Justices Ginsburg And Kagan Officiated Over Same Sex Ceremonies; Will Have To Recuse Themselves

The two Jewesses must do the right thing and recuse theirselves from the upcoming ruling. It's the ethical thing to do.

Supreme Court justices officiated at same-sex 8216 marriages 8217
Have any of the other 7 judges officiated over opposite sex marriages? Then they would have to recuse themselves too.
One does not have to recuse themselves if they officiated over opposite sex marriage because the issue has nothing to do with opposite sex marriage.
Your premise is fundamentally flawed.
Yes it does....the issue is if opposite sex marriage is the only legal version. So....it's all about marriage, both kinds. Nice try tho.
I disagree. The issue is "should gay marriage be legal" (in a summary).....it has nothing to do with traditional marriage.
If it had to do with traditional marriage, the issue would include polygamy and nuclear family marriage...or, at the very least, it would be an issue as to whether or not gay marriage should receive the label of traditional marriage.

It is strictly a debate over whether or not gay marriage should be legal.

I am sorry. You know my position on the debate......but I felt the need to correct you in regard to your argument.
The liberal indoctrination of our youths is working well. They are morally ruining our country and the ethical foundation it was created.

But.....but we were just told that millenials were breaking conservative 'big time'. Are you telling us that whoever said that didn't know what the hell they were talking about?
Most people find their conservative ideology as they age...when they are on their own and realizing that the government interferes way too much.
Millenials are not breaking conservatism any more than baby boomers broke conservatism when they were younger.

Yes and no. I agree that folks tend to be more conservative as they age. But that doesn't necessarily mean they adopt the random bigotry of previous generations. I doubt you're going to see much movement from millenials on issues of gay marriage, as bigotry toward gays is a learned behavior. Not innate. As the gen Xers general support of interracial marriage in their youth and now as they age demonstrates. The boomers and the 'greatest generation'? Not nearly as much.

And millennial are an enormous voting block that will be fully in play by 2016. Its unlikely they will 'age toward conservatism' in the immediate future. Or even the next couple of decades. Though for races in say, the 2050s, your assessment of their political beliefs may be more relevant.
The two Jewesses must do the right thing and recuse theirselves from the upcoming ruling. It's the ethical thing to do.

Supreme Court justices officiated at same-sex 8216 marriages 8217
Have any of the other 7 judges officiated over opposite sex marriages? Then they would have to recuse themselves too.
One does not have to recuse themselves if they officiated over opposite sex marriage because the issue has nothing to do with opposite sex marriage.
Your premise is fundamentally flawed.
Yes it does....the issue is if opposite sex marriage is the only legal version. So....it's all about marriage, both kinds. Nice try tho.
In Maryland and DC, marriage only comes in one flavor: marriage.

That includes both gays and straights.
And that is what this is all about. Can two people of the same sex become legally married. It has nothing to do with comparing it to traditional marriage.
The liberal indoctrination of our youths is working well. They are morally ruining our country and the ethical foundation it was created.

But.....but we were just told that millenials were breaking conservative 'big time'. Are you telling us that whoever said that didn't know what the hell they were talking about?
Most people find their conservative ideology as they age...when they are on their own and realizing that the government interferes way too much.
Millenials are not breaking conservatism any more than baby boomers broke conservatism when they were younger.

Yes and no. I agree that folks tend to be more conservative as they age. But that doesn't necessarily mean they adopt the random bigotry of previous generations. I doubt you're going to see much movement from millenials on issues of gay marriage, as bigotry toward gays is a learned behavior. Not innate. As the gen Xers general support of interracial marriage in their youth and now as they age demonstrates. The boomers and the 'greatest generation'? Not nearly as much.

And millennial are an enormous voting block that will be fully in play by 2016. Its unlikely they will 'age toward conservatism' in the immediate future. Or even the next couple of decades. Though for races in say, the 2050s, your assessment of their political beliefs may be more relevant.
As it pertains to social issues, I agree. Gay rights....right to choose.....those issues will become issues of the past in a matter of years.
But as it pertains to fiscal issues...and governmental issues.....I saw myself change as I started to achieve success...I saw my children change as they started to achieve success....I saw my friends change...I saw their children change.

By the time one hits 30, they are being hit with the taxes and affected by regulations, etc......and that is when those that will change, end up changing......but, of course, not saying all change....just saying that Jakes graph, although accurate, tells us nothing for some of those millenials will change just as they did over the years.
The two Jewesses must do the right thing and recuse theirselves from the upcoming ruling. It's the ethical thing to do.

Supreme Court justices officiated at same-sex 8216 marriages 8217
Have any of the other 7 judges officiated over opposite sex marriages? Then they would have to recuse themselves too.
One does not have to recuse themselves if they officiated over opposite sex marriage because the issue has nothing to do with opposite sex marriage.
Your premise is fundamentally flawed.
Yes it does....the issue is if opposite sex marriage is the only legal version. So....it's all about marriage, both kinds. Nice try tho.
I disagree. The issue is "should gay marriage be legal" (in a summary).....it has nothing to do with traditional marriage.
If it had to do with traditional marriage, the issue would include polygamy and nuclear family marriage...or, at the very least, it would be an issue as to whether or not gay marriage should receive the label of traditional marriage.

It is strictly a debate over whether or not gay marriage should be legal.

I am sorry. You know my position on the debate......but I felt the need to correct you in regard to your argument.
As has been pointed out to you, gay marriage is just as legal in the two places where the two Supreme Court Justices performed ceremonies as is Straight Marriage. Just as legal. So...that being the case. If Justices must recuse themselves for performing legal gay marriages, they must recuse themselves for performing legal straight marriages. Ipso Facto.
The two Jewesses must do the right thing and recuse theirselves from the upcoming ruling. It's the ethical thing to do.

Supreme Court justices officiated at same-sex 8216 marriages 8217
Have any of the other 7 judges officiated over opposite sex marriages? Then they would have to recuse themselves too.
One does not have to recuse themselves if they officiated over opposite sex marriage because the issue has nothing to do with opposite sex marriage.
Your premise is fundamentally flawed.
Yes it does....the issue is if opposite sex marriage is the only legal version. So....it's all about marriage, both kinds. Nice try tho.
In Maryland and DC, marriage only comes in one flavor: marriage.

That includes both gays and straights.
And that is what this is all about. Can two people of the same sex become legally married. It has nothing to do with comparing it to traditional marriage.

Depends on what 'this' is. If 'this' is the USSC's hearing of cases on gay marriage bans, its a slightly but significantly different question:

Can the state deny two people of the same sex legal marriage? And I'd say probably not.
The liberal indoctrination of our youths is working well. They are morally ruining our country and the ethical foundation it was created.

But.....but we were just told that millenials were breaking conservative 'big time'. Are you telling us that whoever said that didn't know what the hell they were talking about?
Most people find their conservative ideology as they age...when they are on their own and realizing that the government interferes way too much.
Millenials are not breaking conservatism any more than baby boomers broke conservatism when they were younger.

Yes and no. I agree that folks tend to be more conservative as they age. But that doesn't necessarily mean they adopt the random bigotry of previous generations. I doubt you're going to see much movement from millenials on issues of gay marriage, as bigotry toward gays is a learned behavior. Not innate. As the gen Xers general support of interracial marriage in their youth and now as they age demonstrates. The boomers and the 'greatest generation'? Not nearly as much.

And millennial are an enormous voting block that will be fully in play by 2016. Its unlikely they will 'age toward conservatism' in the immediate future. Or even the next couple of decades. Though for races in say, the 2050s, your assessment of their political beliefs may be more relevant.
As it pertains to social issues, I agree. Gay rights....right to choose.....those issues will become issues of the past in a matter of years.
But as it pertains to fiscal issues...and governmental issues.....I saw myself change as I started to achieve success...I saw my children change as they started to achieve success....I saw my friends change...I saw their children change.

On fiscal issues? You bet. You simply have more skin in the game as you age. And that tends to be very innate. But on the social issues, not nearly as much.

With the social issues probably being most relevant to gay marriage.
The two Jewesses must do the right thing and recuse theirselves from the upcoming ruling. It's the ethical thing to do.

Supreme Court justices officiated at same-sex 8216 marriages 8217
Have any of the other 7 judges officiated over opposite sex marriages? Then they would have to recuse themselves too.
One does not have to recuse themselves if they officiated over opposite sex marriage because the issue has nothing to do with opposite sex marriage.
Your premise is fundamentally flawed.
Yes it does....the issue is if opposite sex marriage is the only legal version. So....it's all about marriage, both kinds. Nice try tho.
I disagree. The issue is "should gay marriage be legal" (in a summary).....it has nothing to do with traditional marriage.
If it had to do with traditional marriage, the issue would include polygamy and nuclear family marriage...or, at the very least, it would be an issue as to whether or not gay marriage should receive the label of traditional marriage.

It is strictly a debate over whether or not gay marriage should be legal.

I am sorry. You know my position on the debate......but I felt the need to correct you in regard to your argument.
As has been pointed out to you, gay marriage is just as legal in the two places where the two Supreme Court Justices performed ceremonies as is Straight Marriage. Just as legal. So...that being the case. If Justices must recuse themselves for performing legal gay marriages, they must recuse themselves for performing legal straight marriages. Ipso Facto.
You are missing it.
One has nothing to do with another. This is not an issue of traditional marriage. Just because one officiates over a traditional marriage does not mean one would NOT officiate over a gay marriage.
That being said, just because one officiates over a gay marriage does not mean one would not officiate over a traditional marriage.
Thus why the OP is flawed in his thinking and you are flawed in your thinking.
The whole premise is fundamentally flawed.

Now, if, in fact, they officiated over a gay marriage that was illegal, that would be another story...
Now, if, in fact, they officiated over a gay marriage that was illegal, that would be another story...

100% agree. If that had been the case, that would have been an obvious conflict of interest.
The two Jewesses must do the right thing and recuse theirselves from the upcoming ruling. It's the ethical thing to do.

Supreme Court justices officiated at same-sex 8216 marriages 8217
Have any of the other 7 judges officiated over opposite sex marriages? Then they would have to recuse themselves too.
One does not have to recuse themselves if they officiated over opposite sex marriage because the issue has nothing to do with opposite sex marriage.
Your premise is fundamentally flawed.
Yes it does....the issue is if opposite sex marriage is the only legal version. So....it's all about marriage, both kinds. Nice try tho.
I disagree. The issue is "should gay marriage be legal" (in a summary).....it has nothing to do with traditional marriage.
If it had to do with traditional marriage, the issue would include polygamy and nuclear family marriage...or, at the very least, it would be an issue as to whether or not gay marriage should receive the label of traditional marriage.

It is strictly a debate over whether or not gay marriage should be legal.

I am sorry. You know my position on the debate......but I felt the need to correct you in regard to your argument.
As has been pointed out to you, gay marriage is just as legal in the two places where the two Supreme Court Justices performed ceremonies as is Straight Marriage. Just as legal. So...that being the case. If Justices must recuse themselves for performing legal gay marriages, they must recuse themselves for performing legal straight marriages. Ipso Facto.
I would agree ONLY if the debate was whether or not gay marriage should be deemed as a traditional marriage.
But that is not the debate. It is not even a debate over whether or not a gay marriage should have the same rights as a traditional marriage.
It is strictly a debate over whether or not gay marriage should be legal.
You can argue with me all you want...I admire your convictions....and your passion in regard to the debate.
But from a legal standpoint, your premise is flawed.
It is like saying a judge who lost her husband in a plane accident should recluse herself from a trial regarding the loss of life in a car accident.
The liberal indoctrination of our youths is working well. They are morally ruining our country and the ethical foundation it was created.

But.....but we were just told that millenials were breaking conservative 'big time'. Are you telling us that whoever said that didn't know what the hell they were talking about?
Most people find their conservative ideology as they age...when they are on their own and realizing that the government interferes way too much.
Millenials are not breaking conservatism any more than baby boomers broke conservatism when they were younger.

Yes and no. I agree that folks tend to be more conservative as they age. But that doesn't necessarily mean they adopt the random bigotry of previous generations. I doubt you're going to see much movement from millenials on issues of gay marriage, as bigotry toward gays is a learned behavior. Not innate. As the gen Xers general support of interracial marriage in their youth and now as they age demonstrates. The boomers and the 'greatest generation'? Not nearly as much.

And millennial are an enormous voting block that will be fully in play by 2016. Its unlikely they will 'age toward conservatism' in the immediate future. Or even the next couple of decades. Though for races in say, the 2050s, your assessment of their political beliefs may be more relevant.
As it pertains to social issues, I agree. Gay rights....right to choose.....those issues will become issues of the past in a matter of years.
But as it pertains to fiscal issues...and governmental issues.....I saw myself change as I started to achieve success...I saw my children change as they started to achieve success....I saw my friends change...I saw their children change.

On fiscal issues? You bet. You simply have more skin in the game as you age. And that tends to be very innate. But on the social issues, not nearly as much.

With the social issues probably being most relevant to gay marriage.
By the time millenials are middle age, gay marriage will be a thing of the past. It will be legal in all 50 states. Heck, I see it coming within the year...and not a moment too soon. Enough already. They are Americans, they may be a minority, but they are strong in their convictions. They deserve everything any other American gets. And to be quite frank, I love women.....and who the hell am I to say only men have the right to love them.
Edgethou, shut up and study the diagram, then realize it is over for you freaks.

View attachment 36086
I bet if you checked what the baby boomers were back when they were still living off of their parents, the ratio would be the same.
As people age and realize that they have to pay taxes, they tend to mature and realize they don't like to have their hard earned money taken away from them.
But please....continue with your childish pictures and graphs.

What a foolish pie in the sky comment but believe if it helps.
But.....but we were just told that millenials were breaking conservative 'big time'. Are you telling us that whoever said that didn't know what the hell they were talking about?
Most people find their conservative ideology as they age...when they are on their own and realizing that the government interferes way too much.
Millenials are not breaking conservatism any more than baby boomers broke conservatism when they were younger.

Yes and no. I agree that folks tend to be more conservative as they age. But that doesn't necessarily mean they adopt the random bigotry of previous generations. I doubt you're going to see much movement from millenials on issues of gay marriage, as bigotry toward gays is a learned behavior. Not innate. As the gen Xers general support of interracial marriage in their youth and now as they age demonstrates. The boomers and the 'greatest generation'? Not nearly as much.

And millennial are an enormous voting block that will be fully in play by 2016. Its unlikely they will 'age toward conservatism' in the immediate future. Or even the next couple of decades. Though for races in say, the 2050s, your assessment of their political beliefs may be more relevant.
As it pertains to social issues, I agree. Gay rights....right to choose.....those issues will become issues of the past in a matter of years.
But as it pertains to fiscal issues...and governmental issues.....I saw myself change as I started to achieve success...I saw my children change as they started to achieve success....I saw my friends change...I saw their children change.

On fiscal issues? You bet. You simply have more skin in the game as you age. And that tends to be very innate. But on the social issues, not nearly as much.

With the social issues probably being most relevant to gay marriage.
By the time millenials are middle age, gay marriage will be a thing of the past. It will be legal in all 50 states. Heck, I see it coming within the year...and not a moment too soon. Enough already.

Laughing....I said almost the exact same thing over tacos and beer this weekend. I'm so fucking over this issue, of homosexuality in general. I can't wait until we reach the 'gay burglar' (*) phase of our society, as there's nothing less interesting to me than how someone else gets their nut.

Well, except that guy who would break into local county cars, crack open the steering column, attach the starter to his sack with a pair of wires and crank the ignition as he masturbated. The story behind that bizarre shit is definitely interesting.

(*) Where homosexuality is such a non-issue that we can have gay villians on TV without 'perpetuating negative stereotypes'
Edgethou, shut up and study the diagram, then realize it is over for you freaks.

View attachment 36086

Do you not remember just a few Months ago, dirtbag?

Remember the ASS-KICKING of historical proportions you scumbags got?

You ain't seen nothing yet.

You bet! The TP got its ass handed to it in the primaries, and the mainstream GOP walloped the Dems. Thanks for the reminder.
Most people find their conservative ideology as they age...when they are on their own and realizing that the government interferes way too much.
Millenials are not breaking conservatism any more than baby boomers broke conservatism when they were younger.

Yes and no. I agree that folks tend to be more conservative as they age. But that doesn't necessarily mean they adopt the random bigotry of previous generations. I doubt you're going to see much movement from millenials on issues of gay marriage, as bigotry toward gays is a learned behavior. Not innate. As the gen Xers general support of interracial marriage in their youth and now as they age demonstrates. The boomers and the 'greatest generation'? Not nearly as much.

And millennial are an enormous voting block that will be fully in play by 2016. Its unlikely they will 'age toward conservatism' in the immediate future. Or even the next couple of decades. Though for races in say, the 2050s, your assessment of their political beliefs may be more relevant.
As it pertains to social issues, I agree. Gay rights....right to choose.....those issues will become issues of the past in a matter of years.
But as it pertains to fiscal issues...and governmental issues.....I saw myself change as I started to achieve success...I saw my children change as they started to achieve success....I saw my friends change...I saw their children change.

On fiscal issues? You bet. You simply have more skin in the game as you age. And that tends to be very innate. But on the social issues, not nearly as much.

With the social issues probably being most relevant to gay marriage.
By the time millenials are middle age, gay marriage will be a thing of the past. It will be legal in all 50 states. Heck, I see it coming within the year...and not a moment too soon. Enough already.

Laughing....I said almost the exact same thing over tacos and beer this weekend. I'm so fucking over this issue, of homosexuality in general. I can't wait until we reach the 'gay burglar' (*) phase of our society, as there's nothing less interesting to me than how someone else gets their nut.

Well, except that guy who would break into local county cars, crack open the steering column, attach the starter to his sack with a pair of wires and crank the ignition as he masturbated. The story behind that bizarre shit is definitely interesting.

(*) Where homosexuality is such a non-issue that we can have gay villians on TV without 'perpetuating negative stereotypes'
I look at it this way. I am a conservative. People don't like me for it. I get it. But does that mean they have the right to say I don't deserve the same rights as an American? I really don't care what someone's sexual orientation is. It does not affect my life one iota. Sure, I have had men approach me...and I would tell them I was not interested...Just as I have had women approach me who I did not find to be my type and I told them I wasn't interested.
But those that are gay are no more promiscuous than those that are straight. That is a fallacy. Sure, some are horn dogs.....so am I.....but that does not define the gay lifestyle.
However, I respect those who are against gay marriage for religious purposes. I disagree with them, but I understand how many allow their religious beliefs guide their thinking. I see it in my religion. I am Jewish...reform.....but the orthodox see me as no more Jewsih than a Muslim or a Christian....they disagree with my lifestyle. I eat pork. I go out on Friday nights.....I get it. I respect it.
The liberal indoctrination of our youths is working well. They are morally ruining our country and the ethical foundation it was created.

But.....but we were just told that millenials were breaking conservative 'big time'. Are you telling us that whoever said that didn't know what the hell they were talking about?
Most people find their conservative ideology as they age...when they are on their own and realizing that the government interferes way too much.
Millenials are not breaking conservatism any more than baby boomers broke conservatism when they were younger.

Yes and no. I agree that folks tend to be more conservative as they age. But that doesn't necessarily mean they adopt the random bigotry of previous generations. I doubt you're going to see much movement from millenials on issues of gay marriage, as bigotry toward gays is a learned behavior. Not innate. As the gen Xers general support of interracial marriage in their youth and now as they age demonstrates. The boomers and the 'greatest generation'? Not nearly as much.

And millennial are an enormous voting block that will be fully in play by 2016. Its unlikely they will 'age toward conservatism' in the immediate future. Or even the next couple of decades. Though for races in say, the 2050s, your assessment of their political beliefs may be more relevant.

I have always supported gay marriage.

I first learned that homosexuals couldn't legally get married in the early 80s when I was in my early 20s.

Nothing has changed in my opinion on gay marriage. I will always support consenting adults getting married whether it's a same sex couple or not.

The poster you're replying to has very little, if any, grasp of reality. I tried reading some of it's posts but the person is so crazy it's a waste of time. There isn't even a shred of reality in it's posts.

Facts don't matter to that poster and to posters like that person. So it's not worth wasting your time trying to give it facts. It won't listen or pay attention.
The liberal indoctrination of our youths is working well. They are morally ruining our country and the ethical foundation it was created.

But.....but we were just told that millenials were breaking conservative 'big time'. Are you telling us that whoever said that didn't know what the hell they were talking about?
Most people find their conservative ideology as they age...when they are on their own and realizing that the government interferes way too much.
Millenials are not breaking conservatism any more than baby boomers broke conservatism when they were younger.

Yes and no. I agree that folks tend to be more conservative as they age. But that doesn't necessarily mean they adopt the random bigotry of previous generations. I doubt you're going to see much movement from millenials on issues of gay marriage, as bigotry toward gays is a learned behavior. Not innate. As the gen Xers general support of interracial marriage in their youth and now as they age demonstrates. The boomers and the 'greatest generation'? Not nearly as much.

And millennial are an enormous voting block that will be fully in play by 2016. Its unlikely they will 'age toward conservatism' in the immediate future. Or even the next couple of decades. Though for races in say, the 2050s, your assessment of their political beliefs may be more relevant.

I have always supported gay marriage.

I first learned that homosexuals couldn't legally get married in the early 80s when I was in my early 20s.

Nothing has changed in my opinion on gay marriage. I will always support consenting adults getting married whether it's a same sex couple or not.

The poster you're replying to has very little, if any, grasp of reality. I tried reading some of it's posts but the person is so crazy it's a waste of time. There isn't even a shred of reality in it's posts.

Facts don't matter to that poster and to posters like that person. So it's not worth wasting your time trying to give it facts. It won't listen or pay attention.

So you support the father/daughter marriage currently in the news?
The liberal indoctrination of our youths is working well. They are morally ruining our country and the ethical foundation it was created.

But.....but we were just told that millenials were breaking conservative 'big time'. Are you telling us that whoever said that didn't know what the hell they were talking about?
Most people find their conservative ideology as they age...when they are on their own and realizing that the government interferes way too much.
Millenials are not breaking conservatism any more than baby boomers broke conservatism when they were younger.

Yes and no. I agree that folks tend to be more conservative as they age. But that doesn't necessarily mean they adopt the random bigotry of previous generations. I doubt you're going to see much movement from millenials on issues of gay marriage, as bigotry toward gays is a learned behavior. Not innate. As the gen Xers general support of interracial marriage in their youth and now as they age demonstrates. The boomers and the 'greatest generation'? Not nearly as much.

And millennial are an enormous voting block that will be fully in play by 2016. Its unlikely they will 'age toward conservatism' in the immediate future. Or even the next couple of decades. Though for races in say, the 2050s, your assessment of their political beliefs may be more relevant.

I have always supported gay marriage.

I first learned that homosexuals couldn't legally get married in the early 80s when I was in my early 20s.

Nothing has changed in my opinion on gay marriage. I will always support consenting adults getting married whether it's a same sex couple or not.

The poster you're replying to has very little, if any, grasp of reality. I tried reading some of it's posts but the person is so crazy it's a waste of time. There isn't even a shred of reality in it's posts.

Facts don't matter to that poster and to posters like that person. So it's not worth wasting your time trying to give it facts. It won't listen or pay attention.
Exactly what do you find in my posts as crazy and a waste of time? As far as I can tell, they pretty much say what you said. Is it that you just don't like me because I live my life following some very strict conservative values? Isnt that somewhat in contradiction to your belief that all should be treated equally?
The liberal indoctrination of our youths is working well. They are morally ruining our country and the ethical foundation it was created.

But.....but we were just told that millenials were breaking conservative 'big time'. Are you telling us that whoever said that didn't know what the hell they were talking about?
Most people find their conservative ideology as they age...when they are on their own and realizing that the government interferes way too much.
Millenials are not breaking conservatism any more than baby boomers broke conservatism when they were younger.

Yes and no. I agree that folks tend to be more conservative as they age. But that doesn't necessarily mean they adopt the random bigotry of previous generations. I doubt you're going to see much movement from millenials on issues of gay marriage, as bigotry toward gays is a learned behavior. Not innate. As the gen Xers general support of interracial marriage in their youth and now as they age demonstrates. The boomers and the 'greatest generation'? Not nearly as much.

And millennial are an enormous voting block that will be fully in play by 2016. Its unlikely they will 'age toward conservatism' in the immediate future. Or even the next couple of decades. Though for races in say, the 2050s, your assessment of their political beliefs may be more relevant.

I have always supported gay marriage.

I first learned that homosexuals couldn't legally get married in the early 80s when I was in my early 20s.

Nothing has changed in my opinion on gay marriage. I will always support consenting adults getting married whether it's a same sex couple or not.

The poster you're replying to has very little, if any, grasp of reality. I tried reading some of it's posts but the person is so crazy it's a waste of time. There isn't even a shred of reality in it's posts.

Facts don't matter to that poster and to posters like that person. So it's not worth wasting your time trying to give it facts. It won't listen or pay attention.

So you support the father/daughter marriage currently in the news?
I don't but for a reason that is not so obvious.
I believe a daughter's "romantic" love for her father is possibly based on he, as an adult, skewing her thinking when she was a child...likely meaning that he cultivated her interest in him romantically over her most vulnerable years.

Now, if he was her father...and she never met him until she was an adult...and she fell in love with him.....I would probably say "its not in the best interest of your children as they may be subject to birth defects, but do as you please"

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