Kids are drawn to guns


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
...That is according to ABC News. On January 27, Diane Sawyer aired a video featuring David Muir, touting "groundbreaking evidence" based on a study by Yale University titled "American Children and Guns" which itself claims that every hour a child is hospitalized for gunshot wounds. The problem? This experiment was rigged.

In this hidden camera experiment conducted in a 1st Grade classroom, the kids were made to watch gun education videos by the NRA mascot Eddie Eagle, and listen to a presentation by a local police officer on how to "avoid guns." Then, they placed two unloaded handguns on the table in the classroom. They explained to the children that "they were there for a memory test" and that "there was candy there on the table." Along with the candy were numerous toys and crayons as well. Then the teacher was asked to step outside. Ten minutes later two children can be seen migrating to the table with the candy on it, picking up one of the unloaded guns and inspecting it from various positions.

The camera then panned back to Sawyer and Muir in the studio. Muir suggested parents ask their neighbors if they have "a gun in the home" and "whether it's locked, loaded, or put away."

Now why would ABC be compelled to do something so lowdown and dirty? To push a gun control agenda. This is how you unveil the lie of statistics, by understanding the methods of their determinations, my friends. The left will stop at nothing to make guns out to be evil, all the meanwhile during this experiment sitting there, unloaded, harmless on a table, nary a one sprang to life and began materializing bullets and killing children.

[ame=]Hidden Camera Experiment: Young Kids Drawn to Guns - YouTube[/ame]
The study wasn't rigged. Kids should be more drawn to the candy than to the shiny weapon on another table. The fact that they ignored the candy and went straight to the gun, even after being told of its dangers, shows that parents need to be more vigilant and hide the guns away from the prying eyes of their kids.
One of my comrades in arms lost a child due to the fact he left a loaded shotgun in the house, without any child safeties on it.

His young son found it and began playing with it and ended up blowing his daughter to pieces.

Saddest. Funeral. Ever.

There is nothing wrong with someone pointing out that you need to fucking lock up your guns if you have kids, dipshit. It doesn't mean one is against guns.

What kind of idiot is opposed to gun safety education for parents?
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The study wasn't rigged. Kids should be more drawn to the candy than to the shiny weapon on another table. The fact that they ignored the candy and went straight to the gun, even after being told of its dangers, shows that parents need to be more vigilant and hide the guns away from the prying eyes of their kids.

All of two kids went for the unloaded gun, Noomi. Second, the gun was unloaded. Thirdly, the gun didn't sprout to life all by itself and start massacring the kids. Three, the Yale study this was based on defined anyone "20 and younger" as a child. So, why conduct a flawed experiment on a flawed study? To push gun control.

Remember now, I'm not but 6 years out of childhood according to that study, and that I'm prone to injure myself with one if it is left unloaded on a table.

The research, which was published on Jan. 27 in Pediatrics, looked at a nationally-representative sample of hospitalizations at more than 4,000 medical centers that occurred in 2009 for children and adolescents under 20 years of age.

Firearms hospitalize about 20 U.S. kids a day: Study - CBS News

Sorry, Noomi, not buying it. The math is wrong. The assertions are not even scientifically rooted.
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One of my comrades in arms lost a child due to the fact he left a loaded shotgun in the house, without any child safeties on it.

His young son found it and began playing with it and ended up blowing his daughter to pieces.

Saddest. Funeral. Ever.

There is nothing wrong with someone pointing out that you need to fucking lock up your guns if you have kids, dipshit. It doesn't mean one is against guns.

What kind of idiot is opposed to gun safety education for parents?

One who sees people basing their beliefs off of flawed studies and rigged experiments, g5.
The study wasn't rigged. Kids should be more drawn to the candy than to the shiny weapon on another table. The fact that they ignored the candy and went straight to the gun, even after being told of its dangers, shows that parents need to be more vigilant and hide the guns away from the prying eyes of their kids.

All of two kids went for the unloaded gun, Noomi. Second, the gun was unloaded. Two, the gun didn't sprout to life all by itself and start massacring the kids. Three, the Yale study this was based on defined anyone "20 and younger" as a child. So, why conduct a flawed experiment on a flawed study? To push gun control.

Remember now, I'm not but 6 years out of childhood according to that study, and that I'm prone to injure myself with one if it is left unloaded on a table.

The research, which was published on Jan. 27 in Pediatrics, looked at a nationally-representative sample of hospitalizations at more than 4,000 medical centers that occurred in 2009 for children and adolescents under 20 years of age.

Firearms hospitalize about 20 U.S. kids a day: Study - CBS News

Sorry, Noomi, not buying it. The math is wrong. The assertions are not even scientifically rooted.

Doesn't matter if the gun was unloaded. The kids were still entranced by the gun itself, enough to ignore the candy and pick it up. The parents of those kids should be horrified.
Which is why every kid should be trained in proper use of guns, safety of guns. Its like teaching abstinence only sex-ed. They're gonna do it anyway.

Aside from the ghetto shit holes of America......all other kids should be raised and taught with guns so they are safe when they inevitably practice their right to have a gun. And, our neighborhoods would be safer.
The study wasn't rigged. Kids should be more drawn to the candy than to the shiny weapon on another table. The fact that they ignored the candy and went straight to the gun, even after being told of its dangers, shows that parents need to be more vigilant and hide the guns away from the prying eyes of their kids.

All of two kids went for the unloaded gun, Noomi. Second, the gun was unloaded. Two, the gun didn't sprout to life all by itself and start massacring the kids. Three, the Yale study this was based on defined anyone "20 and younger" as a child. So, why conduct a flawed experiment on a flawed study? To push gun control.

Remember now, I'm not but 6 years out of childhood according to that study, and that I'm prone to injure myself with one if it is left unloaded on a table.

The research, which was published on Jan. 27 in Pediatrics, looked at a nationally-representative sample of hospitalizations at more than 4,000 medical centers that occurred in 2009 for children and adolescents under 20 years of age.

Firearms hospitalize about 20 U.S. kids a day: Study - CBS News

Sorry, Noomi, not buying it. The math is wrong. The assertions are not even scientifically rooted.

Doesn't matter if the gun was unloaded. The kids were still entranced by the gun itself, enough to ignore the candy and pick it up. The parents of those kids should be horrified.

The parents of those school children should be horrified! Why expose them to real guns? Huh? In school of all places?

Don't you think those parents were capable of educating their children about guns? Seriously, "entranced?" What on earth do you mean by "entranced?" Children have an innate curiosity. They are not fixated on one thing or the other. You act as if the gun itself cast some sort of magic spell on them.

The fact that a) you hide the guns in a pile of candy, toys and crayons, and b) then tell them there's only candy on the table is a nice little way of breaking their train of thought. It doesn't matter if they were told that the guns were there as a "memory test." They will go after the candy. Those gun education videos go right out the window, the lecture by the cop goes right out the window. All they think about is the candy. They will invariably make their way to the firearms after digging through all of that stuff. This experiment played on a child's natural curiosity.

I work with kids at my church Noomi. Most if not all of their parents are gun owners. Not even they are stupid enough to believe that experiment. Those kids in that experiment were tricked.
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Some parents fail to educate their kids about guns and kids die.

The idea that you can just rely on education is ridiculously stupid. Education is important but you still lock the guns up.
The study wasn't rigged. Kids should be more drawn to the candy than to the shiny weapon on another table. The fact that they ignored the candy and went straight to the gun, even after being told of its dangers, shows that parents need to be more vigilant and hide the guns away from the prying eyes of their kids.

No parents should be teaching their kids about guns from day one just like the do other dangers like poisons in the cabinet, the electrical outlet and crossing the street. Of course teaching them respect for authority, the property and lives of others has to go hand in hand with everything else. The schools have a responsibility to reinforce those teaching in a social setting, do you disagree?
...That is according to ABC News. On January 27, Diane Sawyer aired a video featuring David Muir, touting "groundbreaking evidence" based on a study by Yale University titled "American Children and Guns" which itself claims that every hour a child is hospitalized for gunshot wounds. The problem? This experiment was rigged.

In this hidden camera experiment conducted in a 1st Grade classroom, the kids were made to watch gun education videos by the NRA mascot Eddie Eagle, and listen to a presentation by a local police officer on how to "avoid guns." Then, they placed two unloaded handguns on the table in the classroom. They explained to the children that "they were there for a memory test" and that "there was candy there on the table." Along with the candy were numerous toys and crayons as well. Then the teacher was asked to step outside. Ten minutes later two children can be seen migrating to the table with the candy on it, picking up one of the unloaded guns and inspecting it from various positions.

The camera then panned back to Sawyer and Muir in the studio. Muir suggested parents ask their neighbors if they have "a gun in the home" and "whether it's locked, loaded, or put away."

Now why would ABC be compelled to do something so lowdown and dirty? To push a gun control agenda. This is how you unveil the lie of statistics, by understanding the methods of their determinations, my friends. The left will stop at nothing to make guns out to be evil, all the meanwhile during this experiment sitting there, unloaded, harmless on a table, nary a one sprang to life and began materializing bullets and killing children.

Hidden Camera Experiment: Young Kids Drawn to Guns - YouTube

Plagiarizing from Breitbart again, I see.
You should be ashamed. I am embarrassed for you. Time to leave mama's basement and go find a job.

ABC News Story Hides Guns in Candy in Classroom to Push Gun Control
by AWR Hawkins
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...That is according to ABC News. On January 27, Diane Sawyer aired a video featuring David Muir, touting "groundbreaking evidence" based on a study by Yale University titled "American Children and Guns" which itself claims that every hour a child is hospitalized for gunshot wounds. The problem? This experiment was rigged.

In this hidden camera experiment conducted in a 1st Grade classroom, the kids were made to watch gun education videos by the NRA mascot Eddie Eagle, and listen to a presentation by a local police officer on how to "avoid guns." Then, they placed two unloaded handguns on the table in the classroom. They explained to the children that "they were there for a memory test" and that "there was candy there on the table." Along with the candy were numerous toys and crayons as well. Then the teacher was asked to step outside. Ten minutes later two children can be seen migrating to the table with the candy on it, picking up one of the unloaded guns and inspecting it from various positions.

The camera then panned back to Sawyer and Muir in the studio. Muir suggested parents ask their neighbors if they have "a gun in the home" and "whether it's locked, loaded, or put away."

Now why would ABC be compelled to do something so lowdown and dirty? To push a gun control agenda. This is how you unveil the lie of statistics, by understanding the methods of their determinations, my friends. The left will stop at nothing to make guns out to be evil, all the meanwhile during this experiment sitting there, unloaded, harmless on a table, nary a one sprang to life and began materializing bullets and killing children.

Hidden Camera Experiment: Young Kids Drawn to Guns - YouTube

Plagiarizing from Breitbart again, I see.
You should be ashamed. I am embarrassed for you. Time to leave mama's basement and go find a job.

ABC News Story Hides Guns in Candy in Classroom to Push Gun Control

Does the wording even match Breitbart's? You idiot, that's all you have to throw at me because you can't challenge the argument. Typical.
Anywho, what else will they do? An experiment with antifreeze and green Kool-Aid? Apples and razors?


Actually a study with different colors of anti-freeze to determine which color kids would avoid without being told would be interesting. Certainly more interesting than this one which produced obvious results.
66 kids a day go to hospital because of shopping carts. We better outlaw shopping carts and require licensing before using.

Dumb post is dumb...nobody says outlaw, but educating about guns is one of the best safety practices you can do. Put your partisan pants away for a minute

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