We are finding out just how ineffectual the remedy is when norms are shattered.

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When have Democrats EVER denied a Republican President his pick for the SC??????
Bork...They tried the same shit with both Thomas and Kavanaugh.
When have Democrats EVER rammed through a nomination while an election was already underway, and voting had begun.
Demoncrats, for the most part, changed election day to election season....So when the voting started is irrelevant.
A corrupt and dishonest President installing corrupt and dishonest Justices on the SC.
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SC Justices are NOT allowed political opinions. They are required to be ABOVE politics. They are NOT partisans nor should they be.

Once again you prove yourself to be fucking crazy. Everyone has political opinions, justices are just supposed to leave their opinions at the door. Something commiecrat appointed justices usually don't do and don't even try to hide it.

Ultimately, "we the people" are suppose to be the correcting mechanism. When the branches of government are unable or unwilling to restore the balance of power we can and should do something about it.
However, The Following has become an enabling force preventing correction. Mitch McTreason's hideous abuse of power in denying Garland a confirmation hearing comes to mind. The correcting mechanism the people hold is to punish such fundamentally anti-democratic acts by voting the perpetrators out of office. The problem being MAGAist's celebrated McTurtle's corruption. Which begets more corruption.

I don't know who said it, but the idea that the nation can survive differences of opinion, but if cannot survive differing sets of "facts".

The billionaire owned right wing media has been lying to their listeners/viewers for decades, as have their pastors and evangelical leaders, demonizing Democrats as "communitsts" and the mainstream media as "biased".

All of the Republican factions have a different agenda, but NONE of those factions have the best interests of the American PEOPLE first and foremost.

Evangelicals are pushing for a white Christian Nationalist government.

The KKK and the Nazi's want a white supremacist government where women and minorities know their place.

The billionaires like tax cuts and economic crashes which further enrich them. So they lie about immigration, the economy, and make all sorts of false accusations against Democrats, while supporting openly criminal anti-democratic forces, backed up with foreign propaganda from China, Iran and Russia.
How old are you?? 12??? The future of your nation is at stake and you're talking like a kid on the school yard. Ass whipping???

Grow the fuck up and start thinking about what happens to nations with dictators leading them.
It's none of your business Canada now is it.
yea sure he is.....they all get rich the same way....

No they don't. I know dozens of real estate developers who don't screw over their subtrades, or defraud their bankers. One of our contractor clients refused to file suit when a client stiffed him for $40,000 saying his and money would be better spent in getting new business from people who WOULD pay him than in chasing some deadbeat he's never doing business with again. He could make a LOT more money working than he could trying to collect from deadbeats.

Trump did the opposite. Trump ground his subtrades into dust - destroying them and their companies in the process. Dragging out litigation by filing endless Motions and Appeals. The same thing he's trying to do with the government right now. In dealing with the subtrades, the cruelty was the point. Exercising power.
It's none of your business Canada now is it.

It is ENTIRELY the business of everyone in North America given that all of our lives and our economies, depend on there being a sane and rational person in the White House.

As long as we have strategic alliances, trade agreements, and Americans doing business in Canada, it is our business asshole!!
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