, he is not only called a Galilean, but it is added to his story, "as I have signified in the books that go before these," as if he had still called him a Galilean in those Antiquities before, as well as in that particular place, as Dean Aldrich observes, Of the War, B. II. ch. 8. sect. 1.
Neither the King Herod era christ nor AD Pilate era Christ have anything to do with the half Roman who the Harlot Church preferred named Yeshu son of Mary of 100bc, who is the one the NT says was slew(stoned)and hanged (not crucified like the other 2 were) "on Passover"-John 18-19 and Mark 14-15
Source: Acts 5:30 "Jesus, whom ye slew and hanged on a tree" Acts 10:39 "whom they slew and hanged on a tree" Acts 13:29 "they took him down from the tree" 1 Peter 2:24 "who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree" Galatians 3:13 "Christ... being made a curse upon us... Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree"
This is why I asked which christ are you calling Jesus, because in the real world we get to investigate and discuss the historical not the fictitious images of men who need new names to keep you from finding the poor schlep behind the image made perfect
-Ezekiel 28 on the fallen son of perdition as a created image of a man made fallaciously perfect to be claimed both anointed and a god through that created false image.
Sure about that?

Tiberius - Wikipedia

"Gospels, Jews, and Christians

The tribute penny mentioned in the Bible is commonly believed to be a Roman denarius depicting the Emperor Tiberius.
The Gospels mention that during Tiberius' reign, Jesus of Nazareth preached and was executed under the authority of Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor of Judaea province. In the Bible, Tiberius is mentioned by name only once, in Luke 3:1,[103] which states that John the Baptist entered on his public ministry in the fifteenth year of his reign. Many references to Caesar (or the emperor in some other translations), without further specification, would seem to refer to Tiberius. Similarly, the "Tribute Penny" referred to in Matthew[104] and Mark[105] is popularly thought to be a silver denarius coin of Tiberius.[106][107][108]

During Tiberius' reign Jews had become more prominent in Rome and Jewish and Gentile followers of Jesus began proselytizing Roman citizens, increasing long-simmering resentments.[109] Tiberius in 19 AD ordered Jews who were of military age to join the Roman Army.[109] Tiberius banished the rest of the Jews from Rome and threatened to enslave them for life if they did not leave the city.[109]

There is considerable debate among historians as to when Christianity was differentiated from Judaism.[109] Most scholars believe that Roman distinction between Jews and Christians took place around 70 AD.[109] Tiberius most likely viewed Christians as a Jewish sect rather than a separate, distinct faith.[109]"

Pontius Pilate - Wikipedia

"Pontius Pilate (/ˌpɒnʃəs, ˌpɒntʃəs, ˌpɒnti.əs ˈpaɪlət/;[2][3][4] Latin: Pontius Pīlātus, Greek: Πόντιος Πιλάτος, Pontios Pilatos) was the fifth prefect of the Roman province of Judaea from AD 26–36.[1][5] He served under Emperor Tiberius, and is best known today for the trial and crucifixion of Jesus.

The sources for Pilate's life are an inscription known as the Pilate Stone, which confirms his historicity and establishes his title as prefect; a brief mention by Tacitus; Philo of Alexandria; Josephus; the four canonical gospels; the Gospel of Nicodemus; the Gospel of Marcion; and other apocryphal works. Based on these sources, it appears that Pilate was an equestrian of the Pontii family, and succeeded Valerius Gratus as prefect of Judaea in AD 26. Once in his post he offended the religious sensibilities of his subjects, leading to harsh criticism from Philo, and many decades later, Josephus. According to Josephus c. AD 93,[6] Pilate was deposed and sent to Rome by Lucius Vitellius after harshly suppressing a Samaritan uprising, arriving just after the death of Tiberius which occurred on 16 March in AD 37. Pilate was replaced by Marcellus.

In all four gospel accounts, Pilate lobbies for Jesus to be spared his eventual fate of execution, and acquiesces only when the crowd refuses to relent. He thus seeks to avoid personal responsibility for the death of Jesus. In the Gospel of Matthew, Pilate washes his hands to show that he is not responsible for the execution of Jesus and reluctantly sends him to his death.[7] The Gospel of Mark, depicting Jesus as innocent of plotting against the Roman Empire, portrays Pilate as reluctant to execute him.[7] In the Gospel of Luke, Pilate not only agrees that Jesus did not conspire against Rome, but Herod Antipas, the tetrarch of Galilee, also finds nothing treasonable in Jesus' actions.[7] In the Gospel of John, Pilate states "I find no guilt in Him [Jesus]," and he asks the Jews if Jesus should be released from custody.[8]

Scholars have long debated how to interpret Pilate's portrayal in the sources. The significance of the Pilate Stone, an artifact discovered in 1961 that names Pontius Pilate, is similarly debated by scholars.[9][10]"

Herod Antipas - Wikipedia

"Herod Antipater (Greek: Ἡρῴδης Ἀντίπατρος, Hērǭdēs Antipatros; born before 20 BC – died after 39 AD), known by the nickname Antipas, was a 1st-century ruler of Galilee and Perea, who bore the title of tetrarch ("ruler of a quarter") and is referred to as both "Herod the Tetrarch"[1] and "King Herod"[2] in the New Testament although he never held the title of king.[3] He is best known today for accounts in the New Testament of his role in events that led to the executions of John the Baptist and Jesus of Nazareth.

After being named to the throne by Augustus upon the death of his father, Herod the Great, in 4 BC, and subsequent ethnarch rule by his brother, Herod Archelaus, Antipas ruled Galilee and Perea as a client state of the Roman Empire. He was responsible for building projects at Sepphoris and Betharamphtha, and more important for the construction of his capital Tiberias on the western shore of the Sea of Galilee. Named in honor of his patron, the emperor Tiberius, the city later became a center of rabbinic learning.

Antipas divorced his first wife Phasaelis, the daughter of King Aretas IV of Nabatea, in favour of Herodias, who had formerly been married to his half-brother Herod II. (Antipas was Herod the Great's son by Malthace, while Herod II was his son by Mariamne II.)[4][5] According to the New Testament Gospels, it was John the Baptist's condemnation of this arrangement that led Antipas to have him arrested; John was subsequently put to death in Machaerus. Besides provoking his conflict with the Baptiser, the tetrarch's divorce added a personal grievance to previous disputes with Aretas over territory on the border of Perea and Nabatea. The result was a war that proved disastrous for Antipas; a Roman counter-offensive was ordered by Tiberius, but abandoned upon that emperor's death in 37 AD. In 39 AD Antipas was accused by his nephew Agrippa I of conspiracy against the new Roman emperor Caligula, who sent him into exile in Gaul. Accompanied there by Herodias, he died at an unknown date.

The Gospel of Luke states that Jesus was first brought before Pontius Pilate for trial, since Pilate was the governor of Roman Judea, which encompassed Jerusalem where Jesus was arrested. Pilate initially handed him over to Antipas, in whose territory Jesus had been most active, but Antipas sent him back to Pilate's court."
Can you copy&paste a bigger piece next time? :lol:
In a hundred years from now, let me know what it was like to die w/o a Savior.

So you say Jesus lied about never dying, that I'm gonna die? Doesn't that mean he was the serpent in Genesis?
Savior means to save right?
Am I missing something, the guy who couldn't save himself, couldn't save his martyred apostles, caused 1/3 his fishies to die in Rome(seas), and to this day Christian cry persecution in Islamic lands, but I'm supposed to be sorry not having that kind of
epic failure to save in my life?
Seriously? Didn't you get the premise of the Abraham's idol store story?
I'll repost it just for you:
Oral tradition on Abraham's idol shop realization, talks of a woman visiting his shop to buy an idol, because some thieves stole her other one and she needed a replacement to protect her house.
Abraham said these words of wisdom in reply:"Is it not foolish to think that an idol that could not save itself, will save you?"
Take these words of Abraham and place them on the idol Jesus.
Is it not foolish to think Jesus an image of a man who couldn't save himself, his friends the apostles, and followers then and now could somehow save you by your affiliation, bowing to his statue, or saying his made up name over and over like some beetle juice character?
THE tax revolter Christ in the time of Lysania (died 35bc) and King Herod (died 4bc) was Yehuda the Galilean (died 6bc) and would be the one talking about taxes to Caesar
(Julius Caesar ruled as a dictator from 49 B.C. to 44 B.C. , when he was assassinated.)
Therefore this Christ could not be the same as in the time of Pilate. EWTN Priests claim Pilate and Caesar in the same era and Jesus in the era of Pilate in the AD era, proving they have no clue about historical chronology, order of events and personas in history, and therefore get caught teaching many christs in wrong eras to acct their fallacious compiled Jesus created image of a man fr9m these many christs as well as stealing the stories of Baal to deify the character.

The only historical christ figure in the AD era in the time of Pilate was Theudas by the Jordan (died 45ad)who's apostles were martyrs. That can't be the same figure Yehuda of Galilee in the time of Herod(died 4bc) and Lysanias (35bc) and Caesar (44bc).
Yehuda who was a tax revolter talking about Rome's taxes in the NT
is the one Bill O'Reilly uses for his book Killing Jesus, but that Christ is not the one who's apostles were Martyrs.
My History section post on compiled characters making Peter from the many Shimons helps make this point because the NT contradicts where the Christ first meets Shimon (each era christ had a Shimon) so the NT accidentally reveals the conflicting locations of the 2 christs and Shimons;
(a) By the sea of Galilee
(Matthew 4:18-22).
(b) On the banks of river Jordan
(John 1:42).
Josephus : on Yehuda the Galilean and the similar confused named thief murderer Yehuda the Galionite(used for the table turners & Jesus Barabbas scenes):
Book 18 chapter 1 is where the heart of the info on the tax revolt and teaching of the crucified Yehuda of Galilee is mentioned.
NOTE: Luke mentions him once, in
Acts 5:37, and Josephus several times, once here, sect. 6; and B. XX. ch. 5. sect. 2; Of the War, B. II. ch. 8. sect. 1; and ch. 17. sect. 8, calls this Judas, who was the pestilent author of that seditious doctrine and temper which brought the Jewish nation to utter destruction, a Galilean; but here (sect. 1) Josephus calls him a Gaulonite, of the city of Gamala; it is a great question where this Judas was born, whether in Galilee on the west side, or in Gaulonitis on the east side, of the river Jordan; while, in the place just now cited out of the Antiquities, B. XX. ch. 5. sect. 2, he is not only called a Galilean, but it is added to his story, "as I have signified in the books that go before these," as if he had still called him a Galilean in those Antiquities before, as well as in that particular place, as Dean Aldrich observes, Of the War, B. II. ch. 8. sect. 1.
Neither the King Herod era christ nor AD Pilate era Christ have anything to do with the half Roman who the Harlot Church preferred named Yeshu son of Mary of 100bc, who is the one the NT says was slew(stoned)and hanged (not crucified like the other 2 were) "on Passover"-John 18-19 and Mark 14-15
Source: Acts 5:30 "Jesus, whom ye slew and hanged on a tree" Acts 10:39 "whom they slew and hanged on a tree" Acts 13:29 "they took him down from the tree" 1 Peter 2:24 "who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree" Galatians 3:13 "Christ... being made a curse upon us... Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree"
This is why I asked which christ are you calling Jesus, because in the real world we get to investigate and discuss the historical not the fictitious images of men who need new names to keep you from finding the poor schlep behind the image made perfect
-Ezekiel 28 on the fallen son of perdition as a created image of a man made fallaciously perfect to be claimed both anointed and a god through that created false image.
Sure about that?

Tiberius - Wikipedia

"Gospels, Jews, and Christians

The tribute penny mentioned in the Bible is commonly believed to be a Roman denarius depicting the Emperor Tiberius.
The Gospels mention that during Tiberius' reign, Jesus of Nazareth preached and was executed under the authority of Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor of Judaea province. In the Bible, Tiberius is mentioned by name only once, in Luke 3:1,[103] which states that John the Baptist entered on his public ministry in the fifteenth year of his reign. Many references to Caesar (or the emperor in some other translations), without further specification, would seem to refer to Tiberius. Similarly, the "Tribute Penny" referred to in Matthew[104] and Mark[105] is popularly thought to be a silver denarius coin of Tiberius.[106][107][108]

During Tiberius' reign Jews had become more prominent in Rome and Jewish and Gentile followers of Jesus began proselytizing Roman citizens, increasing long-simmering resentments.[109] Tiberius in 19 AD ordered Jews who were of military age to join the Roman Army.[109] Tiberius banished the rest of the Jews from Rome and threatened to enslave them for life if they did not leave the city.[109]

There is considerable debate among historians as to when Christianity was differentiated from Judaism.[109] Most scholars believe that Roman distinction between Jews and Christians took place around 70 AD.[109] Tiberius most likely viewed Christians as a Jewish sect rather than a separate, distinct faith.[109]"

Pontius Pilate - Wikipedia

"Pontius Pilate (/ˌpɒnʃəs, ˌpɒntʃəs, ˌpɒnti.əs ˈpaɪlət/;[2][3][4] Latin: Pontius Pīlātus, Greek: Πόντιος Πιλάτος, Pontios Pilatos) was the fifth prefect of the Roman province of Judaea from AD 26–36.[1][5] He served under Emperor Tiberius, and is best known today for the trial and crucifixion of Jesus.

The sources for Pilate's life are an inscription known as the Pilate Stone, which confirms his historicity and establishes his title as prefect; a brief mention by Tacitus; Philo of Alexandria; Josephus; the four canonical gospels; the Gospel of Nicodemus; the Gospel of Marcion; and other apocryphal works. Based on these sources, it appears that Pilate was an equestrian of the Pontii family, and succeeded Valerius Gratus as prefect of Judaea in AD 26. Once in his post he offended the religious sensibilities of his subjects, leading to harsh criticism from Philo, and many decades later, Josephus. According to Josephus c. AD 93,[6] Pilate was deposed and sent to Rome by Lucius Vitellius after harshly suppressing a Samaritan uprising, arriving just after the death of Tiberius which occurred on 16 March in AD 37. Pilate was replaced by Marcellus.

In all four gospel accounts, Pilate lobbies for Jesus to be spared his eventual fate of execution, and acquiesces only when the crowd refuses to relent. He thus seeks to avoid personal responsibility for the death of Jesus. In the Gospel of Matthew, Pilate washes his hands to show that he is not responsible for the execution of Jesus and reluctantly sends him to his death.[7] The Gospel of Mark, depicting Jesus as innocent of plotting against the Roman Empire, portrays Pilate as reluctant to execute him.[7] In the Gospel of Luke, Pilate not only agrees that Jesus did not conspire against Rome, but Herod Antipas, the tetrarch of Galilee, also finds nothing treasonable in Jesus' actions.[7] In the Gospel of John, Pilate states "I find no guilt in Him [Jesus]," and he asks the Jews if Jesus should be released from custody.[8]

Scholars have long debated how to interpret Pilate's portrayal in the sources. The significance of the Pilate Stone, an artifact discovered in 1961 that names Pontius Pilate, is similarly debated by scholars.[9][10]"

Herod Antipas - Wikipedia

"Herod Antipater (Greek: Ἡρῴδης Ἀντίπατρος, Hērǭdēs Antipatros; born before 20 BC – died after 39 AD), known by the nickname Antipas, was a 1st-century ruler of Galilee and Perea, who bore the title of tetrarch ("ruler of a quarter") and is referred to as both "Herod the Tetrarch"[1] and "King Herod"[2] in the New Testament although he never held the title of king.[3] He is best known today for accounts in the New Testament of his role in events that led to the executions of John the Baptist and Jesus of Nazareth.

After being named to the throne by Augustus upon the death of his father, Herod the Great, in 4 BC, and subsequent ethnarch rule by his brother, Herod Archelaus, Antipas ruled Galilee and Perea as a client state of the Roman Empire. He was responsible for building projects at Sepphoris and Betharamphtha, and more important for the construction of his capital Tiberias on the western shore of the Sea of Galilee. Named in honor of his patron, the emperor Tiberius, the city later became a center of rabbinic learning.

Antipas divorced his first wife Phasaelis, the daughter of King Aretas IV of Nabatea, in favour of Herodias, who had formerly been married to his half-brother Herod II. (Antipas was Herod the Great's son by Malthace, while Herod II was his son by Mariamne II.)[4][5] According to the New Testament Gospels, it was John the Baptist's condemnation of this arrangement that led Antipas to have him arrested; John was subsequently put to death in Machaerus. Besides provoking his conflict with the Baptiser, the tetrarch's divorce added a personal grievance to previous disputes with Aretas over territory on the border of Perea and Nabatea. The result was a war that proved disastrous for Antipas; a Roman counter-offensive was ordered by Tiberius, but abandoned upon that emperor'."

That made an excuse for Caesar only and avoided the others which is considered an
Ad Hominem argument. It did not address the OP only a portion and it exposed the Church mistakes validating my comments about their lacking knowledge of history, confused chronological orders which the Bible said Satan would do changing times and holidays.
In other words you helped prove my points exposing the compiled figure.
THE tax revolter Christ in the time of Lysania (died 35bc) and King Herod (died 4bc) was Yehuda the Galilean (died 6bc) and would be the one talking about taxes to Caesar
(Julius Caesar ruled as a dictator from 49 B.C. to 44 B.C. , when he was assassinated.)
Therefore this Christ could not be the same as in the time of Pilate. EWTN Priests claim Pilate and Caesar in the same era and Jesus in the era of Pilate in the AD era, proving they have no clue about historical chronology, order of events and personas in history, and therefore get caught teaching many christs in wrong eras to acct their fallacious compiled Jesus created image of a man fr9m these many christs as well as stealing the stories of Baal to deify the character.

The only historical christ figure in the AD era in the time of Pilate was Theudas by the Jordan (died 45ad)who's apostles were martyrs. That can't be the same figure Yehuda of Galilee in the time of Herod(died 4bc) and Lysanias (35bc) and Caesar (44bc).
Yehuda who was a tax revolter talking about Rome's taxes in the NT
is the one Bill O'Reilly uses for his book Killing Jesus, but that Christ is not the one who's apostles were Martyrs.
My History section post on compiled characters making Peter from the many Shimons helps make this point because the NT contradicts where the Christ first meets Shimon (each era christ had a Shimon) so the NT accidentally reveals the conflicting locations of the 2 christs and Shimons;
(a) By the sea of Galilee
(Matthew 4:18-22).
(b) On the banks of river Jordan
(John 1:42).
Josephus : on Yehuda the Galilean and the similar confused named thief murderer Yehuda the Galionite(used for the table turners & Jesus Barabbas scenes):
Book 18 chapter 1 is where the heart of the info on the tax revolt and teaching of the crucified Yehuda of Galilee is mentioned.
NOTE: Luke mentions him once, in
Acts 5:37, and Josephus several times, once here, sect. 6; and B. XX. ch. 5. sect. 2; Of the War, B. II. ch. 8. sect. 1; and ch. 17. sect. 8, calls this Judas, who was the pestilent author of that seditious doctrine and temper which brought the Jewish nation to utter destruction, a Galilean; but here (sect. 1) Josephus calls him a Gaulonite, of the city of Gamala; it is a great question where this Judas was born, whether in Galilee on the west side, or in Gaulonitis on the east side, of the river Jordan; while, in the place just now cited out of the Antiquities, B. XX. ch. 5. sect. 2, he is not only called a Galilean, but it is added to his story, "as I have signified in the books that go before these," as if he had still called him a Galilean in those Antiquities before, as well as in that particular place, as Dean Aldrich observes, Of the War, B. II. ch. 8. sect. 1.
Neither the King Herod era christ nor AD Pilate era Christ have anything to do with the half Roman who the Harlot Church preferred named Yeshu son of Mary of 100bc, who is the one the NT says was slew(stoned)and hanged (not crucified like the other 2 were) "on Passover"-John 18-19 and Mark 14-15
Source: Acts 5:30 "Jesus, whom ye slew and hanged on a tree" Acts 10:39 "whom they slew and hanged on a tree" Acts 13:29 "they took him down from the tree" 1 Peter 2:24 "who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree" Galatians 3:13 "Christ... being made a curse upon us... Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree"
This is why I asked which christ are you calling Jesus, because in the real world we get to investigate and discuss the historical not the fictitious images of men who need new names to keep you from finding the poor schlep behind the image made perfect
-Ezekiel 28 on the fallen son of perdition as a created image of a man made fallaciously perfect to be claimed both anointed and a god through that created false image.
Sure about that?

Tiberius - Wikipedia

"Gospels, Jews, and Christians

The tribute penny mentioned in the Bible is commonly believed to be a Roman denarius depicting the Emperor Tiberius.
The Gospels mention that during Tiberius' reign, Jesus of Nazareth preached and was executed under the authority of Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor of Judaea province. In the Bible, Tiberius is mentioned by name only once, in Luke 3:1,[103] which states that John the Baptist entered on his public ministry in the fifteenth year of his reign. Many references to Caesar (or the emperor in some other translations), without further specification, would seem to refer to Tiberius. Similarly, the "Tribute Penny" referred to in Matthew[104] and Mark[105] is popularly thought to be a silver denarius coin of Tiberius.[106][107][108]

During Tiberius' reign Jews had become more prominent in Rome and Jewish and Gentile followers of Jesus began proselytizing Roman citizens, increasing long-simmering resentments.[109] Tiberius in 19 AD ordered Jews who were of military age to join the Roman Army.[109] Tiberius banished the rest of the Jews from Rome and threatened to enslave them for life if they did not leave the city.[109]

There is considerable debate among historians as to when Christianity was differentiated from Judaism.[109] Most scholars believe that Roman distinction between Jews and Christians took place around 70 AD.[109] Tiberius most likely viewed Christians as a Jewish sect rather than a separate, distinct faith.[109]"

Pontius Pilate - Wikipedia

"Pontius Pilate (/ˌpɒnʃəs, ˌpɒntʃəs, ˌpɒnti.əs ˈpaɪlət/;[2][3][4] Latin: Pontius Pīlātus, Greek: Πόντιος Πιλάτος, Pontios Pilatos) was the fifth prefect of the Roman province of Judaea from AD 26–36.[1][5] He served under Emperor Tiberius, and is best known today for the trial and crucifixion of Jesus.

The sources for Pilate's life are an inscription known as the Pilate Stone, which confirms his historicity and establishes his title as prefect; a brief mention by Tacitus; Philo of Alexandria; Josephus; the four canonical gospels; the Gospel of Nicodemus; the Gospel of Marcion; and other apocryphal works. Based on these sources, it appears that Pilate was an equestrian of the Pontii family, and succeeded Valerius Gratus as prefect of Judaea in AD 26. Once in his post he offended the religious sensibilities of his subjects, leading to harsh criticism from Philo, and many decades later, Josephus. According to Josephus c. AD 93,[6] Pilate was deposed and sent to Rome by Lucius Vitellius after harshly suppressing a Samaritan uprising, arriving just after the death of Tiberius which occurred on 16 March in AD 37. Pilate was replaced by Marcellus.

In all four gospel accounts, Pilate lobbies for Jesus to be spared his eventual fate of execution, and acquiesces only when the crowd refuses to relent. He thus seeks to avoid personal responsibility for the death of Jesus. In the Gospel of Matthew, Pilate washes his hands to show that he is not responsible for the execution of Jesus and reluctantly sends him to his death.[7] The Gospel of Mark, depicting Jesus as innocent of plotting against the Roman Empire, portrays Pilate as reluctant to execute him.[7] In the Gospel of Luke, Pilate not only agrees that Jesus did not conspire against Rome, but Herod Antipas, the tetrarch of Galilee, also finds nothing treasonable in Jesus' actions.[7] In the Gospel of John, Pilate states "I find no guilt in Him [Jesus]," and he asks the Jews if Jesus should be released from custody.[8]

Scholars have long debated how to interpret Pilate's portrayal in the sources. The significance of the Pilate Stone, an artifact discovered in 1961 that names Pontius Pilate, is similarly debated by scholars.[9][10]"

Herod Antipas - Wikipedia

"Herod Antipater (Greek: Ἡρῴδης Ἀντίπατρος, Hērǭdēs Antipatros; born before 20 BC – died after 39 AD), known by the nickname Antipas, was a 1st-century ruler of Galilee and Perea, who bore the title of tetrarch ("ruler of a quarter") and is referred to as both "Herod the Tetrarch"[1] and "King Herod"[2] in the New Testament although he never held the title of king.[3] He is best known today for accounts in the New Testament of his role in events that led to the executions of John the Baptist and Jesus of Nazareth.

After being named to the throne by Augustus upon the death of his father, Herod the Great, in 4 BC, and subsequent ethnarch rule by his brother, Herod Archelaus, Antipas ruled Galilee and Perea as a client state of the Roman Empire. He was responsible for building projects at Sepphoris and Betharamphtha, and more important for the construction of his capital Tiberias on the western shore of the Sea of Galilee. Named in honor of his patron, the emperor Tiberius, the city later became a center of rabbinic learning.

Antipas divorced his first wife Phasaelis, the daughter of King Aretas IV of Nabatea, in favour of Herodias, who had formerly been married to his half-brother Herod II. (Antipas was Herod the Great's son by Malthace, while Herod II was his son by Mariamne II.)[4][5] According to the New Testament Gospels, it was John the Baptist's condemnation of this arrangement that led Antipas to have him arrested; John was subsequently put to death in Machaerus. Besides provoking his conflict with the Baptiser, the tetrarch's divorce added a personal grievance to previous disputes with Aretas over territory on the border of Perea and Nabatea. The result was a war that proved disastrous for Antipas; a Roman counter-offensive was ordered by Tiberius, but abandoned upon that emperor'."

That made an excuse for Caesar only and avoided the others which is considered an
Ad Hominem argument. It did not address the OP only a portion and it exposed the Church mistakes validating my comments about their lacking knowledge of history, confused chronological orders which the Bible said Satan would do changing times and holidays.
In other words you helped prove my points exposing the compiled figure.
Your logic eludes me. A does not equal B. How you could take being proven wrong as a sign you were proven right is beyond the ability of reason. There were many Caesars. The one who is spoken of in the Bible is Tiberius, not Julius. No, this does not prove that Jesus is a compiled figure. There are 24,000 written manuscripts which prove He did exist. Pilate did exist in time with Jesus. Your argument that since Julius Caesar and Pilate did not exist at the same time is meaningless because Julius was not the Caesar at the time of Christ, Tiberius was.
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THE tax revolter Christ in the time of Lysania (died 35bc) and King Herod (died 4bc) was Yehuda the Galilean (died 6bc) and would be the one talking about taxes to Caesar
(Julius Caesar ruled as a dictator from 49 B.C. to 44 B.C. , when he was assassinated.)
Therefore this Christ could not be the same as in the time of Pilate. EWTN Priests claim Pilate and Caesar in the same era and Jesus in the era of Pilate in the AD era, proving they have no clue about historical chronology, order of events and personas in history, and therefore get caught teaching many christs in wrong eras to acct their fallacious compiled Jesus created image of a man fr9m these many christs as well as stealing the stories of Baal to deify the character.

The only historical christ figure in the AD era in the time of Pilate was Theudas by the Jordan (died 45ad)who's apostles were martyrs. That can't be the same figure Yehuda of Galilee in the time of Herod(died 4bc) and Lysanias (35bc) and Caesar (44bc).
Yehuda who was a tax revolter talking about Rome's taxes in the NT
is the one Bill O'Reilly uses for his book Killing Jesus, but that Christ is not the one who's apostles were Martyrs.
My History section post on compiled characters making Peter from the many Shimons helps make this point because the NT contradicts where the Christ first meets Shimon (each era christ had a Shimon) so the NT accidentally reveals the conflicting locations of the 2 christs and Shimons;
(a) By the sea of Galilee
(Matthew 4:18-22).
(b) On the banks of river Jordan
(John 1:42).
Josephus : on Yehuda the Galilean and the similar confused named thief murderer Yehuda the Galionite(used for the table turners & Jesus Barabbas scenes):
Book 18 chapter 1 is where the heart of the info on the tax revolt and teaching of the crucified Yehuda of Galilee is mentioned.
NOTE: Luke mentions him once, in
Acts 5:37, and Josephus several times, once here, sect. 6; and B. XX. ch. 5. sect. 2; Of the War, B. II. ch. 8. sect. 1; and ch. 17. sect. 8, calls this Judas, who was the pestilent author of that seditious doctrine and temper which brought the Jewish nation to utter destruction, a Galilean; but here (sect. 1) Josephus calls him a Gaulonite, of the city of Gamala; it is a great question where this Judas was born, whether in Galilee on the west side, or in Gaulonitis on the east side, of the river Jordan; while, in the place just now cited out of the Antiquities, B. XX. ch. 5. sect. 2, he is not only called a Galilean, but it is added to his story, "as I have signified in the books that go before these," as if he had still called him a Galilean in those Antiquities before, as well as in that particular place, as Dean Aldrich observes, Of the War, B. II. ch. 8. sect. 1.
Neither the King Herod era christ nor AD Pilate era Christ have anything to do with the half Roman who the Harlot Church preferred named Yeshu son of Mary of 100bc, who is the one the NT says was slew(stoned)and hanged (not crucified like the other 2 were) "on Passover"-John 18-19 and Mark 14-15
Source: Acts 5:30 "Jesus, whom ye slew and hanged on a tree" Acts 10:39 "whom they slew and hanged on a tree" Acts 13:29 "they took him down from the tree" 1 Peter 2:24 "who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree" Galatians 3:13 "Christ... being made a curse upon us... Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree"
This is why I asked which christ are you calling Jesus, because in the real world we get to investigate and discuss the historical not the fictitious images of men who need new names to keep you from finding the poor schlep behind the image made perfect
-Ezekiel 28 on the fallen son of perdition as a created image of a man made fallaciously perfect to be claimed both anointed and a god through that created false image.
Sure about that?

Tiberius - Wikipedia

"Gospels, Jews, and Christians

The tribute penny mentioned in the Bible is commonly believed to be a Roman denarius depicting the Emperor Tiberius.
The Gospels mention that during Tiberius' reign, Jesus of Nazareth preached and was executed under the authority of Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor of Judaea province. In the Bible, Tiberius is mentioned by name only once, in Luke 3:1,[103] which states that John the Baptist entered on his public ministry in the fifteenth year of his reign. Many references to Caesar (or the emperor in some other translations), without further specification, would seem to refer to Tiberius. Similarly, the "Tribute Penny" referred to in Matthew[104] and Mark[105] is popularly thought to be a silver denarius coin of Tiberius.[106][107][108]

During Tiberius' reign Jews had become more prominent in Rome and Jewish and Gentile followers of Jesus began proselytizing Roman citizens, increasing long-simmering resentments.[109] Tiberius in 19 AD ordered Jews who were of military age to join the Roman Army.[109] Tiberius banished the rest of the Jews from Rome and threatened to enslave them for life if they did not leave the city.[109]

There is considerable debate among historians as to when Christianity was differentiated from Judaism.[109] Most scholars believe that Roman distinction between Jews and Christians took place around 70 AD.[109] Tiberius most likely viewed Christians as a Jewish sect rather than a separate, distinct faith.[109]"

Pontius Pilate - Wikipedia

"Pontius Pilate (/ˌpɒnʃəs, ˌpɒntʃəs, ˌpɒnti.əs ˈpaɪlət/;[2][3][4] Latin: Pontius Pīlātus, Greek: Πόντιος Πιλάτος, Pontios Pilatos) was the fifth prefect of the Roman province of Judaea from AD 26–36.[1][5] He served under Emperor Tiberius, and is best known today for the trial and crucifixion of Jesus.

The sources for Pilate's life are an inscription known as the Pilate Stone, which confirms his historicity and establishes his title as prefect; a brief mention by Tacitus; Philo of Alexandria; Josephus; the four canonical gospels; the Gospel of Nicodemus; the Gospel of Marcion; and other apocryphal works. Based on these sources, it appears that Pilate was an equestrian of the Pontii family, and succeeded Valerius Gratus as prefect of Judaea in AD 26. Once in his post he offended the religious sensibilities of his subjects, leading to harsh criticism from Philo, and many decades later, Josephus. According to Josephus c. AD 93,[6] Pilate was deposed and sent to Rome by Lucius Vitellius after harshly suppressing a Samaritan uprising, arriving just after the death of Tiberius which occurred on 16 March in AD 37. Pilate was replaced by Marcellus.

In all four gospel accounts, Pilate lobbies for Jesus to be spared his eventual fate of execution, and acquiesces only when the crowd refuses to relent. He thus seeks to avoid personal responsibility for the death of Jesus. In the Gospel of Matthew, Pilate washes his hands to show that he is not responsible for the execution of Jesus and reluctantly sends him to his death.[7] The Gospel of Mark, depicting Jesus as innocent of plotting against the Roman Empire, portrays Pilate as reluctant to execute him.[7] In the Gospel of Luke, Pilate not only agrees that Jesus did not conspire against Rome, but Herod Antipas, the tetrarch of Galilee, also finds nothing treasonable in Jesus' actions.[7] In the Gospel of John, Pilate states "I find no guilt in Him [Jesus]," and he asks the Jews if Jesus should be released from custody.[8]

Scholars have long debated how to interpret Pilate's portrayal in the sources. The significance of the Pilate Stone, an artifact discovered in 1961 that names Pontius Pilate, is similarly debated by scholars.[9][10]"

Herod Antipas - Wikipedia

"Herod Antipater (Greek: Ἡρῴδης Ἀντίπατρος, Hērǭdēs Antipatros; born before 20 BC – died after 39 AD), known by the nickname Antipas, was a 1st-century ruler of Galilee and Perea, who bore the title of tetrarch ("ruler of a quarter") and is referred to as both "Herod the Tetrarch"[1] and "King Herod"[2] in the New Testament although he never held the title of king.[3] He is best known today for accounts in the New Testament of his role in events that led to the executions of John the Baptist and Jesus of Nazareth.

After being named to the throne by Augustus upon the death of his father, Herod the Great, in 4 BC, and subsequent ethnarch rule by his brother, Herod Archelaus, Antipas ruled Galilee and Perea as a client state of the Roman Empire. He was responsible for building projects at Sepphoris and Betharamphtha, and more important for the construction of his capital Tiberias on the western shore of the Sea of Galilee. Named in honor of his patron, the emperor Tiberius, the city later became a center of rabbinic learning.

Antipas divorced his first wife Phasaelis, the daughter of King Aretas IV of Nabatea, in favour of Herodias, who had formerly been married to his half-brother Herod II. (Antipas was Herod the Great's son by Malthace, while Herod II was his son by Mariamne II.)[4][5] According to the New Testament Gospels, it was John the Baptist's condemnation of this arrangement that led Antipas to have him arrested; John was subsequently put to death in Machaerus. Besides provoking his conflict with the Baptiser, the tetrarch's divorce added a personal grievance to previous disputes with Aretas over territory on the border of Perea and Nabatea. The result was a war that proved disastrous for Antipas; a Roman counter-offensive was ordered by Tiberius, but abandoned upon that emperor'."

That made an excuse for Caesar only and avoided the others which is considered an
Ad Hominem argument. It did not address the OP only a portion and it exposed the Church mistakes validating my comments about their lacking knowledge of history, confused chronological orders which the Bible said Satan would do changing times and holidays.
In other words you helped prove my points exposing the compiled figure.
Your logic eludes me. A does not equal B. How you could take being proven wrong as a sign you were proven right is beyond the ability of reason. There were many Caesars. The one who is spoken of in the Bible is Tiberius, not Julius. No, this does not prove that Jesus is a compiled figure. There are 24,000 written manuscripts which prove He did. Pilas did exist in time with Jesus. Your argument that since Julius Caesar and Pilate did not exist at the same time is meaningless because Julius was not the Caesar at the time of Christ, Tiberius was.
But then again, according to you, the bible is allegorical.
Your logic eludes me. A does not equal B. How you could take being proven wrong as a sign you were proven right is beyond the ability of reason. There were many Caesars. The one who is spoken of in the Bible is Tiberius
Because you have no sense or honesty in you.
You did not prove the OP wrong, you merely made an attempt to disprove a small portion regarding Caesar which is subjective at
best. This means you not only used an ad hominem argument but had to lie about it instead of admit you got busted and that you busted on the preachers and priests who teach Caesar as Julius Caesar opposing your failed view which to most is not a good argument except when trying to make excuses for having the wrong era.
Therefore you proved my point about
priests who say it's Julius Caesar don't know history or chronological order as even you are saying the priests are wrong.
Now you are playing both sides the argument saying I am wrong for accusing
them of that you yourself are accusing them of mistaking characters.
You busted yourself then displaced it upon me like the typical forum troll you are.
But you also proved previous points that out of your acts of darkness comes opposite your intent by top posting the subject and agreeing with me, but fighting what you yourself are saying thus fighting yourself=hitting yourself.
Your attempt to annoy people ends up entertaining them instead.
Your attempt to smokescreen ends up bringing the point home even further.=cause & affect.
Exposing the needs to lie for your charade is just a bonus revelation & that calling priests liars in your argument only helps hit home the whole father of all lies point.
tmp_23649-king of ding1634094008.jpg
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Proof Ding doesn't know what he's talking about:
The term Caesar for meaning emporer did not start at the time of the 3-4 Christ figures, but later. The character could not have referred to Tiberius or any emporer but Julius Caesar least you admit later writers made up the fictitious characters speaches.
Making the ad hominem argument worse for the liar using it.

Caesar (title) - Wikipedia

Your logic eludes me. A does not equal B. How you could take being proven wrong as a sign you were proven right is beyond the ability of reason. There were many Caesars. The one who is spoken of in the Bible is Tiberius
Because you have no sense or honesty in you.
You did not prove the OP wrong, you merely made an attempt to disprove a small portion regarding Caesar which is subjective at
best. This means you not only used an ad hominem argument but had to lie about it instead of admit you got busted and that you busted on the preachers and priests who teach Caesar as Julius Caesar opposing your failed view which to most is not a good argument except when trying to make excuses for having the wrong era.
Therefore you proved my point about
priests who say it's Julius Caesar don't know history or chronological order as even you are saying the priests are wrong.
Now you are playing both sides the argument saying I am wrong for accusing
them of that you yourself are accusing them of mistaking characters.
You busted yourself then displaced it upon me like the typical forum troll you are.
But you also proved previous points that out of your acts of darkness comes opposite your intent by top posting the subject and agreeing with me, but fighting what you yourself are saying thus fighting yourself=hitting yourself.
Your attempt to annoy people ends up entertaining them instead.
Your attempt to smokescreen ends up bringing the point home even further.=cause & affect.
Exposing the needs to lie for your charade is just a bonus revelation & that calling priests liars in your argument only helps hit home the whole father of all lies point.
View attachment 114191
Your whole OP was based upon the error that the Bible was referring to Julius Caesar. Of course I have proven it wrong. You can call me dishonest until the cows come home and it will not alter the fatal flaw of your argument. If anyone is being dishonest here, it is you for not acknowledging the fatal flaw of your argument. The whole basis of your argument is based on an error that you made. It is not a small portion. It is the linchpin of your argument and it is flawed. It is in black and white for everyone to see.

I did not attack your character. If anything, you are the one attacking my character by calling me dishonest. All I wrote is that "Your logic eludes me. A does not equal B. How you could take being proven wrong as a sign you were proven right is beyond the ability of reason. There were many Caesars. The one who is spoken of in the Bible is Tiberius how is that an ad hominem attack? Your logic does elude me. Julius Caesar was not the caesar mentioned in the Bible. You were the one who made that error. So A does not equal B. And the fact that you attempted to use your error as proof that you were right is beyond the ability of reason as reason demands that you correct your error and start over and since your belief that Julius Caesar was the Caesar was the linchpin of your argument, you have no argument to make.

There is no darkness friend. There is only an error that you made. I am not dark because I pointed it out.

I am not trying to annoy you. I am trying to correct your error and point out the fatal flaw of your argument. If you are being annoyed, you should be annoyed with yourself.

There is no smokescreen. Julius Caesar was not the caesar mentioned in the Bible, Tiberius was. The whole basis of your argument is based on an error that you made. It is the linchpin of your argument and it is flawed.

You have not exposed anything other than your denial of the error that you made and your attempt to continue an argument that is fatally flawed.
No it wasn't, nice try leaving out Lysanias, King Herod, and the census and the fact proof is in their changing his birthdate to 6bc. which still failed as bad as your posts.
You should get a job with CNN, they tend to leave out important context all the time too.
Ad Hominem refutations include when you take small portions of a full issue and argue those points while avoiding the other problematic points. BUT WHEN YOU CLAIMED it proved the post wrong through 1 of 10 points you became an outright liar exposed as needing to always lie to avoid the reality truth you can't refute.

LET'S take inventorty: None of your replies refuted anything in the Post, but it did prove the posts.
You call Wikipedia a Lie and deny what it says and place your opinions & yourself above Wikipedia.
You previously called Websters Dictionary a lie and denied what it says & place yourself above the dictionary and the Encyclopedia.
Remember you deny Websters:

[See Lucifer here etymology of "": "[ the morning star, a fallen rebel archangel, THE Devil, fr. OE. fr. Latin, the morning star, fr. Lucifer light-bearing, fr. luc light + -fer -ferous--more at LIGHT]" (Webster's, p.677)

"So we have the prophetic message more fully confirmed. You will do well to be attentive to this as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star (LUCIFER)rises in your hearts." -- 2 Peter 1:19
"... from my Father. To the one who conquers(DESTROYS) I will also give the morning star(LUCIFER)." -- Revelation 2:28
· Revelation 22:16 I, Jesus, have sent my angel to testify these things in the churches.
· I am the bright and Morning Star (lucifer)
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No it wasn't, nice try leaving out Lysanias, King Herod, and the census and the fact proof is in their changing his birthdate to 6bc. which still failed as bad as your posts.
You should get a job with CNN, they tend to leave out important context all the time too.
Ad Hominem refutations include when you take small portions of a full issue and argue those points while avoiding the other problematic points. BUT WHEN YOU CLAIMED it proved the post wrong through 1 of 10 points you became an outright liar exposed as needing to always lie to avoid the reality truth you can't refute.

LET'S take inventorty: None of your replies refuted anything in the Post, but it did prove the posts.
You call Wikipedia a Lie and deny what it says and place your opinions & yourself above Wikipedia.
You previously called Websters Dictionary a lie and denied what it says & place yourself above the dictionary and the Encyclopedia.
Remember you deny Websters:

[See Lucifer here etymology of "": "[ the morning star, a fallen rebel archangel, THE Devil, fr. OE. fr. Latin, the morning star, fr. Lucifer light-bearing, fr. luc light + -fer -ferous--more at LIGHT]" (Webster's, p.677)

"So we have the prophetic message more fully confirmed. You will do well to be attentive to this as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star (LUCIFER)rises in your hearts." -- 2 Peter 1:19
"... from my Father. To the one who conquers(DESTROYS) I will also give the morning star(LUCIFER)." -- Revelation 2:28
· Revelation 22:16 I, Jesus, have sent my angel to testify these things in the churches.
· I am the bright and Morning Star (lucifer)
I didn't leave out Herod. See post #5.

Herod Antipas - Wikipedia

I didn't make an ad hominem attack either. You are the one doing that.

I didn't call Wikipedia or Websters Dictionary a lie. You must be confusing me with someone else.

You can try to change the subject all you want, but your OP has been refuted. Your whole OP was based upon the error that the Bible was referring to Julius Caesar. I have proven you that you were wrong. It is not a small portion as you claimed in post #11. It is the linchpin of your OP and it is flawed. It is in black and white for everyone to see.
I SAID KING HEROD, you are claiming his son as one in the same I'm discussing proving my points about being historically illiterate and lying.
Herod Antipas was the son of the Jewish King Herod the Great.
You lied like a 4th or 5th time, because you denied that you were wrong anput Caesar and now about the 1 point out of many=ad hominem excuse response.
You are like a habitual liar.
Fact: my post was about EWTN not knowing historical chronology and EWTN says
"Julius Caesar" when discussing Pilate, an impossibility as they are from different eras as are all the converged christs accounts.
I keep letting you dig yourself further in the hole as you "make my points". :)

In other words you were mistaken or lying purposefully when you stated:
"Your whole OP was based upon the error 'that the Bible' was referring to Julius Caesar."
That's not true and you know it=a lie
If you don't know it's not true, then that proves your comprehension is skewed.
Which is it?
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THE tax revolter Christ in the time of Lysania (died 35bc) and King Herod (died 4bc) was Yehuda the Galilean (died 6bc) and would be the one talking about taxes to Caesar
(Julius Caesar ruled as a dictator from 49 B.C. to 44 B.C. , when he was assassinated.)
Therefore this Christ could not be the same as in the time of Pilate. EWTN Priests claim Pilate and Caesar in the same era and Jesus in the era of Pilate in the AD era, proving they have no clue about historical chronology, order of events and personas in history, and therefore get caught teaching many christs in wrong eras to acct their fallacious compiled Jesus created image of a man fr9m these many christs as well as stealing the stories of Baal to deify the character.

The only historical christ figure in the AD era in the time of Pilate was Theudas by the Jordan (died 45ad)who's apostles were martyrs. That can't be the same figure Yehuda of Galilee in the time of Herod(died 4bc) and Lysanias (35bc) and Caesar (44bc).
Yehuda who was a tax revolter talking about Rome's taxes in the NT
is the one Bill O'Reilly uses for his book Killing Jesus, but that Christ is not the one who's apostles were Martyrs.
My History section post on compiled characters making Peter from the many Shimons helps make this point because the NT contradicts where the Christ first meets Shimon (each era christ had a Shimon) so the NT accidentally reveals the conflicting locations of the 2 christs and Shimons;
(a) By the sea of Galilee
(Matthew 4:18-22).
(b) On the banks of river Jordan
(John 1:42).
Josephus : on Yehuda the Galilean and the similar confused named thief murderer Yehuda the Galionite(used for the table turners & Jesus Barabbas scenes):
Book 18 chapter 1 is where the heart of the info on the tax revolt and teaching of the crucified Yehuda of Galilee is mentioned.
NOTE: Luke mentions him once, in
Acts 5:37, and Josephus several times, once here, sect. 6; and B. XX. ch. 5. sect. 2; Of the War, B. II. ch. 8. sect. 1; and ch. 17. sect. 8, calls this Judas, who was the pestilent author of that seditious doctrine and temper which brought the Jewish nation to utter destruction, a Galilean; but here (sect. 1) Josephus calls him a Gaulonite, of the city of Gamala; it is a great question where this Judas was born, whether in Galilee on the west side, or in Gaulonitis on the east side, of the river Jordan; while, in the place just now cited out of the Antiquities, B. XX. ch. 5. sect. 2, he is not only called a Galilean, but it is added to his story, "as I have signified in the books that go before these," as if he had still called him a Galilean in those Antiquities before, as well as in that particular place, as Dean Aldrich observes, Of the War, B. II. ch. 8. sect. 1.
Neither the King Herod era christ nor AD Pilate era Christ have anything to do with the half Roman who the Harlot Church preferred named Yeshu son of Mary of 100bc, who is the one the NT says was slew(stoned)and hanged (not crucified like the other 2 were) "on Passover"-John 18-19 and Mark 14-15
Source: Acts 5:30 "Jesus, whom ye slew and hanged on a tree" Acts 10:39 "whom they slew and hanged on a tree" Acts 13:29 "they took him down from the tree" 1 Peter 2:24 "who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree" Galatians 3:13 "Christ... being made a curse upon us... Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree"
This is why I asked which christ are you calling Jesus, because in the real world we get to investigate and discuss the historical not the fictitious images of men who need new names to keep you from finding the poor schlep behind the image made perfect
-Ezekiel 28 on the fallen son of perdition as a created image of a man made fallaciously perfect to be claimed both anointed and a god through that created false image.
This is an Argument based on Ignorance. You claim since you can find no historical data that satisfies your criteria or meets your standards, no such person exists, or you imply it.

That you cannot find said historical facts while literally billions of other people have to their own satisfaction, only means that you are a poor investigator.
THE tax revolter Christ in the time of Lysania (died 35bc) and King Herod (died 4bc) was Yehuda the Galilean (died 6bc) and would be the one talking about taxes to Caesar
(Julius Caesar ruled as a dictator from 49 B.C. to 44 B.C. , when he was assassinated.)
Therefore this Christ could not be the same as in the time of Pilate. EWTN Priests claim Pilate and Caesar in the same era and Jesus in the era of Pilate in the AD era, proving they have no clue about historical chronology, order of events and personas in history, and therefore get caught teaching many christs in wrong eras to acct their fallacious compiled Jesus created image of a man fr9m these many christs as well as stealing the stories of Baal to deify the character.

The only historical christ figure in the AD era in the time of Pilate was Theudas by the Jordan (died 45ad)who's apostles were martyrs. That can't be the same figure Yehuda of Galilee in the time of Herod(died 4bc) and Lysanias (35bc) and Caesar (44bc).
Yehuda who was a tax revolter talking about Rome's taxes in the NT
is the one Bill O'Reilly uses for his book Killing Jesus, but that Christ is not the one who's apostles were Martyrs.
My History section post on compiled characters making Peter from the many Shimons helps make this point because the NT contradicts where the Christ first meets Shimon (each era christ had a Shimon) so the NT accidentally reveals the conflicting locations of the 2 christs and Shimons;
(a) By the sea of Galilee
(Matthew 4:18-22).
(b) On the banks of river Jordan
(John 1:42).
Josephus : on Yehuda the Galilean and the similar confused named thief murderer Yehuda the Galionite(used for the table turners & Jesus Barabbas scenes):
Book 18 chapter 1 is where the heart of the info on the tax revolt and teaching of the crucified Yehuda of Galilee is mentioned.
NOTE: Luke mentions him once, in
Acts 5:37, and Josephus several times, once here, sect. 6; and B. XX. ch. 5. sect. 2; Of the War, B. II. ch. 8. sect. 1; and ch. 17. sect. 8, calls this Judas, who was the pestilent author of that seditious doctrine and temper which brought the Jewish nation to utter destruction, a Galilean; but here (sect. 1) Josephus calls him a Gaulonite, of the city of Gamala; it is a great question where this Judas was born, whether in Galilee on the west side, or in Gaulonitis on the east side, of the river Jordan; while, in the place just now cited out of the Antiquities, B. XX. ch. 5. sect. 2, he is not only called a Galilean, but it is added to his story, "as I have signified in the books that go before these," as if he had still called him a Galilean in those Antiquities before, as well as in that particular place, as Dean Aldrich observes, Of the War, B. II. ch. 8. sect. 1.
Neither the King Herod era christ nor AD Pilate era Christ have anything to do with the half Roman who the Harlot Church preferred named Yeshu son of Mary of 100bc, who is the one the NT says was slew(stoned)and hanged (not crucified like the other 2 were) "on Passover"-John 18-19 and Mark 14-15
Source: Acts 5:30 "Jesus, whom ye slew and hanged on a tree" Acts 10:39 "whom they slew and hanged on a tree" Acts 13:29 "they took him down from the tree" 1 Peter 2:24 "who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree" Galatians 3:13 "Christ... being made a curse upon us... Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree"
This is why I asked which christ are you calling Jesus, because in the real world we get to investigate and discuss the historical not the fictitious images of men who need new names to keep you from finding the poor schlep behind the image made perfect
-Ezekiel 28 on the fallen son of perdition as a created image of a man made fallaciously perfect to be claimed both anointed and a god through that created false image.
This is an Argument based on Ignorance. You claim since you can find no historical data that satisfies your criteria or meets your standards, no such person exists, or you imply it.

That you cannot find said historical facts while literally billions of other people have to their own satisfaction, only means that you are a poor investigator.

Failed comment:
1)it's an ad hominem response
2)has no backing of sources or basis for the subjective opinion that was stated as fact.
3)contradicts historical sources I provided and the NT, so you'd be denouncing the NT as legit which is correct it has over 50,000 errors and lies(few examples were in my post and #4 below here), many being historical inaccuracies.
4)worse of all the problems is the NT in Acts itself mentions the 2 other christ figures besides the harlot's son. It proves my point by listing Theudas by the Jordan(died 45ad) dying before Yehuda the Galilean christ(died 6bc). Then as I mentioned:
In compiling characters they are also making Peter from the many Shimons and the NT helps make this point because the NT contradicts where the Christ first meets Shimon (each era christ had a Shimon) so the NT accidentally reveals the conflicting locations of the 2 christs and their 2 Shimons;
(a) By the sea of Galilee (Yehuda)
(Matthew 4:18-22).
(b) On the banks of river Jordan(Theudas)
(John 1:42).
Furthermore the NT says Paul and James were at odds claiming each was worshiping a different christ then they were and John of Patmos is saying Rome worshiped another Christ then he was claiming as the figure EMULATING(like unto) SON OF MAN
-Rev 1:13
And lastly the mistaken Claim by Christianity in saying Jesus is in Zech 12:10 subjects you to what it says that agrees with me.
So insult me and you insult your NT and your religion that uses verses that agrees with my investigation. Read Zech in the Tanakh version 12:10 shows if you claim Jesus in that verse you are stuck with it saying You will pierce "me" but mourn for "him", declaring 2 seperate people, one they pierce but the other one they'd mourn as if it was him.=mistaken identity=compiled figure.

So you have to trash your religion,
your book, your logic, your teachings, and your preachers just to take a wack at me instead of the facts.
The fact you are willing to throw these including yourself under the bus just to hit and run at me is very telling of an abusive religion.
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THE tax revolter Christ in the time of Lysania (died 35bc) and King Herod (died 4bc) was Yehuda the Galilean (died 6bc) and would be the one talking about taxes to Caesar
(Julius Caesar ruled as a dictator from 49 B.C. to 44 B.C. , when he was assassinated.)
Therefore this Christ could not be the same as in the time of Pilate. EWTN Priests claim Pilate and Caesar in the same era and Jesus in the era of Pilate in the AD era, proving they have no clue about historical chronology, order of events and personas in history, and therefore get caught teaching many christs in wrong eras to acct their fallacious compiled Jesus created image of a man fr9m these many christs as well as stealing the stories of Baal to deify the character.

The only historical christ figure in the AD era in the time of Pilate was Theudas by the Jordan (died 45ad)who's apostles were martyrs. That can't be the same figure Yehuda of Galilee in the time of Herod(died 4bc) and Lysanias (35bc) and Caesar (44bc).
Yehuda who was a tax revolter talking about Rome's taxes in the NT
is the one Bill O'Reilly uses for his book Killing Jesus, but that Christ is not the one who's apostles were Martyrs.
My History section post on compiled characters making Peter from the many Shimons helps make this point because the NT contradicts where the Christ first meets Shimon (each era christ had a Shimon) so the NT accidentally reveals the conflicting locations of the 2 christs and Shimons;
(a) By the sea of Galilee
(Matthew 4:18-22).
(b) On the banks of river Jordan
(John 1:42).
Josephus : on Yehuda the Galilean and the similar confused named thief murderer Yehuda the Galionite(used for the table turners & Jesus Barabbas scenes):
Book 18 chapter 1 is where the heart of the info on the tax revolt and teaching of the crucified Yehuda of Galilee is mentioned.
NOTE: Luke mentions him once, in
Acts 5:37, and Josephus several times, once here, sect. 6; and B. XX. ch. 5. sect. 2; Of the War, B. II. ch. 8. sect. 1; and ch. 17. sect. 8, calls this Judas, who was the pestilent author of that seditious doctrine and temper which brought the Jewish nation to utter destruction, a Galilean; but here (sect. 1) Josephus calls him a Gaulonite, of the city of Gamala; it is a great question where this Judas was born, whether in Galilee on the west side, or in Gaulonitis on the east side, of the river Jordan; while, in the place just now cited out of the Antiquities, B. XX. ch. 5. sect. 2, he is not only called a Galilean, but it is added to his story, "as I have signified in the books that go before these," as if he had still called him a Galilean in those Antiquities before, as well as in that particular place, as Dean Aldrich observes, Of the War, B. II. ch. 8. sect. 1.
Neither the King Herod era christ nor AD Pilate era Christ have anything to do with the half Roman who the Harlot Church preferred named Yeshu son of Mary of 100bc, who is the one the NT says was slew(stoned)and hanged (not crucified like the other 2 were) "on Passover"-John 18-19 and Mark 14-15
Source: Acts 5:30 "Jesus, whom ye slew and hanged on a tree" Acts 10:39 "whom they slew and hanged on a tree" Acts 13:29 "they took him down from the tree" 1 Peter 2:24 "who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree" Galatians 3:13 "Christ... being made a curse upon us... Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree"
This is why I asked which christ are you calling Jesus, because in the real world we get to investigate and discuss the historical not the fictitious images of men who need new names to keep you from finding the poor schlep behind the image made perfect
-Ezekiel 28 on the fallen son of perdition as a created image of a man made fallaciously perfect to be claimed both anointed and a god through that created false image.
This is an Argument based on Ignorance. You claim since you can find no historical data that satisfies your criteria or meets your standards, no such person exists, or you imply it.

That you cannot find said historical facts while literally billions of other people have to their own satisfaction, only means that you are a poor investigator.

Failed comment:
1)it's an ad hominem response
2)has no backing of sources or basis for the subjective opinion that was stated as fact.
3)contradicts historical sources I provided and the NT, so you'd be denouncing the NT as legit which is correct it has over 50,000 errors and lies(few examples were in my post and #4 below here), many being historical inaccuracies.
4)worse of all the problems is the NT in Acts itself mentions the 2 other christ figures besides the harlot's son. It proves my point by listing Theudas by the Jordan(died 45ad) dying before Yehuda the Galilean christ(died 6bc). Then as I mentioned:
In compiling characters they are also making Peter from the many Shimons and the NT helps make this point because the NT contradicts where the Christ first meets Shimon (each era christ had a Shimon) so the NT accidentally reveals the conflicting locations of the 2 christs and their 2 Shimons;
(a) By the sea of Galilee (Yehuda)
(Matthew 4:18-22).
(b) On the banks of river Jordan(Theudas)
(John 1:42).
Furthermore the NT says Paul and James were at odds claiming each was worshiping a different christ then they were and John of Patmos is saying Rome worshiped another Christ then he was claiming as the figure EMULATING(like unto) SON OF MAN
-Rev 1:13
And lastly the mistaken Claim by Christianity in saying Jesus is in Zech 12:10 subjects you to what it says that agrees with me.
So insult me and you insult your NT and your religion that uses verses that agrees with my investigation. Read Zech in the Tanakh version 12:10 shows if you claim Jesus in that verse you are stuck with it saying You will pierce "me" but mourn for "him", declaring 2 seperate people, one they pierce but the other one they'd mourn as if it was him.=mistaken identity=compiled figure.

So you have to trash your religion,
your book, your logic, your teachings, and your preachers just to take a wack at me instead of the facts.
The fact you are willing to throw these including yourself under the bus just to hit and run at me is very telling of an abusive religion.
Do you feel like Christianity somehow diminishes your faith?
I SAID KING HEROD, you are claiming his son as one in the same I'm discussing proving my points about being historically illiterate and lying.
Herod Antipas was the son of the Jewish King Herod the Great.
You lied like a 4th or 5th time, because you denied that you were wrong anput Caesar and now about the 1 point out of many=ad hominem excuse response.
You are like a habitual liar.
Fact: my post was about EWTN not knowing historical chronology and EWTN says
"Julius Caesar" when discussing Pilate, an impossibility as they are from different eras as are all the converged christs accounts.
I keep letting you dig yourself further in the hole as you "make my points". :)

In other words you were mistaken or lying purposefully when you stated:
"Your whole OP was based upon the error 'that the Bible' was referring to Julius Caesar."
That's not true and you know it=a lie
If you don't know it's not true, then that proves your comprehension is skewed.
Which is it?
I am not mistaken and I am not lying. You are accusing me of what you are doing. Yes, the linchpin of your OP was that the Bible was referring to Julius Caesar. I have provided links showing you who the Bible refers to. You are flat out wrong. Your OP is flat out wrong. The tribute penny mentioned in the Bible is commonly believed to be a Roman denarius depicting the Emperor Tiberius. Pīlātus was the fifth prefect of the Roman province of Judaea from AD 26–36. He served under Emperor Tiberius, and is best known today for the trial and crucifixion of Jesus. Herod Antipater, known by the nickname Antipas, was a 1st-century ruler of Galilee and Perea, who bore the title of tetrarch ("ruler of a quarter") and is referred to as both "Herod the Tetrarch" and "King Herod" in the New Testament although he never held the title of king. He is best known today for accounts in the New Testament of his role in events that led to the executions of John the Baptist and Jesus of Nazareth.

Tiberius - Wikipedia

Pontius Pilate - Wikipedia

Herod Antipas - Wikipedia
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