It has been 10 years and the federal minimum wage is still $7.25 per hour. Meanwhile, members of Congress make $174,000 per year.


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2018
The Beautiful Pacific Northwest
I have been [falsely] accused of posting nothing but threads regarding race relations so maybe this will help dispel that perception :rolleyes:. Social justice is not my only interest but I've always had strong feelings about this particular topic due to the disparity between the lowest paying rungs in society versus what Congressional members earn for oftentimes acting against their constituents' best interests.

Our federal minimum wage is ridiculous and while I understand that different states have different cost of living indexes, I can't even wrap my mind around how this wage helps anyone. When people are paid less when they work than when they stay home no one in their right mind could blame them for choosing the latter.

According to the U.S. Department of Labor’s historical data, the federal minimum wage in 2012 was $7.25 per hour. In 2022, the federal minimum wage has not changed. $7.25 per hour isn’t enough to buy a meal at many fast-food restaurants. $7.25 per hour. That’s $58 for an 8-hour day, $290 per week, or $1,300 monthly. At minimum wage, an individual earns about $15,000 a year before taxes. Members of Congress and the Senate make $174,000 per year.

It has been 10 years and the federal minimum wage is still $7.25 per hour. Meanwhile, members of Congress make $174,000 per year.
I have been [falsely] accused of posting nothing but threads regarding race relations so maybe this will help dispel that perception :rolleyes:. Social justice is not my only interest but I've always had strong feelings about this particular topic due to the disparity between the lowest paying rungs in society versus what Congressional members earn for oftentimes acting against their constituents' best interests.

Our federal minimum wage is ridiculous and while I understand that different states have different cost of living indexes, I can't even wrap my mind around how this wage helps anyone. When people are paid less when they work than when they stay home no one in their right mind could blame them for choosing the latter.

According to the U.S. Department of Labor’s historical data, the federal minimum wage in 2012 was $7.25 per hour. In 2022, the federal minimum wage has not changed. $7.25 per hour isn’t enough to buy a meal at many fast-food restaurants. $7.25 per hour. That’s $58 for an 8-hour day, $290 per week, or $1,300 monthly. At minimum wage, an individual earns about $15,000 a year before taxes. Members of Congress and the Senate make $174,000 per year.
The federal minimum wwage doesn't matter. I'm pretty sure every state has a higher minimum wage.
The worker that fucking kills themselves on the production lines and in the holes deserve to have a bigger portion of the pie. Period, end of story. The fact that we're not doing this is why our middle class is dying and can't afford to fucking buy houses anymore. Wake the fuck up!
Congress last passed a minimum wage hike in 2007. It affected the next two years also. So it's actually been 16 years since Congress passed a raise. It went to $7.25 in 2009. So it hasn't been raised since Bush.

This is important to note that Obama had eight years and it wasn't raised. Wall Street did great under Obama though. So far it's not been raised under Biden either.

Yes some states have enacted their own BUT there are 20 states where it is $7.25 or less. In Wyoming and Georgia while they must pay the Federal $7.25 for most employee's it's actually set at $5.15. The Federal tipped minimum wage is $2.15.

Please show me where, among the specific enumerated powers in Article II, Section 8 of the US Constitution, the Federal Government has any power to set a minimum wage.
i think they do under their power to regulate interstate commerce

with that said, the govt any govt, shouldn’t be worried about the minimum someone can earn they should be promoting the maximum one can earn and set policies to encourage business growth. So don’t vote for a demafasict
I have been [falsely] accused of posting nothing but threads regarding race relations so maybe this will help dispel that perception :rolleyes:. Social justice is not my only interest but I've always had strong feelings about this particular topic due to the disparity between the lowest paying rungs in society versus what Congressional members earn for oftentimes acting against their constituents' best interests.

Our federal minimum wage is ridiculous and while I understand that different states have different cost of living indexes, I can't even wrap my mind around how this wage helps anyone. When people are paid less when they work than when they stay home no one in their right mind could blame them for choosing the latter.

According to the U.S. Department of Labor’s historical data, the federal minimum wage in 2012 was $7.25 per hour. In 2022, the federal minimum wage has not changed. $7.25 per hour isn’t enough to buy a meal at many fast-food restaurants. $7.25 per hour. That’s $58 for an 8-hour day, $290 per week, or $1,300 monthly. At minimum wage, an individual earns about $15,000 a year before taxes. Members of Congress and the Senate make $174,000 per year.
It is an issue for each state, with the states being so economically different, it should be a state issue.
i think they do under their power to regulate interstate commerce

with that said, the govt any govt, shouldn’t be worried about the minimum someone can earn they should be promoting the maximum one can earn and set policies to encourage business growth. So don’t vote for a demafasict
It's right there in the first paragraph w/ "to promote the general welfare".
It's right there in the first paragraph w/ "to promote the general welfare".
The Preamble of the US Constitution is not part of the Constitution and has no legal effect

The powers of Congress are limited to Art 1 Sect 8
We should simply rename the minimum wage “training wage,” since many people working these jobs are entry-level kids with high diplomas. After six months on the job, if they have mastered their responsibilities and have demonstrated reliability, they advance to the ”FMW’ or full minimum wage, which should be increased somewhat to $10 an hour.

Remember, only about 2% or 3% of workers are on minimum wage. The only time I was was during college, at my part-time job.
I have been [falsely] accused of posting nothing but threads regarding race relations so maybe this will help dispel that perception :rolleyes:. Social justice is not my only interest but I've always had strong feelings about this particular topic due to the disparity between the lowest paying rungs in society versus what Congressional members earn for oftentimes acting against their constituents' best interests.

Our federal minimum wage is ridiculous and while I understand that different states have different cost of living indexes, I can't even wrap my mind around how this wage helps anyone. When people are paid less when they work than when they stay home no one in their right mind could blame them for choosing the latter.

According to the U.S. Department of Labor’s historical data, the federal minimum wage in 2012 was $7.25 per hour. In 2022, the federal minimum wage has not changed. $7.25 per hour isn’t enough to buy a meal at many fast-food restaurants. $7.25 per hour. That’s $58 for an 8-hour day, $290 per week, or $1,300 monthly. At minimum wage, an individual earns about $15,000 a year before taxes. Members of Congress and the Senate make $174,000 per year.
In case you had not noticed, inflation is about 7% every year. No matter what job you have, your income is not keeping up with that inflation.

Why is there such inflation? Governmental policies are to blame, i.e. both parties are to blame.

No one cares about you or I.

BTW, corporations could not be more woke and Left wing today. They are all about climate change, as the spending for that is a large driver of the inflation.

Soon we will all be homeless.
The two party system has failed us. Politicians get rich and American citizens get the shaft.
The two party system has failed us. Politicians get rich and American citizens get the shaft.
Under Trump, before China released its bio-weapon, Americans were doing better: low unemployment, low inflation, increases in real wages, and a healthy stock market.

So Americans haven‘t always gotten the shaft. Before Biden incentivized not working, millions of Americans from poor backgrounds moved into the middle class with brains, motivation, discipline, and hard work.

The Democrats are fighting that upward mobility and putting more money into the economy to drive inflation, and pushing for high corporate taxes to strangle businesses and reduce wages and hiring.

If we can get Trump back in, and hold at least one chamber of Congress, we can start to reverse the damage of the last two years.
Under Trump, before China released its bio-weapon, Americans were doing better: low unemployment, low inflation, increases in real wages, and a healthy stock market.

So Americans haven‘t always gotten the shaft. Before Biden incentivized not working, millions of Americans from poor backgrounds moved into the middle class with brains, motivation, discipline, and hard work.

The Democrats are fighting that upward mobility and putting more money into the economy to drive inflation, and pushing for high corporate taxes to strangle businesses and reduce wages and hiring.

If we can get Trump back in, and hold at least one chamber of Congress, we can start to reverse the damage of the last two years.
Congress has become an obstacle for any real progress. Too many old politicians just lining their pockets.
We can’t change that in the next few years. Our best hope is Trump.

Because it worked so well under Trump. LOL

All he had to do was call a Senator a name and they bent to his will. LOL

It didn't happen that way? You don't say.

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