China's military is surrounding Taiwan, sending its new president an unmistakable message

Wonderful. So she can tell you that Taiwan never had been a part of China and why the Han in Taiwan have a parlamentarian democracy and why China made Xi-Jingping to a new Soviet Commie Czar.

Taiwan only has a parliment because the US insisted on it. Before that, it was a fascist dictatorship that needed the US to prop it up.

The Han in Taiwan show that Han not to have to live under a Soviet tyranny.

All well and good, but they are still part of China.

You are wrong. I do not understand the politics of Germany. Only sometimes I understand a little part of the German politics.
I don't think you understand much of anything. So much for Germans being smart.

It is absolutelly totally stupid that a nation in the size 266:1 and a population 600:1 has to show to a weaker nation in large manoeuvres and troop concentrations to have a bigger military strength. It is not only stupid to do so - it is also psychologically sick to do so - specially when the whole world is drifting direction third world war.

The stupid thing would be to start World War III over a bunch of Chinese arguing over what kind of government they should have.

Mod Deleted. White 6

Mod Deleted. White 6

China is terrorizing Taiwan.

The Han in China are also old, what's a result of the "1 child politics".
But China has population reserves that Taiwan does not. That's the problem.
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Taiwan only has a parliment because the US insisted on it. Before that, it was a fascist dictatorship that needed the US to prop it up.
Why do you consider parliament a bad thing?

As societies evolve and mature its natural to move from dictatorship to self rule

Communist china is behind Taiwan in that respect
The difference is that to get to that level, you must be very good at your job,
Good at backroom communist party politics

The highest priority of the communist party in china is to maintain itself in power
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Or maybe they are ahead.

China is the world's first fully functioning Technocracy. You look at those conclaves of the National People's Congress, they aren't discussing Lenin and Marx, they are taking out their spreadsheets and calculating their policies, just like we do.

The difference is that to get to that level, you must be very good at your job, and if you aren't good, you quickly find yourself Gulaged.

Compared to "democracy" that produces such creatures as Marjorie Trailer Park Greene, Lauren Boebert, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. (See, I'm being bipartisan by mentioning idiots on both sides of the divide).
They’re getting out their spreadsheets to determine how much they can pocket for themselves without the people revolting. They need Taiwan the same way they needed Hong Kong and would ruin it, just like they did to HK.
Taiwan only has a parliment because the US insisted on it. Before that, it was a fascist dictatorship that needed the US to prop it up.

All well and good, but they are still part of China.

Taiwan never had been a part of China. Nevertheless: If so thenthis means also nothing. Half of Italy had been a part of Germany. A third of France had been a part of Germany. Nearly 50% of Poland had been a part of Germany. Czechia and Austrtaib had been 100% a part of Germany and so on. ¿So what?

Mod Deleted. White 6

Mod Deleted. White 6

The stupid thing would be to start World War III over a bunch of Chinese arguing over what kind of government they should have.

600 Chinese per 1 Taiwanese. 266 square yards instead of 1 square yard., And the Chinese heroes show that they are military more mighty than Taiwan? Whatelse than contempt is someone able to have for this unwise nuclear power?

Mod Deleted. White 6

Mod Deleted. White 6

Mod Deleted. White 6

Mod Deleted. White 6


But China has population reserves that Taiwan does not. That's the problem. hwo to learn

Population of Taiwan: *
Population of China: ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************

What is more admirable: A hero or 600 unwise cowards? A black hole or a lightening sun?

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Mod Deleted. White 6

Do you really assume everyone is retarted who not thinks everything else than the own position is unimportant? Are you really sure China gave the right signal now? In times where the evil nuclear demons of the next - ¿and last?`- world war slowly seem to awake?
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Um, that's nice. I also used to work with a lady from Taiwan with similar sentiments.

But you know what? They speak Mandarin, they write in traditional Hanzi, and they call themselves "the Republic of China". They're fucking Chinese.
I thought of this angle this moment. We can make Taiwan a State of the United States and ensure their safety.
Who is the slave of China who deleted what I said here? What are the exact reasons of this high traitor of the values of the western world to do so?

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