Laura Ingraham Airs Misleading Images, Mocks Fact-Checkers for Busting Her


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
Twin Falls Idaho
Lies..and then basically says, "So what?" I've not seen any 'empty shelves' and nothing is missing from my why the lying? Oh yeah. a political thing, right?

Fox News host Laura Ingraham sneered at other news outlets on Monday night for catching her airing misleading images of empty store shelves, briefly issuing a grudging correction before mocking those who had the temerity to fact-check her.
In recent weeks, right-wing media has increasingly featured out-of-context photos of bare grocery store shelves to blast President Joe Biden over the growing supply chain issue. While some shops around the country are indeed currently facing increasing challenges due to clogged ports in Los Angeles, labor shortages, and the ongoing pandemic, many of the images of barely stocked American supermarket shelves are outdated or from elsewhere in the world.
During an Oct. 19 segment on the supply chain crisis, Ingraham aired two photos of empty shelves that were actually from the early days of the pandemic in March 2020, as PolitiFact later noted. (Ingraham’s Fox News colleague Will Cain used one of the same images the night before in a segment bashing Biden over the supply chain woes.)
I have seen empty shelves in some places and very thin ones in others. It is a hit or miss problem and seems to be mostly confined to stores where lower income people shop, at least in my area. That is only logical considering the fed is giving them more money to spend every month.
I have seen empty shelves in some places and very thin ones in others. It is a hit or miss problem and seems to be mostly confined to stores where lower income people shop, at least in my area. That is only logical considering the fed is giving them more money to spend every month.

A few hundred vs millions?

Check the date of the article I posted and maybe you guys should stop lying!

There is a supply issue and because you deny it is not my issue when even MSNBC even reports on the issue!
There is a supply chain issue, but showing empty shelves in a picture from a year and a half ago was a mistake by ingraham and FOX. a more recent photo would have been more appropriate.

Our shelves are not empty here in the grocery store, but there are items missing, week in stock, the following week out of stock, rinse and repeat.

Your article explains the situation well! TY!
There is a supply chain issue, but showing empty shelves in a picture from a year and a half ago was a mistake by ingraham and FOX. a more recent photo would have been more appropriate.

Our shelves are not empty here in the grocery store, but there are items missing, week in stock, the following week out of stock, rinse and repeat.

Your article explains the situation well! TY!
My link is from MSNBC, so tell them to stop showing that picture!
Well then MSNBC article ( not mine ) is the one that need to be corrected and tell me when did MSNBC become a rightwing site?

Funny how the fringe left can slam Ingram and FOX but not MSNBC!

I'm not here to defend anyone. I was the one who pointed out that MSNBC had done the same thing,

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