A comment on black culture


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 2019

This woman is pointing out what is wrong with modern black culture

She tells it like it is
She makes many good points. However, degeneracy has occurred across all races and ethnicities in the US. Our entire culture has degenerated.
Bottom line:

When you walk down the street, and you see some African American young gentlemen approaching, it might be wise to duck into a nearby store or cross the street.

For some reason that will never be known, a large percentage of African American young (and not-so-young) men are very dangerous.

If one possibly can, choose a profession that does not require too much interaction with those folks.
Bottom line:

When you walk down the street, and you see some African American young gentlemen approaching, it might be wise to duck into a nearby store or cross the street.

For some reason that will never be known, a large percentage of African American young (and not-so-young) men are very dangerous.

If one possibly can, choose a profession that does not require too much interaction with those folks.
Yesterday, I recounted a terrifying experience with five young black men when I was alone at night, and someone-who-will-not-be-named zoomed in on me, as usual, with all the venom she could muster to say I was playing into a “racist stereotype.” (This on a thread with a black antisemite making a nasty remark, but of course she overlooked that - and when I pointed it out, she said she didn’t care about that.)

Let’s see if she harasses you for page after page, as she did me. From what I see, she has special venom for Jews and targets me specifically. There were other posters on that thread calling out black crime, and she didn’t give them a peep.
You evidently have nothing to say. Which race or culture is perfect?
No race or culture is perfect. But some - speaking of cultures - are superior to others. Wouldn’t you say that the American culture is superior to the fundamentalist Islamic culture that throws gays off roofs and stones women to death for adultery, or even lesser infractions, like dishonoring her family?
Bottom line:

When you walk down the street, and you see some African American young gentlemen approaching, it might be wise to duck into a nearby store or cross the street.

For some reason that will never be known, a large percentage of African American young (and not-so-young) men are very dangerous.

If one possibly can, choose a profession that does not require too much interaction with those folks.
Here we go again with the 82 year old racist commentary. He might be 83 now.

Whites males have been the most violent.

Dementia has set in on the parser.
No race or culture is perfect. But some - speaking of cultures - are superior to others. Wouldn’t you say that the American culture is superior to the fundamentalist Islamic culture that throws gays off roofs and stones women to death for adultery, or even lesser infractions, like dishonoring her family?
Depends on what version of perfection yer God allows.

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