We are finding out just how ineffectual the remedy is when norms are shattered.

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Disparaging the source of information while being intellectually unable to deal with the subject matter is a favorite tactic of Trump cultists.

Disparaging your inability to do anything but copy and paste opinions from obscure websites.

Biden Cultists are a bit weak when tasked with defending his failures and incompetence.

An upside down flag. Yet, you will flail your Pom Poms for retrogrades burning American flags while flying the flag of Islamic terrorists.
Disparaging your inability to do anything but copy and paste opinions from obscure websites.
They are opinions with which I agree or I wouldn't have posted them. If you disagree tell me why or STFU.

Since April 2020, President Trump has fired or removed inspectors general from the State, Defense, Transportation, and Health and Human Services departments, as well as from the intelligence community. While the official reasons for their removal are varied, reporting indicates that all of the displaced inspectors general were replaced by individuals perceived by the president to be more loyal to his administration. The laws governing the appointment and removal of inspectors general date back to the Inspector General Act of 1978 and were revised in the 2008 Inspector General Reform Act. The 2008 law allows presidents to fire or remove inspectors general from their posts, requiring only that they inform Congress of their reasoning in writing 30 days before doing so.

The current law is inadequate and does not deter presidential misconduct. For example, the letter informing Congress of Intelligence Community Inspector General Michael Atkinson’s dismissal read that Trump no longer had the “fullest confidence” in Atkinson. However, Trump seemed to admit his true rationale the next day when he attacked Atkinson for passing the Ukraine whistleblower complaint to Congress—the complaint that touched off the House of Representatives’s impeachment investigation into the president.
Today, the answer to that question seems obvious. The fundamental norm to presume a lack of malevolent intent is now in doubt. And that, in turn, means that the entire postwar architecture of federal power—congressional legislation backed by executive discretion—is also in doubt.
They (particularly those who follow Steve Bannon) want to tear down our institutions -- those awful things that have so victimized them (?) -- and they've certainly made some progress. Trust in our institutions is falling and Americans are fighting among themselves, so these misguided anarchists are getting their way.

This will take a long time to fix, and that's IF we make it that long.

They are opinions with which I agree or I wouldn't have posted them. If you disagree tell me why or STFU.

If the authors of those opinion pieces were available, I would disagree with them directly.

Are you the Head Mufti authorized to speak on behalf of what you cut and pasted?
They (particularly those who follow Steve Bannon) want to tear down our institutions -- those awful things that have so victimized them (?) -- and they've certainly made some progress. Trust in our institutions is falling and Americans are fighting among themselves, so these misguided anarchists are getting their way.

This will take a long time to fix, and that's IF we make it that long.

One question that remains about Trump is whether he is an anarchist by nature or does things to tear down our bedrock institutions in order to empower himself.
If the authors of those opinion pieces were available, I would disagree with them directly.

Are you the Head Mufti authorized to speak on behalf of what you cut and pasted?
As I said, I align myself with their opinions. Are you going to tap dance all day or offer a reason why you think those opinions are incorrect? Or perhaps you are incapable of doing so because.........mindless cuck.
One question that remains about Trump is whether he is an anarchist by nature or does things to tear down our bedrock institutions in order to empower himself.
I think he's fairly simple -- he has a desperate, childlike need for approval, and aligning himself with authoritarians is the easiest route.

He's obviously unwell, but he's a VERY useful tool for them because his showbiz plays so well with the rubes.
One question that remains about Trump is whether he is an anarchist by nature or does things to tear down our bedrock institutions in order to empower himself.

What institutions were torn down by Trump?

On the other hand, Biden has made complete jokes of the DOJ, FBI and IRS.
As I said, I align myself with their opinions. Are you going to tap dance all day or offer a reason why you think those opinions are incorrect? Or perhaps you are incapable of doing so because.........mindless cuck.

Please email the authors of those cut and paste opinion pieces and ask if they will allow you to respond on their behalf.

I think he's fairly simple -- he has a desperate, childlike need for approval, and aligning himself with authoritarians is the easiest route.
True. But one must not discount his personal experience of ruling his company without oversight. Had he been the CEO of a public company he would have been removed for abject incompetence and repeated failures. As he was in the 2020. He got accustomed to being a corporate, all powerful dictator who was not questioned and wants to have that role as prez.
Please email the authors of those cut and paste opinion pieces and ask if they will allow you to respond on their behalf.

I accept your admission of incapacity, or cowardice, in expressing a counter narrative to the reform piece.
True. But one must not discount his personal experience of ruling his company without oversight. Had he been the CEO of a public company he would have been removed for abject incompetence and repeated failures. As he was in the 2020. He got accustomed to being a corporate, all powerful dictator who was not questioned and wants to have that role as prez.
Yeah, no doubt it's a fit for his, uh, "personality".
What institutions were torn down by Trump?
Let's take the intel community as a whole. He threw the IC under the bus in Helsinki because he couldn't stand their conclusion that Putin aided in his election. He has repeatedly said he is smarter than the generals advising him. His goal being to undermine their credibility.

The Pattern and Practice of Trump’s Assaults on the Intelligence Community​

Amid President Donald Trump’s recurring rounds of insults to the U.S. intelligence community, there’s been justifiable concern about the damage inflicted on the internal morale and public stature of the intelligence professionals who keep us all safe. The latest insult—Trump’s tweeting of an apparently sensitive image of an Iranian facility—adds to this set of concerns. Trump’s approach to his own intelligence and diplomatic services, combined with his approach to direct engagement with Russian President Vladimir Putin, is costing the United States real insight into hostile foreign actors’ intentions while paving the way for domestic disinformation in years to come.
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When have Democrats EVER denied a Republican President his pick for the SC??????

When have Democrats EVER rammed through a nomination while an election was already underway, and voting had begun.

A corrupt and dishonest President installing corrupt and dishonest Justices on the SC.
They know not of what they speak.
The concepts of "peace and prosperity" used to be the guidelines to judge a presidency. We had both during Trump and we have neither during Biden. Speaking of Biden, did you see the guy recently at a news conference? Lefties must be suffering from TDS if they trust this guy to have his trembling thumb on the nuclear button. Who the hell is running the Country?
Let's take the intel community as a whole. He threw the IC under the bus in Helsinki because he couldn't stand their conclusion that Putin aided in his election. He has repeatedly said he is smarter than the generals advising him. His goal being to undermine their credibility.

No reason to revisit the debunked, leftist, Russia collusion conspiracy theory.

Wasn’t it DIE addled Milley who decided he would call the Chinese and give them assurances he was the protector of their interests?

No reason to revisit the debunked, leftist, Russia collusion conspiracy theory.

Did you notice your posting is comprised of cutting and pasting?
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